trickeds · 7 years
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Timothée Chalamet via Instagram stories (Nov 19, 2017)
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trickeds · 7 years
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trickeds · 7 years
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trickeds · 8 years
They called her naive for believing in the good in people. But she was just a loving soul, who thought that even monsters needed someone, who truly believed, they were angels once and they can be it again. And yes, maybe that was naive, but this world needed people like her.
Veronika Jensen (via apollosartemis)
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trickeds · 8 years
I want excitement; and I don’t care what form it takes or what I pay for it, so long as it makes my heart beat.
F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Adjuster (via wordsnquotes)
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trickeds · 8 years
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trickeds · 8 years
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trickeds · 8 years
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trickeds · 8 years
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trickeds · 8 years
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Do you want to move in with me? Say yes.
Okay. We’ll move in together!
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trickeds · 8 years
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trickeds · 8 years
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( + timeskip ! )
               the endeavors hours earlier in the night had left holland with a disheartened feeling in the pit of her stomach. eyeing the blonde females as they pulled sean out of the sea of sweaty figures, lone objective being to engage in their promiscuous activities in a more secluded vicinity, somehow managed to fill her veins with devastation rather than vexation ( though she’d never let the admittance of that deep rooted tenderness spill from her petals ). holland was aware that her inability to pursue exactly what she desired without building up a false hard to get wall was undoubtedly the reason behind sean’s actions. despite the brunette’s cognizance of the situation, her pride prohibited her from accepting blame for the pair’s current state. the female had instantly excused herself, leaving the notable party house as quickly as possible, preventing her gaze from fixating on yet another scene that would enhance the despondent feeling in her heart. the sight of the threesome attempting a fast escape prompted her sudden disinterest in the male she had been using as a pawn in her failing game. fully aware that remaining in the bed until morning was never one of sean’s habits, the female made her way over to his place of residence — unannounced, unsure of what her intentional motive was. sending a few short blows to the door, the female waited patiently on the other side. part of her being wanted to hear that the wannabe playboy bunnies were disappointing, stimulating holland’s reason to prove she was better — significantly better.. in turn finishing the night in his presence, marking the final win in her playbook. 
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      despite the long hours of the previous night, sean had always been the type to be up at the early hours of dawn, filling the home with sweet aromas of good comfort food in the morning. while taking slow sips of a warm and dark coffee, the boy considered the clustered events of the night before ( following holland into the kitchen, teasing her from across the room, closing the door to the unfamiliar bedroom behind him ). he could already begin to feel the headache that would come uninvitedly with holland’s inevitable confrontation about the previous night’s endeavors. so, the boy began weighing his options for a plausible explanation, an excuse for forgiveness, a reason that would make sense of his choice to desert the girl and put an end to their game. and that’s all it was supposed to be ---- a game to bring the two closer, rather than causing a rift between the pair. a loud series of bangs on the front door cut his train of thought short, and although he wasn’t expecting anyone so early in the day, the ball of nerves that quickly settled into the pit of his stomach as he made his way over dropped more than enough clues as to who awaited him on the other side. an innocent smirk greeted the girl as he swung the door open. ‘ morning, holl, ‘ he gestures her in with a false indication of naivety. ‘ wasn’t expecting you this early. or at all. ’
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trickeds · 8 years
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trickeds · 8 years
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trickeds · 8 years
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trickeds · 8 years
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         holland was aware of the male’s intentions. each of his movements had a specific purpose and although she knew the bubbly twins wouldn’t be his ending reward, the jealousy brewed in every vein. the slim built female had never been one to express her emotions in a healthy, or rational, way. instead, she acted upon them by creating a false sense of emotional vacancy. sean’s lips pressing against the exterior of the female prompted holland’s following advancements. her obstinate persona, didn’t allow for holland to forfeit the game so easily, though she was aware that was sean’s sole determination. if sean desired her, the female’s only goal was to have him demanding her attention, forcing the other males out of his way. he vixen pressed her petals to the male’s lips, her digits pulling the base of his neck closer to her features. instead of looking toward her desired male for his reaction, she kept her focus on the boy in front of her, hoping the ignorance was enough to coax sean to her.
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                although hotheaded and possessive, the boy was competitive more than anything. and even though the game could have ended a long time ago, and watching holland tease him from across the room made his blood boil, sean still found himself battling a choice between his pride and the girl. while he was preoccupied, the blonde beside him whispered something into his ear that he didn’t quite catch -- something about a room upstairs -- and he nodded anyway, which prompted the two to begin leading him out the kitchen and back into the chaotic swarm of swaying bodies. it wasn’t until they were halfway out that he realized what he had unconsciously agreed to and there was instant regret, but it was probably too late to change his track, so he strategically played an amused expression on his face ( tight grin, cocked eyebrow ). there was still a win in the night’s fate, one that he considered as the two ladies walked him up the steps of the unfamiliar home. especially in the most recent weeks, he had frequented house parties and has yet to get this lucky, so he surely wasn’t going to talk himself out of it for a girl who uses jealousy and competition to get him crawling right back to her. if holland truly wanted him, she would have to come get him herself this time, he figured -- and as he accepted that to be highly unlikely, then the whole ordeal would just turn into a mess he would much rather deal with in the morning. for now, he will happily accept his well deserved pleasure. the game was over, he decided, and he had won. 
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trickeds · 8 years
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