trendingillness · 1 month
believing that someone can't have both black&white thinking AND nuanced thinking is very black&white thinking btw...
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trendingillness · 1 month
I like the phrase “hell if I know” because it implies that if I in fact do know it will bring about hell on earth
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trendingillness · 1 month
i think the worst thing about the whole “anti-woke” culture is how it’s not only dumbing down people (folks are literally forgetting pronouns are an actual word class, an inseperable part of grammar and everyday speech) but also praising meanness and insensibility above all. it has managed to make malice and unkindness synonymous with factfulness and reason as if intelligence didn’t stem from emotions. as if feelings weren’t the very core of human beings. as if knowledge wasn’t achieved through passion, sympathy, and open-mindedness. as if the whole crux of this entire anti-wokeness movement wasn’t rooted in pure unadulterated emotion of hatred and hostility.
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trendingillness · 1 month
“well you wouldn’t say x to a wheelchair user???”
wrong, they absolutely would. stop saying this shit while trying to raise awareness for neurodivergence and mental health.
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