trendyourway45-blog · 5 years
All About Stadia
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Stadia is a Cloud gaming operated by Google. It can process games at 4k resolution at 60 frames per second. It can be called as online game streaming that requires no additional hardware but an HID class USB game controller can be used to get best gaming experience. Stadia uses google chrome for online gaming experience. As Stadia is cloud gaming a high speed internet connection is must. An online game streaming video will give you an option of continuing the game from any point of time. It can be played on laptop, TVs, computers, tablets and mobile. Google has not launched any such device like PlayStation box or Xbox.
Three games has been planned to launch initially assassin’s creed odyssey, Doom eternal and third untitled game developed by Q-games. Google also showed a YouTube trailer for Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. A “Play Now” button appeared on the screen, and clicking on it loaded the game in five seconds. Google also demonstrated a Wi-Fi connected game controller with a button to access the company’s artificial-intelligence assistant. A player could, for example, ask for help in defeating a certain level in a game.
This online game streaming will be made available in some part of Europe, United States, Canada and the U.K. There aren’t many major game title announced for the system. Google’s biggest challenge will be to convince publishers to bring blockbuster games to the platform. Amazon is also reportedly building a cloud gamin service that could eventually run games like “new world” which is developed by its in house studio but currently only works on PCs.
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Lewis Ward, an IDC analyst that follows the video games industry, said the viability of Google’s online games strategy relied on many factors that had not been addressed. For one, it remains unclear how much the service will cost. And much of Google’s success will rely on building a library of deep, compelling  games, meaning the company must attract game developers of blockbuster franchises like Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption.
There are pros and cons to each approach. The online gaming lets users try variety of game till the time they find interesting and enjoy whereas the offline/downloaded games typically have more polished graphics as compared to online gaming, but they take time to install and require a sizable onetime payment. Sony offers a monthly subscription to a service called PlayStation while Microsoft is planning to offer a free trial service to stream games to Xbox consoles, computers and mobile phones. The gaming industry is around release of new machine games by Sony Microsoft, Nintendo because of large amount of data involved and the unpredictability of game play.
Published by : https://www.trendyourway.com
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trendyourway45-blog · 5 years
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trendyourway45-blog · 5 years
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trendyourway45-blog · 5 years
20 Inventions of all time.
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Since the time primordial man first picked up a rock and thwacked a scurrying rodent on its head to fix his dinner, mankind has always been inventing things. Improvising, innovating, crafting tools out of almost nothing to overcome the many difficulties of day-to-day life. Whether it was the rudimentary spear crafted by sharpening the end of a stick or much later a simple chair, inventions have shaped our very evolution.
Before you get worried we’ll assure you we’ve not gone that far back in time.
The inventions we’ve covered span core-science aeronautics, biology, physics, medicine, automobiles, electronics and of course technology. We’ve avoided things like “fire” or “the wheel” because quite frankly no one really knows how the former was discovered (not invented) and who invented the latter.
1.3D Printers
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The 3D Printer is one of the greatest inventions of the 21st century allowing you to turn your ideas into real objects.
The latest Bond movie, Skyfall used a 3D printer from a German company called Voxeljet to produce three 1:3 scaled models of 007’s Aston Martin just to blow up during the movie!
What sounds like a really cool toy to have is actually used for some very serious operations. Let’s first understand how it works.
3D printing is achieved using an additive process in which successive layers of materials are laid out in different shapes. Cutting and drilling (also known as subtractive processes) are not involved at all making the process easy, efficient and highly suitable for prototyping.
The biggest consumer of the 3D Printer is the medical industry. So far it has produced prosthetics and bones and the ability to generate human
organs from these machines is currently being tried out. If this is managed, it could revolutionize medicine and completely obliterate the need for organ donation. Using a 3D printer in conjunction with CAT scans, surgeons can print out tumours so that they know exactly what they’re dealing with.
We’re sure you’re familiar with Pirate Bay, the file sharing company. It has launched a new content category called ‘Physibles’ i.e. data objects that can be made into physical products. 3D blueprints are uploaded and shared with those who want to print out the actual objects.
2. Airplane
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The Wright brothers are given credit for the invention of the Airplane in 1903. The first flight lasted a little over 12 seconds at Kill Devil Hill, Northern Carolina. Since then, much progress has been made in the world of aviation. The sky wasn’t the limit here. War and sci-fi stories inspired great minds like Konstantin Tsiolkovsky and Werner von Braun to achieve flight beyond the atmosphere, making space travel a possibility.
