truthformorgan · 9 years
Welcome to the Jungle
Welcome new visitors.  If you have come here seeking info surrounding the tragic death of Morgan Ingram, the following links will provide you with the most relevant unbiased information available:
Stalking: Incident, Police and Supplemental Reports.
Unattended Death Report, Autopsy, and Toxicology.
Revised Autopsy
I suggest you read these factual reports before you read anything else.
Next I recommend you check out the Websleuths forum thread:
The Stalking and Mysterious Death of Morgan Ingram
This thread begins in September of 2012 and presents the best opportunity to follow in (quasi) real time as Toni Ingram told her story to a captivated audience. Despite Toni Ingram's claims to the contrary, the Websleuths community was sympathetic and supportive, until the truth became all too clear, and, after 2773 pages, the thread was closed.
That should get you started.
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truthformorgan · 9 years
Wow. Just... Wow.
I had quite a “holy shit” moment today. I had the television on, not really watching mind you, just for background noise. Suddenly something made me look up at the TV screen.  It was only a commercial for a program called Suspicion, a new “true crime” series on Investigation Discovery.  Still, something about it caught my attention and I stopped to take notice.  After a moment I realized I recognized the voice doing the commercial. I don’t mean recognized like one would recognize a celebrity voice.  I mean recognize like I know that person, the one telling her alleged story and claiming to be the victim. 
Here’s a bit about the series:
It's human nature to question things - especially when your safety may be at risk - but when a grim suspicion turns into a horrid reality, it may be time to take things into your own hands. Investigation Discovery's (ID) new series SUSPICION reveals the terrifying journeys of real people who suspected imminent danger and became fixated on finding the truth. From stalkers to criminal cover-ups and killers on the loose, the stories in SUSPICION start building suspense from the moment something feels amiss. Emotional first-person interviews detail the endless twists and turns that come with following a dangerous hunch, leaving viewers anxious to learn who the culprit is until the very end. Did I really just see that?  Will anyone believe me?  Am I imagining things?  Can I trust anyone?  Nothing is as it seems and everyone is a suspect......
Scrolling down a bit to the description of the September 9 episode:
"Edge of Insanity"  Premieres Wednesday, September 9 at 10/9c Toni Ingram resides in a quiet town with her husband Steve and their 19-year-old daughter, Morgan. But the peaceful neighborhood is shaken with fear after a series of local robberies. Soon after that, the Ingram family experiences a suspicious character circling their home, and Morgan becomes the next target. Threatening behavior quickly escalates into stalking, and Morgan battles to keep hold of her sanity as her hooded tormentor closes in. Location: Carbondale, Colorado
And there you have it folks.  I’ll try to reserve judgement until I see the program, but on the surface it appears that fact checking isn’t high on Discovery ID’s priority list.  Either that or they’re presenting it as dramatic fiction. 
More on this soon.
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truthformorgan · 10 years
Finding Morgan
In or around August 2012, and with the blessing of Toni and Steve Ingram, Websleuths looked into the death of Morgan Ingram. Rather quickly a resourceful member discovered Morgan’s online user name of choice: xchaoticneurosis. With that bit of info we were off and running. It didn’t take long to realize Morgan had left a significant online footprint. Of the many online accounts, two were especially enlightening.
The first is Morgan’s account at 8tracks.com. Listeners can stream or create what my generation referred to as a mixed tape. Along with musical content, users add context with description and art, Morgan left so much of herself here. Heart breaking and bittersweet; I strongly urge readers to check it out: http://8tracks.com/xchaoticneurosis
The other discovery that provided insight was, of course, Morgan’s photo bucket. Through photographs we saw a happy, energetic, goofy, attractive girl with wonderful fashion sense and a lot of friends doing what people in their late teens and early twenties do. After Websleuths linked to the photo bucket account in their forum, Toni gained access and went into image control mode. What was left was a scrubbed and sanitized version of Morgan. Because Morgan was an adult and was capable of making decisions in her own best interest, I was irritated by Toni’s actions. Luckily, I was able to rebuild the photo bucket page from my cache and it remained on the web until Toni filed a DMCA notice in March of 2013. Read about it here: http://tmblr.co/ZorZbthL4DL_
To get to the point, I am happy to inform everyone that Morgan’s photo bucket content is again available online. I apologize in advance for the crappy format but it was the only way I could post the photos anonymously. The hosting is offshore and they say they ignore DMCA complaints, so we’ll see how it goes.
The link is in the right hand menu, or just click here:  http://truthformorgan2.wordpress.com/morgans-photobucket-content/#_=_
Edited to add link.  Duh!
