trupti-tiki-blog · 6 years
“Shape of You Matters to Us”: Stay fit at work with Recro
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If you have been a developer for over 6 months, you would agree that it requires hours of sitting in one place while exercising just your brain muscles. Often such mental taxation can have an adverse impact on your health. Thus, a healthy working environment which is equipped to keep developers in perfect mental and physical health is a prerequisite for a happy workplace. At Recro, we understand that crunching codes to develop a product can be mentally exhaustive. Therefore, we take the health of our team members very seriously and have designed our office in a way to stimulate positive health and energy and stay fit at work.
Stay fit at work with Recro
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Bye- Bye Closed Cubicles–
Have you ever felt suffocated sitting and working in a small cubicle and wanted to roam all over the place while on the job? Recro has made it possible. We do not support closed cubicles and complete compartmentalization of roles and duties. At Recro, we believe that our team is responsible enough to act according to the unwritten norms and does not require a rigid cubicle to perform well. We encourage our teams to socialize during coffee breaks. We even push them to take walks during calls to foster bonding among colleagues and circulation of blood. Closed cubicles restrict your flow of ideas to a small cube, while open working spaces encourage new ideas through constructive dialogues.
Work in Comfort–
One of the biggest pain points for a developer is the uncomfortable chairs that lead to acute back and neck pains. Investing in the health of our team, we have equipped our office with comfortable furniture. We have replaced regular office chairs with bean bags and other super comfortable and fancy sitting and working furnishings that actually make our team come back to work every day with a smile. The colourful and super comfy furniture makes our office vibrant and energizing.
Play out your stress-
All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy- is the philosophy we ideally standby. We understand that crunching codes for your entire work duration is an impossible task. Perhaps, it can be detrimental to one’s physical as well as mental health. We help our developers take a break from their routine tasks and burn out everyday stress. Our office premises are equipped with several recreational activities. From table tennis and pool to carom, our office has a game for every player on the team. Thus, we believe that once our team is motivated and energized enough, absolute productivity is the natural outcome.
Drink Healthy, Stay Healthy-
While our office is all stocked up with caffeine to boost up our members on a lazy Monday morning or during the day, we also have the best drinks for the health conscious. The Recro pantry offers unlimited herbal drinks to help the team opt for a healthy way of life. Our developers often start their day with a herbal drink that helps them remain physically healthy. It also calms down the mental stress and tension, contributing to their overall well-being.
Also Read: “ Shine like never before”: 12 Reasons to join Recro!
Climb in a Recro way-
As a developer, you may not be able to invest time in rigorous exercising. For the same, we have curated certain solutions for our team members to help them exercise at least a little. One of the healthiest solutions we advance for our team members is to encourage them to take stair over escalators or elevators. Climbing a fleet of stairs in the morning is bound to add energy to your schedule and also help you stay healthy. Losing a few pounds in the process is a cherry on the cake.
Feed yourself with healthy/wholesome meals-
Herbal drinks are not the only health solution we offer to our developers. Our cafeteria serves delicious wholesome foods that are a treat for your taste buds.  Undoubtedly, we do hog on junk food every once in a while, especially on team birthdays. Mostly, we try to keep our routine diet healthy. A regular meal in the Recro cafeteria has ample nutrients; it is truly a balanced diet.
Trek up with Recro-
We do not believe that going to the gym and exercising with machines or equipment is the healthiest way to keep you fit. On the contrary, we believe that experimenting with new adventure sports is the new way to stay in shape. Recro outings often call out for a day at trek or other adventure activities that unleash an adrenaline rush. Staying healthy at Recro is not rigorous, but a fun-filled and enthralling journey.
Recro’s proof of believing in a healthy way of life is its active engagement in the development of the famous Cult fitness. It is a Bengaluru based application, focusing on training programs that use no machine or equipment. Cult strives for fitness by advancing a mix of martial arts, yoga and outdoor activities that have fitness in their core.
A healthy body harbours a healthy mind is the Recro mantra of work. We believe that our team performs best when physically fit and mentally active. Therefore, we give them the freedom to choose their mode of work. Design their schedule. Decide their furniture to best suit their health goals.
