tristanasneak · 4 years
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Details from a guild banner I was commissioned by @kat-hawke. Thanks so much for  choosing me for this big piece :)
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tristanasneak · 4 years
The Renegade Agent Returns
(Following [Coincidental Meetings])
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Looking out across the distant water Kat watched as the moonlight danced across the subtle waves and how the stars above painted dots in the deep blues. The ambient sounds of water crashing against the hulls of ships mingled with the distant city sound as her mind traced over the events of the day, from the office to the taverns. Bare fingers slipped into a pocket, encircling around an azerite crystal. Leaning up against the nearest lamppost, she looked down at the stone as it turned to grey, her breath feeling cold as the satisfying surge of energy numbed her mind.
The intoxicating sensation slowly waned as the depleted crystal spun in her fingers, the brittle edges slowly breaking off.  With eyes shut, Kat was content to let the energy high burn away as she focused on the ocean sounds below, but the sound of footsteps upon cobblestones approaching from behind interrupted her mental escape.
Peeling her eyes, open Kat cast her gaze over the shoulder to find her lost agent standing a few feet away. Eyes widened as her heart nearly stopped, lungs freezing with a breath catching in her throat. Pushing away from the lamppost, Kat spun around, tossing the dead crystal to the ground.
“Trist?” Kat’s voice shook with denial, questioning whether or not she was truly here. In an instant, her mind flashed back to the comatose vision of the young renegade, and the guilt buckled in Kat’s stomach.
With pursed lips and furrowed brows, Tristana watched the crystal shatter on the cobblestone before looking back to Kat from under the hood. Her features the same as Kat remembered, with the addition of a faint scar across one cheek. A lasting memoir of the agent’s participation in the Siege of Lordaeron.
“Thought you’d be slightly less surprised to see me.” She spoke with little movement of the body.
Keep reading
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tristanasneak · 4 years
(Following [Opprobrium])
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The carriage continued to race through the inverted Gilnean city streets as the world beyond the windows continued to bend and fold within itself. The non-euclidean landscape shifting every minute as buildings seamlessly tore apart and melded together, cobblestone streets an ever-changing labyrinth. No matter how many abrupt turns the carriage took, there seemed to always be part of the city above and below them. 
Watching from the small window, she let the sound of hooves upon cobblestone fill the silence. Knowing the mustached man’s gaze never left as his fingers slowly drummed upon the top of his cane in the opposite seat. The longer it dragged on, the deeper the chill in her spine seemed to stretch, a void where her heart once seemed to beat.
The pain of what transpired in the Cathedral was still fresh, yet she broke the silence.
“I expected death to be more simple than this.” Kat’s voice hoarse from the earlier screams, a syllable in the middle breaking as she swallowed down the last sob and wiped a finger beneath an eye.
“You, of all people, Miss Hawke, should know that nothing is so simple.” The other passenger spoke plainly, his head lifting slightly as he did so. “You are rather hard to kill after all, and you have so much to answer for.”
Kat’s nose wrinkled at that, biting her tongue as she shook her head, attention turning from the window to the man. “And when the clock reaches the end of its backward count?”
He simply gave her a knowing look with the faintest hint of a smirk on the corner of his lips. She already knew the answer.
“Good.” She huffed, defeated. “I’m done with whatever twisted game this is. We’ll just sit here and ride the rest of the time out.”
“Oh, that’s not how this works, Miss Hawke. You should know better.”
Before Kat could retort, his cane slammed into the carriage floor, the vehicle turning sharply and turning over. Ejected again from the seat, she flew through the open door, defiantly grabbing hold of the iron handle. Swinging her weight upward, she found the brief moment of victory to be in vain, as her boots found cobblestone instead of the wooden floorboards. The carriage vanished from sight, folding away in waves of tiny tetrahedrons as the Gilnean marketplace appeared instead.