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truthformorgan · 10 years
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truthformorgan · 11 years
Podcasts Cover the Morgan Ingram Tragedy:
Sword and Scale with Mike Boudet recorded a two part podcast covering the tragic death of Morgan Ingram and its aftermath. 
Part One
Part Two
Joseph Valo, a self identified victim's advocate for the Morgan Ingram Foundation, made this podcast.
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truthformorgan · 11 years
Revisiting The Morgan Ingram Foundation
By Shelby
In February of this year I exposed Steve and Toni Ingram for soliciting donations to a foundation that did not exist.   They responded by formally creating The Morgan Ingram Foundation, which I noted in an update
I noticed in April when I wrote the update that the state of Nevada expected a list of officers be submitted by the end of that month.
No surprise here:  That list of officers was never received.  The corporation is in "default."
Why????  It's three freaking names. The state of Nevada has made it easy.
It's certainly easier and less time consuming than creating hate blogs that libel anyone who doesn't agree with the gospel according to Toni. 
Here's the link for the form:  http://nvsos.gov/Modules/ShowDocument.aspx?documentid=2871  They accept Visa/Mastercard.
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truthformorgan · 11 years
The REAL Truth About Keenan Vanginkel's Criminal History
May 13, 2013
By Shelby
Surprise!  Keenan Vanginkel’s criminal history barely resembles Toni Ingram’s description.
Read More
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truthformorgan · 11 years
Team Toni . . . or not?
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truthformorgan · 11 years
What Can We Learn From Keenan Vanginkel's Work Records?
Over the past week or two, Toni Ingram has tried to perpetuate the idea that in the days prior to Morgan Ingram's death, an arrest of Keenan Vanginkel was imminent. 
On July 9, 2013 Toni Ingram wrote:
Keenan would know that the record of his hours working for City Market was going to be handed over the Sheriff’s department the following week.  Not only did the Detective think that, “if anything, the stalking was going to escalate.”  He would ask for, and receive increased patrols, an extra one or two a night.  And they would all be 100% focused up on our roof.  What did they find out?  And why did they not share it with us?  http://morganingram.com/wordpress/?p=4169
On June 14, 2013 Toni wrote:
Nov 29, 2011 – before 5:00 PM Detective Glassmire is over at our house and tells me that he is 100% certain that Keenan Vanginkel is the stalker.
Nov 29, 2011 – before 5:00 PM Detective Glassmire tells me that he believes the stalking is going to escalate.
Nov 29, 2011 – before 5:00 PM Detective Glassmire tells me that he will be picking up Keenan’s work record from City Market that coming Tuesday (same day Morgan is due to give her official statement), and when he overlays that work schedule with my timeline he is confident he will be very close to making an arrest for Felony Stalking. http://morganingram.com/wordpress/?p=4058
The above statement (in bold) got me thinking. 
According to Toni and Steve Ingram, police dropped the stalking investigation like a bad habit after Morgan died.  However, detectives did pick up Keenan's work records, as evidenced by their presence in the supplemental reports.  This tells me that on Tuesday December 6, 2011 police were still looking at Keenan Vanginkel in relation to the alleged stalking of Morgan Ingram. Why didn't detectives make the follow-up arrest Toni writes about?  According to Toni the only thing police had to do was compare Keenan's work schedule with her timeline and Keenan would be arrested for felony stalking.  So what happened?  Why was there no arrest?
It doesn't take a genius to realize the work records/timeline overlay was not the smoking gun for which the Ingrams hoped. 
Curious to see what was learned from the side by side comparison,  I decided to create one. 
A couple of things stand out:
First is how quickly the Ingrams concluded Morgan was being stalked.  Only seven days passed between the day Morgan returned from California and the purchase of the outdoor motion alarm.  In that seven day period there is one event that stands out. and that's the hard bang on the bathroom window after Morgan closed it. 
Second is the degree in which the work records exculpate Keenan Vanginkel.  They clearly show Keenan could not be responsible for some of the most significant events, including the night the "stalker" was photographed in the driveway. 
A few notes on formatting:
These were done in Excel and converted to .pdf (Acrobat Professional).  and .jpg. The conversion from Excel is quirky so readers might notice some appearance issues here and there. For best viewing,  I recommend downloading the pdf files   However, I realize some people are not comfortable doing that, so I've provided .jpgs that can be viewed in the browser.
I have tried to be as accurate as possible and have double, triple, and sometimes quadruple checked all sources. It is a work in progress.  Readers please let me know if you notice any errors.
This is the data for August and September 2011.  I will upload October and November/December as soon as they're finished.
Direct download:
Comparison of Keenan Vanginkel's time sheet to Toni Ingrams stalker timeline.
