ts-cursed-castle-au · 5 years
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Curse: depression and repression
Pat and his brother got cursed at the same time, one to tell only truth and the other only lies when they were small
as in literally choking when trying to lie and everything coming out as lies when trying to speak truth
So when he and Logan get to the castle he says he doesn’t need wards cause the cursing doesn’t work on someone twice
he’s right.
Ran away from a noble background and wandered around the kingdoms avoiding anyone he could possibly know, until he finds out that Roman got duded in distress and that Logan got sent after him knowing both by name and acquaintance, he hauls butt to Logan’s kingdom where he does pretty much beg to be brought along
He’s the one who gets Lo to stay at the castle and help try to figure out how to fix the curses rather than return to his parent and reveal the truth about Anx
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- doesn’t have his glasses for a decent portion of until they get to the castle
- which is why he ends up with pretty much the same frames as Logan
- they are the same frames, Lo lent him a pair of his
- this does mean the boi is a clumsy mess for a while
- knows a few of the more practical uses for magic and knows what works on him and what doesn’t due to the curse
- his cloaks are some of his most precious possessions, the old one was given to him by his brother and is part of why he knows so much about magic, his second one was given to him by Logan, no one knows where or how he got it but Pat literally loves it wth every fiber of his being
- master of wordplay ;)
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ts-cursed-castle-au · 5 years
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drew a trash gremlin today
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ts-cursed-castle-au · 5 years
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Welcome to the TS cursed castle au!
have some plot! PART 1
- basically there are four kingdoms and quite a few princes
- Our dear Roman (who is one of the princes) goes to find/rescue another one of them who is supposedly trapped in a abandoned castle by a big black dragon
- yeah he doesn't come back
- the kingdoms didn’t learn the first two times and send another prince after him
great idea.
- Enter Logan! He is very unwilling and does not want to be doing what he’s  doing but has been threatened with revoked library acess if he doesn’t comply, accompanied by Pat; our friendly neighborhood wandering peasant
- Lo was indeed told no one from the kingdom was allowed to help him for honor reasons but technically Pat isn’t from the kingdom so loopholes
- The two embark on a fantastic journey that takes maybe a few days and not much happens on
- I mean they find out they have the same glasses lenses type and Pat should never be allowed outside without glasses ever
- and they get attacked, but all in a days work
- they get rescued by a mysterious figure in black and strange headwear, and find out they camp literally just outside a village rip
- the mysterious figure introduces themselves as Remy, who not only knows where the castle is, has even been there... and proceeds to go on a massive rant about asshole dragons and curses and such
- Remy takes them into the village where they meet Joan and Tayln who they stay with as they plan out the attack on the castle
- Remy tells them if you see sunset in the castle you get cursed and shows their curse; anyone who looks into their eyes falls asleep and is very hard to wake up
- Joan and Talyn don’t appear to be cursed.
- The next day carrying every protection measure they can think of for curses they set out for the castle, feat ominous statements by Remy who tells them not to trust the dragon
- On the way Logan wards pretty much everything against curses and asks Pat if he would mind having wards placed upon him
- Pat tells him not to bother as he and his brother got cursed at a very young age and from experience it takes very powerful magic to curse someone twice, spells yes, curses no
- they get to the castle about an hour before sunset and yes there is indeed a big black dragon there 
no it is not happy they are there
- just as the sun is about to go over the hills Logan hits the dragon with a blast, knocking it into the shadows and Pat and Lo watch in confusion as the big dragon melts away into shadow revealing a emo fellow
send an ask if you would like to be in the taglist!
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ts-cursed-castle-au · 5 years
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Anxiety (gee I wonder what his real name is)
Curse: Sun’s out, Dragons out
Turns into a black dragon at sun up and back into a emo at sun down
The castle is in a valley so as soon as the sun goes behind or above the hills he transforms
He has figured out he can prolong or delay the transformation by say flying up so he can still see the sun above the hills around the castle, but hasn’t done it too often because what if he got caught transforming in midair 
gets reduced to base instincts when in dragon form so really hates it as he is very anxious about not being in control of his own freaking body
woke up one evening in a destroyed tower with no memory and with nothing but the clothes on his back, 
doesn’t know how long ago the castle got abandoned cause there is still good food in the kitchens and none of the fabric in any of the rooms has decayed yet
which came in handy when Roman rode in looking for a fight and a friend and subsequently got cursed
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- at some point figured out that he doesn't lose his mind in dragon form when around other cursed
- so when Ro turned up he gained a shadow (which he was very pleased about...not)
- is a constant state of paranoia cause someone literally drops to sleep at sunset every night and still insists on doing dangerous stuff around that time
- won’t let Roman leave cause oh god if I leave him alone for five minutes he’ll die or something
- accidently started the evil dragon holding royalty in a tower when he tracked Ro down to the local village just before sundown and accidently kidnapped Remy along with him 
- keeps learning new things about himself no he doesn’t know how he learned to sew either
- well in the day he naps a lot
- but when the only time you have hands is at night you dont sleep during those precious hours
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ts-cursed-castle-au · 5 years
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Curse: depression and repression
Pat and his brother got cursed at the same time, one to tell only truth and the other only lies when they were small
as in literally choking when trying to lie and everything coming out as lies when trying to speak truth
So when he and Logan get to the castle he says he doesn’t need wards cause the cursing doesn't work on someone twice
he’s right.