“Fuck!” She cursed beneath her breath, looking skyward to find the adjacent part of the city still looming overhead instead of the moonlit sky.
Exasperated, she let out a breath, fingers pulling through the tousled raven hair. Eyes scanning the now stilled streets of Gilneas, contemplating what pain this place would soon bring her.
A subtle dripping echoed in her ears, and her stomach dropped. Freezing for a moment and swallowing hard before casting her gaze in the direction of the sound. A small puddle of blood was pooling within the indentation of the stones, and as much as she wanted to refuse, her eyes still peeled upward to the source.
Knees buckled, and her throat went dry as she stared up upon the bodies of her agents, operatives, and informants. Vynette, Sarida, Quinn, and all the others, even Riley. Each impaled upon the streetlamps, stretching from one end of the market to the other. One hand clenched upon her chest, the thundering of a heartbeat lacking in her ears as she examined the horror and questioned what this was to be.
“Even the ones you cared about, you neglected. Used only when needed, cast aside when not. Empty promises and high hopes are all you were ever good for.” A spiteful voice called from behind her.
Pivoting on one leg, Kat spun around, instinctively reaching for weapons but found none. Her eyes narrowed in search of the familiar voice, its source stepping out from behind a closed market stall.
Tristana, the youngest of her agents, whom she made promise after promise to and never delivered.
“So self-absorbed, you’d say whatever you could just to keep people on your side.” The blonde spat out, motioning a hand to the corpses above. “You told me lie after lie, and I wasn’t the first nor the last. I gave you countless chances, and still, you fell short of your word.”
“That’s not fair, you were brash and reaching for power without hesitation.” Kat stood her ground, eyeing the armor the young agent wore, the very set from the siege of Lordaeron.
“And yet you dangled the promises of teachings in front of my face like a carrot on a stick! Let me have a taste and then turned your back on me. Again.”
“I wanted to protect you!”
“No! You were scared of me.” Tristana stuck a finger in Kat’s direction. “You were afraid I would surpass you, find someone else more willing and less guarded to show me. Afraid that I could have grown beyond you and take your power for myself.”
Kat recoiled as the girl struck an accurate nerve. “You were being reckless, ran off once. How was I supposed to tr—”
“Don’t even talk about trust!” Tristana snapped back, cutting Kat off. “I had every reason not to trust you, every reason to walk away, every reason to betray you. Yet you want to stand there like our conversation at the docks never happened? Like I never followed you to Lordaeron, where you nearly got me killed. Where I threw myself in the open to draw the attention away from you?”
A sudden gust of wind ripped through the marketplace as the earth trembled faintly. The gale carrying the words ‘not stable’ in a piercing whisper.
With a sudden loss of words, Kat just shook her head as the young agent scoffed.
“How long until they figure it out? Probably too late, if I had to guess.” Tristana pointed again to the bodies above, specifically to Quinn. “She’s going to trust your empty promises. She might even look up to you to learn from you. And then you’re going to let her down, neglect her, let her sit on the hook for months to a year with just scraps of pity attention. Then when she wises up to it, you’ll make it out like she misunderstands.”
“That’s not what I want. Not what I wanted…” Kat whispered, eyes pleading through the pain.
“But it’s what you do, and what you did. Eventually, they will figure it out, all of them will. That you’re nothing more than a manipulative, self-absorbed, bitch.”
Again the earth shook, violently this time, sending Kat to the ground and bouncing off the cobblestones. Quick to roll over and prop herself up on her knees, she found that Tristana was gone, as were the impaled bodies. Another roaring wind that carried words, ‘crashing again,’ tore through the open market. Banners and flags ripping from their poles and whipping away towards the horizon.
Beneath her, the street began to shift, curling upward as the marketplace started to invert. Desperately she grasped at the cobblestones and streetlamps, searching for a handhold to prevent the inevitable fall. The wrought iron post snapped off in her fingers and sent her tumbling towards a vacant market stall. Crashing into the boards just as it felt as if the air had been sucked from her lungs, and dropped once again within the speeding carriage.