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trupti-tiki-blog · 6 years
Which one will breathe more iOS 12 vs Android P
Google Android P and Apple’s iOS 12 may seem like they’re battling neck-to-neck but they’re actually targeting different demographics. While Google is aiming for speed and efficiency, Apple is refining its aesthetics and overall offering. Since Android needs to be scalable across multiple devices, it may take longer to introduce innovative features in the market. Apple can do so without needing hardware compliances to its software updates.
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Both companies are in the midst of launching the beta versions of their new updates, with interesting innovations coming in the space of consumer interfaces. While both operating system developers have improved upon performance, Apple provides a more synchronous experience.
iOS 12 vs Android PApple’s stepping up on privacy
Privacy has been one of the biggest areas of concern for Apple, and with iOS12 there are new updates that are going to make that happen. When other manufacturers and software developers simply talk-the-talk, Apple is walking the walk. They’ve introduced new security features, data management systems and are introducing stricter data handling requirements for all developers.
“Well we’ve all seen these — these like buttons and share buttons and these comment fields. Well it turns out these can be used to track you whether you click on them or not. And so, this year we are shutting that down. Now if you do want to interact with one of these or one of these apps tries to access that information you’ll get this and you can decide to keep your information private.” – Craig Federighi – SVP, Software Engineering, Apple
Companies leveraging Apple’s ecosystem must comply to a strict code of privacy policies that are designed to be more transparent and understandable. Safari had already introduced measures to block audio and video from auto-playing and used nascent Intelligent Tracking Prevention Webkit software to block further intrusion. When it comes to maintaining your privacy, iOS 12 is the best option to go for.
Even when it comes to fingerprinting or storing cookies or information about usage, Apple is making it clear to all major companies. They can’t store user data the way they used to before. What that means for customers is increased privacy with iOS 12.
Thought leadership in usability
Apple has also taken greater leaps when it comes to being a thought leader in usability. Now that iOS 12 offers a synchronous experience across phones and tablets, they’ve really begun to hone the ecosystem together. They’re also introducing new features that allow users to curb smartphone usage. It’s one of the most interesting things to come out of Apple’s presentation, with Tim Cook referring to it as a self-check. A prompt will be displayed, and users can curb their smartphone usage.
“I thought I was fairly disciplined about this, and I was wrong. When I began to get the data, I found I was spending a lot more time [on my device] than I should. We’re empowering people with the facts that will allow them to decide themselves how they want to cut back” – Tim Cook, Apple CEO.
Even when it comes to how apps will run, and how well the RAM and battery will be utilized during processing, iOS 12 has focused heavily on usability. While switching from one app to another has become easier, Apple is continuing its efforts in improving UI and UX for all its devices. It’s taking a more holistic approach to usability, with Apple iOS12. With the introduction of ARKit 2.0, Apple is about to make things much more interesting in the usability space.
More user-friendly interfaces
The Google Android P has made some of the more significant advancements in the UI and UX department, making some cosmetic and other systemic changes in the operating system. Notifications will have smart replies, swapping between apps is smoother, and animations can be toggled as preferred. The rollout will be available to all phones in the coming months, and users of the Pixel phone can have early access.
While iOS 12 does have a lot of the features that Android P does, it doesn’t provide the control needed for power users. If a certain app takes too much space, then it can get optimized in the way that it interacts with you. Smarter emails (with Gmail) are coming up soon, and smarter Google Assistant integration with various apps. Google Android P is aiming to become a ubiquitous service offering through the power of Assistant + Device agnostic software.
Android P is also going to change the way that we interact via gestures and buttons. You’ll see the home button first, and you can swipe to multitask. You can also use the back button by prompting accordingly. These are system-level changes that can train you to use the OS faster and better.
Speed and efficiency
When it comes to breathing more life into the phone, Apple is the winner here. For older generation products, a common theme for Apple was “introduced redundancies”. This meant that older phones, once updated, would become slower thereby introducing the need to buy a new phone. However, the incentives to upgrade for a better operating system wasn’t there previously. Now with iOS 12, there is a greater resurgence of updates, with over 95% iOS 11 satisfaction, and testers noticing that older phones are performing better.
Android P has also made significant advancements when it comes to speed. The OS responds much faster to inputs and has inbuilt AI to predict where RAM will be utilized more. That’s key here, as many phones still don’t have that feature. Android P is also going to make it easier to custom design the features needed and remove those that aren’t. With the help of Google Assistant, the phone becomes that much faster without a need for keystroke input.
