tsukinikawatteus · 1 year
so you know how Marty McFly is supposed to be this Relatable Teenager character who Gets Into Trouble at School, Skateboards, Plays a Guitar and such
as all Teenagers do right
but then he has someone to hold this tenderly in his life
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and judging from my teenager experience, that's not very Relatable
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tsukinikawatteus · 2 years
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- Marty McFly at any given point in time and space
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I had to create a gifset of this scene because I cannot get over the faces Doc makes during it. It looks like that man's brain is completely devoid of all thought other than ones about his precious dirty ice cube. He's not even blinking and looks absolutely unhinged. This is Doc Brown in peak mad-scientist mode.
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tsukinikawatteus · 3 years
Gonna regret asking this as soon as you answer, but what do you think Marty would’ve done had doc actually died in the parking lot? Like immediately and beyond? And just to spread the pain around, what would doc have done had Marty died by buford’s hand?
This is another one of those asks that got backlogged. Sorry, anon. I've given some thought to these scenarios, though, and, well...I'm sorry. This is gonna be dark.
Had Doc not heeded Marty's warning and actually died (& assuming Marty re-loading the time machine with plutonium and trying to fix things isn't possible for some reason):
Marty would've continued to sit on the cold ground, sobbing for a long while. Einstein would join him, torn between trying to comfort his young friend and whimpering by Doc, trying to get the man to wake up.
Once the initial flood of tears eases, I could see Marty getting angry. Like, the angriest he's ever been. Screaming at Doc, at himself, and maybe finding things in Doc's truck to throw around and destroy. Then another wave of sadness would hit and he'd break down again.
Eventually, Marty would realize he needed to get moving. Someone was bound to see the fire caused by the Libyans' van and also the truck, DeLorean on the street in town, and the man lying dead in the mall parking lot. He'd know that the police would soon be called and that there would be a lot of questions that he'd rather not have to answer, but Marty would be very hesitant to go. He wouldn't want to leave his best friend. How could he? It would be a betrayal. He'd be a coward to run. Doc wouldn't leave him if the roles were reversed. So he'd stay, shivering in the cold night air, trying to figure out what he'll say. What they'll ask him.
After, he'd find a payphone and call the police himself. Upon their arrival, though, he'd lean into his own hysteria and act like he had no clue what happened. Maybe explain he was Doc's assistant and that he'd been asked to come to the mall but he'd shown up late and found the scene as it was already. When it came down to it, Marty would really be too much of a mess to talk to anyone, and the authorities on the scene would just see a distraught kid who needed to get home.
(There's a lot that could probably be said about how things would unfold once Marty got home, but in the interest of wanting to skip ahead, I'll just say that George and Lorraine would be horrified. Scared out of their minds and confused at what had happened. They'd likely do everything in their power to shield Marty from questions and prying eyes in the weeks that would follow)
Oh, right...on top of Doc being dead and Marty having witnessed it (twice!), he'd also have to deal with the whiplash at his suddenly new family. Which would really not be a good situation.
Things would rapidly fall apart for Marty once the dust settled and the reality of things set in. He'd be dealing with a family who all felt like strangers. He'd have no memories of ever having lived with those people. He wouldn't even be able to talk to Jennifer about anything for fear of sounding crazy and scaring her away. His best friend in the world, the only person who Marty felt truly understood him, was gone.
I think some pretty significant PTSD would be likely. Marty would have constant nightmares of Doc getting killed. Of trying and failing over and over to save him. And even with his loving, supportive parents doing all they can, it wouldn't be enough. Marty wouldn't feel a real connection to them or want their help. He wouldn't want Jennifer's help. He'd just want Doc back. He'd torture himself with thoughts of what he could have done differently that night he left 1955 or upon his arrival back to '85. He'd blame himself entirely for not trying hard enough. Not being smart enough or brave enough to have done something to save Doc.
Things would only be made worse as rumors swirled around town. Doc would be solidified as a villain in Hill Valley. A crazy, dangerous man who drew terrorists to their quiet little town and almost got a teenager killed. Marty would have to listen to whispers of people's theories as to what happened that night and hear them express their relief that Doc was no longer around to cause them any trouble. People would shoot Marty sideways glances, either looking down on him for having been acquainted with the deranged scientist or holding pity for him. Classmates would harass and taunt him, wanting to know what happened. Wanting to hear the "real story".