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“A lot to unpack with that one, Miss Hawke?” Amusement practically danced on the mustached man’s tone.
“Fuck you, Charles.” Kat managed to get out between gasps for air.
“The young girl isn’t wrong, of course. I can almost relate, except you didn’t slit her throat as you did mine once you were finished with her.”
“You were working against me.” Kat snarled in response.
“No. You just made yourself believe that to make the decision easier. You hold regret with her, but not for me.” He straightforwardly stated.
Hanging her head, Kat put elbows upon knees, fingers weaving at the nap of her neck. The Catherdral bell tolling one o’clock now. Defeated, tired, and helpless, she sat in silence as the carriage continued its course. Tears falling to the floorboards, each one welling beneath the eyes in searing pain. The familiarity of her heartbeat was suddenly missed.
She prayed for this purgatory to end.
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[ Mentioned: @tristanasneak, @lovelydeadlysocialite, @quinn-varden​, @blue-eyedraven​ ]
( [Chapter I] [Chapter II] [Chapter III] ) ( [pt.I] [pt.II] [pt.III] [pt.IV] [pt.V] )
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tristanasneak · 5 years
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tristanasneak · 5 years
Quickest way to a shanking... break out in song.
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Quick doodle, and this is it. This will be the take on Freehold, apparently.
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tristanasneak · 5 years
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A relatively quick portrait for @tristanasneak. Toying with a few new coloring methods. Not 100% sold on the result but it was great practice regardless :)
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tristanasneak · 5 years
Sneaks up on. @tristanasneak
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He has a natural inclination to attack when startled.(Also no more first aid skill, so he sucks at it)@tristanasneak
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tristanasneak · 5 years
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tristanasneak · 5 years
Duard Paternoster
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{the basics}:
Name: Duard A. Paternoster
Age: Roughly Late Twenties
Race: Afflicted Gilnean
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Server: WrA (US)
{physical appearance}:
Eyes: Narrow and constantly scrutinizing his surroundings. Originally a dark green, they occasionally reflect an orange hue.
Height: ~6′3″
Build: He has a fairly lean but muscular build– strong enough to match blades with warriors, but retaining the flexibility and grace a proper rogue should possess.
Distinguishing Marks: Duard has many scars, noticeably the three slashes on his right eye and several whip scars on his back. 
Common Accessories: Duard is rarely without dozens of concealed blades. His hobbyist knife, and his notebook are precious items that he managed to keep even as he lost everything. Most precious to him are a pair of large daggers so sharp and sleek that even blood runs off the blade completely, giving these pureblades a consistent shine and luster. 
Profession(s): (publicly) Bookkeeper, Accountant, Struggling author. (In secret) mercenary and former assassin and thief.
Hobbies: Reading and writing, training the hounds
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Thalassian (not perfectly fluent), Thieves’ Cant 
Residence:  Currently Kul Tiras (Not permanent as he is constantly on the move)
Birthplace: Gilneas
Religion: None (A former follower of the Light)
Fears: Holy-types, druidism, worgen, reckless mages, medics/hospitals, his old boss, losing control
Spouse: None
Children: None
Parents: Raelynn Shakspere (mother, MIA), Arbert Paternoster (father, Presumed Deceased)
Siblings: None/Unknown
Other Relatives: Tobrecan Shakspere (Distant cousin to a great degree)
Pets: Sprinkles- Worg pup, Abelard- Worg
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
{additional information}:
Smoking Habit: never / sometimes/ frequently/ to excess– Once only a social or casual smoker, Duard has picked up the habit more consistently after being exposed to Kul Tiras and its larger variety.
Drug Habit:  never / sometimes/ frequently/ to excess-- Duard has a heavy reliance on alchemical barbiturates and potions and takes several doses a day at worst.
