trestelleny-blog · 11 years
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Is it summer fall spring or winter?  only in NY does the weather get blackout drunk and decide to mess around... luckily the Italians learned to adapt to the rapid rapid weather changes through their cuisine; if you're feeling cold you could try the penne arabiatta and warm the stomach of your soul, or perhaps the cool seafood salad with vegetables brunoise if its too hot outside. Point is, Tre Stelle has something for everybody!!! You can even catch a game or 2 =)
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trestelleny-blog · 12 years
Tre Stelle Post Superbowl Party!!!
In any game there can only be one winner, in the superbowl it was the Ravens, in basketball it was... oh yea, I don't watch basketball ;) 
All I can say on the subject is that if your team lost, you should visit us at Tre Stelle and we can drink about, and if you voted for the Ravens, then you should visit us at Tre Stelle and enjoy an authentic Italian dish in celebration.
You can only win when you go to Tre Stelle.
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trestelleny-blog · 12 years
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As expected Tre Stelle will be featuring the superbowl this Sunday the 3rd. And what better way to watch the biggest game of the year than with hotwings and beer... and did I mention $3 house shots? this way if your team loses, you won't remember!!!
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trestelleny-blog · 12 years
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What can be better than a top notch, down-priced drink and some good eats on  a miserable sunday night like this one? ... take you time and think about that... no?  Then join us at Tre Stelle for our IMPROVED happy hour
Red wine $9
White wine $8
Beers $5
and all the appeteasers you can indulge in compliments of the house!!!
Bottoms up guys!
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trestelleny-blog · 12 years
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Well it's Monday... AGAIN, hard to believe huh? well YOU are in luck, as Tre Stelle has recently designed some top choice bar appetizers to help the medicine go down... you can see them if you click on the foto!
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trestelleny-blog · 12 years
Tre Stelle: New and improved
On behalf of the Tre Stelle family, I would like to welcome you to try our improved menu (improved because we added Italian classics like the Lasagna bolognese, bruschetta, and the tagliata). 
As always of course, we host traditional Italian aperitivo (our version of happy hour) from 5pm-8pm seven days a week. 
And last but not least we have to new menu sections; a special menu for vegetarians AND a menu of bar appetizers, you know, something to absorb all the alcohol ;)
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trestelleny-blog · 12 years
Tre Stelle's First But Not Last Special Of The Day!!!
Due possibly to the extreme weather, Chef Stefano is feeling especially creative today and as a result Tre Stelle is happy to announce our first special of the day;
Rump of wild boar simmered in vegetable stock and red wine, with cinnamon apple and crusted potatoes...eh? eh?
...for some reason I'm thinking the lion king... pu weem butu pu weem butu
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trestelleny-blog · 12 years
Wednesday the 31st @ 6pm Tre Stelle will be hosting a Halloween costume party with prizes!!! 
1st prize will be a dinner for 2 special from our executive chef Stefano Ferro 
Drinks and Aperitivo happy hour will take place as always so be sure to bring friends!!!!
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trestelleny-blog · 12 years
That's right you read me, tonight the Tre Stelle Italian aperitivo is even better because we have live music featuring The One, The Only, Daniela G. and her ensemble. "Care for a drink? why certainly sir, grazie, PREGO!!!"
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trestelleny-blog · 12 years
Tre Stelle Aperitivo!!!
Nobody likes Mondays, hell not even Monday likes Mondays. But don't despair as we here at Tre Stelle have the perfect solution; traditional Italian aperitivo style happy hour; order a drink and we will send out appeteasers to pleaser the palate and the heart.
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trestelleny-blog · 12 years
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Its raining, its pouring, and you know the rest. I don't know about all of you but I find that rainy weather is drinking and eating weather... lucky for you we have our Italian aperitivo (AKA happy hour). come in, have a drink and we will provide little appeteasers complimentary! Everyday 5PM-8PM
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trestelleny-blog · 12 years
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TGIF!!! Am I right? Then why not join the good people at Tre Stelle and celebrate the weekend in style uh?
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trestelleny-blog · 12 years
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Ok so, if you just happen to have the Wednesday blues as well as the Monday, then all the more reason for you to come on down to Tre Stelle for a drink and a bite to make you feel right mama's house... Salute!!!
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trestelleny-blog · 12 years
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If you are like me then you probably have the Monday blues, well Tre Stelle has the solution. join us between 5-8pm for the aperitivo hour with a drink and appetizer and I can almost guarantee you will be feeling a whole lot better. 
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trestelleny-blog · 12 years
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Well once again it's Friday, and what better way to celebrate than with great food, great drinks, and superb company. Join us for exactly that from 5pm to 8pm (aperitivo hour... or three =) ) 
You know where to find us, and if not, look for the Cinquecento (Fiat 500) parked right outside!!!
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trestelleny-blog · 12 years
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