Hey, true-bjd-confessions.tumblr has become deactivated?
Mod: we're still here, but rebranding to @the-bjd-community-confess (active/current) and @bjd-confessions (old, last updated in 2018)
I'll leave this backup account as @true-bjd-confessions for anyone who is searching <3
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So remember a while back when people were expressing their concerns that recasters were growing at an exponential rate to a point where their “dolls” were looking more legitimate and caused speculation of them being factories, especially Luo, and the pro theft gang was like “you’re exaggerating” and dismissed it because of their assumption it was just a small group of people?
Yea no, that was a fucking lie
ChinaBJD has literally grown to the point where they have a whole staff of people that work different departments of their company, created multiple fake recast hybrids to slide past copyright violations, offering full sets for their counterfeits, selling their counterfeits to other sellers like a wholesale item, offering their own casting service that we’ve learned as of recent, and are now selling other doll products to increase their revenue. This is honestly so appalling how far they’ve come when the majority of the artists they’ve stole from are still small businesses with not even close to 10 employees, some still are SINGLE artists in the same amount of time they’ve grown to a literal goddamn factory.
They would have NEVER gotten this far if they didn’t have a dedicated fan base of supporters, aka the pro theft/pro recast/anti artist gang consistently buying their shitty counterfeits. And I’m not talking about the people who got their counterfeit by accidental purchase or as a gift, I’m talking about those who buy purposely seek out Luo and buy their fakes at a disgusting rate and the scum who purposely send dolls to be recast.
So to those pro theft people who brushed off how Luo wasn’t going to grow past a small operation and those who purposely keep putting money in their pocket, if you ever wonder why no one in the community wants to deal with your people or even humor you all? This is why. You all have given so much money and motivation to for a counterfeiter become a LITERAL GODDAMN FACTORY that has become direct competition to the artists who make the dolls you love so much and act like it’s not a big deal when it is. And if you think I’m “exaggerating” go to the link below for their Alibaba where they have listings set up to sell their counterfeits as wholesale or search “Taihe Zhongshe Toy Co., Ltd.” on google and look at their Company profile. This is no longer a “small operation, it’s a full blown counterfeiting business.
Fuck ChinaBJD and anyone who purposely gives them money gives zero fucks about artists, I have ZERO respect for you and have no place in this hobby.
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Do you guys ever just get fucking stoked that these dolls are SO GREAT? Like, this is basically what I was really dreaming of the whole time I was a kid with Barbies (I mean I even have some Barbies now but 80s Barbie wasn’t meeting the needs of tiny 80s me). I get to buy these beautiful things that set my imagination off like wildfire, and someone even arranged for the internet to get here so I can talk to other doll nerds. Fucking YAY amiright?   
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A friend of mine’s (14yo) daughter has been interested in bjds for a while. She really wanted me to show her some of my dolls & talk about them. I honestly felt a bit like professor Oak, when I took out my ‘starter’ dolls. 😂 (Lati, Teenie Gem, KDF, F60)  
Hello there! Welcome to the world of ball joint dolls! People call me the Doll Nerd! 🤓 For some people, BJDs are muses for their characters. Others use them for photography…  Your very own BJD adventure is about to unfold! A world of dreams and adventures with BJDs awaits! Let’s go!
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To any artist, sculptor, collector, to anyone in the hobby who is living their dreams in any creative way, I just wanted to say: you’re doing great. Any new or old sculptors, making the dolls that we all so adore, we love you and we’re thankful for your work.
To any faceup artists, seamstresses, wig and prop makers: thank you for making our dolls so beautiful and pampering them with all these pretty things. And also to every individual, everyone who does stuff themselves, does their own faceups, makes their own clothes, wigs and so on, shoots these beautiful photos and shares them with the world: thank you for inspiring others as well !
Whatever you are doing, contributing to the community in your very own way, whether experience or completely new, you’re doing absolutely amazing and I want to give you all the love and support you deserve. Don’t give up on your dreams and always keep on doing what you enjoy. If you’re sitting on a project that frustrates you today, just remember you have time, come back to it tomorrow and start anew.
Everyone started somewhere, and even the most experienced in their field take time to complete a future masterpiece. So keep your heads up and keep doing what you do~ because without all of you this community couldn’t exist.
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Anti-artists: “A blank doll with no names or logos on it is not a counterfeit.”
Journalists: “Counterfeit mermaid, other dolls worth $600K seized at International Falls border” “Officers seized 60,180 mermaid and fashion dolls in June after an inspection revealed copyright-protected markings on them, according to a news release from U.S. Customs and Border Protection.”
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Anti-artists: “A blank doll with NO company names used in the sculpt or advertising is a knockoff.”
