trume02 · 2 years
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trume02 · 2 years
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A Leave Management System simplifies the process of managing time-off requests for employees. Normally managed by human resources, an automated leave management system simplifies the process of tracking, approving, or denying employee leave requests. Sign up here for a free trial  of TruMe solutions: #management #humanresources
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trume02 · 2 years
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trume02 · 2 years
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truMe Touchless Visitor Management System makes managing visitors secure, convenient, productive and supremely efficient. You can use truMe to streamline the visitor check-in process, creating a delightful experience for your visitors, and save time to focus on other aspects of your business.
truMe VMS has created for you a new contactless access ecosystem, wherein most of the visitors come to your premises armed with a digital pass. As such, the visitors don’t have to stand in a queue, filling in details on a physical or digital register and share identity documents physically. As a result, your reception becomes completely clutter-free and you get all the relevant data of visitors without putting them to inconvenience or potential loss of privacy.
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trume02 · 2 years
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truMe Attendance Management System and App can be easily used by any organization instantly by registering online. truMe has revolutionized the contactless attendance management system by doing away with the hardware and using the ubiquitous mobile phone to make it a pleasant experience.
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trume02 · 2 years
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trume02 · 2 years
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trume02 · 2 years
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trume02 · 2 years
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trume02 · 2 years
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trume02 · 2 years
Choosing the best Desk Booking software in India - truMe
Hot Desking or Hot desk Booking System is fast emerging as a must-have system for organizations providing hybrid work opportunity to their employees. The hybrid work model has become the new norm in the workplace, with employees splitting their time between working in the office and working from home. However, safety is still a major concern, so the capacity of employees to work in the office may be limited. Therefore, it will not be possible for an employee to acquire a permanent desk at the workplace. Additionally, on certain days, the number of employees may exceed the number of available workspaces. When this happens, Desk Booking software in India comes in handy. It primarily allows employees to find or book desks.
In this blog, we will go through some must-have features that an organization should keep in mind before purchasing and deploying desk booking software:
Must support both hoteling and hot-desking
So, these are the two different concepts of desk booking wherein the former allows the advance booking, the latter makes the desk available on a first-come-first-serve basis. If the software supports both systems, then it provides greater flexibility and least manual intervention.
Must have both web and app version
Having both web and app versions makes it handy and easily accessible
anytime, anywhere.
Desk-Booking must support neighborhood discovery
An ideal desk booking software should help employees to know who is seating next to the desk they wish to book. Further, a comprehensive floor plan can make it a smooth-going process.
Must integrate with your scheduling software
Some organizations already have a meeting room scheduling system. In such cases, they should inquire about integrating desk reservations. Since it is a cumbersome task to make two systems work together, it is advisable to buy software that either has both the systems or can easily integrate with your current one.
Must be a modular system
In addition to scheduling, larger platforms often include modules for attendance management, visitor management, resource/ facility management and more. Make sure your solution upgrades based on your requirements.
Desk booking software has employees’ private data including their whereabouts. Therefore, before selecting the software, an organization needs to be sure about the enterprise-grade encryption, privacy standards compliances and SSO.
Must have employee health features
While specific regulations around covid-19 vary by city, state, and country, employees everywhere want to know that their employers are looking out for them. If this is important for you, look for products that offer health-related features like vaccination status and/or health screening questionnaires that employees fill out at home before coming to the office.
Do you want to have bookings for other assets in the office?
There are some platforms with features that allow employees to book parking, lockers, guest rooms and other perks to use while they are at work.
Beware of complexity and have a backup plan:
Using an overly complex system may discourage employees from using it to reserve seats in advance, resulting in people squatting in a given area. To avoid such perplexity, invest in user-friendly software.
It is a fact that the hybrid work culture is here to stay and the investment you make towards a Hot Desk Booking System will be a long-term investment. If you are planning to reopen your office space soon, truMe’s desk booking software in India is all you need to ensure the safety of your employees, convenience for HR/ Administration and smooth switch from one kind of work environment to another.
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trume02 · 3 years
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trume02 · 3 years
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trume02 · 3 years
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trume02 · 3 years
What are the Benefits of Access Control Systems
Access Control Systems is a basic requirement of enterprises today. Both the need for security and for employee productivity require organizations to have an efficient and robust access control in place. There are some Benefits Of Access Control Systems which is ensures that only an authorized person can enter, view, use, or have access to a restricted environment.