The invention of the airplane sped up services in every single field starting with the postal service in 1920. World War II in 1939 kick-started developments in the aviation sector. Countries competed with each other to one-up the others’ sophisticated developments, with the British developing the airplanedetecting radar followed by the Germans developing radio wave navigation techniques. Fighter jets, advanced landing systems and high altitude aircrafts followed.
In 1947, US Air Force Pilot Captain Charles Yeager broke the sound barrier in the first supersonic flight becoming the fastest man alive.
Commercial flights started not long after and now, well, an airplane makes a landing somewhere around the world every three seconds!
Air travel is considered to be the safest form of travel in the world. A funny but true fact reveals that donkeys kill more people annually than plane crashes. Inspite of these phenomenal odds, 80% of the population of the world has Aerophobia, viz fear of flying. In some (5%) this fear is so intense that they abandon flights and opt for other modes of transport.
We’ve come a long way since 1903. In fact the wingspan of a Boeing 747 is longer than the Wright brothers’ first flight! The world today would be crippled without the discovery of flight. Businesses would crash, economies would slow down, worse still, holidays would be cancelled!
3.Artificial Intelligence
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AI could be on either end of two extremes – man’s best invention or worst. In its best light, Artificial Intelligence would showcase robots, drones, machines serving us making daily life easier and more efficient or, as seen in movies, taking over the human race and entirely replacing the work force leading to unemployment, depression and general laziness.
The study of Artificial Intelligence formally began in Dartmouth College in 1956, as an effort by a group of research scientists to evaluate and mechanically replicate human intelligence. That is, they wanted to program machines to think and respond like humans. Their research was based on the assumption that a machine can be made to simulate learning, reasoning, logic and intelligence demonstrated by humans when given proper description and direction.
Every future invention by man will have its base in AI. Every invention will require an intelligently thinking bot to perform tasks faster and more efficiently than their human counterparts.
Essay grading software, weapons that have minds of their own, Siri by Apple, Kinect the 3D gaming interface, Watson by IBM – formerly a trivia expert machine now used to make decisions on lung cancer treatment and smart CCTVs that can identify crime as it happens: these are the varied and most advanced productions of AI.
4.Biometric Scanners
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Biometrics – turning yourself into an identity card. No need for passwords, ids, pin numbers, etc. All you need is you. It’s a move from traditional access control systems to feature-based authentication that provides access based on physical presence rather than token (such as passport or drivers license) and knowledge based (password or PIN) methods.
With advancements in e-commerce and e-transactions, individuals have to retain a large number of passwords, PINs and identity cards. This number will only grow in size with passing time. Passwords and PINs are easy to crack by the right hacker, thus compromising your security. Biometrics couldn’t have come at a better time offering the ideal kind of security since no two fingerprints are alike.
The use of Biometric Scanners could unleash an era of super secure gadgets. It is already being used in cars programmed to operate only when a known driver is in the driver’s seat, weapons which fire only on detecting the owner’s fingerprints and smart household security systems that keep intruders out, among other applications. Not only fingerprints, facial scanning biometric devices are also not rare. Take the Samsung Galaxy S III for example. It has a Face Unlock feature which makes sure that only its owner can unlock the phone.
Fingerprint scanners are the cheapest and hence most commonly used biometric devices. Face and voice recognition follow, as iris and retinal scanning are concepts that most people find intrusive and are not too comfortable using.
The invention of Biometric Scanners was a big step into the future. They’ve led to the creation of the ultimate unique identifiers – those that cannot be forgotten, changed or lost.
A wireless technology used to exchange data over short distances using short-wavelength radio transmission, Bluetooth was created by Ericsson in 1994 as an alternative to data cables. The term “Bluetooth” is an anglicized version of Blatand, the epithet of 10th century Danish king Harald who united separated Danish tribes into a single kingdom. The technology was named after him as Bluetooth does what Blatand did but with communications protocols – unites them into one universal standard.
Since its introduction, Bluetooth has increased in popularity over the years – while in 2008, only 5% of mobile devices were Bluetooth-enabled, in 2013, roughly 95% of mobile devices support it. Also, while traditional Bluetooth devices only worked within a range of 10 feet of each other the newest versions now enable transfers to a distance of up to 100 feet. However, what makes Bluetooth stand out as a form of wireless data transfer is that it uses very little power, can be incorporated into a wide variety of devices and can have up to eight devices communicating with each other at once and automatically without a user’s prompt.
Coming soon (15 more)
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