troikacounter-blog · 6 years
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Kindness is often mistaken for softness and let me tell you friends…that is a mistake you don’t want to make. (insp.)
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troikacounter-blog · 6 years
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Sailor Moon SuperS Special: The Return of Haruka and Michiru! The Ghostly Puppet Show
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troikacounter-blog · 6 years
world building wednesday
send me the name of a character, and i’ll reply with:
full name:
guilty pleasures:
morality alignment?:
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
close minded/open-minded:
here’s my lair: grune’s lair
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troikacounter-blog · 6 years
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troikacounter-blog · 6 years
i’ve been trying to talk about honne and tatemae and how it relates so much to ignis especially after dlc but instead i’m just flailing my hands all day
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troikacounter-blog · 7 years
Wait, poisoning yourself?
“Quick Recipeh” gives you a random buff or debuff so after eating soup maybe it can allow you reach total clarity in a single combo or make you literally stumble over in pain
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troikacounter-blog · 7 years
episode ignis is the best dlc because
noctis is all unconscious and prone to danger at the altar but you can spend most of your hour going around the entirety of altissia and pick up garbage to sell
somehow sell that garbage for a rightful amount of gil on shops that aren’t attended by people
ignis scientia buying stuff in unattended shops and deciding to still leave the right amount of gil behind
ignis scientia buying a pair of party glasses that can light up in unattended shops and deciding to still leave the right amount of gil behind
everything in this very serious and very emotional dlc can now be done with light up party glasses
you can wear up light up party glasses while climbing up lamposts and pretending you’re spider man
you can wear up light up party glasses while going around and picking up stuff like a damaged plushie or some dismembered arm 
you can wear light up party glasses while cooking in the middle of a battlefield, invulnerable to missiles, and end up poisoning yourself
you can wear light up party glasses while having a very serious conversation with Ravus as you nonchalantly flick a dagger to some magitek trooper’s face
sadly, you don’t have glasses anymore when you fight Ardyn, but you can still cook while he’s swinging a giant pink scythe at you, while you’re literally burning up from the inside, possibly on a time limit, and end up poisoning yourself
the possibly hardest boss in the entire game happens because you threaten to feed him all the vegetables
noctis is willing to do anything to escape the horror of vegetables, including using magic, arminger chains, the effin’ ring of lucii, all towards his oldest friend
the horrible realization on just how overpowered we were when we were playing noctis
ignis went through every single hell in order to make sure noctis lives and yet here we are, doing our best to kill this fucker
ignis is fighting noctis and yet he’ll still cry his name in anguish when his hp hits zero
if you’re taking too long or used too much potions ravus comes in with his own orchestra because apparently he likes A United Front this much and he also wants to see noctis eat vegetables
this entire thing, which is possibly the hardest boss in the entire game, is under the pretense of a friendly match
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troikacounter-blog · 7 years
it’s episode ignis spoiler talk again!!!
So Verse 2 is my newest playground and since there’s no certainty that SE would fill in the holes in this timeline I figured I might as well play around with it. 
I’m assuming the moment Ignis decides to play along Ardyn just uses some weird magic thing to teleport them out of there leaving Ravus to the mercy of his magitek troopers which. Isn’t a good spot for him. (Neither is one unconscious Noctis but I’m sure Ardyn gave orders not to kill him so)
But Gladio and Prompto should pop out around this timeframe and should be able to save him and get the details out of him
Ravus could easily interpret things as Ignis betraying them but. Considering the advisor just went through tooth and nail to keep him from killing Noctis that’s really unlikely
(Now I don’t know how to characterize Gladio for shit but it’d be interesting if he went in time to see them leaving on those last moments) (And by the Six he doesn’t want to doubt Ignis, not after everything, but duty comes first and a part of him is preparing for the worst case scenario)
Oh god Noctis after all of this would probably be a mess - it’s one thing for Luna to be dead and Ignis to be blind, it’s another thing for Luna to be dead and Ignis to be missing
It’s also Ignis in the first timeline who managed to settle things down between him in Gladio so now they’re stuck in a worse mess
Prompto’s trying but. It’s hard, he doesn’t really know what to do and he hates himself even more now than ever on how helpless he is, how he can’t even do anything for his friends
Ravus kinda gets to kick Noctis back into gear again??? Not really in the best way and Noct’s still wrecked afterwards but if he can get through after grieving over his sister than Noctis can trudge along too.
