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you are on the right path
represents a sign of positivity, balance, luck, and joy
faith and harmony
fresh possibilities
you are exactly where you are supposed to be
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dec 11, 2021-
as work picked up in the last few weeks, i’ve had the opportunity to find my groove in the salmon world, usually soaked in guts and river water, knee deep in silt and carcass goo. While this might not sound glamorous, because it’s not, my coworkers often remind me how lucky we are to be in the field that we are. because at the end of the day i get to survey all day on the river, meet all types of fish, birds, and critters. i get to kayak one or twice a week in the most serene little creeks. i get to see otters playing and people hiking and biking and i get to tell them all about the great work my team is doing. i try to avoid the routine negativity at work and average complaints about the ick and soreness we all feel after a long day, because i don’t want to take this position and opportunity for granted. because of these amazing people and our work i have learned more about fish, salmon, spawning, rivers, fungi, birds, books, music, the workforce, fisheries, grad school, pop culture and random facts of history than i ever would have.
i don’t always feel like all of it is relevant to me, but who knows. i’m job hunting again and will likely move again, so who knows where i may end up and how this abundance of knowledge and growth will support me. it’s interesting to see how when i don’t have as much time to go adventure, i tend to find little things in my daily routine. with work being so busy and the holidays kicking in, i haven’t had much me-time in nature lately. I’ve prioritized my new and old friendships and spent my spare time learning from others and listening to others. i love letting other soul seekers and adventurers show me their passions and tell me their stories. i love figuring out why people like us are the way that we are. i love finding similarities in unexpected places and explanations for the thrill of life we all share.
more than anything i want to put into words the feeling that these hikes, these places, these people, these adventures give me. it might be impossible! but i think between prioritizing experiencing it first hand as often as i can and by gathering stories and feelings from fellow trailblazers and treehuggers, i can attempt to portray our natural connection. in a world of so much sorrow, hate, and darkness, we all find light, love, and an overwhelming sense of togetherness in our own way.
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-cronan ranch trail-
Nisenan Land
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-steven’s trail-
Nisenan Land
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nov 29, 2021-
i would like to acknowledge these hikes are located on the indigenous lands of the Nisenan peoples, whose presence -past, present, and future - we respect.
these past two weeks i have been blessed to be able to explore the greater Sacramento/Auburn hiking trails along the American River. although i work daily in the river, quite literally, it’s a whole different exploration when i get to do it on my own accord. why is that? how come when we choose to do something for ourselves it seems so much sweeter than when someone or something else asks/tells us to? just food for thought i guess.
besides the point, these hikes were not quite planned and not all spontaneous, but absolutely worth the last minute decision to go through with them both. i’ve been having a hard time filling my free time more productiely, so although i knew of these hikes and knew i had time to make the trip, i was also feeling extremely unmotivated the night’s before and did’nt expect i would actually get up and go by myself. but wow am i so ecstatic i did. not only did i get to experience such serene morning views solo, but i remembered why i love hiking. why i love adventuring alone or with others. why i get such a good dopamine high afterwards and how that sets me up for my entire week quite honestly.
it’s a crazy thing to think such a little hike, especially after hiking everyday for months for work, along the same river, would determine my mood going into the week. but deciding to get up, drive an hour, find the park, and hike for hours, somehow felt easier than staying in bed for the entire day. seeking adventure comes naturally to me. i love learning new things and finding new ways to explore this earth. i’m not a fact holder, even as a scientist i honestly rarely remember the names or lifecycles of nature, but gosh i can hold a feeling. the overwhelming feelings of relief, of joy, of fear, of content are all simultaneous for me while hiking.
as someone with anxiety and depression, i’m actually quite used to feeling an abundance of feelings at the same time. what i am unused to is being able to distinguish those feelings and even more so to name how i feel. but hiking, camping, being one and grounded with mama nature reminds me how to do this. i think that’s why i’ve been so frustrated lately that i haven’t been more in touch with my natural and adventurous side, because she knows how to explain so many emotions, thoughts, and decisions that i never can seem to grasp long enough to vocalize.
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