superbhumanjudgepeach · 4 months
Jab We Met
You might be thinking what kind of title is this, isn’t it a movie’s name. But yes it is and I came up with this title as yesterday I was watching this movie and realized that we both also shared a similar dynamic like the movie. Just a recap to the movie, the characters met by chance and then separated due to their commitments to someone else but fate brought them together despite of them being…
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superbhumanjudgepeach · 4 months
The guy in the yellow jacket
Emerging from the snow caped mountains of Himachal came a picture on my Facebook feed was when I came up to a plan to ask him for any girl friends of his who can accompany me for a trip I planned. I texted him and found out that he has no one in known who is willing to join me for a trip. It was 29 Nov 2021 when in morning I received a text from him sharing a meme. The next moment when I texted…
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superbhumanjudgepeach · 7 months
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नारी - नीव से चोटी का सफर
इंसानियत पर बोझ नहीं में माँ तेरे सर का ताज हूँआसमानो से भी ऊंचा उड़ता बाज़ हूँबाँध न सके जिस जल को, उस नदी का ऊफान हूँइस संसार में लड़ रही, मांगती नारी सम्मान हूँ । जन्म लिए था मैंने जब तेरे,अर्पण हुई धरती में मैं कहींकभी गर्मी कभी सर्दी की थपेड़े, अकेले दुनिया में मैंने सहींपूछ रही मेरी वो किलकारी, क्यों हुई तुझको में भारीया दब गयी आवाज तेरी तानो से,जिनकी तू है अबतक आभारी। कुछ दूर कहीं मुझे जीवन…
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Turning scars into stories of silver and gold
This below is a poem generated by ChatGPT created on contrary to my poem “Being Dawn to my dusk”. I think I need to learn a lot from it. In his arms, she found solace anew,A healing touch, skies once again blue,He listened, understood, and through and through,Together they forged a love strong and true. With time, the pain began to fade,As his devotion mended the heartbreak’s blade,Hand in…
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Being Dawn to my Dusk
If I talk about going back to the time when I was lost in my own thoughts, when clouds were dark and so were my thoughts. My poem narrates the situation I encountered at that time. There was a man who seem so kindnever knew the attention was refined,I trusted till the end, eye opened but blindJust a flash of light and I was left behind. Shattered, broken and a lonely girltook up a corner and…
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Falling in Love again.
I wanted to write about this topic since a long time but if I would have then the title would have been ended with a question mark in place of full stop. Definitely how we end things tells a lot about the journey. If a punctuation mark tells a lot then how about a story which explains my journey from doubtful to being confident. I had a past just like everyone else out there. Can’t say good or…
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फिल्मी प्यार
कुछ फिल्मी सा प्यार मांगती थी मैंऔर मुझे कुछ ज्यादा ही मिल गयाथोड़ा जोखिम-ए-इश्क की फरियाद थीऔर उस में ये जिस्म भी जल गया अब सब जलाने के बाद सोचा निकले उससेक्या पता कुछ नया मिल जाएकसबो तक नहीं मील तक हमारे किससे थेक्या पता मील के बाद ही शायद कोई टकराए सालो की ज़हमत के बाद हिम्मत जुटाई थीअब तक तो अपनों से भी डर लगने लगा थाअंजानो की बस्ती में कभी कोई अच्छाअगले ही पल उसमे शैतान दिखने लगा था फिर…
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Let's Talk About it
Let’s Talk About it
I have been keeping a secret since a long time until I came across a video that went viral last year in which the famous fame Sriti Jha recited a poem on something that enlightened me and made me realize what I am. Wanted to share a gist of it and my experience along with that. She goes like – ” They told me I haven’t found the right one yet. Well, honestly, as of yet, I had found the right few…
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कुछ अधूरे...
कुछ अधूरे…
कुछ अधूरी है चाहते मेरीउनमे से कुछ तुम पूरी करदोकुछ अकेला सा होगा ये साथ मेराबस कुछ दूर तक तुम साथ चल दो कुछ अधूरे हैं वो पन्ने दिल केअपने अल्फाज़ में उनको भर दोएक रोज़ अगर में बहक ही जाऊंतो मुझे तुम सारा करदो कुछ बेरंग ये जीवन मेरासात रंगो से इसे भर दोकुछ तुम तक में चलूंकुछ तुम मेरे तक चल दो।
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Strings still attached
Hope you read The girl Next seat and Tangled before reading this else reading this would be like watching Avengers End Game and then other episodes. So without wasting time let’s start. Our group was already broken but still unintentionally we were still together except Prakrit who was the most hurt one after the last incident. Since Prakrit was pissed off so our parties were no where taking…
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This is in continuation of The Girl Next Seat written months ago. It was supposed to be written just after that but there are things which prevent you from doing something you wish for and I encountered the same. It is always said that usually a group of people staying together or spending time together share the same set of interest. Also it’s said that friends who share a bond initially are…
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मैं और तुम्हारी मुंबई
मैं और तुम्हारी मुंबई
किस्से बहुत सुने थे उस बम्बई केजहाँ लोग किस्से बनाने ही आते थेऔर वो भी वही जा रहा थाउस भीड़ में अपना भी एक किस्सा लिखने | पता नहीं क्यों मेरे दिल ने उस दिन ही बोल दियाकी”कुछ अलग है वहाँ की हवा में कही उड़ा न ले तुम्हे”पनाह तो दे रही है वो जमीनवही फसा ने दे कही तुम्हे | वक़्त गुजरा और उस वक़्त के संघ गुजरावो हर ख़ुशी का बिताया हुआ पलऔर बस अब जो नहीं गुजर पा रहा थावो था बीते हुए जखम और आने वाला कल…
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मुझमे तुझे लेके वो जुनून नहींजो उसके लिए था ,और क्यू तेरी बाँहों में वो सुकून नहींजो उसकी में झट आ जाता था,माना की मानस तू भी मोहब्बत है मेरीलकिन उस दर्द का क्या जो उसे देख के ही कही खो जाता था। भूल गयी आदत में उसकीअब तू ही मेरा नया शौक है ,लेकिन उसकी आवाज की कशिश न भूल पानाही मेरा नया खौफ है,आज भी आहट से उसकी उसे पहचान जाती हूँऔर उसको न बोलना पूछता है मुझसे की उसे भी क्या में याद आती हूँ…
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GUNJAN My sister feels that her birthday can't be special and exciting if she isn't with me so I would like to tell her that its just a start of her day and hence I started with a short poem describing her.
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GUNJAN My sister feels that her birthday can't be special and exciting if she isn't with me so I would like to tell her that its just a start of her day and hence I started with a short poem describing her.
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GUNJAN My sister feels that her birthday can't be special and exciting if she isn't with me so I would like to tell her that its just a start of her day and hence I started with a short poem describing her.
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