When You Realize You Can't Come Up With Reasons to Stop Eating
When You Realize You Can’t Come Up With Reasons to Stop Eating
I need to lose weight isn’t enough. Nor is health improvement if we are being honest. As important as health and needs are, they are also quite superficial. For example; beef, smoking, beer, bread, tap water, sugar, liquor, all unhealthy. 4 – 6 days of exercise weekly is a need. But we shrug our shoulders at these expectations and move on because they usually don’t hold any immediate importance…
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What You Didn't Know About Ground Turkey & Beef; Their Deceptively High Fat Content
What You Didn’t Know About Ground Turkey & Beef; Their Deceptively High Fat Content
  85/15, 80/20, 73/27 Protein to Fat Ratios: Are They Advertised Correctly? Outside of price, what I look for when choosing my ground meat is the ‘lean’ ratio. Especially ground turkey. That is; 80/20, 85/15, or 73/27, etc.. I really compare the cost to how much of the package is actually protein. Basically, regardless of the package size, a higher fat content means less meat. Since animal fat is…
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Healthier Meal Construction - Going Beyond Portion Control into Insulin Regulation
Healthier Meal Construction – Going Beyond Portion Control into Insulin Regulation
The intersection of practical eating and diet science makes for the most successful weight loss and habit changes. Eating practically means you don’t have to subject yourself to deprivation. Eating science involves constructing/balancing your meals in a way that supports healthy metabolic functions. The portion, protein, and carb approach is simple and effective way to enjoy ‘normal’ food’ by…
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A Mindful Approach to Overeating
It’s only called overeating when referring to someone overweight. Think about it. If we are talking about someone who has is athletic, they have a healthy appetite. If someone with a small frame eats in a same way, we think he or she likes to eat and has a fast metabolism. Instead of judging them, we wonder how they get away with it.
Hmmm. If you are versed in mindfulness you may know that a thoughtful approach is everything. So I will pose these rhetorical questions:
If ‘ overeating ‘ is eating too much, why is it only referred to as so when certain people do it?
If the reason why we don’t judge slim/athletic people for their eating habits is because they exude the appearance of managing it, why not just teach overweight people to do the same?
Don’t deny. Don’t shame. Learn, Manage, Adjust, Incorporate.
The Genuine Joy From Good Food
It’s really OK to like to eat. The shame referenced also includes the shame we put on ourselves.  In certain instances, overeating is a symptom of something deeper. And that will be addressed. Or, you can speak to someone about that. Generally, however, liking to eat isn’t too different from enjoying intimacy or even shopping. These are desires we learn to manage, not judge.
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Add To Your Eating Skill Set, Don’t Radically Change Them
Well Portioned Meal. Moderate Calories, High Protein, Moderate Fat, Moderate Carbs
People like what they like. I believe this condition is called being human. When acting on what we like no longer serves us in the way we need, then we introduce new patterns, skills, and behaviors. For Example
You have a sweet tooth. OK. Mindfully plan to eat your sweets in proper portion sizes and not on top of heavy meals. It’s called a concession.
  You like to eat a lot aka have a huge appetite. Cool. Break your meals into smaller, more frequent portions. Fix a big plate. Then eat a little now, a little more later, and then more later. That is called mindfully pacing yourself.  and workout more.
Do you like your burgers and pizza? No prob. Eat the burger without the 1,000 additional Calories from the fries and drink. Eat 2 slices of pizza in one sitting. Over-eat overtime. #Insulinregulation.
Planning to smash because of a special occasion? Absolutely. Just don’t do it as a habit. But when it happens, train harder before and after. Try the Post Thanksgiving Cleanse Approach afterwards.
Name Your Inner Fat Kid
Fat Kid At Heart
You aren’t changing who you are or what you like. Not even judging it. This is a negotiation with your inner fat kid. Acknowledge that adolescent, address him/her, and then learn to work with that person. I call my own unchecked food comfort person a ‘fat kid at heart’. It’s on the lighter side, and nostalgic because I grew up chubby :-). (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
Short, Personal Story of My Departed Father Who Was A Human Vacuum
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Always Fit
Still Fit
  My father departed early in life (2008, the year of my massive weight gain). I can see him in Heaven with limitless food at his disposal. He simply loved to eat. He was a food vacuum. His plates were piled high and nothing was wasted. He even ate what we didn’t.
Yet he managed to straddle the fence between a smaller yet muscular and toned frame. He never gained weight. No fat. My dad worked out 5 days per week, focused on fiber/lean protein and eating at the right times (mindfulness). No-one ever accused my father of overeating. He just liked to eat. Instead of taking on the overeating moniker, he was just Donnie.
Yours truly, on the other hand, had a completely different story line.
