tsnxsuga-blog · 7 years
Nocturne In C-Sharp Minor (1830) | Frederic Chopin | The Pianist
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tsnxsuga-blog · 7 years
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you’re the only one sane enough to deal with us kids. i’m sorry in advance to whatever shenanigans i pull on you later in life…..
...hopefully none, but I know this is probably too much to ask for.
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tsnxsuga-blog · 7 years
A/N: for @tsntaehyung​ . Thank you for letting my bb have a crush on yours <3
I’m only doing this for fun.
Yoongi had been repeating this sentence multiple times a day, every day, for a little over a month now. The problem though was that he was perfectly aware that this meant more to him than just something he’d do for fun. He didn’t spend time making special mixtapes for just anyone. Yoongi giving you a mixtape was the best way to know that he really fucking cared about you like…a lot.
It had taken him weeks to find the best songs for the mixtape. It had started with multiple lists of songs neatly categorized. Songs that reminded of him, songs that reminded him of them spending time together, songs that he had said reminded him of Yoongi. And then he had listened to the songs over and over to see which ones were working together and which ones needed to be discarded.
The list of tracks had changed a lot over the course of the month. Sometimes there were new additions, other times songs were replaced by others or simply removed completely. But eventually he had reached the perfect combination of songs and he had sat back in his desk chair, staring at his laptop, hardly believing that all this hard work had ended up producing a good result.
Now, Yoongi would have loved to make this mixtape on an actual cassette tape (that was his love for retro things speaking), but he knew that no one would be able to listen to it if he did that because who in hell still owned a cassette player among his friends? So he opted to burn a CD instead. While his computer was doing all the work, he took the time to neatly write all the titles of the songs as well as the artists and on the cover, he hesitated but eventually wrote: For Taehyung.
He bit his bottom lip as he pulled his sharpie away from the paper and after putting the cap back on the marker, he reached up to run his hand in his hair. Now that the name was right there in bold black letters, Yoongi was having second-thoughts. What was he doing? He had promised not to make his feelings known and yet here he was doing exactly that via songs. This whole thing was a stupid idea. He was gnawing on his lip, lost in thoughts when his laptop ejected the CD after the burning had finished. It caused Yoongi to startle and he seriously considered just breaking the round object and tossing it in the trash can, but instead he picked it up carefully and placed it in the CD case.
The next day was THE day to give the mixtape. That morning, Yoongi took the time to dress with more care than usual and even though he ended up dressed all in black, he looked good with his button up shirt (with the sleeves rolled to his elbows) and his black pants that were hugging his legs just right and didn’t have any holes at the knees (or anywhere!). He also had nice black chelsea boots on and his hair looked perfect. He had hesitated before leaving his room, but had eventually dared to spray a bit of cologne on which was something he rarely did when he was at school.
His hands were firmly clutching the CD case as he made his way toward Taehyung’s locker. It didn’t take too long for him to see that Taehyung was at his locker which made Yoongi stop dead in his tracks. Shit. Of course the plan was to give the CD directly to Taehyung while trying to remain nonchalant and pretend that today was like any other day. But today was not like any other day and now that Yoongi could see Taehyung in the distance, he suddenly wanted to turn on his heels and go back to his dorm room.
You can’t go back! You’ve worked so hard on this, you have to give it to him! Do you seriously think you have a chance? He doesn’t see you the way you see him. Even if he only likes you as a friend, surely seeing this mixtape would still make it happy?
Yoongi was having an internal battle and while he was lost in his thoughts, a lot of things happened. The first one was that Taehyung noticed him just standing there, looking down at something he was holding with a deep frown on his face. The second thing was that Taehyung made his way over and had been able to get really close without Yoongi noticing. And finally, the last thing that happened was that Taehyung managed to pull the CD case out of Yoongi’s hands and by the time Yoongi noticed, Taehyung was already reading the cover, eyebrows arching up. Yoongi felt the color drain from his own face.
”What’s this? This is for me?” Taehyung commented rather than asked. Yoongi didn’t dare answer so he kept his mouth shut and watched in horror as Taehyung turned the CD around and started reading the list of songs on the back, eyes widening before starting to glance back and forth between Yoongi and the list of songs. This was the worst.
