tricebred · 1 year
i promise i am around but my female muses get so little attention i keep forgetting . ASDFGHJ
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tricebred · 1 year
❤️ for a starter call.
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tricebred · 1 year
are you wondering about turning a meme into a thread ? 
do it.
if you’re worried or concerned that i may not be okay with it, you have nothing to be anxious about. i approve turning memes to threads 100%. actually, i prefer it ! you don’t even have to ask ever, okay ? it is always, always, always okay with me.
so, go ahead. turn that meme into a thread. 
i am so bad with starters, but i always want to interact with everyone, and this is, in my opinion, the best way to do it. 
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tricebred · 1 year
❤️ for a starter call.
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tricebred · 1 year
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"jesus,   dad.   no   one   uses   the   word   courting   anymore."   it   makes   it   all   sound   too   outdated   but   she   is   sure   if   landon   was   told   the   ydo   things   the   old   fashion   way,   he   might   just   dress   up   and   go   to   a   dinner   party   with   her   family.   god   forbid.   "he   makes   me   milkshaks   and   dances   with   me   at   parties.   he   is   a   nice   guy.   which   is   why   I   don't   want   him   running   away   when   he   meets   you."   the   protectiveness   is   endearing   if   not   someting   hope   would   fight   against   considering   everything   that   happened.   "you   are   capable   of   scaring   him   away."
ㅤㅤperhaps this is his comeuppance, after so many years of being a complete menace to his siblings. his child is so very much like him, something of both great pride and sometimes chagrin for him. like right now for example, his lips twisting in displeasure. ❛ but you far greater than the norm, so i hardly feel as though that is an even decent justification. ❜ his frame stills, energy shifting instantly shifting into something much darker. ❛ is someone attempting to court you? ❜ his voice is rather calm, not wishing to truly blow up in front of her.
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tricebred · 1 year
i just think it would be hilarious because i just realized since my hope is no longer at salva.tore school, kla.us would have no reason to keep being a benefactor.
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tricebred · 1 year
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a little miracle but troubled baby.
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tricebred · 1 year
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#every king needs an heir
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tricebred · 1 year
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tricebred · 1 year
❤️ for a starter call.
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tricebred · 1 year
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"I   can   totally   see   now   why   my   father   wants   to   kill   you."   Not   that   she   thinks   her   father   really   wants   Katherine   gone.   If   he   wanted   to,   not   to   brag,   but   she   is   certain   her   father   would've   already   done   so   right   now.   But   it   was   never   their   style   to   just   go   with   everything   and   do   things   how   they   are   expected   to.   "I   know   all   the   story.   Doesn't   change   the   fact   that   you   are   annoying."   And   lips   curve   into   that   knowing   smile   that   is   a   shadow   of   her   father's,   as   if   she   knew   better   than   everyone   else.   "Why   would   you   do   that?   Considering   everything,   this   is   a   really   stupid   move   for   you,   walking   into   the   literal   lion's   den."   And   Hope   could   overwhelm   the   other   if   she   wanted   until   her   father   arrived.   She   tries   not   to   break   judgment,   it's   not   her   place,   her   family   is   hardly   the   pinnacle   of   good   graces,   but   still.   
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ㅤㅤㅤ❝ WHY NOT? YOUR UNCLE AND I KNOW EACH OTHER PRETTY INTIMATELY. ❞ The choice of words is deliberate, lingered on to give the girl the perfect amount of time to process. Katherine can't help but grin knowing she's struck a bit of a nerve in the other. Getting people to react to her antics is one of her favorite pastimes. ❝ Of course he would say that. Did he also tell you that he tried to sacrifice me? And when I ruined that plan, he proceeded to hunt me for five hundred years, give or take? ❞ She shrugs. ❝ Sorry kiddo. When it comes to the untrustworthy manipulator competition, your daddy wins by a landslide. ❞ Katherine's poking the metaphorical bear here, talking about Klaus like this, but when has she ever been one to shy away from stirring a little controversy? ❝ Let's just call it even and have a nice chat, huh? I came all this way to meet you. Not like I'm going to risk doing anything to you that will have your dad coming for my head again. ❞
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tricebred · 1 year
small facts part i.
when hope talks about a boyfriend or dating, she is always referring to landon. unless we are shipping together. i'm a big hand.on and landon supporter. no hate here only love.
hope has prophetic dreams and after them, she always has some migraine, again, magic having consequences on her body.
in those dreams, she is aware that lizzie has the red oak stake and that it can kil her. right now, no one in her family knows this because she doesn't want them to try and track lizzie.
her wolf side is the most prominent one but she is more invested in her witch side. she enjoys the perks of vampirism but she leans toward the other two.
private tutors. she stopped going to the salvatore school.
malivore, the red oak, the magical migraines is nature fighting against her existence.