Ravus is sticking around because he wants to see what Noct is gonna do, he’s not one of his guards or his friends, he’s an observer. He wants to see if Noctis can truly step up to the place his friends deem him worthy of.
I’m guessing there isn’t a way for them to get out of Altissia outside of shitty train ride of doom since Ravus defected so they’re out of transportation options until they get to Tenebrae
Imagine Ravus in public transportation with that outfit. He should at least wear a poncho 
Because I like hope but I also love pain that comes along with it Ardyn still decides it’s a good idea to mess with them around for a bit? I don’t know how long Ignis was in the Keep but there’s no realistic way for Noctis and company to get to Niflheim sooner than a couple of days if you ask me
So Noctis pushes Prompto off the train except once again everything is worse because they haven’t healed from losing Ignis yet and Noctis and Gladio are still sour at each other and poor poor Ravus
Episode Prompto still happens tbh, no other way to defeat giant metal death worm, the only difference in here is that Ardyn doesn’t capture him again because I don’t think he really needs two hostages???
They get to Tenebrae earlier and just in time to see the Empire prepare an attack at it - since Ravus was still living at their home I’m going to assume the damage on Tenebrae on this timeline is less so because they managed to fight the troops back. They let Aranea’s mercenaries take over a bit after they clear enough airspace because they really need to get going.
Also I’m guessing Ravus has a private airship and that’s how they got to the Keep faster. No Shiva Covenant yet I guess.
They arrive at the Keep, but also got separated for a bit. Ravus made a beeline towards Iedolas for now, Gladio and Noctis could have been separated as well or not. Prompto manages to reunite with them when rescuing them from an attack and hopes that’s enough for them to accept him, even after he tells them who he really is
(Prompto you big dummy they still love you)
I don’t think Ardyn can really do that goading monologue this time because he’s too busy getting his ass kicked by some dude on fire who put the ring of kings on his middle finger to prove a statement
So the three pretty much had a more chill experience trying to get to the Crystal until they see Ignis’ dying and. Here we are.
i’ll do more tomorrow because i have ten years of this to cover im dying
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troikacounter-blog · 7 years
Episode Ignis spoilers still
This DLC made me really appreciate Ravus a lot more, it’s nice to finally see him with more proper screentime and development this time. He and Ignis made quite an interesting pair.
I appreciate your help in fighting Noctis sometimes but why must you come along with your own music speakers. Why are you overriding Apocalypsis Magnatus. Why are you so extra.
Also his boss battle was really. Emotional. Mamoru Miyano and Yuuichi Nakamura did a really great job I’m so proud.
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troikacounter-blog · 7 years
Rises from absolutely nowhere, don’t mind me I’m just here to dump my feelings and opinions on Episode Ignis. Spoilers below obviously!!
One hell of an essay located under the cut, complete with somewhat separated sections and everything.
Gameplay: In the main game, Ignis has been the one who specialized in support – specifically offensive support, with the utilities he brought as well as his powerful link strikes. Regroup is such an amazing skill as well. So I was really surprised that, as a playable character, Ignis’ playstyle was more or less relentless assault. Of the three Episode DLCs I was the most aggressive as him – countering is far more rewardable than just dodging, and his mechanic revolves around using the right form of attack depending on the situation. I felt like it’s another way to show Ignis’ personality when he’s not just functioning as a member of their quartet, when he’s not merely guiding and giving advice to his friends. It’s a glimpse of the commanding presence he exuded when their quarreling in the mines became too much, and in it shows his steadfast resolve especially in this DLC’s premise.
