tristan-dupont · 5 years
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tristan-dupont · 5 years
@brontehatterdesigns: you could've applied to MIT and been an east coaster with meeeeeeeeeee @tristandupont
@tristandupont: but I like being heeeeeere where my dad has a very hard time getting to meeeeee.
@tristandupont: will there be room on your floor to come visit or will it be too covered in half-finished designs?
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tristan-dupont · 5 years
@brontehatterdesigns: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/74/98/d8/7498d85e75c7119af0b631f3b0712354.jpg
@brontehatterdesigns: bye bye Walt, hello FIT !!!! I'M SUCH A MANHATTAN ASS BITCH I CAN'T WAIT.
@tristandupont: As someone objective who knows you're amazingly talented and you deserve this - 🎉🎉🎉!!!
@tristandupont: As someone subjective who's going to miss their friend - 😭😭😭!!!!
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tristan-dupont · 5 years
RJ: :| Thank you.
RJ: I think it seems to be going okay -- we're getting the football dudes in the audience since their beloved Fast Five is in the show. And I guess Noli got all the cheerleaders, so we're selling out each night!
Tristan: And some of the football team members even have half a brain, so they might appreciate the nuance of Wyatt's writing and how brilliant it really is. And if they don't, at least Noli will be nice enough to cheer, and the rest of her team should follow suit :-p Congratulations, you're doing better than Romi already!
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tristan-dupont · 5 years
“It’s so weird to say that you’re graduating, but I’m also super psyched because it means we can hang out at school and whatever! You bet I’m gonna yell and scream for you, but I’ll try not to be too embarrassing. I don’t want you to trip and fall.”
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“I guess I’m also ‘psyched’ about the fact that I get to choose my own classes instead of taking such a boring, pre-planned high school curriculum. Do you think they’d let me overload my first semester? Or are they going to make me ‘adjust to college life’ first?”
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tristan-dupont · 5 years
RJ: You all would tell me if I was directing a bad show, right? Cause I don’t know if I’m ready to leave town like The R&J director 😥
Tristan: Well, it's impossible to know for sure how the audience will react to it until they see it, right? Although Wyatt's writing is brilliant, so... if we tank, it's definitely going to be on your directorial skills!
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tristan-dupont · 5 years
Um…of course? We’re an impenetrable girl gang. Kris and Tally are just moody, and Bobbie recently punched a guy. We’re going through some things right now, but there will always be a Fab Five, don’t be ridic. 
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Interesting. How long does punching aftermath usually last? Because it’s been almost two months, I’d have thought that would be considered ‘a thing of the past’ by now. But what do I know? I’m just a watcher, I don’t live these weirdly intense dramatic moments the way that you guys do.
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tristan-dupont · 5 years
“There’s a reason why I stopped acting.  And I’d really appreciate that, but i’m sure you’ve got a lot of stuff that you’ve already gotta worry about! You’re graduating soon, aren’t you excited about that? And I’m sure that you’re valedictorian or something. Which I’ll totally be there for your graduation, yelilng and screaming with a gigantic sign.” 
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“Excited’s one word for it, I guess. I don’t know, I love learning, so the closer I get to graduation the more it means I’ve already learned, and the less there is still out there for me to learn, so I have mixed feelings, I guess. You’re welcome to yell and scream, though -- I think I’ve outgrown being easily distracted, so I doubt the sudden noise will make me trip over my gown or anything.”
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tristan-dupont · 5 years
Alright, Walt High, we all knew this was coming. Due to our tragic lack of Fab Five representation in this year’s homecoming court, I’ve decided to run for prom queen! I know, I know, hold your applause, because if you’re excited about this announcement, just wait for the actual campaign. #VoteMolly ! 
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Is there even a Fab Five anymore? Not that I’ve gone straight back to my people-watching in the days since Valentine’s Day, but you guys have seemed a little... different lately. Are any of them planning to run against you?
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tristan-dupont · 6 years
“Yeah! I’m totally cool. It’s not like there’s an entire wedding that’s gotta be planned by summer on top of trying to stay on top of school and classes and stuff. I’m totally cool. I’m great! I deserved a couple of days off!” 
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“That was supremely convincing, Char. But in case you forgot, I’m extremely organized, so if you want someone to help you sit down and schedule things -- or even help with planning, although I don’t promise great results -- you can count on me.”
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tristan-dupont · 6 years
“The worst thing about that snow storm was that I lost my last good pair of contacts and I was’t able to run outdoors for like – a week until it was done melting. But, it gave me an excuse to sit and play video games all day.” 
