truthbehindsyria · 11 years
I personally voted with yes, because this great man stood up for his country and his people against the entire world.
Everyone vote please for our President.
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truthbehindsyria · 11 years
Meet the "Moderate Free Syrian Army": 2012 Interview with Statue-Smashing FSA Cleric
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truthbehindsyria · 11 years
what are your thoughts on intervening in Syria considering the impact on the region?
sorry for the late reply i have been really bust lately but im back now.
look my dear friend from my point of view and many others; an interference in Syria will lead to a massive war that will blow up the region, if USA decides to interfere (which will never happen), Hezbollah and Syria will strike Israel straight away; and Iran will defentlly attack the Gulf (KSA, Qatar, UAE) which will make USA bleed since they are allies. Trust me people underestimate what the Syrian Army is capable of, we have missiles that will a raise Israel off the planet. The clear evidence of that is: when Obama had an idea of attacking Syria, all the missile bases were set and ready, we have S400 missiles from Russia that are anti aircraft missiles; adding to that President Bashar Al Assad said " any strike on Syria will set the region on fire". 
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truthbehindsyria · 11 years
what is ur religion
again and again and again, i repeat this: my religion has nothing to do with my political views, because Syria existed before all religions, so I AM SYRIAN 
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truthbehindsyria · 11 years
by the way, maybe you don't know too much about México, but in my university UNAM, we're really interested about your country, and all the shitty actions by the US, we're not in a very different situation. So keep on going guys, Syria can't be another Afghanistan, or another Irak, don't let them destroy your country.
thank you to all Mexicans that support us, trust me we fought for 3 years, we sacrificed thousands of men to protect this country, we will not fall now, we will not give now, this our country and we will defend this beautiful country to the last breath we have.
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truthbehindsyria · 11 years
Four brothers from the small town of Jableh sacrifice their lives for the love and protection of our land Syria, if we have such men with such spirits; who can stop us??
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Four brothers, four martyrs….with this spirit we will never lose. God bless our men and army.
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truthbehindsyria · 11 years
The capture of this city allows SAA to advance towards the besieged military airport of Queris and into Aleppo city from the East.
Opposition sources announced earlier that their forces performed a “Tactical withdraw” from the city.
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truthbehindsyria · 11 years
What Really Happened in the “Yom Kippur” War?
October 6, 1973 was the day Syria and Egypt launched a war against Israel to reclaim land taken in 1967. With the help of several Arab countries we were able to regain only some of that land. If it was not for the betrayal of Egyptian President back then Anwar Al Sadat.
This article talks about how Sadat left Syria alone fighting against the Zionist, of course it is not just a theory as the article refers to some files written by Soviet Ambassador in Cairo Vladimir M. Vinogradov. The memorandum describes the 1973 October War as a collusive enterprise between US, Egyptian and Israeli leaders, orchestrated by Henry Kissinger.
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truthbehindsyria · 11 years
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'Abu Suhaib ' from France who was previously trained in the French army is now fighting with Jihadists in Syria. How can French people accept that their Government is training terrorists in their national army ? 'Abu Suhaib ' On the left of the picture.
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truthbehindsyria · 11 years
This 16 year old girl tells her horror story in this video of how she was sold by her own criminal father to Terrorists for so-called "Jihad" sex, where she was kept in her room and repeatedly raped by the Al Nusra terrorists members until losing consciousness while her father collected money, and at the same time tried to convince her she was doing good for God and would go to heaven for her service, this abuse continuing until the Syrian Arab Army arrived and her father and the rest of the Terrorists fled to another Village and her mother and siblings returned to the house, which upon telling her mother what had happened to her, the mother told her never to tell anyone or she would hit or kill her .. The mother would visit the father in the Village he was hiding in when he called her, with the girl adding that her mother would always shower upon returning from the visits, which led her to believe her mother was also being used for so-called "Jihad" sex, until the father called one day and asked the mother to bring the daughter to him, the girl having no choice went with the mother, however when they were stopped at a Syrian Military Checkpoint, she raised the alarm telling the Soldiers what her parents were using her for, and asked for their protection So to all the Syrian people out there that support this so called "revolution for freedom" and I congratulate them for their achievements, and i would tell them; well done for destroying our country that we live in and protect NOT YOU, you filthy people destroyed our country and sold our girls and women to those filthy terrorists, personally i would never accept this to happen even if I was opposing the government of Syria.
Soldier of the Syrian Arab Army, the shield of Syria, the protectors of the Syrian people we thank you for everything you are sacrificing to defend this land.
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truthbehindsyria · 11 years
Please take the time to watch this story about a Syrian Soldier named Rami from the city of Tartous.
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truthbehindsyria · 11 years
Thats how we will keep doing it in Syria, God bless and protect our country.
Hand in hand to fight these terrorists and clear our holly land from their filthy, and hand in hand my dear Syrian brother/sister to rebuild Syria together
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This simple picture represents our true Syria. The land of peace. May God protect our country.
