tripleaaamorphous · 10 days
Okay actually, while I'm thinking about it, folks who experience romance repulsion, what is the main feeling you would describe romance repulsion as?
At least for me I feel some combination of these things, but there is a clear winner in what it feels most-like. Please leave in the tags any specifics you can, I haven't ever actually heard people describe romance repulsion (or what specifically triggers it! Now that I'm thinking about it, please also add when you seem to feel it) and I'd love to feel less alone in a very specific feeling
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tripleaaamorphous · 12 days
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It's Mother's Day in France today, so I figured I'd share another conversation with my mom that made my day recently
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tripleaaamorphous · 1 month
explain your gender in 10 words or less without using boring words like “male”, “female”, “nonbinary”, “masculine”, “feminine” or “androgynous”.
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tripleaaamorphous · 1 month
Hey if you're questioning whether you're aromantic but you don't even know what romantic attraction actually is I just wanna tell you that personally I don't have a clue either. All I know is that whatever it is, I don't feel it
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tripleaaamorphous · 1 month
"You can't just pick and choose the parts of a romantic relationship that you want"
No, actually I can.
I can do exactly that. If I want to see them multiple times a week with no commitment and no exclusivity I can.
If I want to cuddle and kiss and not be any more intimate than that I can.
If I want to go on fun dates and spend time together and have little adventures but never call them my partner I can.
If I want to do these things with multiple people at the same time I can.
If I want to call it hanging out instead of dating I can.
If I want to keep things private but also post us being silly on my close firends stories I can.
I can do anything I want to as long as all the parties in the relationship are happy and it's not hurting anyone.
Other people cannot define my relationships for me.
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tripleaaamorphous · 1 month
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tripleaaamorphous · 3 months
oops i accidentally queerplatonicafied your ship and aspeced your character again
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tripleaaamorphous · 3 months
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Welcome to #AggressivelyArospecWeek!
If you've been following us for any of the past eight years, you probably know the drill. But if you're new, here is all you need to know about this very exciting time of the year:
#AggressivelyArospecWeek (#AAW) is a week-long event that promotes the creation of arospec fancontent by arospec creators.
By "fancontent", we mean anything from fanfic to fanart, to themed playlists, edits or even just headcanons. We are open to all fandoms!
By "arospec", we mean that creators should identify somewhere on the aromantic spectrum (or currently be questioning their potentially arospec identity). The content they create should also center a character's arospec identity, whether that character is canonically arospec or heacanonned as such.
This event is an opportunity for creators to explore their identities through fanwork within a supportive community. And it's also a perfect way for fans of all kinds (arospec or not) to enjoy art and have fun!
Join us from June 23 to June 29 2024 and enjoy a small explosion of arospec fancontent on your dash!
Please, take a second to share this post so your followers get to join in the fun as well 💚
To submit, please make a new post between June 23 and June 29 and tag it as #AggressivelyArospecWeek. You can also submit your work directly to our blog through the ask and submission boxes. Your post will then be shared on the Aggressively Arospec blog.
We also have an X account, so use the hashtags #AggressivelyArospecWeek and #AAW24 if you tweet about your work on there. You can also mention us in your tweet (@ AArospec) to be sure we don’t miss it and can retweet it. Please, do submit through tumblr if you can though! That is the best way to get your contribution archived with all the others.
Lastly, a collection will be opened on Archive of our Own to round up all the fanfics posted on there. Just search for “Aggressively Arospec Week ‘24″.
We can’t wait to see what you have in store for us this year!
(For more information, check out our About page or our FAQ section. If you need some inspiration, you can also check out the content that was created during out previous events in our #AggressivelyArospecWeek tag.)
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tripleaaamorphous · 5 months
having a crush as a mostly aro person transforms me into a disgusting half crazy beast of a man. I feel like I'm war torn, I feel devastated and sick to my guts.
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tripleaaamorphous · 5 months
you want to be romantically attracted to someone? the thing that killed romeo and juliet?