My mother’s approach for me was to lose weight any way I could. Because that’s what she did. That’s all she knew at that time. She, as well, should not be the recipient of judgement.
I didn’t learn and understand the concept of eating habit management vs.  perpetual dieting until I was a young adult.
Point? On occasion I eat all 15 wings with extra ranch at once. Then, I sneak fries when he isn’t looking.  That is overeating in my own book. I have found a way to balance that with my weight maintenance goals:
The Portion, Protein and Carb approach
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 5 Steps to Tackling Overeating
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STEP 1: Address Your Overeating, But Without Judgement
If you are aware of or have practiced mindfulness, then you know judgement and shame are automatic, but never productive. Disappointment, sure. You over-ate. OK. It probably felt good at the time. You continue to do it and now face weight and health issues. OK. Well, today you are going to try something different to work on that. Shame will not fix or reverse what has already happened.
Mindfulness. Coming from someone who weighed well over 300 lbs., the downward spiral of beating yourself up is way worse than that from an instance of overeating. You can bounce back quick from a meal. Beating yourself up creates an internal dialogue and reality that makes preventing it from happening again next to impossible. If you can compassionately sit with where you were when it occurred, and try to understand what was happening internally, you can unlock some pretty powerful and useful information.
2. Objectively Observe Why You Overeat
Rest the superficial thoughts and judgments of what’s wrong so that you can clearly observe what is. You may discover truths such as:
Weight loss is something you should do but you just aren’t that into it. Hopefully it isn’t health dependent in this case
You are engaging in multiple distracting behaviors, like overeating, sex, drinking, drugs, shopping  to cover up unresolved pain or trauma
Common: You’ve temporarily lost the ability to find balance in your eating habits. After becoming accustomed to failed, crash diets:  You are either eating too little to make up for eating too much, or eating too much because eating too little creates feelings of being starved.
You’re searching for something. Maybe to fill a void. In these instances, enough is never really enough
 You keep putting it off till Monday, so you get the craving out on the weekend. Then you feel you messed up at some point Monday, say oh well, smash, and try again Tuesday. This continues for a week
Your genuinely have this intense food craving; and your mind finds anyway to justify eating. You almost feel helpless and have severe remorse, shame, and regret after giving in.
STEP 2: Release the Energy Drain From Trying to Cure Overeating
Overeating is not a disease, nor is it something to be ashamed of. You can like to eat, even a lot. As stated above, overeating is an imbalance of what you like to do vs. what you want to accomplish. You probably have already experienced this, but trying to cure what and how you like to eat 90% of the time is an epic failure. Try managing it. Balancing it. This is taboo so I will be more specific:
Attempted Cure for Overeating: If I fix lines A-F of issues in my life, my desire to eat so much will just go away. If I become a vegetarian for 6 months, I will lose my weight. Doesn’t usually work out that way
Helping Yourself to Overcome Overeating: I know we are ordering a large pizza today. Can you help make sure I only eat slices in 1 sitting?  I want to lower my carb intake, but not feel starved. Can we buy less bread, sweets, starches and fix meals with more lean poultry for a while? These are encouraging  and supportive tactics.
In true, “Being Mary Jane” fashion, I have even posted sticky notes to remind me in the late hours what I’m working towards. As an African American male, I will say that level self-help would likely be judged and shamed by some friends and family. Self-help and vulnerability isn’t huge in my demographic. Well, it’s my weight, my body, my health, my life. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "trimmingthefa-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Top 4 Compassionate Approach Books in My Audible Library"; amzn_assoc_asins = "159285849X,1592408419,081298580X,1592403352"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "75e1f89f713091ea2f1487659f60b03c";
Regarding cures, I am not suggesting that their aren’t underlying issues that could lead to overeating or that they shouldn’t be addressed. But while you are sorting out the deep stuff, what are you going to do about your current eating habits? Believe it or not, eating mindfully is a form of therapy. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
STEP 3: Just Say No When You’re in Those Moments
You graciously spent your time and energy reading this article just to be afforded the most cliché’ of advice? Say No. Here’s why. The energy diverted from dejection, judgement, and trying to find easy/magic fixes can be diverted to strengthening will power. more specifically, your ability to impose your will on yourself.
Sorry, that is what it will ultimately take. How has the Google search for, ‘ways to eat less’ worked out for you? If you have come to terms with that fact that you love ice-cream at night, stopped judging it, and been mindful of what is going on internally when indulging in it, then you can be present when it’s time to say NO.
Instances of utilized will power builds momentum. Have you have pockets of successful dieting and exercise in your life’s timeline? It was probably tough at first, but once you got going, it was downhill (as far as effort required) from there. I assure you, there was no magic solution or prescription.  The need exceeded the desire, and will power came to the surface.