”I just…thought…I thought you would probably like this. I know it’s not your birthday or anything, but well…” He didn’t know what else to say. Everything he had prepared to say, he couldn’t bring himself to say it anymore. After all, those were things that he had never planned on telling in the first place. It was okay, he tried to reassure himself, Taehyung didn’t know. Even with this mixtape, he wouldn’t be able to know…because Yoongi had not said anything. Yoongi really wanted to believe that.
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tsnxsuga-blog · 7 years
Pushing it open, his eyes wandered around to the various boxes of comic books that had their own protective sleeves. Small figurines to match that fine indoor decor and last but not least, games. Not just any games, the classics that would most likely date back to when the cellphone was similar to the weight and appearance of a brick. Though he wasn’t born within that time range, he was very glad that a technological revolution had came around in his generation. The only difference was that he still did love the old classic games due to fond memories of his own childhood. That and the graphics were truly A+.
Today was different. Instead of being greeted with the usual small amount of people who were most likely awkwardly shuffling about for products or games, he found himself staring towards a crowd that seemed to huddle around a specific game. Did they install a legendary game this week? He wasn’t exactly sure, the chatter of different people had distracted him slightly as he believed it was probably best to approach straight at the source. He would now try his best to slip through the crowd, he needed to know what all the commotion was about. 
Yoongi is bad with technology. He only got a smartphone last year, previously dealing just fine with a cellphone that was used just for calls and the occasional texting. He does have a laptop though and he was able to figure out how to use the programs to produce his own music on it, but there are still a lot of things he is not too familiar with. Like social media, or all the new games his friends seem to be into. It’s not that he isn’t able to understand how those things work. He isn’t stupid. It’s just that he doesn’t find the appeal in them. Why do people feel the need to share with the world what they do 24/7? What is so great about these new games when you can have old games that have this retro feel that he loves so much?
It’s this love for retro things that had made him discover this shop one day. They had the modern books and games that were sure to sell, but they also had a space for the old goodies that collectors were sure to love. The best thing about the store were the old game consoles that had been installed in the back along with beanbags so one could sit and play to their heart’s content. There were days where all the consoles were taken, but other days like today, most were available which had allowed Yoongi to choose one when he had arrived and make himself comfortable after greeting the owner of the shop.
He had not started a new game, choosing to pick up where he had left of last time he had been at the store, shrugging his black leather jacket and his grey knitted scarf off in between two levels, keeping his black beanie with 3 white Z’s embroidered on it on top of his black hair. A simple white t-shirt, distressed jeans and black and white vans sk8-hi were completing his look. His mini cruiser was at his feet. The problem with Yoongi is that when he gets invested in something, he tends to lose track of time and of his surroundings, which is exactly what ends up happening as he plays. He is so focused on the TV screen that he doesn’t notice the small crowd slowly forming around him.
He starts being aware of the hushed whispers around him when he starts what he knows to be a particularly difficult level, but he tries to tune the sound out because all his attention needs to be on the screen. He doesn’t want to lose a life. Not too long after, he lets out a loud sigh as the TV shows that he beat the level. He lowers the controller to his lap and brings his arms up over his head to stretch and this is only at this moment that he notices all the people standing near which causes his cheeks to heat up instantly as he is not really good with getting so much attention.
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tsnxsuga-blog · 7 years
the twenty year old calls out a quick ‘thank you’ when the server clears away her second caffè macchiato and replaces it with a chocolate-cherry almond affogato. as a competitive athlete, her caffeine and sugar intake was meticulously restricted but even she had to bend the rules for the sake of the new term’s first round of exams. it won’t be kind on her stomach–surely not her heart, because she can feel it pounding against her ribcage like a locomotive–but the thought of failing her exams (or anything for that matter) caused a surge of fear.
captains should set good examples. landing herself on the probation list wouldn’t make her a national role model. beneath the table, her leg bounces restlessly, anxiously. the sound of her pen’s furious clicking is lost in the cafe’s bustle and babel. across the surface of the table were charts, papers and an open text propped against a small stack of other textbooks. nothing screamed stress more than a cluttered, haphazard layout and a rustled messy bun.
the college boy’s polite request gently tugs her out of the maze of microfluid mechanics. the look she shoots him from beneath her frames is an amalgam of confusion and startle though she attempt mend her instinctive doe expression with a sheepish smile. “oh, ah, yes go ahead!” she all but stutters, scrambling to tidy her mess in order to make room for him. “sorry about this, i have too much stuff…”
”No I am the one who’s sorry for bothering you,” he comments softly, waiting a little for the girl to move her stuff before setting his cup of coffee down. He then proceeds to take off his backpack before sliding onto the chair and sitting down. He smiles at the girl before unzipping his bag and taking things out. First, his glasses case, then his book on anatomy followed by some notebooks and finally his pencil case.