Journalists: “Border patrol seizes counterfeit Barbie dolls destined for Dollar Tree” “Federal authorities seized almost 22,000 dolls imported by the parent company of Dollar Tree that they say infringes the copyright of “Barbie” owners Mattel.“
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Journalists: ”Knock-off Barbie dolls seized at border“ "With the growth of foreign trade, unscrupulous companies have generated billions of dollars in profit from the sale of counterfeit and pirated goods, the federal agency said ”
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Anti-artists: “the millions of direct Barbie knockoffs out there aren’t seized and the people making them aren’t arrested.”
Journalists: “Counterfeit electronics, Barbie dolls seized at Minnesota, Canadian border” “In a similar operation at the same location, agents intercepted nearly 5,500 fake Barbie dolls in a rail car worth almost $140,000.”
Mod: Plenty more examples below….
Keep reading
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Here are several public statements against recasts from various companies and artists that make ball jointed dolls. Since there are still people claiming that the companies and artists don’t care about recasts. I’ve listed some links to some other public statements as well. There are probably a lot of companies and artists missing from this post but here are at least ten different companies / artists that have spoken up about this. If you think that we’re making this up then you haven’t been paying attention. Please don’t support recasts.
Mod: Thanks for all the receipts Anon. I read that the RamCube one was about them having trouble casting their own dolls, hopefully someone can confirm or deny in the comments as I haven’t got a source for that. Otherwise all the above is correct.
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Cheap legit appreciation post. ❤
• Resinsoul Chun: $210 • Resinsoul Song: $145 • Resinsoul Mei: $140 • Resinsoul Ya: $140 • Bobobie Ariel: $138 • Hujoo Freya: $45 • Hujoo Berry: $45
Look at all of these gorgeous inexpensive dolls! Every single one of these dolls are a better alternative to buying recasts.
And if none of these are quite your style, then please consider taking a look at this massive list of dolls that are under $300!
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People don’t need to sell, throw away, or give away their recasts in order to go legit. The important thing is to stop buying recasts, tag your current recasts accordingly, keep them out of legit only spaces, and if you want more dolls in the future: buy legits. I think that sometimes people who are going legit feel pressured to get rid of their recasts and they really don’t need to because the damage is already done and the important part of going legit is your actions moving forward.
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Mod: Reblogging from the deleted blog. I may reblog select things on here when I find them. 
1. Pro artist people are not against recasts because of their price. We are against them because they’re a form of art theft. Recasts hurt the companies and artists.
2. Doll companies are not large corporations. Doll companies are very small. These are real individual people that are losing profits, not nameless faces.
3. Several companies and artists have made public statements saying that recasts are harmful to them. Soom, Luts, Fairyland, Iplehouse, Dollzone, Kaye Wiggs, Atelier Momoni, and Lilycat, just to name a few of them.
4. Buying recasts is still harmful to the artists and companies whether or not you do good things like volunteer work or donating to charities.
5. Buying recasts is still harmful to the artists and companies whether or not worse things are happening in the world.
6. Buying recasts is still harmful to the artists and companies whether or not anti recast people do bad things too.
7. A company or artist having long wait times for their products does not justify stealing from them.
8. A company or artist not selling something in the color that you want does not justify stealing from them. Also, Rit Dye exists.
9. A company or artist having poor quality control does not justify stealing from them.
10. A company or artist doing something problematic or wrong does not justify stealing from them.
11. Being excluded for supporting art theft is not comparable to any group of minorities facing violence and discrimination.  
12. It’s not elitist to disagree with stealing from doll companies and artists.
13. It’s not elitist to exclude recasts from legit only groups.
14. It’s not bullying to say “supporting recasts is supporting art theft��.
15. It’s not bullying if a faceup artist refuses to work on a recast doll.
16. Pro artist people asking you to tag your recasts is not bullying.
17. If you can afford to buy multiple recast dolls then you can afford to buy at least one legit doll.  
18. Less expensive legit dolls exist, there are many wonderful legit bjd sculpts that are less than $300.
19. Most recast dolls go for around $130 or $200. There are plenty of legit dolls that cost the same amount or less.
20. For two recasts that cost $200 each, you could have one legit doll that costs $400 or even two legit dolls that cost $200 each.
21. Dolls are not a necessity. People getting paid for their work is a necessity.
22. You can use legit dolls for coping just as well as you could use a recast for coping.
23. Being mentally or physically ill is not an excuse to support art theft.
24. Being disabled is not an excuse to support art theft.
25. Being poor is not an excuse to support art theft.
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Reblog/Backup Page
Or, Tumblr and the Very Very Bad Bot
This blog was deleted twice by Tumblr’s Very Bad, Not Good at all Bot. This is a backup in case it happens again. *glances at Tumblr with suspicion*
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Anyway, this blog will be used for old reblogs of posts from Z and highlights from TBC as we find them.
We are continuing on true-bjd-confessions.tumblr.com as usual. ❤️
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