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tripleaaamorphous · 6 months
Now, I’m not saying romantic relationships are inferior, or that they’re useless, or that you being in one or that you shipping some characters romantically is Bad or something off the walls like that. What I’m saying is that two people (or characters, since we’re talking shipping here) can be just as devoted to each other, love each other just as deeply, mean just as much to each other while being in a platonic relationship. The end point of caring about someone doesn’t have to be romance.
Friendship isn’t a stepping stone between strangers and romantic partners, it’s a different path. And you can follow that path as deep into the wood as a romantic one if you want, and neither is inferior to the other, they just have different views.
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tripleaaamorphous · 6 months
Hey, Tumblr. Guess what. Relationships are defined by the people involved in them, and that's that. If people say they're friends, then they're friends. If people say they're dating, then they're dating. If they say it's a secret third thing, then that's what it is. Someone else's relationship isn't for you to decide.
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tripleaaamorphous · 7 months
i don't know if i'm aro or ace or both or aspec, but i've been thinking about it lately. can aromanticism and/or asexuality be something that is chosen? so much of what damages my self worth is the idea that i'm unlovable and untouchable. i've mostly only had experiences of abuse when it comes to romance and physical intimacy, and when that wasn't the case i felt deeply uncomfortable with "performing romance" and "performing love". i often tell myself it's just because i haven't found the right person, but then i think about how that person can't possibly exist because of the every thing about me. i just want an escape from it all. this is killing me. whether or not i'm aro or ace or both, amatonormativity is killing me.
This may be a Hot Take, but in my opinion, it can absolutely be a choice.
The thing about all identity is that it is chosen to some degree. The feelings/experiences we base our identities off of might not be, but how we make sense and express these feelings to ourselves and others is something we choose. We, even queer people, tend to conflate the labels we use with the experiences we use them to express.
I'm sure there are some people who will see "you can choose to ID as aro/ace because of trauma" and insist that's the same as encouraging people not to heal at all. Which is not true. What is healing for you and how you go about that is your business, first of all, and you may never decide to engage in these relationships and still have a meaningful life.
Secondly, it is absolutely fine if one day you decide not to ID as aro/ace any more. Identifying as aspec (or any kind of queer identity) should be about what best helps you make sense of your experiences, express them, and/or find community/resources right now. As you said, amatonormativity affects people regardless of if they are aspec. Accepting that you deserve to be cared for and have value regardless of your ability to perform sex/love is good for anyone. If these terms work for you right now, there's no good reason for me to tell you not to use them. Like I said, one day you may feel differently, and as a result you may use different words to express that. There is nothing wrong with that and you should never feel any pressure to stick with a label just because its what you've been using.
Thirdly, it is of course possible for someone to both be traumatized and aspec. I have issues with vulnerability and just don't feel any romantic attraction or desire for marriage. These things can co-exist, and the distinction may not matter to you as much as it might for someone else.
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tripleaaamorphous · 7 months
honestly my advice for people questioning if they're aro is kind of the same as my advice for people questioning if they're trans which is do less worrying about whether or not you inherently fall into this arbitrary category and do more considering what you want in and from your life. like ultimately deconstructing societal ideals of what relationships (or gender) should be like and figuring out what you want them to look like in your life is what matters and whether or not you experience romantic attraction is kind of immaterial
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tripleaaamorphous · 7 months
hey aros! with asaw in the horizon, it's easy to forget about a lesser-known holiday that takes place on february 14th- alloromantic awareness day!
read the article below for a guide on how to celebrate this holiday and how to be an ally to your alloromantic peers!:
(seriously please read the post it is extremely funny)
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tripleaaamorphous · 8 months
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yes I'm now on the other side of top surgery and I'm allowed to lift things again 💪 You might have already seen this one on my substack -- did u know you can subscribe to my substack for early access to comics like this?! Sent directly to your email inbox??? FOR FREE????? (there is also an optional paid tier for exclusive bonus content for five bucks a month but like 80% of my posts will be free and publicly available) ty ily♥
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tripleaaamorphous · 8 months
wdym an average platonic bond cant be deep and meaningful do none of you remember the power of friendship
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