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truthbehindsyria · 11 years
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President Bashar Assad: Israel should be first to disarm.
  Syria President Bashar Assad says Israel should be the first to disarm from weapons of mass destructions, since it has nuclear, biological and chemical arms. He a...dded on Thursday that that all countries in the Mideast should be held to international protocol in order to achieve stability in the region. Syria decided to cede control of its chemical weapons because of a Russian proposal and not the threat of US military intervention, Interfax news agency quoted President Bashar Assad as saying in an interview with Russia's state-run Rossiya-24 channel. "Syria is placing its chemical weapons under international control because of Russia. The US threats did not influence the decision," he said. Assad also told Rossiya-24 that Syria would submit documents to the United Nations for an agreement governing the handover of its chemical arsenal. Russian President Vladimir Putin has said the initiative will not succeed unless Washington abandons plans for potential air strikes on Syria on the pretext of an alleged Aug. 21 poison gas attack which US President Barack Obama blames on Syrian government forces. Syria has denied any involvement in the attack, but agreed to Moscow's proposal that it give up its chemical weapons stocks.  
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truthbehindsyria · 11 years
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I am sure you herd these words somewhere.....
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truthbehindsyria · 11 years
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Libya before "Freedom" and then Libya after "Freedom" ....
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truthbehindsyria · 11 years
as a christian Iraqi i love syria the same love for iraq because we are brothers true. but how can your heart let u kill someone , kids innocent they haven't done anything you use chemical weapon this is harsh i don't know how u support bashar but all people asked is for freedom and this is what he returns for them i had to go to syria for news and i saw every thing in my eye this is not good war should stop and bashar should leave and peace will start .(:
"Bashar should leave and peace will start" are you at of your mind?
Let’s start with this sentence how should peace start if there is no alternative for President Bashar. What we are fighting over here are uneducated, Islam extremist terrorists. So tell me my Iraqi friend how would you want peace to start when terrorists like these are in Syria. these terrorists spread hate between the people of Syria, they made Syrians hate each other, because of the things they did one of the things they have done was: they were digging a dead man’s grave in the name of Islam and God, not to forget the slaughtering they did and all other crap, so what freedom m are you talking about???
Those "Freedom fighter" according to you are innocent???
come on man that story is old now, we already got over this, those filthy terrorists slaughtered more than 400 people in the rural areas of Lattakia just around a month ago, and I don’t know if you follow my blog but I did post a lot of things about the chemical weapons that they used, and just to PLEASE YOU IM GOING TO POST A PHOTO NOW WHICH WAS TAKEN YESTERDAY IN ALEPPO BY YOUR FREEDOM FIGHTERS to show how peaceful they are.
Tell me did you get the freedom you want in Iraq?? I mean Saddam Husain was the bad president and he left now, and I personally I do not see any "PEACE STARTING IN IRAQ", it is actually worse now, there bombings every day in the city of Baghdad.
Finally dear, those terrorists killed Sunni Muslims in the name of Islam, God, and Freedom; just because that person supports President Assad. They slaughtered alawites and Christians, also in the name of god, Islam, and freedom; just because that person supports President Assad, and according to those freedom fighters alawites and Christians and Druze are non-believers and should be killed.
So you see what kind of humans we are dealing with here in Syria.
those people do not know what freedom or democracy or any of that, we support president Assad for a reason, which is he is defending Syria until today, president Assad is a man who loves his country and his people, if he was not like that, he would have left the country a long time ago.
I really hope you look more into the case of Syria and realize the reality of all these events in Syria.
Thank you for ur message.
God Bless Syria and its people
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truthbehindsyria · 11 years
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More than 100 billion dollars spent to take down the Syrian regime and destroy Syria:
100 Billion dollars can erase the starvation in 20 African countries.
100 Billion dollars can establish 50 Advanced Research Center.
100 Billion dollars can support the economy of 10 Arab countries.
100 Billion dollars can establish 10 factories of Petrochemicals and hire 50,000 unemployed.
100 Billion dollars is enough to build houses for half of the Arab population.
100 Billion dollars is enough to launch 20 satellites for communication and research.
100 Billion dollars is enough to buy half of the European countries and turn it into Arab countries.
100 Billion dollars is enough to kill poverty in the Arab world completely.
100 Billion dollars is enough to open 50 universities, with very high class education.
and the list keeps on going, but 100 billion dollars can NOT buy us and the love and dignity of most of the Syrian people, and it can NOT kill the love we have for our beloved Army that stays up night and day for our protection and defedning this land, and of course Qatar’s and Saudi’s money can NOT buy our love for our President Bashar Al Assad and the patriotic SYRIAN ARAB ARMY, and most importantly all their money and all of their terrorists cannot take our homeland Syria away from us.
We will never forget the blood of our martyrs that sacrificed their lives for this land from citizens and soldiers.
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