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“Imagining you inside for that long goes against every observation I’ve ever made about you, Charlie. Are you feeling okay? Are you sure there’s not something wrong with something other than your eyes?”
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tristan-dupont · 6 years
Molly raised a brow with a chuckle. “Okay, well I’ll believe that when I see it,” She tugged his hand lightly and brought Tristan out to the dance floor, making sure she didn’t go too hard on the dancing so he could keep up. She shrugged when he asked who she thought she’d end up getting matched with. “You’re right, I didn’t think I’d get Ned. We’re so different, the matchmaker would not have picked up on our unlikely chemistry. But I dunno, I was expecting maybe Darcy…We’re pretty alike. Or hey, even one of the other Fast Five. What about you? Hoping you’d get Madame Playwright?” 
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Tristan could tell that Molly seemed to be taking mercy on him as far as dancing went, and even with his recent theater training to improve his skills, he was still grateful for the leeway. “And yet, Darcy ended up with Ned... how curious. Maybe she just didn’t put that she was interested in girls on her survey?” Tristan shrugged, although predictably, his mind was turning wondering what Darcy could possibly have in common with Ned that Molly didn’t. Her questioning cut his thought short, though, and he grinned sheepishly. “Actually, I was hoping I’d get paired with either Noli or Kori. I’ve spent so long feeling caught in between their fight, and I wondered if it might be nice to have some evidence that I’m more long-term friend compatible with one or the other.”
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tristan-dupont · 6 years
When Molly realized that Tristan was her date once she saw his monocle, her eyes rolled back into her head so hard it almost hurt. Of course she’d get matched with Tristan, while Ned was off with her soccer wife. She couldn’t even flex a hotter date in front of him. “Yeah, true,” she shrugged. “But we’re here and I don’t want to ditch you…yet. I’m down to hang out if you are. See if your dancing skills got any better since Freshman year homecoming,” Molly teased. 
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“How surprisingly kind of you,” Tristan replied, trying not to wear a shocked look on his face. After all, he’d grown up since he was a freshman -- he should give Molly the benefit of the doubt that maybe she’d done the same. “I can definitely dance without stepping on your feet, though, so that’s better than I was doing back then. I was too busy looking at everything else happening around me to pay attention to my own two feet.” Unable to resist letting his curious side come out just a little, though, he asked, “Who did you think you’d get paired with? Aside from Ned -- that’s a boring answer, and you’re not boring.”
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tristan-dupont · 6 years
“Huh, maybe they don’t rig the Valentine’s Ball results after all,” Tristan said thoughtfully as he realized who his date was. “I thought that if there was anyone in our grade with the power to make sure that they didn’t end up with... well, me, that that person would be you.”
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tristan-dupont · 6 years
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@tristan-dupont, you’ll be meeting your match at 8:00 pm sharp on the patio. She will be wearing black and nude, and will be the girl in the aggressive pink eyeshadow. Have a lovely time!
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@mollyleroux, you’ll be meeting your match at 8:00 pm sharp on the patio. He will be wearing black and will be the guy with the monocle. Have a lovely time!
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tristan-dupont · 6 years
Noli: DOESN'T COOOOOUNT. Exactly, it's what I've been trying to tell you for TWO YEARS, DUMMY. Love isn't science, it's art! It's subjective, it comes and goes, there. Is. No. Way. To. Figure it out!!!! Opposites attract sometimes!!!
Tristan: I know I didn't count it but maybe I retroactively should bring it back into the fold? I'm not much of an artist! Well, what if her opposite isn't attracted to my opposite? I should have asked her to the Valentine's Ball but I chickened out and just did the matchmaker again. I wonder if I'll get matched with Bronte again, that was fun.
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tristan-dupont · 6 years
Molly: good! You might be a dweeb but you're still like, a good person, you deserve better than someone who would leave you high and dry. We were all drunk at homecoming and she's idk a drama queen and kissed him? Idk all the details and I don't want to. Bold of you to assume any of us besides Bobbie can make emotional bonds. I only told Ned I loved him while we were both stoned.
Tristan: Thanks? I didn't know you thought that, to be honest. I thought dweeb erased all other qualities from existence. I think most of you can make emotional bonds, actually. The only one I'm a little worried about is Kevin, he may or may not be a sociopath. If he kills you all someday, I won't say anything at your funerals about how you shouldn't have kicked me out of the squad.
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