STEP 4: Incline Your Mind to How You Feel After Giving into Temptation
  Overeating for me doesn’t have just physical ramifications. Especially when it is egregious. They are mental, physiological, emotional, economical, social, even spiritual. I feel so much shame, guilt, dejection and hopelessness that I spiral. Into do nothing call off debilitating shame feel good eating.
When You/I incline the mind to the gravity of these horrible consequences, in the moment of choice practical decision-making becomes more tangible. We still have children living within us. It may take a child multiple times to realize something is painful before they stop doing it. But, eventually they learn, and adapt.
Being present with how you when falling off the wagon (overeating), and afterward provides incredible insight. Chances are you feel really good while falling and sh*tty afterwards. The goal here is to be more mindful of how you feel post relapse. No judgement. Just memory. It helps when the next opportunity arises to overeat arises if you are mindful of the cascading consequences after.
  How Mindfulness is the Key to Finally Overcome Overeating A Mindful Approach to Overeating It's only called overeating when referring to someone overweight. Think about it.
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Why to Deviate from the Misnomer 'Metabolism'. Catabolism or Anabolism
Why to Deviate from the Misnomer ‘Metabolism’. Catabolism or Anabolism
There are many, many diet myths, fairy-tales, and antiquated beliefs. Too many to maintain sanity as a fitness professional without serious mindful work. One that stands out is this concept of metabolism. Our metabolism is all functions of our body where energy is either released or stored. Just took a pill? Metabolism Gained 3 lbs.? Metabolism Exercised? Metabolism Left Golden Corral and feeling…
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The Correlation Between Insulin Regulation and Weight Loss, Management, and Fad Diets
The Correlation Between Insulin Regulation and Weight Loss, Management, and Fad Diets
Eating to burn fat is essentially the same as eating to regulate  insulin levels. Hormones such as insulin, testosterone, and glucagon regulate whether we are burning or storing (Calories, body fat, dietary fat, glycogen, muscle tissue). These hormones in turn respond directly to external stimuli such as diet and exercise. When we diet or train in a way that excites a specific hormone, it is…
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Find Your BMR, RMR, and Nutrition Info for Your Favorite Food
Find Your BMR, RMR, and Nutrition Info for Your Favorite Food
Using Your BMR as Your Estimated Caloric Intake Guide Your BMR is an estimate of the minimal amount of Calories your body burns daily for mere survival. Your RMR is an estimate of how many Calories are expended daily given your level of physical activity, and is slightly more accurate than your BMR. Input Your Information into the Below Fields to your BMR and RMR   Powered by BMR Calculator…
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Where is the Love? Meryl Streep has Some
Where is the Love? Meryl Streep has Some
Meryl Streep moved many to tears with her selfless speech at the 2017 Golden Globes. It was a selfless exhibition because she was rightfully being honored as one of the greatest actors of all time. Her body of work speaks volumes to say the least. Yet, she very riskingly utilized her time to share and breathe life into fading, very…
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When to Enjoy Your Favorite Carbs - While Still Burning Body Fat
When to Enjoy Your Favorite Carbs – While Still Burning Body Fat
. Nature has defined that every dietary macronutrient; fat, carbs, and protein have a specific need and preferred fate for optimal metabolic functions. Largely, the desired physiological effects, i.e. catabolism, Insulin regulation, increased BMR, decreased HDL levels are based more on how we eat any food vs. typical dieting . The results of adjusting our diets to be more in line with our body’s…
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Weight Loss & Hacks - From Those Who Have Lost Extreme Wieght
Weight Loss & Hacks – From Those Who Have Lost Extreme Wieght
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Check out “Modern Fitness and Dieting” on Flipboard
Check out “Modern Fitness and Dieting” on Flipboard
Modern Fitness and Dieting http://flip.it/5y4Xe4
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The Top 3 Fat Burning Diets, According to Science, of this Decade
The Top 3 Fat Burning Diets, According to Science, of this Decade
Diet effectiveness is always a mix of objective data collection and subjective interpretation of results. For that reason, the ranking of these 3 diets is based on the following criteria: Their specificity for targeting body fat utilization as the body’s primary source of energy Results across a diverse population; from the sedentary to extremely active. Young, older, male, female, etc. Speed and…
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3 Day Post Thanksgiving Detox
3 Day Post Thanksgiving Detox
Thanksgiving Dinner So no-one is judging you if you went in a little harder on Thanksgiving dinner, the surrounding meals, AND the entire weekend. It doesn’t matter if you told yourself, planned, resolved to not let this happen again. It’s OK. I let it happen too! So now that it’s Monday and the weekend is behind us, time to detox that crap (pun intended) out! These past 4 days could have amassed…
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Weight loss Failure; How Healthy Does Your Weight Loss Really Need to Be?