Even with AR coming into the picture, Android P is going to have better scale, adoption and performance overall. While ARKit 2.0 is making steady waves, Android has taken the leap ahead of Apple on this one.
The competition is heating up and everyone is talking about iOS 12 vs Android P. While both organizations have announced major steps forward, the race towards innovation has become more interesting. Google has been making strides in AI and smart conversations, while Apple has been focusing more on consumer experiences and operational stability. Android P and iOS 12 have been making incremental changes in their overall consumer architecture.
The clear winner Is Android P. With its cleaner interface, AI enabled apps management and integration with multiple vendors, it’s the winner when considering aesthetics, performance and scale. Android P has taken larger leaps from previous generations, but iOS 12 is catching up.
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trupti-tiki-blog · 6 years
How to design Best UI for Mobile Apps?
Importance of User Interface Design
A great mobile app idea requires a great app design to embark on a successful journey. No matter how wonderful your idea is unless the User Interface is eye-catching, the user base will be limited. It is the mobile app UI that will help your app traverse the road from an unpopular to a popular mobility solution. In such a competitive world, the success of mobile apps entirely depends on the user experience they provide. More often than not, users relate a bad user experience to a poorly designed user interface and vice versa. Thus, it is not surprising that user interface plays an important role in app development. It determines the success of your app before it hits the market.
Numerous digital experts assert that UI is the key to expanding business outreach. The UI must have an efficient design, be intuitive and easy to comprehend to stimulate lead conversion. Additionally, a good UI may result in greater referrals among peers, especially the ones that understand technological designs. It would not be wrong to state that user interface can make or break your app. Therefore, it is wise to invest sufficient time and resources, along with technical expertise to curate your user interface to ensure remarkable returns.
Must Read: How to choose the right color for your app design?
How to design best UI
The best mobility solutions pay heed to their UI design to ensure a great user experience. Experts are increasingly spelling out ways to help the newcomers in the mobility industry to design exceptional UIs. Following are some tips that can help you to design a UI that is market ready-
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Minimal Content with Maximum Utility
One of the first precautions you need to undertake while designing the UI is that the content for each screen should be minimal. If you spill out all the app features on a single screen, you’re likely to overwhelm the user. A handy tip would be to use less textual content and make the UI more graphical. The simple logic is that graphics are easy to interpret and visually appealing than written text. Additionally, graphics are likely to be concise and more informative. Do not try to incorporate all your technical expertise in a single app. Keep the UI simple for the users to access it without any difficulty.
Follow Universal Templates
The second important tip to incorporate in your UI design would be to follow universal templates. Especially, the introductory screens must be based on universally used terms and phrases. For instance, “Getting Started”, “How to..” have a universal nature and are easy to comprehend. Using such templates as a part of your UI will encourage new users to try your app. Universal templates reduce the fear of intimidation of accessing an entirely new UI, with new learning needs. Users can thus, access the UI with prior experience.
Efficient spacing out for easy access
The next tip to consider while designing your mobile app UI is to keep in mind the means of navigation. Conventionally, digital solutions were used on computers and the navigation was through mouse clicks which are relatively thin. On the contrary, the access to mobility solutions is through the use of fingers. It is common knowledge that fingers are much thicker than a mouse pointer. Thus, if the content of the UI is too close to one another, it could lead to user frustration. The content must be evenly spaced to ensure that two options do not get overlapped under a single tap.
Design a Dynamic UI
One of the most important things of a well-designed UI is the attractive use of colours and coherence with existing trends. Use colors that spell out the philosophy of your idea. Conduct an extensive study on the meaning of different colors to ensure clarity of thought. Additionally, you must ensure that your UI design keeps up with the existing and emerging trends. It is no surprise that with social media, the life of any trend is limited and therefore a dynamic UI will help you keep pace with the emerging line of thought. Unless you wish to bore your users with an outdated UI with negligent relevance in today’s world, it is imperative that you adapt to the changing trends.
Ensure Responsiveness
This tip is a no-brainer. Your UI design must be calibrated well to function across different devices. Unless your users can access your app on different devices with similar ease, your chances of gaining user loyalty will be feeble.
Follow tailor made sizes for graphics and fonts
There is no doubt that using a uniform size for all graphics and fonts is the convenient route. However, it is important to note that a uniform size reduces the visual appeal of your UI design. For every app, there are some features that require more highlighting than the others. Thus, graphics for some will invariably be bigger than others. As for the font size, keep it sufficiently big to ensure that users have no difficulty in reading the text. More often than not, users contend that if they have to zoom in to read the text, they tend to lose interest and leave the app midway.