Aside from that, I love how the fights and the mechanics gave me a flurry of emotions. There are the grandeur of the boss battles of course, as well as the determination brought out from the conditions of using the ring. A lot of these were visually pleasing! And yet, this very serious and very emotional DLC features party glasses that light up, the ability to cook while there’s missiles exploding all around you, and this ridiculous “friendly match” that involves vegetables, falling billboards, and oh my god Noctis Lucis Caelum don’t use the Ring of Lucii against your friends???
Level Design: Oh, Altissa. Part of me dreaded this setting because I got lost in its city quite a lot when I was there. But fortunately this version had more accessible areas and Ignis was being very Spider-Man so it was less tricky to explore! (I still did copious amounts of map checking though.)
I love how the mood of this area – and the mood of the DLC in general – is a stark contrast to Episode Prompto’s. Prompto’s DLC was quiet and isolated, one that encouraged introspection from one of our more energetic and louder companions. Meanwhile, Episode Ignis threw one of their more composed individuals into a high-tension and chaotic battleground, and this is why we see him at his most emotional state of mind.
Ignis: Oh my god. So, Ignis has been my favorite character since the very start and I always appreciated how he was on details, on how he wanted be sure of everything around him and be able to see it with a clear mind. I love that despite his stoic demeanor he is very warm towards his friends and provides them with undying loyalty. To be honest, if I was given a twist that being royal advisor to the king also meant they are their personal assassins I wouldn’t even bat an eyelash because I always felt like Ignis would have been the kind of person to kill somebody with no hesitation if it was for Noctis’ sake.
And in a way I was right, but also oh my god. When his name meant fire I was thinking of homey bonfires not this intense raging flame. This wasn’t out of character for me at all, this were things I knew Ignis was capable of doing, but nothing could have prepared me for the heat and passion that came alongside it. I have thoroughly underestimated what Ignis was capable of, and now I love him even more for it.
(To even think my first guess of the alternative ending was that Ignis was going to betray Noctis! I was such a fool! The absolute and complete opposite happened here!)
I’m a bit upset at Square Enix, they were using my weakness against me. A change in the eyes to represent power? Intense violin solos? Being angrily optimistic and wanting to punch destiny in the face??? I’m still in partial shock, to be honest. Ignis actually did That. Ignis Scientia actually did All of That. What a hero.
Verse 2, Meta: Is it a canon ending? In my opinion, it is because it’s made by the game developers themselves. Making Verse 2 canon doesn’t mean the main game’s end isn’t canon either! A lot of games have multiple endings and this one isn’t different. They’re both canon. What that does irk me though is how a lot of people seem to dismiss Verse 2 as just some way to pander to the fans because oh look, it’s a happy ending! But it’s an ending with so much substance in it despite its vagueness, and this is why it brought in so much theory and discussion. It’s an ending that, in its own way, made sense.
It doesn’t mean that Verse 2 is enough to replace the main game, however. There’s not a lot of details in here and I understand that – this is a DLC for Ignis, and so the content of this DLC rightfully focuses on Ignis. We don’t know how Noctis and Ravus and company did their journey towards Niflheim this time. We don’t know how long Ardyn had Ignis in captivity. There is no Episode Prompto, although I would wager that the chances of Prompto discovering his true identity and ending up in a similar experience are still fairly high – after all, there’s still this giant metal death worm to take care of. God, I wish we got to see either Noctis or Luna yell very very angrily at Bahamut for being such a massive jerkwad. It can’t replace the main game because you would need a fairly longer experience for that – and that is what I feel like they’re building up on.
Verse 2 is a teaser. The fact that this is a scenario that happened in the game means that it is a scenario that abides by the rules of this game world. After all, a possibility has to be possible. Which means – yeah, that’s right, there is a way to bring back the Dawn without following the prophecy. If they’re searching Royal Tombs then it means that a clue may lie within the history between the Astrals and the line of the Lucii. Verse 2 also hints at Ardyn’s background, especially since he’s going to get his own DLC soon. And they’re still making more content for FFXV anyway, what Verse 2 shows is a hint of what happened in this world, and if we may get our explanations soon.