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truthformorgan · 11 years
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August 22, 2011 Upon further reflection, I should have made the Aug 22 event reported in the blog teal rather than green.  Toni said she woke to the sound of the lock beeping.  The reliability of something Toni heard while asleep is suspect.
August 30, 2011 In her blog Toni places the date they captured the stalker on wildlife camera as Aug 29, 2011.  This is somewhat misleading. The incident that prompted the call to police occurred on the 29th and the call to dispatch was logged at 23:55 or 11:55 PM.  Dispatch notified officers at 1:05 AM and officers report they arrived at the Ingram home at 1:20 AM.  Unfortunately, things get muddy from here.  The timestamp on the wildlife cam picture shows the first deputy leaving at 00:43 which is 12:43 AM. The next picture shows two more deputies leaving at 00:44 or 12:44 AM.  This begs the question, how could police be leaving at 12:45 AM if they didn't even arrive until 1:20 AM?  The"stalker" picture is stamped 00:46 or 12:46 AM. The final picture is what Toni says is the stalker trying to break the camera.  That picture is stamped 00:48 or 12:48 AM.  Obviously someone's time line is not correct.  I think we can all reasonably conclude whose interest would be served by altering the time.  However, it could also be a simple mistake.  In the end it is irrelevant.   Keenan Vanginkel could not be in two places at once.  He couldn't be on the Ingram's roof at 12:48 AM trying to knock down the camera and punching in at work exactly 10 minutes later.
Sept 3, 2011 When police were called about the Sept 5 incident Toni reports they went to the Harris home and spoke with Brooke.  This is also detailed in the police report.  Brooke spoke with the deputy but told him Keenan was asleep and therefore not available.  Toni did not believe Brooke and felt she was covering for Keenan. I’ve worked hours similar to Keenan’s the majority of my adult life.  Based on my own experience, alongside info shared by coworkers, it is my opinion that Keenan was quite likely sleeping, just as Brooke said.   Let’s look at Keenan Vanginkel’s schedule:  On 9-3-2011  Keenan got off work around lunch time.  He probably went home, ate lunch, watched TV or played video games or something similar in an attempt to unwind.  He may have tried to take a nap. He probably experienced some difficulty if he did try to sleep because doing so would go against his body’s natural circadian rhythm.  Later as the sun went down, his pineal gland would begin to secrete melatonin and already sleep deprived from working nights, he most likely couldn’t keep from falling asleep until he had to go to work.  This is only my opinion, but as I said, it comes from 20 years of personal experience.  When I worked midnights it was always my habit to go to sleep after dinner and then wake and go right into work.  Consequently, the statement that Keenan was asleep doesn’t strike me as unusual. 
Labor Day Weekend  I’ve colored these events yellow because no time is given for the reported events. 
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truthformorgan · 11 years
The Truth Is Here:
Download reports related to Morgan Ingram here
"The truth is coming soon," according to Toni Ingram. 
In reality, the truth is out, and has been out for many months. 
The Ingrams were not pleased when Truth for Morgan made reports pertaining to Morgan Ingram's non-stalking and death available on the web.  Their response was to purchase the domain name www.truthformorgan.com and promise the site would contain the "real" reports. 
The "real" reports have not yet materialized but Toni continues to accuse TFM of misdeeds associated with the reports we made available.
For the record, we have not altered these reports in any way shape or form.  Redactions were made by the Garfield County Sheriff's Office. 
     Stalking: Incident, Police and Supplemental Reports.
Unattended Death Report, Autopsy, and Toxicology.
 Revised Autopsy
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truthformorgan · 11 years
False Victimization Syndrome
I found this interesting specifically in relation to Toni Ingram (NOT Morgan Ingram).
False Victimization Syndrome:
This occurs when an individual attempts to convince others that he or she is being stalked through the invention of claims made to re-establish a failing relationship and/or gain attention (Zona, Palarea, and Lane, 1998).
Individuals who exhibit these characteristics may also fit the criteria for histrionic personality disorder (DSM-IV, 1994): demanding to be the center of attention, shallow expression of emotions which shift rapidly, and speaks in a manner that is overly impressionistic and lacking in detail.
    * This is not to be confused with situations where a stalker claims to be a victim of stalking.  Oddly, sometimes a stalker will feel victimized by the person he or she is stalking.  This is referred to as projective identification.  In other words, the stalker's rage at being rejected (and other unconsciously disowned stalking-related attributes) is "projected" or "put" into the true victim, so that the true victim is now perceived by the stalker to have this rage (attributes/behaviors) and directing it back, hence stalking the stalker.
    * A notable problem with the False Victimization Syndrome (FVS) is that it wastes valuable resources.  More importantly, FVS is rare and the few cases that do occur should not undermine the reporting and investigation of legitimate stalking cases.