What is Access Control System?
Access control refers to the practice of restricting entrance to a building, office or a room to only the authorized persons — employees, visitors, vendors etc. Access control can be done by various means — human intervention such as a guard or a receptionist, mechanical means such as lock and keys, or technology such as Access Control System
What is Access Control Software?
With the world adopting mobile, cloud and internet at a fast pace, access control systems are also undergoing a welcome change. There is increasing preference for digital, contactless interfaces and an attempt to move away from physical identity. This has given a fillip to development of Access Control Software, which is a huge improvement over the legacy technology used for access control so far. Access Control software is much more versatile, efficient and powerful than the traditional systems and at the same time, is contactless and pleasant to use.
Types of Access control:
There are various kinds of access control, basis the need and circumstances of a particular organization. Some of them are as under:
Manual access control — Securing specific access points through doormen, stewards or receptionists.
Mechanical access control — Putting flap barriers and turnstiles to control lift banks.
Electronic access systems — Using electronics in these access control mechanisms
IoT based Access Control — Using Internet of Things to make access control real-time and cost-effective
Access Control System can use various interfaces, such as:
Keypad readers. A keypad door reader requires a user to type in a PIN or passcode to unlock the door.
Swipe card readers.
RFID door readers.
Biometric door readers.
Smart lock door readers.
QR Code readers
Face Recognition Systems
Elements of Access Control System
Any access control system has the following four elements:
Access control barrier
Access control verification or identification equipment
Access control panel that controls the barrier
The communications structure that connects these elements and connects the system to the reaction elements.
Categories of Access Control Systems
Access control systems come in several variations but all can broadly be put into the following three categories:
Discretionary Access Control (DAC)
Managed Access Control (MAC)
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
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Benefits of Access Control Systems
The purpose of an access control system is to provide quick, convenient access to authorized persons and restrict access to unauthorized people.
Following are some of the benefits that flow from a good access control system:
Increased ease of access for employees.
Saving money and energy.
Keeping track of movement of employees, visitors, vendors etc.
Protection against unwanted visitors.
Giving employees a peaceful and productive work environment
Prevention against data breach.
Increased security for sensitive areas.
The Access Control Problem
Access Control as an ecosystem is beset with many problems and is due for a major disruption.
Traditionally, access control systems have relied on physical identity for validation and authorization. This makes access control cumbersome, full of friction and inconvenient for the users. The majority of access control problems stem from lack of a structured flow, outdated equipment, keycards falling into the wrong hands, and a lack of integration with other building systems.
Then, there is the persistent problem of legacy technologies keeping cost of access control rather high. These technologies have remained same for decades now. Massive organizations have come up around these technologies, with huge overheads. They have captive clientele in the existing customers and they keep milking them by making the equipment obsolete at a fast clip, while keeping the underlying technology unchanged. Their interest is in perpetuating the system.
With advances in technology, most of the problems of the access control systems can be taken care of. Already, there is movement away from the traditional modes, interfaces and method. Digital identity is replacing physical identity and IoT will replace legacy technologies, making access control secure, convenient and cost-effective.
truMe, an IoT platform developed by three co-founders in India is in the forefront of this change. With truMe, access control becomes super-efficient, convenient and powerful at one tenth of the cost of the legacy technologies. Better days are ahead for Access Control systems.
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trume02 · 3 years
How Attendance Management System Helps HR Teams
Attendance Management System  For HR Teams. Managing attendance of employees is one of the crucial responsibilities in HR operations. Any system which helps HR in monitoring an employee’s time spent in the company premises is called an attendance management system.
Some of the advanced attendance management App can also keep track of employees’ real-time location, job assignments, weekly off, leave and time-sheet etc.
truMe is one such intelligent HR friendly Attendance Management Software that enables HR teams to regulate everything from attendance management to determining employee shifts and leave management to real-time location tracking system and more.
truMe offers all kinds of digital, contactless interfaces for attendance – QR code, tap of a button on Attendance App, BLE, phone bio-metrics and Face Recognition Attendance System.
