troubleshmup · 6 years
JavaScript notes
This is a spread operator.
0 notes
troubleshmup · 6 years
Learning React Native: notes
 By default, iOS will block any request that's not encrypted using SSL. If you need to fetch from a cleartext URL (one that begins with http) you will first need to add an App Transport Security exception. 
Google is your friend. At least to figure out what in the world this is saying to my fledgling developer mind. While going through the React Native tutorial on networking, wanted to see how you could fetch data from a cleartext URL, since the api I would like to use for an app is one as well.
Solution: Attempted writing into the Info.plist file myself, and messed up the formatting, so opened it up in XCode instead and use their GUI. Pretty straightforward once you know what you’re doing, haha.
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troubleshmup · 6 years
- React Native
- Vue (https://www.udemy.com/vuejs-from-beginner-to-professional/learn/v4/overview)
- CSS Grid (https://scrimba.com/g/gR8PTE)
- setting up server with Express and Node.js
- GraphQL(https://www.howtographql.com/)
0 notes
troubleshmup · 6 years
Learning React Native: notes
Immediate snags when installing dependencies:
==> Pouring [email protected]_3.high_sierra.bottle.1.tar.gz
Error: An unexpected error occurred during the `brew link` step
The formula built, but is not symlinked into /usr/local
Permission denied @ dir_s_mkdir - /usr/local/Frameworks
 ^ Didn’t have a usr/local/Frameworks folder for python and had to figure out how to fix that.
Solution: Used $ brew doctor and, created folder, created ownership, and linked folder. Then, tried to install watchman again. Success!
Silly error when trying to run $ react-native run-android, says it can’t find the debug app. or something like that.
Solution: you have to have the emulator running lol
Running iOS significantly less setup (although I did already have Xcode installed so.. ) but this another error, this one rather obscure... 
Solution: Xcode has to be updated but you have to actually open it to have the updates install. Afterward, running the command was fine.
{this.state.text.split(' ').map((word) => word && '🍕').join(' ')}
This code had me confused. Why is it pizza and not a boolean?
Solution: JavaScript is weird haha. The && operator returns the first ‘falsy’ value, and finding none, returns the last ‘truthy’ value. 
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troubleshmup · 6 years
pls ctrl z
Being at an internship has made me forgetful about my commits. When I do remember them, I either have an obscene amount of features I honestly should’ve been tracking all the while or literally one line change. I feel like the few times I have been so great about writing great commit (okay, great might be exaggeration), has always been the times I’ve been struck by the horrible, heart plunging feeling that “oh no, those all had my keys... a;lsdkfjal;skdjf” Well, having experienced that godawful moment more than once, I decided to actually take notes on what to do when I’m not in a panic-driven state (does wonders for clarity, I’ll have you know.) There’s undoubtedly a wealth of very informative guides on the topics, but here’s my quick-start to just get things going:
This will affect all your local branches (does it affect remote? I don’t know, I should find out), so clone the project, published security issues and all, just in case this doesn’t lead to calmer waters. In terminal, or whatever you drive:
$ git filter-branch --force --index-filter \ 'git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch */Constants.cs' \--prune-empty --tag-name-filter cat -- --all
In bold is the the file you’re trying remove from the record. If you simply had a traitorous ‘.env’ file, you could just write *.env. In this case, I have many .cs files and wanted to target a very specific one buried in a folder, hence the path with the wildcard. Now that I think about it, I didn’t have anything else in the folder, so I wonder if I could’ve just put the folder name.
I honestly don’t know what black magic flag invocation this is summoning, but the important thing is it’ll probably scrub your commit history clean. Of course, still change all that information that you just leaked but don’t just leave your spills lying around, right?
Anyway, you’ll hopefully get a lot of lines with the SHA tags (I don’t know if that’s what it’s called) saying rm your-file-name, and it’ll finish with a list of all your branches rewritten. If it ends with warnings instead about how they’re all unchanged though, go back and fix your file path (the part that’s */Constants.cs in the example above).
ALSO, after you’ve done that, BEFORE YOU COMMIT AGAIN and relive the nightmare, please put your sensitive files into your .gitignore. Go on, do it right now. 
$ git filter-branch --force --index-filter \ 'git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch *.env' \--prune-empty --tag-name-filter cat -- --all
add file to .gitignore
0 notes
troubleshmup · 6 years
Developer Reality
This project is an assortment of explorations in what I feel are not necessarily my weakness but definitely subjects that I would like to devote more time to developing. As of now, most of the research and exercises put forth for these studies are notes and screenshots taken from articles, and various teaching websites' lessons.
I thought about putting it on a blog, and I did indeed create a tumblr, but in hindsight, I think I'd like to actually steer this documentation into my own rendering of a blog site. Since, I went back and forth on it from the beginning, when I finally decided to go for it, it was clear there would be no time at all for such an endeavor.
These are the areas I decided to focus development on:
How do you use Sass? I don't know it at all, but considering how much time I spend styling, it would likely be in my best interest to learn.
What is React like? With my track, I won't be able to work with React. Since working with Angular and hearing how much the two differ, I'm curious and want to know about these frameworks compare.
How do you authenticate users in Angular? I didn't get the opportunity to really study authentication using .NET either, and I want to touch on that as well.