He grabs his glasses from their case and puts them on. He doesn’t need them all the time as he is able to see well from afar, but unfortunately his vision decided to quit when it came to seeing from up close. Once that is done, he puts the case back into his bag and finally looks up at the girl sitting across from him.
He thinks that she looks dead tired and anyone could tell that she’s a university student by the amount of books and notes she has around and the state of her bun. He doesn’t comment on it though because not only would that be rude but he’s also certain that he isn’t in a much better state. He didn’t even dare look at himself in the mirror that morning, too afraid to find dark circles under his eyes.
Before opening his anatomy book, he leans slightly forward to grab his cup of coffee and as he does so, his gaze falls on one of the girl’s opened books and he cannot help his surprise as he sees the something about microfluid mechanics. He lets out a low whistle. “Engineering?” he simply asks.
cool beans.
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tsnxsuga-blog · 7 years
ʀᴇᴀᴄʜ ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ sᴋʏ @tsnxsuga ‼
          he is boredom trapped in a body that hums with energy, a rare moment but arms and legs are itching to move, to feel the breeze, to dash around a court, to let arms swing freely. but his usual go-to partner is unfortunately out of reach with his own meanderings. he is also well aware that the other members of the team are fluttering about with their own things unable to lend him some time as they wrap themselves around their own daily tasks. it leads to an aimless scroll of his thumb until his fingers come to a stop upon one name.
        instantly, a star settles in the hazel ocean of his eyes as the corner of his lips curl up mischievously. a swipe to the side and a tap upon the speaker button has the phone ringing loudly away until the boy he is seeking on the other hand picks up.
❝ – guess who? ❞
        he drawls out his words with a kittenish voice, only relishing upon it for a second before he is leaping again, focusing on the actual topic which has brought him calling the boy in the first place.
❝ – are you still on campus? i need some help. ❞ 
        help wasn’t quite the word he was seeking, but it was more convincing certainly than asking  the other to come free him from his boredom.
When Yoongi wasn’t busy studying some science subject for one of his classes or managing the volleyball team or hanging out with Taehyung, he was usually spending time in his room alone to recharge. Well, he wasn’t always in his room when he wasn’t doing those things, but today he was. His headphones were covering his ears and successfully blocking all noise except the sound coming from his laptop.
He was in the process of saying goodbye to his niece (and his older brother) over Skype when his phone vibrated on the comforter next to his right thigh where he had left it earlier. He tells his brother that he has to go and with a final wave to his niece, he closes off the window and takes off his headphones, letting them hang around his neck as he picks up the call.
”guess who?” the voice on the other end of the line says, but he doesn’t have to guess as he would recognize this voice anywhere. He’s heard it for years after all. He doesn’t say anything, waiting for Jaeyong to give him the reason of his call. It didn’t take long before it came…sorta.
”If we say that the dorms are part of campus than yeah I am still around. What’s up? What do you need help with? I hope you didn’t do something stupid because I have told Taeyong and you countless times that I am not here to fix your mistakes.” He may have sounded a bit exasperated as he said that, but if Jaeyong had been standing in the same room, he would have been able to see the smile playing on Yoongi’s lips.
* askew
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tsnxsuga-blog · 7 years
Katy Perry - Chained To The Rhythm
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tsnxsuga-blog · 7 years
Weirdness. {open starter}
Over the course of your life, you will meet a lot of people. Some you will love, others you will hate for no good reasons. Some you will consider strange and others will be trendsetters. You will become friends with some and ignore others. It takes a little bit of everything to make a world. Yoongi firmly believes that the best place to meet the most different types of people is at school. There’s nothing quite like a university campus to come across interesting people (in both the good and bad sense).
He’s on his way to one of the university’s cafeterias when he glances out one of the windows and keeps walking for about two seconds before stopping dead in his tracks and backtracking to the window so he can make sure that he hasn’t hallucinated.
”What is that idiot doing?” he comments out loud, unable to look away.
