The Zodiac: Part One
The Zodiac Killer. The most notorious serial killer in the San Fransisco Bay area. To this day the case is still unsolved. First, I’m going to tell you the facts and then my personal theories. If any of these facts are wrong or misleading, please private message me, don’t make negative comments
The first letter was received by The San Fransisco Examiner in 1969. It contained a coded message. But before this, he had started his killings. 
Lake Herman Road Attack was the first of the Zodiac attacks. On December 20, 1968, two high school students, Betty Lou Jensen, and David Faraday were shot. They were attending a Christmas concert for their first date. They were parked in the “lover’s lane,” a gravel turnout. Robert Graysmith had the idea that there may have been another car that pulled in behind the couple and shot the pair. Faraday was shot first in the head, Jensen seeing this tried to flee. However, she was gunned down 28 feet from the car. Faraday did survive. 
The next attack was the Blue Rock Springs attack of July 4th, 1969. Just four miles from the Lake Herman site, Darlene Ferrin and Michael Mageau had driven to the public park. If you have ever seen the 2007 movie, The Zodiac, what happened to this pair is almost exactly what happened in the movie scene. They were parked in the lot. Then a second car pulled in and then suddenly drove away quickly, only to return ten minutes later. When the driver returned, he parked directly behind them. He, the driver of the second car, approached Ferrin and Mageau on the passenger side of the car. The killer came to the window shining a flashlight and a 9 millimeter in their eyes and shooting five times. He started walking away, however after hearing Mageau moaning, he proceeded to shot him twice more. Further, on the 5th of July, a man phoned in the double murder and also claiming to have killed the first couple from the previous December.
The police were able to track the call to a phone booth that was only blocks away from Ferrin’s home. Ferrin was unfortunately pronounced dead at the scene. Mageau was able to survive, even though he was shot in the head, neck, and chest. Mageau was also able to describe his girlfriend’s killer. He described him as a 26-30-year-old male, 195-200 pounds, and around 5 foot 8, with short light brown curly hair.
Then the letters started to appear. There were three letters, all received on August 1st, 1969. The letters were delivered to three newspapers around San Fransisco. The Vallejo Times Herald, San Fransisco Chronicle, and the San Fransisco Examiner.  They were nearly the exact same letter. When examined by a psychiatrist the letters would have been expected to be written by a man who is brooding and isolated. These letters came with a demand, the killer demanded the papers to put his letter on the front page. The letters came with a 408 symbol crypt. If the newspaper didn’t print this on the first page the killer threated to “cruise around all weekend killing lone people in the night then move to kill again, until I end up with a dozen people over the weekend (direct quote from the letters).”
“The Chronicle published its third of the cryptogram on page four of the next day's edition. An article printed alongside the code quoted Vallejo Police Chief Jack E. Stiltz as saying "We're not satisfied that the letter was written by the murderer" and requested the writer send a second letter with more facts to prove his identity. The threatened murders did not happen, and all three parts were eventually published ( from the contributors at Wikipedia).” 
There was a second letter received on August 7th of that same year. The letter, received by the San Fransisco Examiner, was the first time the killer was given a name. He called himself the “Zodiac.” Then just the next day the crypt was cracked. 
And this is where I leave you for part one. Part two hopefully will be up in a few days.
till then, keep your eyed open.
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I am going to maybe start a true crime blog here. I listen to two main podcasts, Crime Junkie and Case File, both can be found on Apple Podcasts. I’m an eighteen year old going to college so hopefully I can post one blog per week. I will cover true crime cases. So, if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, let me know. Email me at [email protected]. Forgive me if anything become miss-interpreted or unclear.  Until I figure out what the first one will be,  all the best!
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