tricerasox · 2 days
it’s crazy how much diversity there can be in one species…these are all pictures of the same bird species (red-tailed hawk)
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tricerasox · 2 days
you can define ‘book’ however you want and you can include rereads it doesn’t have to be new individual books i’m not a cop. reblog for sample size thanks i love you bye 👍
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tricerasox · 2 days
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tricerasox · 3 days
Found this meme out in the wild and...
This is "Dracula."
Like-- that's it. That's the whole book.
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tricerasox · 3 days
it's practically taboo to still talk about covid but god i wish we could acknowledge the worldwide trauma it's clearly still causing in people. like, it's flat out just. not "polite" to talk about how a mass deadly event might, JUST MIGHT, emotionally affect us a little bit. how an airborne invisible-to-the-eye thing can just BE anywhere now. how abandoned we still feel by our respective governments. how we've lost family, friends, either to death or misinformation and cults, which they cling to because they're ALSO afraid but often refuse to admit it because it'd mean admitting covid is real and ongoing. we just. can't talk about it i guess.
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tricerasox · 6 days
Eid Mubarak to all those celebrating, may we witness the liberation of palestine, sudan, congo and other oppressed nations before next Eid inshallah ❤️❤️❤️
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tricerasox · 6 days
Watching Przewalski's horses run free on the Kazakhstan steppe for the first time in 200 years
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tricerasox · 6 days
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tricerasox · 6 days
Reblog to give a trans woman a delicious Cuban sandwich
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tricerasox · 6 days
Customers of a given company and that company's workers should have solidarity with each other, cuz they share a common enemy: the corporation squeezing both groups for all they've got and providing less and less in return.
My groceries are too expensive and the grocery store worker is broke for the same reason. If you go farther back in the history of each item, the workers in the factories and the fields are usually being squeezed even harder by the same damn people for the same damn reason.
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tricerasox · 6 days
It's only transfems speaking out that are getting their blogs deleted. Only. Not any transmascs like me who are also speaking about it. It's very calculated. There is still no pride themeing on Tumblr, for rhe first time in years. Matt Mullenweg made his involvement and interest well known during his public freakout on his sabbatical. This isn't coincidental at all, this is what he wants to do with the platform. He hopes to be some sort of Elon copy, but in reality he'll forever be worth only a fraction of his failure of an idol, and he will forever be worth even less and forgotten forever. Known only for being vastly unlikable and ultimately unremarkable and so very very poor compared to Mr Musk. So veryy poor and killing an already dead app.
Mr Mullenweg, you are nothing. You will die nothing. Stop overcompensating by being a self-righteous tyrant with your subpar app service you now regretfully own. I am making fun of you directly because I know you will harbor it. Even the trans women you actively fight on your platform and OFF your platform are already remembered more than you and incredibly more liked, and they will continue to live outside this dying app that you're killing.
I suppose I don't understand you, maybe you don't understand yourself. maybe wasting money is all you care about as a taunt. Taunted bulls often get their red flags and more. Hope you realize that before it's too late.
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tricerasox · 7 days
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tricerasox · 7 days
tumblr puritans have never spoken to a kinky person and you can tell this because they talk about ~scary~ kinks like a child who thinks their teacher sleeps at school. they have a 1700s "actors cannot be trusted for they engage in obscene behavior" mindset. yes lil buddy people can in fact roleplay situations and then exit that roleplay and have different thoughts and actions 🤗 adding sex to performance does not actually cast a magic spell that turns you into a monster incapable of morality <3
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tricerasox · 7 days
Posting all of the pills that make you green comics here now, enjoy? I guess?
regret rates
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talking points
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you problem
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modern invention
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unethical experiments
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think of the children
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side effects
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making sense
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this rocks
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tricerasox · 9 days
if u let ur cat sleep w u PLEASE tell me why in the tags. if i let keppy sleep with w us we would wake up 1000x a night. banishment to downstairs with you foul creature
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tricerasox · 9 days
can someone please be proud of me like fuck I’m trying
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tricerasox · 9 days
the Star Wars universe is great because you read enough you eventually find out things like the fact that the Stormtrooper whose armor Luke stole in Episode IV was gay and in an affair with fucking Grand Moff Tarkin, which is a completely canonical fact that I am not making up.
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