From the above discussion, we can conclude that an amalgam of a great idea and an efficient UI design is the key to a successful mobile app. While each app does have a UI, it is a great design which makes an app stand out of the crowd. As the mobility industry is being engulfed with cut-throat competition, only a well-designed UI can save your day. If you seek to develop an app with a market ready and robust UI, get in touch with us at Recro. We specialize in curating exceptional UIs that will beautifully transform your app idea into a mobility reality.
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trupti-tiki-blog · 6 years
“ Shine like never before”: 12 Reasons to join Recro!
Are you tired of your conventional job with strict compartmentalization of roles and positions? Do you seek greater work flexibility and meaningful interaction with the entire team? Come on board with the  Recro Journey, where we consider each member an integral part of our work ecosystem and encourage them to spread their wings and strive for excellence. If you’re still not convinced, read on to find out why Recro is the best place to work.
12 Reasons to join Recro
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Professional growth:
Do you ever dream of fast-tracking your career speed and advancing your skill set, while on the job? Join Recro, and see your dream turn into reality. Work with the finest tech teams with state of the art technological expertise and grow professionally every day. Learn a new aspect of career progression every day, get recognized in relevant circles and grow professionally by the minute.
      2.  Bye-bye dull and boring routine:
Tired of the monotonous 9-5 job and looking for some adventure at work? Recro is your dream workstation. With new and exciting projects coming our way each day, dullness and monotony of work is something we aren’t acquainted with. You do not have to follow a strict working routine that is same every day. Design and set your own work schedule and keep it as stimulating and thrilling as you want.
     3.  A chance to wear many hats in one go.
The days of having one area of expertise are long gone. Today, you will only reach the top if you harness a diverse skill set. At Recro, we give you the opportunity to don many hats in one profile. You be a developer with a flair of writing. Why not creatively collaborate the two to make a new profile for yourself. We encourage our team members to diversify their areas of operation and learn from one another to grow personally and professionally.
    4.  It’s time to give wings to your passion.
If you seek job satisfaction, explore your passion. It is our guiding philosophy to persuade our team of developers to follow their passion while working towards product development. We encourage them to couple their passions and attain job satisfaction. Only when you love the work you do, will you be truly satisfied. At Recro, explore, rejoice, kindle and realize your passion for technology.
     5.  Find a family outside your real home.
The major missing ingredient from a conventional corporate life is to find colleagues like family. Work life at Recro is different. Our team is like a close-knit family that supports each other through ups and downs. We do not believe in a strict command operating code but encourage warm communication between our team members. If you seek a workplace that is home away from home, Recro is your place to be.
Also Read 8 Reasons you should work at a tech startup 
    6.  Dress with less and create a life that matters most to you.
How many times a week do you feel that dressing up formally for office is a pain? At Recro, that is no longer the case. Come to your workstation in the most comfortable clothes you have. As it is, you can only make a finite amount of decisions in a day. Why waste them in deciding what to wear? We encourage our teams to reserve their decisions for more important matters, dressed up in what they feel best about. The clothes you wear have a direct impact on your comfort of work and our team is most comfortable when at work. That says a lot, doesn’t it?
     7.   Learn by having close contact with the founder.
Holistic growth happens when the team has proximal contact with the core management and founders. The close-knit working at Recro will allow you to work directly under the founder and get mentored in the process. You will receive streamlined guidance from all senior members of the team. You will not be required to direct all your communication to one point of contact but will be given the freedom to interact with all stakeholders within the organization from the canteen staff to the founder and CEO.
     8.   Flexible work schedules/WFH.
Ever thought that the regular, in office working hours undermine your productivity? If yes, then we have a telepathic connection. We believe that fixed working hours prevent people from discovering their creative potential by forcing them to unravel new ideas within a pre-decided format. On the contrary, we encourage a flexible working environment. You are free to choose your place of work and the time too. You can work from home or sit in the office. Work during the day or stretch late nights; it’s all your choice. All we expect is productivity, the conditions are your choice. 