Ran away from a noble background and wandered around the kingdoms avoiding anyone he could possibly know, until he finds out that Roman got duded in distress and that Logan got sent after him knowing both by name and acquaintance, he hauls butt to Logan’s kingdom where he does pretty much beg to be brought along
He’s the one who gets Lo to stay at the castle and help try to figure out how to fix the curses rather than return to his parent and reveal the truth about Anx
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- doesn't have his glasses for a decent portion of until they get to the castle
- which is why he ends up with pretty much the same frames as Logan
- they are the same frames, Lo lent him a pair of his
- this does mean the boi is a clumsy mess for a while
- knows a few of the more practical uses for magic and knows what works on him and what doesn't due to the curse
- his cloaks are some of his most precious possessions, the old one was given to him by his brother and is part of why he knows so much about magic, his second one was given to him by Logan, no one knows where or how he got it but Pat literally loves it wth every fiber of his being
- master of wordplay ;)
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ts-cursed-castle-au · 5 years
Alright here we are
Roman and Logan’s character pages are up
and im planning to do the main six then write out a bullet point main plot points from some things
then I will start on the f i c s
so ive been thinking of creating a blog for a sander sides au I plan on making 
I call it the ts curse au but im not sure if that already exists
no unsympathetic sides here
drama but everyone except the DW is a good guy
ill tag the blog once ive made it 
anyone interested?
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ts-cursed-castle-au · 5 years
so ive been thinking of creating a blog for a sander sides au I plan on making 
I call it the ts curse au but im not sure if that already exists
no unsympathetic sides here
drama but everyone except the DW is a good guy
ill tag the blog once ive made it 
anyone interested?
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ts-cursed-castle-au · 5 years
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Curse:  e m o t i o n s 
His hair, eyes, skin and later health all change to show his current emotions and emotional state.
After Roman did not return from his quest, another prince was sent off to find and rescue him, this time rather unwillingly
Logan got sent by his parent to prove his worth as a prince, alone and with the instructions that no one from his kingdom was to assist him, luckily Logan is smart and there just happened to be a new servant by the name of Pat, who was no only from another kingdom but actually begged Logan to go, so that problem is sorted.
Logan is also a highly skilled mage, so upon learning of the castles cursing abilities warded himself on every possible level he could think of... except the one he didn’t think of.
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- continually thinks longingly of the library back home where it is quiet and not filled with loud princes and nothing ever happens and there are no shenagagins
- tbh isn’t trapped in the castle at all, just can’t be bothered to leave until the mess is sorted out
- didn't sign up for feelings
- was not in favor at all about keeping Roman out of the “oh by the way the big scary dragon is actually a tall pale fellow who literally has no idea whats going on” loop but understood the concerns Anx had after the were explained by Pat
- knows there is something off, something he’s forgotten
- isn’t pleased about not knowing 
- “I wear a cravat, serious people wear cravats”
- found out about the jam the local town makes and is now never leaving
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ts-cursed-castle-au · 5 years
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Curse: (a cross between sleeping beauty and lady hawke ha) 
Falls asleep whenever his “true love” is conscious and fully awake and aware
Left Remus in charge of the kingdom (why Roman) while he went off on a quest to find and rescue the first missing prince who he believed was captured by the dragon
Got cursed when he stayed in the castle after night fall, after punching and destroying an magical mirror known as the “mirror of sorrows” when he found the ripped and torn black cloak of his friend, due to this he also has a shard of the fricking mirror in his eye which makes his right eye constantly leak black tears
The mirror is indeed a knockoff snow queen mirror and shows everything through a negative light along with some other fun bonus features,
He’s just straight(ha) up not having a good time.
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- has an eyepatch but doesn’t wear it cause it makes him “look like Remus, ew nO-”
- doesn’t know that the dragon turns into a dude at night
- thinks there may be magic gremlins that take him to his bed
- has tried to escape but always falls asleep at the most inCONVENIENT MOMENTS (read: in the middle of a BANDIT ATTACK)
- did get to Remy, Joan and Taylns village a couple of time tho
- would probably have a really bad sleep schedule if the curse didn’t knock him out at sunset everyday
- he has many problems but surprisingly sleeping is not one of them
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