wolfnxnda · 8 years
take me down to New York City where the yorks are new & the city is city
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wolfnxnda · 8 years
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wolfnxnda · 8 years
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wolfnxnda · 9 years
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wolfnxnda · 9 years
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wolfnxnda · 9 years
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Plain-Clothes Cops Shoot Hoodie-Wearing Pizza Man Who Thought He Was Being Robbed 
20-year old Philippe Holland was delivering pizzas on Tuesday night in Philly when he was approached by plain-clothes cops. These cops weren’t wearing uniforms. Philippe thought he was being robbed, so he ran to his car and started driving. 
These cops decided to start shooting at Philippe as he was driving. They shot the car 10 times. Philipe was shot at least three times: in the neck, a leg and head. Doctors said that he could be permanently blind after the shot to his head damaged his eyesight. 
Philippe works two jobs, and now his life will be completely changed. The cops are justifying this shooting: 
Police spokesperson Lt. John Stanford noted that the officers may have violated the department’s use-of-force guidelines, which states that officers “shall not discharge their firearms at or from a moving vehicle unless deadly physical force is being used against the police officer or another person present, by means other than the moving vehicle.”
“That is our policy, ‘Don’t shoot at moving vehicles’ – it’s clearly laid out that way,” Stanford remarked. “But I wasn’t there, so I can’t say whether these officers were right or wrong, what their process of thinking was, whether they were in fear for their lives or not.”
I wasn’t there either, but I can tell you right now, THESE COPS WERE WRONG AND THEY MOST LIKELY JUST RUINED AN INNOCENT MAN’S LIFE. 
How will Philippe be able to continue working if he’s blind? He certainly won’t be able to deliver pizzas anymore. 
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wolfnxnda · 9 years
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wolfnxnda · 9 years
The truth
Everybody ain't meant to be in your life, blood or not.
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wolfnxnda · 9 years
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wolfnxnda · 9 years
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wolfnxnda · 9 years
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wolfnxnda · 9 years
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wolfnxnda · 9 years
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wolfnxnda · 9 years
Bare with me, I'm not used to being loved properly.
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wolfnxnda · 9 years
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wolfnxnda · 9 years
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wolfnxnda · 9 years
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