     9.   No hierarchy means more of a chance for opinions to matter.
We do not believe in a top-down approach. Actually, we criticize it. In this era of collaboration, we have adopted an approach of horizontal coordination over hierarchy. If you believe that you have a bundle of ideas to augment growth and productivity, and need an ear to hear them out, come and join us. All our projects have inputs from all team members because we believe that greater the brains, greater the ideas, and greater the success. At Recro, your opinion matters and your ideas will make a difference.
     10.   Expand network, get access to professional meet-ups, events and build professional contact with like-minded people.
Networking is the key to grow professionally, by expanding your professional network. At Recro, we encourage and give opportunities to all members of our team to engage with like-minded professionals. Networking sessions and meetups will help you enlarge your circle of influence. Exclusive access to professional events for our team members will help you gain contact with cross-industry professionals to augment your holistic growth.
      11.   Be a part of fun team events and grab free drinks and dinners – “HAPPY HOURS”.
What could be more appealing than exciting team events and socializing gigs, with a sprinkle of free drinks and food? Nothing. Be a part of our team and enjoy with your family like colleagues in fun events. We encourage social bonding among team members through not only moderated professional events but also through entertaining meetups like team picnics, dinners, outings and trips.
      12.   Help build something from the scratch.
Have you ever wanted to see something growing from its inception? We will give you this opportunity. Each product we deliver is a baby for our team members that they see developing and becoming the real thing. Raising their tech baby, our developers understand the products inside out and are its true builders. Join Recro, and experience the joy of developing something that begins with your simple idea and transforms into a product of utility.
In a nutshell, work life at Recro is a roller coaster ride filled with excitement, learning, recognition, social binding and above all professional and personal growth.
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trupti-tiki-blog · 6 years
Microsoft Github Acquisition: It’s all about developer relationships & implications
Microsoft Github Acquisition
Microsoft is making bold moves into the tech-sphere, with the recent acquisition of GitHub. It had been rumored to be in the works for quite some time now and has now finally come to fruition. The move to acquire GitHub, world’s largest source code platform, came after deliberation about what value it can bring to the table. From a developer stand-point, integrations with Microsoft mean positive things as they can finally innovate with developer feedback in mind. Microsoft acquires GitHub to become one of the leading innovators in the tech sphere.
“Microsoft is a developer-first company, and by joining forces with GitHub we strengthen our commitment to developer freedom, openness and innovation. We recognize the community responsibility we take on with this agreement and will do our best work to empower every developer to build, innovate and solve the world’s most pressing challenges.” – Satya Nadella, CEO, Microsoft.
If Microsoft is to enter the next phase of growth and development, they need to tap into the vast repository of information that’s present in GitHub. Having access to conversations, key problem-solution areas and more, can help Microsoft enhance its own product line. This can have a huge impact on the way they brainstorm, innovate and launch products to beta-testers. The developer community can provide innumerable insights to Microsoft, making it a net-positive acquisition on their part.
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Talent Pool & Engineering
When it comes to acquiring skills and talent, Microsoft can take advantage of it via the GitHub deal. The platform has great ties with developers across the world, with their own engineers working on innovative products. Much of what the $7.5 Billion represents is the potential of expansion for the platform.
Microsoft may even shift a few engineers around to be able to better enhance its own platforms. Microsoft hasn’t been in the smartphone and AI game as aggressively as it should have been. It’s at the top when it comes to B2B applications but B2C is where it’s lacking. With a failed acquisition of Nokia and many disbelievers of the Windows Mobile experience, GitHub should be a direct line into the developer community.
Scale within the community
GitHub has more than 28 million members on its platform, making it the premier choice for developers across the board. With its rapidly expanding userbase, Microsoft hopes to scale within the developer community. When it comes to coding, software development, and future tech enhancements, GitHub has strategic partnerships across various business networks as well.
These partnerships will help get Microsoft in the door, to provide more leverage within conversations that occur in these key businesses. From a purely valuation and growth stand-point, GitHub makes a lot of sense. However, from a scale and community stand-point, it makes more sense to Microsoft to invest.
Retention of ethos and brand
Microsoft has assured developers that GitHub will proceed as planned and there will no changes to the platform. However, it may not be completely the case. There may be a few employees moved around, and a few new projects that the companies will be working together on. There is also a large scope available in terms of attracting new talent. Those unfamiliar with GitHub can get notifications on Windows platforms and vice-versa. This new community of developers, that may traditionally use alternatives to Microsoft, might try out their latest innovations. This increases scale and word of mouth within the community.