Process driven enterprises don’t have time to waste completing basic and repetitious HR duties manually or pursuing similar lengthy operations again and again. By investing in truMe Attendance Management System, they can easily delegate these time-consuming and repetitive activities to an automated system, so that HR teams can direct their focus on other vital activities.
What Makes truMe the Attendance Management System of choice for an HR Team?
Reduces Administrative Burden
truMe can easily handle time-consuming and repetitive activities of HR teams like attendance management and leave management saving HR’s time and energy. It acts as a friend of the HR team by sharing their administrative work burden.
Attendance Management
truMe provides a pleasant experience and easy to use multiple interfaces like App/ QR/ BLE/ Face Recognition, for employees to mark their attendance.
The system comes with a geofencing feature that allows HR to create multiple zones within a particular location and map employees to that zone. An employee can mark attendance only in the zone assigned to him unless HR allows him to mark attendance at some other place. Seamless mapping of employees with respect to departments and locations reduces the risk of fraud, proxy, time theft and other clock-in or clock-out problems faced by HR.
Also, if an employee is not on leave and does not mark the attendance by a cut-off time, HR and the employee concerned gets a notification on email or app.
Leave Management
Leave management is another area where the attendance management software  plays a significant role in helping out HR. An employee can apply for leave on truMe App and HR can grant leave on App itself. The leave status of the employee will be visible on the dashboard/ reports.
Integration with HRMS Software
truMe seamlessly integrates with all kinds of systems, including Payroll and HRMS software's.
Payroll is the process of providing compensation to an employee for their work and is calculated as per the time put in by the employee, considering any approved leaves or paid time off (PTO).
Accurate attendance intakes are very crucial for the enumeration of the salaries of employees. As salaries are paid for the time they worked and this information can only be affirmed via attendance data. Furthermore, attendance data is also used to calculate salary, daily payroll, attendance bonuses and overtime payments of employees.
truMe Attendance Management System can be linked to the payroll system, this provides inputs that help HRs in managing employee track records. Also, it can assist HR in recommending their superior for providing a bonus or appraisal to a particular employee on their promising performance.
HRMS software integrates, supervises, and automates many of the everyday HR processes of an organization. It can perform a variety of functions including management and tracking of recruiting data, employee demographics, benefits tracking, performance information, compliance and much more.
truMe seamlessly integrates with an HRMS. The system can both pull data from HRMS and push attendance data-real time into the HRMS for a seamless experience.
Easy Shift Scheduling and Better Planning
Assigning tasks, tracking shifts and planning the workforce are some of the key responsibilities of HR. truMe acts as a constant companion and friend of HR by real-time track of employees’ daily attendance, leave management, shift scheduling, overtime management etc.
Some exclusive feature of truMe that helps HR in better scheduling and planning:
Automatic Shift Scheduling
Managing rotational shift policies is one of the critical roles of HR professionals. With the help of truMe Face Recognition Attendance System, HR can formulate a system where shifts can be scheduled automatically on the basis of work & availability of employees and departments. truMe is like a wise friend of HR departments as it helps to automatically schedule shifts periodically and send prior notifications to employees about their shifts.
The system offers flexible options, HR can set working hours, shift timings and more even for a particular employee or department. Using truMe  Attendance App  HR can also set separate working hours and settings for each employee.
In a nutshell, truMe can take care of attendance in shifts. An organization also can define shifts and map employees against the shift.
HR can feed the working hours in the system at the organization level, department level and employee level.
An organization can define the annual holidays, working days for a location, working days for a particular employee and more.
truMe is a powerful platform that assists HR as a friend and creates capacity and flexibility on multiple counts. HR and employers can write rules in the system settings and these rules get implemented real-time. HR can easily assign tasks, track shifts and manage the workforce with few clicks.
Data Analytics and Reporting
Some of the key HR responsibilities in any organization is to maintain employee attendance records, generate some basic reports such as the number of working hours, overtime, absent, leave days etc. These reports should be easy to understand and available in an exportable format.
truMe makes it easy to track employee information, such as absence data, shift scheduling, overtime work, payroll, absent and paid leaves and some other key HR metrics, that streamline HR tasks.
Companies will benefit from having access to such data, as well as the ability of truMe to analyze it effectively, supports in making critical company decisions and assist in formulating business policies.
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trume02 · 3 years
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