Verse 2, Themes: I will be honest, I’m lukewarm towards Noctis’ fate of sacrificing himself. I accepted it eventually because in that point in the game, Noctis was already trapped and it was really the only way he could have saved everyone. They were never given a chance to try for an alternative, and there was little they could have done the moments the daemons wreaked havoc into the land. But at the same time, I was something I didn’t completely appreciate. It was because there was no time to truly understand the circumstances, no time to really work out the choices they have. Hell, even now we don’t have a full picture! It felt like Noctis was robbed of his agency to the point where the only thing he could do is to at least guarantee the safety and future for his friends. I am good with heroic sacrifices, but not like this.
(This doesn’t hold much weight into this, but it also didn’t help that XIV was also very fond of heroic sacrifices during the point XV got released. At least those characters had a choice and did it out of their own will, but it made me very tired of this trope regardless.)
I understand that sacrifice is one of FFXV’s themes, but so is friendship and the comrades that were made along the way. The way I saw it, the conclusion from the main game focused too much on the former, and Verse 2 was there to emphasize on the latter as a balance. Yes, sacrifice is sometimes necessary, but must it always be something that is paid in blood? Dying is easy, living is harder. There’s so many ways to explore FFXV yet, and restricting ourselves to the main game scenario feels like we our limited in our options to experience that. Verse 2 has its own things to offer, and those things they offer are something quite beautiful.
The first one is for Lunafreya – I believe it was by her will that she was able to communicate Ignis the details of the prophecy, and I do believe that she did so in hopes of finding a different future for Noctis. I think without Ardyn’s intervention she would tell Noctis this herself, but…well. Unfortunately, it was something Ignis was incapable of acting upon when he ended up blind, but in Verse 2 he was given this opportunity. Thus he was able to pass on this will to others as well.
Verse 2 can’t be any longer for the reasons I mentioned before, but I would kill to be able to explore the ten year gap in this iteration. This was a ten year gap with hope and determination rather than a growing dread and desperation. They were able to prepare, and that preparation was something so many individuals participated in. People from sidequests, allies from previous moments, leaders of other cities. These were all the comrades you made along the way, it showed that long journey you took, all the detours you made – those weren’t just extra EXP and gil, those weren’t just for nothing. It wasn’t just your own fight now, it was a fight for everybody that lived in this world, and everybody did what they could in order to face this upcoming apocalypse.
One thing I screamed a lot on during montage is where we see Ravus alive and well inside his home in Tenebrae. Tenebrae is intact. TENEBRAE IS INTACT! This speaks volumes – for one, Ravus surviving meant that Tenebrae can still function as its own country throughout these years. Secondly, it meant that there is a high chance that Niflheim wasn’t able to set it aflame as it was during the main game. We don’t know what happens to Niflheim and chances are it fell apart still in this timeline, but if it was able to find somebody to take command, it alongside the other countries might have been able to conduct peace terms – proper peace terms, this time – in order for everybody to become united against a common threat. There would be other concerns later on, for sure, but those can be resolved at a later time, once the Dawn greets them once more.
Nope, Noctis, no sleeping in the afterlife this time. You’ll have a lot of paper work to do.
(I just want more politics in FFXV okay)
I’m not sure if Verse 2 would ever be expanded more upon, or maybe I’m just a blabbering old fool and this really is nothing but fan service in the end, still I won’t call this other end as just something to please the fans. The themes this Verse presented are still the feelings and the emotions these characters would like to express, their desires and wishes and capabilities. And I hear them.
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troikacounter-blog · 7 years
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troikacounter-blog · 7 years
not tagging but while i found the stinger arc to be better in production value and keeping the pace and mood consistent, the naga arc for me had more meat in it and provoked more thoughts from me when it came to its concepts
both arcs are amazing though and were very effective in making me emotional, they’re two of the reasons why this is one of my favorite sentai seasons so far
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troikacounter-blog · 7 years
works on my about page and such after 2019381290381 years
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troikacounter-blog · 7 years
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balance is just really happy to have his snake boyfriend back, ok
( @1001paperboxes , contract, complete ✨ )
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troikacounter-blog · 7 years
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troikacounter-blog · 7 years
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» joe / stinger parallels
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troikacounter-blog · 7 years
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kyu 2!!!! i love my Goth wife
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