One of the biggest reasons why Microsoft opted to retain most of the existing team is to enable a fluid environment within the organization. They don’t want to change too much and bring value where value is needed the most.
Microsoft has also publicly stated that it will actively push the enterprise version of GitHub to its existing client base via their sales and marketing channels. This will add revenue advantages as Microsoft invests further in the platform.
Data-mining and innovation
With LinkedIn, they had access to the world’s largest B2B community, and with GitHub they have access to the world’s largest community of developers. The amount of data that’s present within these platforms is immense. Data-mining can prove to be a valuable asset, especially since these conversations are happening on a public platform and are highly relevant to each industry.
For GitHub, software coding has always been a collaborative event with more emphasis being given towards innovation than proprietorship. Everyone in the software startup space has some form of repository on GitHub, giving access to millions of coders. These coders can create innovative and out of the box solutions to various challenges and develop new code on top of the existing one.
Innovation is driven further when Microsoft can analyze much of what’s shared on these platforms, giving it a majority on the ‘software conversations’ domain. Since it can’t compete with Google and Apple on search or content, it can compete on conversations. This is a great strategy for Microsoft who wants to explore more options in the near future.
Strengthening the cloud
Microsoft has been building the cloud from the ground up, making headways via acquisition and partnerships. They’ve been successful at building much of their products on the cloud platform and have introduced innovations that are scaling well. Everything from Cortana to Open Source technologies. While previous CEOs may not have seen the vision in Open Source, Satya sees tremendous scope.
Microsoft is already the largest organization on GitHub right now, with more than 1800 repositories. They understand the value that the platform brings. Valued at $2 Billion in 2015, it’s $7.5 Billion valuation makes sense considering the scale that the platform has developed. Microsoft could leverage that scale and push its cloud platform to the next level.
Capturing new developers is the main challenge when competing with other giants like Google. That’s why GitHub makes sense for Microsoft, who can focus on attracting a wider net of developers to leverage the cloud on their platforms. Since these developers are working with some of the largest firms in the world, it opens up a whole range of opportunities for Microsoft to enter new markets. While previously, Microsoft may not have been seen as a tech player, with the acquisition it has cemented its position.
Microsoft is making bold moves into the developer and business communities, thereby leveraging itself as a major tech player in the marketplace. With LinkedIn and GitHub in their checklist, they’re pushing towards community – which has been an untapped market as of now. While most tech giants opt for tech acuity or talent pool, Microsoft is making investments in business-focused communities.
With the GitHub acquisition, Microsoft aims to strengthen developer relationships and learn from what’s happening out there in the tech world. This should help them innovate much faster, with better tech community interactions.
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trupti-tiki-blog · 6 years
8 Reasons you should work at a tech startup
Working at a tech startup can be some of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of your life. Not only is the environment fast-paced and lean, the networking opportunities and the growth scale that you witness is second to none. You’re also more hands-on when you’re working in a tech startup, which itself could be immensely exciting for the right kind of candidates.
Tech startups come in different shapes and sizes and thus pose a unique set of challenges to everyone working there. Some are pre-money, while others offer a comprehensive startup benefits package. It’s all about finding what clicks for you, whether that’s high tech, AI, machine learning or being a team leader. Working at a tech startup can be the most memorable time of your professional career. As you get to see rapid adoption, scale and tech influence inside many saturated industries.
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Here are 8 reasons why you should work at a tech startup –
#1 Fast-paced environment
Startups are some of the most exciting environments to work in, as they offer real value for investment in tech. Whether that’s CRM, AI or neural network mapping, you’re generally doing something worth doing. The technology is typically innovative, and you’re witnessing the cutting-edge of something revolutionary.
Working in a fast-paced environment requires you to refine your gut instinct, which comes in handy when you’re applying your skills in real-time. You’re also thrust into multiple challenges and work with leading minds in the area of your interest. If you’re a coder or a general manager, you’re going to get the same kind of experience working in a tech startup. There’s going to be lots of mistakes, and lots of opportunities to learn from them.
#2 Experience-based learning
One of the biggest advantages of working in a startup environment is that you get to learn from experience. You can actually apply much of what you pick up from a theoretical level at school. Regardless of which niche you focus on, there’s always something you can learn while delivering and executing on core tech solutions.