A/N: whoever picks this up, you can be either the student doing something stupid outside (something of your choosing!) or you can join Yoongi in his not-so-silent judging of whatever's happening outside :D
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tsnxsuga-blog · 7 years
nope! too late to run. struggle? too late for that too. or he could try, but this was one of his favourite shirts that he also happened to have multiple copies of, minor details, and he didn’t need it ripping because shirts are expensive! but it wasn’t like yoongi would hurt him anyways but the room air definitely felt a few degrees too cold for his exposed stomach. poor stomach. poor abs too, or no good abs, apparently from what yoongi’s grumbling exclaimed.
“sorry?” taehyung squawks as he tries to cover his stomach, not with the shirt, but with his hands. which also happen to be cold and leaves him with a wince. “things happen? but hey, i still love you even if you don’t have abs! and i uh…exercise differently! yea.”
The problem with Taehyung is that despite being so frustrating most of the times (according to Yoongi), the bastard was also too handsome, too irresistible and Yoongi had been having a soft spot for him for the longest time. That soft spot just continued to grow the more he learned things about Taehyung and it always prevented him from getting truly mad at the other boy. Now, whether Taehyung knows or not, Yoongi has no idea, but he certainly never told him and he’s not planning on saying anything either.
That’s why when Taehyung gives him his reply, Yoongi simply huffs in drunken annoyance and lowers back the shirt before letting go of it and moving to sit down on the floor. Once his ass meets the ground, he decides that he’d be more comfortable on his back so he moves to lie down and eventually ends up staring at the ceiling for a few seconds before turning his head toward his friend.
“I want my abs back,” he grumbles even though he knows that he could get them back if he just decided to exercise that part of his body. But abs didn’t make guys like him more handsome. It worked for guys like Taehyung, but everything looked better on Taehyung. “I bet that just like your abs, you’re also still better at basketball despite having an injury too. Tell me how isthis fair? What did you do in your past lives to be like this?”
He slowly pushes himself up until he is resting on his elbows and after a moment sits up completely. “We should find a ball and I’ll show you that I am better at basketball even though I don’t have abs!” he exclaims as he points his finger at Taehyung and shakes it to ‘challenge’ the other boy.
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tsnxsuga-blog · 7 years
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36/365 days of min yoongi (cr.)
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tsnxsuga-blog · 7 years
social media.
”Can you hold on for two seconds?”
Yoongi lowers his cellphone so he scan his bus pass and get into the bus. Unfortunately for him, most of the single seats are taken so he heads toward the back of the bus where he discovers an empty seat next to a guy who seems to be around his age. He rapidly walks over and mutters a soft “sorry” before sitting down and putting his phone back to his ear.
”Okay, you can continue,” he almost whispers into the phone, trying to keep his voice as low as possible so he won’t end up bothering the other passengers. He hates talking on the phone when he takes public transportation, but even if he tried to tell his mother that he would call her back later, she was having none of it which is why he’s on the phone now. He certainly hopes that the other passengers are not able to hear his mother talking. He’s made sure to keep the volume of his phone low, but one can never be certain it actually worked.
As his mother talks about how it should be about time for him to date someone and the different ways he can meet a girl, as if university wasn’t a good enough place to meet someone already, he tunes her out and ends up glancing at the boy sitting next to him. He’s on his phone too, but he’s definitely not using it to talk to someone.
He’s about to say something about the face the boy is currently making when his mother calls his name on the other end of the line. ”Yoongi-yah, are you listening to me?”
He sighs and briefly closes his eyes as he pinches the bridge of his nose with his free hand. “Omma, I don’t need a dating site to meet someone…I am not even on any social media so what makes you think…what?....no! Look….can we talk about this another time?” Sure he is glad that his mother isn’t trying to pair him up with someone by arranging meeting with the daughters of some of her friends, but still!
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tsnxsuga-blog · 7 years
Even though Yoongi was a science student attending one of the best universities of the country, there were still certain notions he had trouble with for some of his classes. Sometimes asking the teacher for an explanation or spending time studying on his own was enough for him to eventually understand, but other times, he needed help from other students. His first choice was always Hani. They had met before going to university and were close friends. Not only that, but Hani had skipped a grade which meant that she was damn good at school and Yoongi really liked the way she explained things.
That’s why he had texted her after school to ask her if she would mind helping him understand a couple of things. Thankfully she had agreed and they had met in one of the auditoriums. There, they spent a long time going over what he didn’t understand and filling his notebook with new information. Once in a while, he’d apologize for not getting it and making her repeat, but eventually he gets it and lets out a long sigh as he slumps back in his chair.