    * A conceptual model that categorizes false allegations was developed by Mohandie, Hatcher, and Raymond (1998).  Three types of false victimization syndromes are delineated.
    1. a. Hysterical paralysis:  An example of this would be converting a psychological distress into physiological problems.  There are often secondary gains to having a paralyzed limb, such as not having to participate in a stressful or frightening event.
        b. Munchausen:  An individual intentionally creates or feigns physical or psychological symptoms in order to assume the sick role.
        c. Munchausen by proxy: The intentionally produced or feigned physical or psychological symptoms in another person, such as a child, under one's care and indirectly assuming the sick role.
   2. Known perpetrator: 
        a. Single event
        b. Multiple event (stalking): 
    3. Unknown perpetrator: 
        a. Single event: 
        b. Multiple event (stalking)
The last two categories are similar, save the obvious difference that one involves claiming to have known the perpetrator and the other involves stating that the perpetrator is unknown.  Also, these last two types entail more complex motivations and sophistication of procedures by the false victim than the other types (1a, 1b, and 1c).
The characteristics that classify FVS type 2 and 3 similarly are
    * multiple situations over time when the victim has been alone with no witnesses and is approached by the suspect;
    * major incidents begin as noncriminal contact, but then advance quickly to criminal contact;
    * the victim reports these criminal contacts based on what has been learned from the media or someone known to the false victim who has reported these occurrences;
    * and claiming to have received injuries, letters, phone calls, threats, followed, or chased.
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truthformorgan · 11 years
Mayra’s “New Buddy"
This blog is long overdue for an update which I will try to write sometime this week. 
In the meantime I want to make available these messages Ryan Ingram left for Mayra Martinez on her voice mail. (SEE BELOW)
Poor Ryan, he doesn’t seem like a bad guy.  He probably doesn’t realize he’s a victim of his mother’s pathology.
…..and Ryan?  Don’t call and harass Mayra for my actions.  She doesn’t write this blog.  If you want to talk someone drop me an email at [email protected] and I'll reply with my number. 
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truthformorgan · 11 years
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truthformorgan · 11 years
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truthformorgan · 11 years
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truthformorgan · 11 years
Calling All Trolls
I have followed the tragedy of Morgan Ingram for nine months.  Over this period of time my view of Morgan's mother Toni Ingram has evolved.
I always viewed the stalking story dubiously but in the beginning I saw Toni as a grieving mother whose obvious inability to grasp simple logic was interfering with her ability to come to terms with her daughter's suicide.  A foolish and simplistic conclusion borne of, I am ashamed to say, my own intellectual arrogance.
Over time, my opinion has done a complete 180.  I no longer believe Toni is struggling to come to terms with her grief. I now believe she wears her grief like a badge.  She revels in the sympathy it brings her and she will do anything necessary to ensure it continues.
Toni Ingram is not like most of us.  I believe she operates without the burden of a conscience telling her what is right and what is wrong.
Here is an example:
Yesterday I blogged about Toni going to the police to say Mayra Martinez was calling on the phone and harassing her.  To add credibility to her claim she provided falsified phone records (go here to read the piece in its entirety)
Now, I would imagine, most people, upon learning that the police knew they lied, would NOT turn around and expand upon that lie. 
However, as we all know, Toni Ingram is not like most people.  Not only has she continued to perpetuate her original lie, she has now added greater embellishment, calling on her supporters to report any calls they receive from Eugene Oregon (where Mayra lives) to local law enforcement.  She has even gone as far as claiming Mayra's business contacts have joined in the alleged harassment.  For those who do not know, Mayra owns a crime scene cleanup business.  Someone please tell me, how someone convinces their crime scene cleanup connections to assist them in harassing total strangers ?  Maybe Toni doesn't realize this, but in the real world people do not call upon their business contacts and ask them to break the law.; it tends to limit referrals. 
Of course Toni doesn't say these things through her own Twitter account.  She uses one of her sock puppet accounts.  Make no mistakes though, Toni Ingram controls all content tweeted through this user.
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Let me cut to the chase:
Put up or shut up Toni.  We challenge you to prove even one of the unfounded allegations made against us.  If you believe we have called and harassed your supporters, prove it, post the phone records
However, it's only fair that I warn you before you doctor any more records and take them to the police, doing so is a felony.
Colorado Statutes
Article 8. Offenses - Governmental Operations
Current through Chapter 430, Second Regular Session 2010
§ 18-8-306. Attempt to influence a public servant
Any person who attempts to influence any public servant by means of deceit or by threat of violence or economic reprisal against any person or property, with the intent thereby to alter or affect the public servant's decision, vote, opinion, or action concerning any matter which is to be considered or performed by him or the agency or body of which he is a member, commits a class 4 felony.
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