Working for tech startup companies can be some of the most rewarding experiences that you have, simply because it pushes you to the next level. You re-discover the inner fire that drives the startup space and you flourish under it.
#3 Comprehensive benefits and perks
Most tech startups offer a comprehensive range of benefits and perks. Since the industry is a fast moving one, it’s growing at a rapid pace. This means that companies in the tech startup space value quality talent and are willing to invest in them.
Candidates receive a comprehensive startup benefits package and are incentivized more in a startup space. They’re working with top-tiered clients and require top-tiered talent to manage major projects. That’s why it’s a good idea to work for a tech startup company.
#4 Innovation and autonomy
At a startup, even though you have strict deadlines and long meetings, you have autonomy over how you find a solution. That autonomy is not present in major large organizations that require layers of processing and approvals before accepting a result.
That’s why people enjoy working at a tech startup, as they can fully innovate on their projects without needing approvals or meeting with tens of other layers stacked on top. They’re also able to innovate much faster as a result.
#5 Potential opportunities
This is arguably the biggest draw of working in a startup environment. Tech startups offer ample opportunities to all employees to excel in their domain and go above and beyond in their field. Whether you’re working in the backend or are a tech UX designer, you can have potential opportunities that go above your experience level.
Clients bring up problem areas during meetings, and anyone can speak freely during that time to share their solution. That’s the winning-spot for many tech startup hopefuls who desire to excel in their industry.
#6 Exciting projects and work
To many people working at a corporate tech job, they look at startup life as something bigger and better. There is some truth to that, as startup employees get to work on exciting projects and better scale of work.
Exciting as it might be, professionals must be aware of the work required to produce at a higher quality level. Since they are working on cutting-edge things, they need to put in the extra hours to make it scale.
#7 Creativity in approach
You can be that much more creative when working at a tech startup, as the projects mount up and there is a unique approach needed. Tech startups are solving problems at scale, but it’s the minor things that need to be creatively addressed as well.
Things like integration, scale, cloud and code management need to be creatively approached for every client that you’re working with. Each format is unique, and each innovation needs to be crafted according to specific needs. Even customer-data analysis will differ for each industry.
#8 Vision, mission and leadership
A great part about working for a tech startup is witnessing greatness first-hand. Tech startups are some of the most visionary and mission-led companies in the world. Learning from top management, understudying with bright leaders, and watching the industry being disrupted are some of the intangibles that are invaluable.
That’s another key driver of the talent pool migrating towards startup life. Whether you’re in the food-tech, fin-tech or consumer software (SaaS) space, you’re going to learn from visionary leaders and work with brands that have a mission.
While working at a tech startup has its own perks and benefits, one must understand the work ethic that they need to bring. Tech startups are some of the most innovative grounds in India, making them the perfect industry to work in and shine through. There is innovation throughout all levels and a sense of camaraderie that’s unmatched in the industry.
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trupti-tiki-blog · 6 years
It is a no-brainer that each subsequent development listed about as a new feature is aiming towards the same goal. The ultimate objective of Angular 6 is to endure speed improvements. The main route to speed acceleration is through reducing the size of the code which can then be compiled faster. With such new developments in hand, Angular 6 can easily optimize the app development process. Hence, it is a time for all developers to celebrate the release of Angular 6 with joy and excitement, as it will make their job a little easier.
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trupti-tiki-blog · 7 years
How To Build An Effective Business Plan For Your Mobile App?
The need for a Mobile App
Any Business Plan should begin by addressing the need for a particular product. Accordingly, an effective business plan for a Mobile Application must justify its need in the current market scenario. Mobile Applications have become a necessity owing to their ease of access and use. As the mobile industry grows in size, mobility solutions are increasingly sought after. The first step to a successful business model is defining the problem. The consumer market has a number of problems that seek mobility solutions and thus, the definition of the problem becomes important. Defining the problem requires an intensive market research. It involves identifying the target group that is aggrieved by the problem and the existing solutions.
The next major step involves explaining how your app provides a solution to the perceived problem. The solution should explain how it seeks to address the customer problems. Additionally, it should highlight what it is bringing to the market that was previously missing. Before delving deeper into the features, the solution must elucidate the changes it is likely to bring about. Therefore, a successful business plan must convince the customers and investors about the likelihood of the viability of their solution.