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tricebred · 1 year
THE VAMPIRE DIARIES SENTENCE STARTERS  :   quotes taken from s02e04, ‘memory lane’, of the television show the vampire diaries (2009-2017).
“it  was  easy  to  get  inside  of  your  head.”
“have  you  completely  forsaken  your  nature?”
“we  both  know  i  could  rip  you  to  shreds  and  do  my  nails  at  the  same  time.”
“indulge  me  for  a  little  while,  please?”
“you  know  it’s  the  truth.  deep  down  inside  that  gorgeous  body  of  yours.”
“that’s  not  stabbing  you  in  the  back.  that’s  using  your  own  tactics  against  you.”
“i’m  hoping  this  peach  cobbler  will  pave  the  way.”
“you  blow  back  into  town  with  some  supernatural  family  secret  and  you  expect  me  not  to  ask  questions?”
“what  do  you  know  about  werewolves?”
“i  looked  into  those  attacks  from  the  other  night.  it  wasn’t  vampires.”
“those  folks  were  torn  apart  in  ways  i’ve  never  seen  before.”
“they  mainly  exist  now  in  books  and  really  bad  movies.“
"you  came  back  here  to  fall  in  love  with  me  all  over  again,  didn’t  you?”
“you’re  going  to  torture  me  now?”
“you  think  that  i  would  settle  into  a  town  without  knowing  my  enemies?”
“i  have  no  secrets.  only  dirty  shame.”
“he  hates  that  you’re  a  constant  temptation.”
“the  desire  to  rip  out  your  jugular  every  time  he’s  with  you?  trust  me,  it’s  there.”
“i’ve  never  met  a  woman  quite  like  you.”
“i  look  at  you  and  i  see  an  angel.”
“i  touch  your  skin  and  my  entire  body  ignites.”
“i  kiss  you  and  i  know  that  i’m  falling  in  love.”
“is  my  love  not  enough?”
“i  never  compelled  your  love.  it  was  real.  and  so  was  mine.”
“will  you  stop  plying  her  with  alcohol?”
“love,  hate.  such  a  fine  line.”
“i  need  everyone  to  believe  that  i  perished  in  that  fire.”
“i  practically  lit  the  match.”
“i  couldn’t  chain  myself  up  in  time.”
“what  is  the  ratio  of  success  for  vampire/human  couplings?”
“you  are  too  maternal  to  not  have  children.”
“my  list  of  victims  is  a  long  one,  and  i  have  no  problem  adding  one  more  name  to  that  list.”
“let’s  not  forget.  i  already  killed  you  once.  i  can  easily  do  it  again.”
“don’t  try  to  be  the  hero  [name].  you’ll  end  up  dead.”
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tricebred · 1 year
❤️ for a starter call.
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tricebred · 1 year
❤️ for a starter call.
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tricebred · 1 year
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"are   you   sure   you   want   to   have   dinner   with   the   whole   family?   because   I'm   a   big   fan   of   divide   and   conquer."   hope   teases,   but   there   is   some   truth   to   her   words.   her   aunts   would   be   the   best   bet   to   ease   their   way   in.   landon   already   briefly   met   her   uncle   elijah   when   he   took   her   for   milkshakes,   but   there   hasn't   been   time   for   him   to   meet   up   her   father   face   to   face.
  god   forbid,   even   she   is   afraid   of   that   moment.   "the   aunts,   marcel,   then   elijah,   and   then   kol   and   my   father."   she   even   has   a   whole   damn   list   of   how   it   should   go   and   doesn't   want   landon   to   ran   away,   which   most   people   do   with   her   family.   
@beac0ns ft. landon and hope.
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tricebred · 1 year
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"everytime   our   family   throws   one   of   these   parties,   someone   ends   up   dying."   never   them   no,   but   many   persian   rugs   had   been   ruined   in   these   for   her   to   become   aware   that   throwing   a   party   always   ended   up   with   someone   dying   or   deeply   hurt.  
hope   is   amused   mostly,   the   rare   instances   of   her   family   being   all   together   in   one   place   enough   to   put   her   in   a   good   mood,   nevermind   the   dreams   and   heartaches.   "and   more   importantly,   do   you   think   my   dad   would   kill   my   boyfriend   if   I   brought   him   here?   there   are   witnesses."   enough   to   hopefully   stop   him.
@story1ines ft. rebekah and hope.
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