Weight loss Failure; How Healthy Does Your Weight Loss Really Need to Be?
Many people are so concerned 
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Article: The Happiest People Don't Let Their Minds Wander, According to a Harvard Study
Article: The Happiest People Don’t Let Their Minds Wander, According to a Harvard Study
The Happiest People Don’t Let Their Minds Wander, According to a Harvard Study http://flip.it/rivrmK
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Paleo, Ketogenic, and Lower Carb Plans
Why Go Paleo?
The Paleo Diet is a long term weight loss and healthy lifestyle change. It emphasizes natural, protein rich, healthier carb eating that’s conducive to our body’s ability to utilize fat as a main source of energy. Unlike the Ketogenic Diet, which is also effective in burning body fat, it incorporates fruits and healthy carb containing vegetables. This makes it more sustainable.
A Quick Guide to Paleo Eating
A typical meal now-a-days will likely have at least one portion of these 3 things:
A Side of Carbs (rice, mashed potatoes, bread in a sandwich, cereal as the meal majority, pasta under some sauce, etc.)
Some Protein (chicken, bacon, eggs, fish, pork, beef, burger meat, sub meat,  etc.)
Fruits/Veggies (broccoli, green beans, greens, side salad, bowl of fruit, carrots, berries)
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 3 common dietary issues with this approach is:
It has the potential to be carb heavy and miss sufficient protein.
It can lack the numerous weight loss and health benefits of portioning healthy fat as part of our overall dietary caloric consumption.
Westerners, especially, tend to consume too many high Glycemic carbs. This is a common cause of obesity, diabetes, and other physiological disorders.
See: The Numerous Health Benefits of Dietary Fat
The Paleo Meal Planning Solution
Paleo Meal Contruction Looks Like These: More Details Below
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A typical meal according to the Paleo Diet will include:
Protein (Chicken, salmon, tilapia, shrimp, turkey, eggs etc)
Fruits/Veggies (Squash, cabbage, tomatoes, kiwi, sweet potatoes, berries, etc.)
Legumes/Fibrous Grains (Kidney beans, pinto beans, great northern beans, nuts, lentils, couscous, black-eyed peas, conollini beans, etc.)
*Note: the Carbs on this diet come from fruits, veggies, nuts, and beans.  NOT white rice, potatoes, breads, other starches.
*Pork and Beef are allowed, but best limited if not avoided.
Why Not Just Find a Paleo Cook book?
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Basics for Constructing Your Meals in a Healthier Fashion
Track your BMR to Estimate Your Calorie Intake Goal
Protein Ideas: Baked Chicken, Grilled Chicken, Roasted Chicken, Salmon, Duck, Turkey, Ground Turkey, Red Beans, White Beans, Lentils, Turkey Sausage/Bacon, Almonds, *Almond Milk, Eggs, Greek Yogurt, Quinoa, *Chili
Fruit/Veggie Ideas:  Apples, Canteloupe, All Berries, Mango, Yams, kiwi, Broccoli, Green Beans, Grapes, Zucchini, Cherries, Squash, Greens, Cabbage, Lettuce, Grapefruit, Cherries, Lettuce for Salad
Ingredient Ideas: Dressings (Mayo, Salad) Chopped Bell Peppers, Chopped Onions, Small Amounts of Cheese, Pestos, Small Amounts of Butter, Almond Milk, soft cheeses such as goat and cream cheeses
Any Breads, pastas, rice, potatoes in any form
Table sugar
Low protein milk
Packaged fruit with added sugar (canned fruit, fruit in a cup, jelly, jam etc.)
Table sugar, syrup, candies, or other forms of all sugar
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      Basic Paleo Meal Guide – And Why it’s the Best Transtion from the Ketogenic Diet Why Go Paleo? The Paleo Diet is a long term weight loss and healthy lifestyle change. It emphasizes natural, protein rich, healthier carb eating that's conducive to our body's ability to utilize fat as a main source of energy.
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TrimmingtheFat.Org Approach to Successful Weight Loss
TrimmingtheFat.Org Approach to Successful Weight Loss
  TRIMMINGTHEFAT centers around better, more effective, practical eating habits by balancing your meals: Incorporating sufficient protein, healthier fats, and healthier carbs. WHAT’S YOUR GOAL? Quick Weight Loss or Permanent Weight Loss?  STEP 1: Find Your BMR By Filling Out the Following Form Powered by BMR Calculator STEP 2: Your BMR is How Many Calories You Burn Daily. Set a goal to consume ≈…
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