The final step to establish the need for your app is to incorporate a SWOT analysis of all the existing competitor solutions. This involves identifying the already present mobile applications that are addressing the same or similar problem. This should be complemented by highlighting the advances your mobile application has over the existing solutions. Additionally, weaknesses should be taken into account for improvement.
Startup Business Plan
Defining the Goals
A Startup Business Plan, in its initial stage, should define the short term as well as the long-term goals. Short term goals generally include the production of a mobile application that addresses customer problems. Whereas, the long-term goal may center around the generation of a stable customer base and business expansion. Irrespective of the time frame, it is important to incorporate company goals in the business plan to ensure their congruence with investors and customers.
Target Audience
It is important to define the target audience. This includes not only identifying the strata of customers that the mobile application is targeting. It also involves researching about the problems that the application is likely to provide a solution for. Concrete data about the target audience needs and viable solutions for them are likely to ensure idea validation for the mobile application. Finally, an application that seems to be feasible for the customers will entail success.
Buyer Persona
Classifying the Buyer Persona involves categorization of the potential customers to identify their unique attributes. This includes collecting data about their personal as well as professional lives. Buyer Persona becomes important to understand what segments of the population should be targeted and through what means. Finally, a detailed Buyer Persona can assist in the conception of successful branding and marketing strategies.
Unique Selling Proposition
USP or Unique Selling Proposition becomes important when users have to make a choice between your app and the other competing ones. USP elucidates how your app is different from all other working around similar ideas. A strong USP should convince the customers about the benefits of your mobile application by addressing their needs better than the others.
Financial Plan
A financial plan is a key component of a strong business plan. It helps the investor in understanding the funding requirements along with its projected use. To begin with, a financial plan must state the investment cost, listing the various recurring and one-time production costs. Additionally, a separate budget to incorporate Marketing cost should be present. Marketing costs correspond to the advertising and promotional expenditure to gain App popularity. Finally, the financial plan must end with a proposal to seek investment and funding. It should explicitly state the amount required and the proposed equity status of the investor. Furthermore, the investment proposal may state the number of funding rounds expected and the duration of each.
Marketing and Communication Channels
Marketing and communication channels refer to the means through which a Startup seeks to promote their application, pre and post-launch. Based on the target audience, startups use different channels to broadcast their marketing messages. Sticking to one promotional channel is not enough in this era of cutthroat competition. Therefore, a mix of different marketing strategy is essential to ensure that no segment of the target audience remains untouched.
With social media becoming powerful, promotion through different social media platforms is likely to yield tangible results. Email marketing refers to reaching out to the target audience with informative content about your product. Additionally, one can use PR releases and stories in e- papers to gain greater popularity. Finally, paid advertising, through in-app promotions will definitely shoot up Mobile application popularity for startups.
Monetization Strategy
A business plan for a mobile application should also incorporate a monetization strategy, i.e. how it will raise revenue. Since the marketplace is flooded with applications that provide similar solutions and features, a sustainable monetization strategy becomes vital to earning. Applications have a number of ways through which they can raise revenue and sustain their operations. Initially, applications followed the paid models which required customers to pay for app usage. However, with increasing options to choose from, customers are no longer willing to pay.
The newer models of revenue include in-app purchases and in-app advertisements. The former refers to providing a number virtual goods that can be purchased in the application to augment the user experience. The latter is suitable for bigger apps that can use their platform to promote other business in the form of ads to cut costs. Other models include a provision of some features for free and charging for some like Freemium. While others may rely on charging a monthly or annual subscription charges for service usage. Finally, sponsorship or incentivized is reaching its peak now. It involves partnering with another app which encourages users to access your application in exchange of in-app incentives.
In a nutshell, a number of monetization strategies are accessible to the startups. Mobile Applications need not restrict their revenue earning to one of them and may adopt multiple methods to generate high revenue.
Projected Profit and Loss Statement
A projected profit and loss statement refers to the potential profits and losses that the mobile application is likely to incur in a specific time frame. Ideally, a profit and loss statement should explicitly define the assets and the liabilities associated with the business plan for a clear vision. Therefore, this final stage of a business plan ensures better financial planning for the mobile application.
To sum it up, an effective business plan for mobile applications for is one of the most important components for a successful startup.  It is instrumental for the purpose of investment as well as to guide the future of the business. It should incorporate all the vital channels that are the driving force behind the mobile application, including the financial plan as well as the communication and marketing strategy.
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