How can I get better at managing my time? I often hyper-focus on one spec, or get easily distracted.
How can I present myself more confidently in meet-ups, and white-boarding?
Plan of Action
Today, I will try to work on those areas above, particularly Sass and React. In the weeks to come, these are subjects that I feel will not rank high on the priority list since I'll be instead learning the .NET framework and spending less time on code specific activities. After today, my focus will definitely fall more on the non-technical points.
For the first few hours of the day I'll divide some time amongst these areas, and then if there is enough time, I would like to document it on a blog application set up through Angular. That's the ambition anyway, if it doesn't seem like I'll have enough time, I'll likely just record it in the README.
The Actual Process
Time Management
Habits Vs. Goal  After having read this article, I know I'm easily guilty of making goals of self-improvement and having them topple over with their top-heavy aspirations. It's funny, it seems obvious that an approach of slowly tackling your goal in more bite-sized chunks would be a natural approach, but I know I've often disregarded it, not deliberately, but just jumping headfirst into a lake of problems, not knowing what lie beneath the surface. Anyway, went a little off track there. Coming away from this article, I'm sure I can find a way to apply this to my working habits, or at the very least, I'll try.
Productivity 101: A Primer to The Pomodoro Technique
Marinara Timer In an attempt to better manage my work flow, I have a browser tab opened to an online pomodoro timer.
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Learn React.JS in 8 Minutes
Props: From my admittedly shallow understanding, props are immutable pieces of data that you can pass down the a hierarchy of components, very similarly to how we've been sending data down in Angular through input. Just... not with the input set up.
States: The event handling so far is not too far off from what we learned in Angular, so not lost yet.
Refs and findDomNode: This was interesting to me because so far this was something that I found lacking in Angular, when I wanted to target a specific DOM element, I either just didn't really know how to, or I had to accomplish it in a very round-about way by using if statements with property bindings. Maybe because you'd just do in some way with Vanilla Javascript? Perhaps there was something in our lessons that I may have missed that actually addressed this, but I do like that React's way of handling referencing seems rather similar jQuery.
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React ToDo https://github.com/ReactForBeginners/exercise1-todo
This tutorial ended up being a little too advanced for me to follow, so I decided to try Codeademy instead.
Codecademy: First Lesson and Second Lesson
JSX is an extension for Javascript, looks like HTML but is used in Javascript fileshas to be compiled
can have nesting and multiple elements but there can only be one outermost element
class is a reserved word, so you have to use className
in JSX, you must include the forward slash for self-closing tags
add curly braces (one set) to treat text as Javascript
when attaching an event listener, you put the function you want to call in its value
if statements can't be injected
if you need an if statement, write in on the outside.ternary operator.map() method reminds me of the .forEach()
keys are a JSX attribute, should use them if order of of list items should be remembered
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Learn Sass in 5 Minutes Using Epicodus's CSS course module, I decided to try to learn sass. I love styling my projects as much as I like thinking out the logic for them, and I've heard only good things about sass from my design cohorts. The idea of being able to nest my styles, or use variables especially appealed to be since I feel like a lot of my styling is incredibly repetitive but unavoidable since only there will be just the slightest variation. That may be another issue to do with the structure of my styling altogether, but none-the-less, I don't think learning sass will hurt me in the long run.
sass --watch style.css:output.css
@extend to apply another class's attributes
you can create functions for sass with the @ symbol
mixins can be used when using the same code, you can use dynamic code. which can have default values.
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Extra Design research
Design for Non-designers
Typewolf, Beautiful Web Type, Font Pair, and Typ.io for fonts.
Check out https://auth0.com/blog/angular-2-authentication/
PDX Women in Tech (PDXWIT) Fourth Annual Women + Tech Holiday Party 
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PDX Women in Tech (PDXWIT) in the Creative Industry 
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Meeting new people, and talking about myself is something I struggle with... I have always been a little on the reserved side when it comes to socializing. I'm much better than I used to be when I was much younger, but even now, just introducing myself to strangers, or even presenting to people that I've known for some time can put me a little on the edge.  From what I've seen though, so much of coding relies on community, and collaboration, so I can't help but feel encouraged to conquer my nerves and just really try to put myself out there. Since beginning Epicodus, I've tried to go to as many meet-ups as I could manage. While occasionally I did feel less like a socializer, and more like a person standing amidst of free-flowing conversations, as a whole, I really think they've helped me at least in the exposure to the faces of my community. As we approach the end of the program, I feel like I haven't been as diligent in attending them as I had been starting out. So, I've registered with the following events so that I could get back into it.
Check out this link https://skillcrush.com/2016/03/29/rock-your-next-whiteboard-test/
I would like to turn this documentation into my own blog app that I could actually update as I continue to explore these areas in the future. I designed a rough wireframe that I wanted to have a troubleshoot/error screen/developer theme to it. The “stickies”, and “tickets” are tagged reference links that I want to check and actual progress blog posts respectively. I might keep the themed names or just make it more clear. The known bug would be the about section, and the actual login for myself would be accessed by clicking the user symbol at top right, which might bring up some form of authentication. Then the form to actually add the content could appear on the right like an actual console log. Anyway, I think it would be a fun to attempt if there’s time.
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0 notes