”Thank god you’re here,” he tells her after he’s ran his hands over his face and through his hair, pushing the strands back. “When the teacher talked about that stuff, everybody in the classroom just seemed to instantly get it so I didn’t dare rise my hand to ask for a clarification or anything like that,” he admits and moves his arms to stretch. “So thank you, for helping me again.” He turns toward her and smiles.
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tsnxsuga-blog · 7 years
It had started like all the times they decide to hang out. They played a bit of basketball together and once they had gotten too tired to continue, they had sat down at the bottom of the bleachers and eaten dinner together. Dinner that had been heavily drowned in alcohol which they had managed to sneak in. Yoongi usually wasn’t the kind to drink until being fully drunk, but somehow, whenever alcohol made an appearance when he was hanging out with Taehyung, he always ended up drinking more than usual.
The problem with drinking a lot of alcohol was that while it made some people clingy or overly emotional, it made Yoongi irrationally frustrated over the stupidest things. He’d start ranting about all the little things that get on his nerves and that he usually keeps to himself because he’s not the kind to rant about insignificant things. Unless drunk. Which he currently is. He lowers his can of beer after taking a sip and makes a face as he swallows.
Yoongi squints as Taehyung begins to blur in front of his eyes. He shakes his head and rapidly decides that it is a terrible idea so he stops before he can start feeling too sick. “You,” he says, index finger pointing at the basketball manager and sounding quite frustrated. “Look at yourself, all tall and…and handsome…” He huffs as he moves with difficulty and slowly pushes himself to his feet. He steps closer to Taehyung and leans until his chin is almost resting on the other boy’s shoulders. He reaches down and closes his fingers over the edge of Taehyung’s shirt and without warning, he gives a harsh tug, lifting it up. “I bet you still have abs even though I never see you at the gym.” His words are slurring together and he pulls back slightly, still holding up Taehyung’s shirt.
”SEE?” he exclaims when he sees the other’s stomach. “You suck. I hate you.” He glances back up, but makes no move to let go of the shirt or to walk away from his friend.
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tsnxsuga-blog · 7 years
cool beans.
Places available for student to study before exams are endless. They can stay at home, go to the library, study alone or with friends, some are lucky and don’t need to study (Yoongi secretly hates them). Yoongi’s favorite place to study, besides his bedroom is at a coffee shop. It may seem strange that he would be able to concentrate in an environment that is filled with music, sounds of espresso machines and chatter, but he finds the lingering aroma of coffee appeasing and the noise can easily be filtered out by putting on his headphones and listening to music of his choice.
He ends up at a small one that he has discovered not too long ago. He likes it because it is cozy and there are plush armchairs he can sink into. It doesn’t take long for him to realize that he is not the only one who decided to come here. The crowd doesn’t make him decide to leave though. He still gets in the line to order and asks for a medium caramel soy latte. He normally takes his coffee black, but sometimes he likes to indulge and cramming for exams is a good excuse.
Once he has his coffee in hands, he looks around the shop, trying to find an available table, but it seems like all the seats are taken. Until his eyes fall on a tall girl sitting by herself at a table, an empty chair across from her. He hesitates because he doesn’t want to bother her, but at the same time…He takes a deep breath and walks over to her. He stops behind the empty chair and leans slightly forward to grab the girl’s attention.
”I’m sorry,” he says while readjusting the strap of his backpack on his shoulder with his free hand because it was about to slide off, “but would you mind if I sat here? I came here to study but didn’t expect there would be so many people. I’ll understand if you’re waiting for someone or prefer to be alone though.” He feels that it is important to let her know that he will be ok with whatever she decides.
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tsnxsuga-blog · 7 years
Here comes the awkward introduction~
Hi everyone, my name’s Gab and intros are not my forte so I shall keep this short. All the info about Yoongi can be found here. Warning, it is long and if you read all of it, you deserve all my love and a gold star (seriously!). I am a shy mun, but I honestly want to plot with as many of you as possible so either like this, or comment on this or send me a im! (I’ll come to you if you don’t come to me :P). Finally, the best way to contact me is through IMs, but if that doesn’t work for you, you can ask me for my skype or my kkt id. I’m excited to be here and to start writing!
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tsnxsuga-blog · 7 years
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Let’s Play Basketball By Rey Canlas | More
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tsnxsuga-blog · 7 years
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