Alcohol:  never / sometimes/ frequently/ to excess– While he would drink, he will still avoid public areas like taverns.
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{rp hooks}:
He’s always looking for work to put bread on the table when his paperpushing jobs are not enough.
He will still occasionally mingle in less savory areas. Perhaps he may have a reputation for those who are extremely keen on what goes on in the underground.
Duard has recently been lingering around Kul Tiras looking for work in the trade hubs and markets.
{other information}:
Things to Know:  Duard has issues with trust and socializing. He tends to be very terse and to the point and would actively avoid getting close to people, an IC problem, of course. I would say don’t immediately expect a lot of connection with him.
What I’m looking for: Friendships, rivalries, enemies, mentors– most anything. My preference is RP that facilitates character growth as well as maintaining a good adventure. I have enjoyed action, tragedy, horror, psychological, mystery, with touches of comedy within them. Shitpost adventures? Sure that can be fine too. Straight up things I would like to avoid is killing my best boy and super fast romances. 
Where I RP: I RP mostly through discord. In-game is more difficult due to my work/school schedule and timezone. I am not experienced at RPing directly on tumblr, but I won’t rule it out for those willing to have patience.
Contact: Message/Ask through tumblr. I will only give discord out in private.
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tristanasneak · 5 years
(It’s perfect.)
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Jacobre will get no hugs. @tristanasneak
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tristanasneak · 5 years
Zhevra, chimaera, and or shoveltusk for the zoology prompts
(Warcraft Zoology Prompts)
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Zhevra - Does your character follow/wield the Light? Are they more connected to Shadow magic? Perhaps they follow a more neutral path? Something completely different?
Currently neither shadow nor light really apply to Trist. She longs to wield some sort of magic, but so far her attempts to do so haven’t really amounted to much. I would say the chances of her ever using the Light are extremely slim. Shadow and/or Void are a more likely path - though not a good one. Who knows for sure where her future will take her!
Chimaera - Does your character have a duel type personality? Is there a part of them they hide from the general public?
Definitely. Trist is quite the chameleon with her personalities at times. She has grown up with a numerous amount of ‘masks’ to fit certain purposes. Being able to put forth a positive or negative front depending on the task ahead of her has had its advantages��but it has also left her at a bit of a loss when it comes to figuring out just who she really is. Deep down she’s still very much just a lost kid who puts up a whole lot of defenses to keep people out.
She does have a genuine soft side to her - but you’ll probably only see it when she’s around dogs.
Shoveltusk - Is there a talent your character has that not many people know about?
At this point in her story and with her age considered, her talents and skills are still relatively undeveloped. She is however a very keen leaner and is always on the hunt for new things to try and to attempt to master. Now… if only she could get a teacher to stick around!
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tristanasneak · 5 years
Warcraft Zoology Prompts
((Remade my WoW zoology prompt list so feel free to use it.)) 
