tribalgarnet-music · 5 years
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tribalgarnet-music · 5 years
Pre-save my EP !! I remastered some old songs I made in 2017!!
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tribalgarnet-music · 5 years
pre-save my new song so you hear it as soon as it goes online <3
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tribalgarnet-music · 5 years
Check out my new EP !!! 
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tribalgarnet-music · 5 years
I'm hoping this'll be the last song of my Warriors RP OST thing, but probably not with the addition of Clan of The Sky (lmao...just call it SkyClan). I was going to go for a more folksy sound, but upon discovering that I didn't have an authentic sounding flute I gave up and made this. I should probably find some plug-ins to use, lol.
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tribalgarnet-music · 5 years
So here's another track made for my little Warriors RP server uwu. I finally settled on this but it took me at least four hours to figure out the sound I was going for.
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tribalgarnet-music · 5 years
I made a small theme for my original Warrior Cats clan .w.
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tribalgarnet-music · 6 years
Where do I even begin with describing the process for the track?
When I showed one of my friend’s Red’s initial track, he said that it sounded like he was in a video game. I jokingly remarked that, “yeah, he’s the character that comes in the middle of the game, has dialogue, leaves, and then isn’t relevant again until the end.”
This was met with, “he’s the character that comes in half-way, his theme takes over everything else, and then later you find out that he’s the second to last boss battle.”
I propose that this is Red’s boss theme, and that his fight has two phases: the first against him, and when you beat him the second phase starts. His big, buff werewolf boyfriend (angry that you hurt his rabbit bf) comes in and woops your ass, forcing to restart the level multiple times until you beat them.
As for the track itself, I really like it. It loops perfectly, has a great guitar riff, and established that Red now has his own personal motif (can you find it? OTL). A lot of my love for the OST of Spyro the Dragon shines through here.
Want me to make a theme for your OC?
Listen to it on Soundcloud
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tribalgarnet-music · 6 years
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I spent literally so many hours on this.
It was mostly due to procrastination.
So this is one of the first tracks I’ve made with my new midi controller! I’m not, a fan, fun fact. It didn’t come out as tough as I wanted it to be and it sounds kind of bland, but I’ve also been listening to it on repeat… So… if you like it let me know aha
Edit: So I listened to it the morning after and wow, there were a lot of things I wanted to fix...mostly the drums. This might be the longest time I’ve ever spent on a music track before, and I’m kind of sick of listening to guitars.
The title is because when I told a server I’m in that I was making a theme for Red, a friend responded to me with “swag!!”, and, knowing that once upon a time they told me that they “feel a pang of guilt” every time their friends say “swag”, I decided to torture them.
Want me to make a theme for your OC?
Listen to it on Soundcloud, Tumblr butchered quality and it cuts off at the end...
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tribalgarnet-music · 6 years
I write a lot of music for my OCs, and despite how vague and pop this one sounds it’s completely about my character Marino. He’s a character that has a very Pink Print and thank u, next sound to him. 
So yeah...I’ve been listening to a lot of Ariana Grande. 
It’s taken me months to achieve this sound for my music! I’m quite proud.
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tribalgarnet-music · 6 years
So a lot of my work hinges on, hey, I’m bored, I have nothing to do, let’s play some notes and mess with some synths to see what sounds neat. I usually don’t have a character in mind when I start making something, but if the sound gravitates towards them then I finish the rest of the song with that character in mind.
So I started this out with wanting to have an electric guitar sound, and when I made the guitar too intense I started making it for Rosain.
This song is supposed to highlight how intimidating she looks at face value, then delves into a more goofy aspect. Like you’re realizing just how cheery she is despite aesthetically looking like Satan.
As the song progresses though, it gains creepier undertones. Like, you’re learning that her hobbies include collecting the bones of dead trolls and communicating with their souls.
I call this one BONE( r ), because, big titty goth gf give boners.
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tribalgarnet-music · 6 years
May as well kick off this blog with the remastered version of my first music commission. I’m incredibly proud of this track, originally it was meant to be creepy with an underlying sadness to it.
I was never quite satisfied with it? There was always something off and unfitting with the extra instrument and I changed it from a stock sound to a music box to a harpsichord. Then, the character had a dramatic shift in personality and her theme didn’t fit her anymore.
When I acquired Ableton 10 Lite, I imported her tracks in, save for the harpsichord, and messed around with effects and stuff until I finally came down to this. And boy, did the final instrument really boost the creepiness of the track. It perfectly captures how zany the character is, this theme accurately sounds like a mad scientist theme and I’m living for it.
Hopefully one day I’ll be able to settle on a theme for O Mortis’s apprentice, but I think this accurately displays how far I’ve come as a music developer. 
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