truth-nebraska · 5 months
Let Israel and Palestine unite like Berlin to form a confederation greater than any have seen. Tear down the walls to abolish the nation state and bring on prosperity to Palestine.
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Palestinians in the West Bank tearing down the apartheid wall.
Credit to @caniscathexis for showing me this
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truth-nebraska · 6 months
Birds of prey, nature's anarchists.
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truth-nebraska · 6 months
The ideal America is multinational. The ideal Levant is multinational. Two nations, founded on millions of graves, must abandon the ways of Apartheid and abolish the ways of the nation-state in the name of peace and prosperity.
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truth-nebraska · 6 months
Bushnell died for America, our freedom, and the lives of millions in the Levant.
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truth-nebraska · 6 months
Biden has begun dropping breadbaskets for the people of Gaza, he is such a kind and benevolent leader <3
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truth-nebraska · 6 months
Light of the north.
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truth-nebraska · 6 months
"Oooh, if X wins, they're going to force Y into exile!!" has ANYBODY here ever thought of just... abolishing the Israel-Palestine ethnostates? Secularize, liberalize, unionize. Sharia law does not need to be applied and English can be used as a common language. There is no need to dictate where anybody can live. If a native wants to live in Tel Aviv or a European in Nablus, they have every right to. Tear down the borders, abolish the role of president, and establish a parliament.
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truth-nebraska · 6 months
Our government supports this...
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truth-nebraska · 6 months
American is not an ethnicity.
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truth-nebraska · 6 months
Bullshit how the right things all Islamic extremists are "brainwashed", when in reality, watching war break out in the Levant is all you need to hate the west. Fuck, I'm from the west, and one of the biggest enemies of Islamic extremists, yet this bullshit still makes me want to join ISIS.
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truth-nebraska · 6 months
The right likes to dub fuckers like Columbus as heroes because "we shouldn't judge historical figures to modern standards" except if we didn't, Germany would have statues of Hitler all over the place, the former Soviet Union would see to it that every city and village has at least one statue of Lenin. To judge historical figures to modern standards is to promise we will NEVER repeat their actions. The same exact thing goes for events.
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Free Free Palestine!
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truth-nebraska · 6 months
Bugs are cool. But you know what's cooler? BIRDS!! Socialism's fine, too, I guess.
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truth-nebraska · 7 months
Pillen needs to pop a fucking pill.
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truth-nebraska · 7 months
Let embers pave the way for a new era of liberty. Let our people set fire to the old world and bring on a new tide of democracy. Free Palestine, free America.
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truth-nebraska · 7 months
It's time to impeach Biden, I believe.
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The thing is... Israel admitted to this from the very beginning.
They said the confessions were obtained through 'interrogation' in the Shin Bet aka torture (Shin Bet is where they like to torture Palestinian prisoners for intel) so every country that cut funding to the UNRWA knew from the beginning that Israel was using false forced statements.
The famine in Gaza is partly due to this. Never forget that.
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truth-nebraska · 7 months
You shouldn't center your life around eating, sleeping, working, and relaxing. You need to stop and do nothing so you can think and reflect.
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truth-nebraska · 7 months
An act like KOSA would more align with Russia's homophobic laws. KOSA, while working to reduce addiction amongst children, is FAR too easily susceptible to fundamentalist hijacking. Republican senators have already voiced their willingness to introduce transphobic elements into the bill. If this bill gets passed, queer youth will be forcibly isolated, putting them at risk of feeling like outcasts in a society that already takes strides to mentally and physically harm minorities of any kind.
11/30/23: KOSA is an anti-LGBTQIA+ censorship bill. It is essential you call THIS week. Tell them you are specifically against KOSA and especially against hotlining the bill.
Call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected to the Senator of your choice.
Here is one that will send your reps a fax: https://resist.bot/
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