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Gulp Froglet - How is your character’s appetite? Are their eyes bigger than their stomach? Or are they a bottomless pit? Armored Scorpid - What is your character’s go to defense mechanism? Lava Spider - How is your character’s tolerance to heat? Have they ever been burned in some way? What do they do if they need to cool off? Fruit Hunter Axebeak - What is their favorite fruit? Do they prefer to eat it as is or mixed in other foods? Hawkstrider - How important is a sense of fashion to your character? What would their typical everyday attire consist of? Crawdad - Time for a scavenger hunt. Find three items that represent your character. (bonus if pictures are included) Zhevra - Does your character follow/wield the Light? Are they more connected to Shadow magic? Perhaps they follow a more neutral path? Something completely different? Mana Wyrm - Has your character performed any sort of experiments? If so, provide an example of one? How does your character feel about them? Crab- What is something your character stubbornly holds on to? Silithid - Does your character fall in line and conform with their society, or do they take their own path? Nether Ray - Does your character have a good sense of direction? Or do they get lost easily? Mana Ray - How does your character like their eggs? Scrambled? Over easy? From a chicken? Moth - How intuitive is your character? Are they highly aware of their surroundings? Or do they tend to have tunnel vision? Golden Carp - Does your character have a good memory? Or do they tend to easily forget? What methods help them remember things? Sawfin Frenzy - What is a smell that can lure in your character? Whale Shark - Do they wait for others to approach them or are they the ones to initiate conversation first? Scarab Beetle - How resilient is your character? Kunchong - To what lengths will your character go through to get what they want? Will they risk a destructive path or do they prefer to wait and plan accordingly? Hydra - Do they make decisions on their own or within a group? Ravager - Has your character gone through any significant physical changes recently? And tattoos, scars, or body modifications? Coastal Sandpiper - What would be an ideal date night for your character? Teroclaw - Does your character try to be intimidating? How may that achieve this either physically or mentally? Hook Wasp - What is something your character is immune to? On the opposite spectrum what is something your character is allergic to? Brutosaur - What is the biggest goal your muse is currently attempting to reach? Spore Walker - Is your character open about their emotions or do they tend to bottle them up? Has your character been known to emotionally lash out? Warp Stalker - Does your character prefer to fight from the shadows or face to face? Wyvern - Is there someone in your character’s life they feel indebted to? How does your character prefer to “return a favor”? Rylak - Does your character have a preferred mount they use? If so, what? Fox - Does your character tackle a problem head on or do they look for alternative ways to solve something? Saber Cat - Does your character belief in fight or flight? Reef Cow - Does your character have any children? If not, do they want children? Wolf - Does your character like to travel with a group or by themselves? Water Strider - What is your characters preferred method of communication? Chimaera - Does your character have a duel type personality? Is there a part of them they hide from the general public? Borean Mammoth - How is your character’s tolerance to the cold? What do they do if they need to warm up? Draenor Kaliri - Does your character prefer the day or night time? If they had to stay awake during hours they aren’t use to, how would they cope? Bat - What if your character lost their sight? How would they react and cope? Pterrodax - Does your character take more after their mother or father? How so? Quel’thalas Lynx - How well can your character read other’s emotions? Quilen - Is your character a leader or a follower? Somewhere in between? Hermit Crab - Does your character have home or are they more nomadic? Nian - Is your character superstitious? Jormungar - Is there anything your character wants to free themselves from? Diematradons - Did your character have to always rely on a parental figure or were they on their own for a good portion of their childhood? Threshadon - Is there something your character possesses that other people want? What would make others flock to them? Hippogryph - Has your character taken someone under their wing? An apprentice? Adoption? Bear - Is your character strong physically? If not, what attributes makes up for a lack in such? Shoveltusk - Is there a talent your character has that not many people know about? Riverbeast - Is your character predictable or not? Helsquid - Has your character gone through some sort of transformation? Has there been an event that has altered them not physically but emotionally? Direhorn - What is something that others least expect about your character? Mushan - How equipped is your character at performing first aid? Pandaren Porcupine - What does your character do to help keep their emotions in check? Dragonhawk - What are your character’s favorite colors? Any preferred shades? Saurid - Has your muse ever played any pranks? What about had one played on them? Tiger - Describe your character’s sleeping habits? Are they a morning person? Or are they grumpy and prefer to doze in longer. Arcane Serpent - What are your character’s thoughts revolving around magic? Mastiff - Does your character have any pets? Dragon Turtle - What can be commonly found in your character’s belongings?
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tristanasneak · 6 years
It was good for a while, being empty. I didn’t hurt anymore. But as time went on, it was like I could hear myself from far away, begging for permission to come back.
Myra McEntire (via quotemadness)
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tristanasneak · 6 years
Some failure in life is inevitable. It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default.
Jk Rowling
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tristanasneak · 6 years
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tristanasneak · 6 years
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tristanasneak · 6 years
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