All the while, Marty is consumed by a grief he's unable to escape. He'd probably go one of two ways. Too depressed to function, he'd sort of withdraw entirely from life. Break up with Jennifer, shut his family out, abandon his music, etc. He'd see no real point in trying to make a good life for himself and be too anxious to ever move out of his comfort zone. On the other hand, he could give in to his anger and swing the other way, becoming self-destructive and sabotaging his future--drinking, dropping out of school, and using his fists to deal with any peers who dare to say a bad word about Doc. Either way, he'd be upset at himself because he'd know Doc would want better for him. Expect better of him. But he wouldn't be able to pull himself together because he'd be so stuck having convinced himself Doc's death was his fault.
Where would all of this leave our dear Marty as the years pass? I'm not sure. He'd either spiral totally beyond reach or eventually hit rock bottom and realize that he had to let go of all the sadness and anger and live up to all the potential Doc was always saying he had. At that point, though, he would have lost years to his grief, so getting his life together would be difficult. And...yeah.
That was lovely, wasn't it? Doc's turn!
Had Marty actually been killed by Buford (again assuming using time travel to fix things isn't an eventual option):
I feel like, initially, Doc would skip right past the devastated/crying phase and go immediately to a level of anger he'd never felt before. Do you remember how he acted when Buford was harassing Clara at the dance, especially when she was pushed down? Remember how it took 3 of Buford's guys to hold Doc back?? Yeah, well, take that and multiply it a couple of times.
I think it's quite possible that Doc would attempt to take Buford down right there, which likely wouldn't end well for him. But he wouldn't even care. He was heartbroken already over Clara and then his best friend in the world is killed in front of him. All rational parts of Doc would be gone. And seeing as Buford is, you know, dangerously unhinged and has his little posse with him, Doc might end up getting himself killed a minute or two later as well. In which case...well, that would be the end of this scenario. He and Marty would end up buried next to each other in the Old West.
If Doc somehow managed to survive an encounter with Buford, or if he didn't confront him at all because he was in such a state of shock, I think he'd resign himself to a quiet, lonely life in the 1880s. I'm not sure if he'd stay in town and work as a blacksmith. Maybe? If he wanted the distraction? But he also might move away to a little house and just live off the land.
Not sure how Clara would factor in, assuming she'd return to town to find Doc after getting off her train. I don't know if Doc would push her away, wanting to be totally alone in his misery or if he would cling to her.
Doc would be dealing with a lot of guilt. He'd decide that he was responsible for Marty's death. After all, he'd made the decision to stay in the saloon all night, and Marty had to then track him down. Then he'd taken that shot and passed out, costing them valuable time they could have otherwise used to be well on their way to the train. They could have avoided Buford altogether if it weren't for him, Doc would conclude, and in his mind, he'd essentially forced Marty to have to face the man.
Doc might eventually settle into a routine and go about living his life, but I don't know that he'd ever recover from the crushing guilt he'd feel. Losing Marty would shatter him. Marty was the first person to reach out to him, even with all the rumors and disdain other residents of the town threw his way. Marty liked and accepted him for who he was, something no one else had ever truly done. Marty brought so much good into his life, and in exchange, Doc had done all he could to be there for and protect his young friend--to help him see his own potential. But he couldn't protect Marty, and that failure would hurt more deeply than every other one combined.
Basically, I think that Doc would just lose part of himself after losing Marty. Even if he married Clara and had Jules and Verne and ended up with a nice life, he'd always feel the absence of his friend. He wouldn't ever fully be "Doc" again--more of a subdued, more serious version of himself.
I could see him holding it together for the most part, being a family man, all that stuff. But then he'd have moments where he'd find himself alone and just fall apart. And just to make things extra sad for anyone who's read this far, I imagine Doc taking very frequent trips to wherever Marty is buried, laying a few flowers down, and staying there for hours, crying, praying, talking to himself, or just sitting in silence.
Well. Anyway.
Thanks for the ask?
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tsukinikawatteus · 3 years
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Back to the Future: The Animated Series s01ep01
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tsukinikawatteus · 3 years
Seeing pictures of Michael J Fox, and also seeing him in other roles, one this I love that he very purposefully does is make Marty’s smile so . . . Vacant? Especially compared to mjf’s natural smile that he has in all his other pictures and headshot on the bttf website. Like you can tell that when Marty is happy and smiling there is not one single other thought in that brain, save ‘i happy!!’ ‘oooh serotonin!” or like “doc!!”
Like Marty is a very very smart and talented guy, but like just that vacant smile is a part of mjf’s characterization of Marty that I love. Anyway, here are some pictures of said vacant smile. Enjoy
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tsukinikawatteus · 3 years
Marty: Sorry, I think I need to be alone right now.
Marty: Thanks for being alone with me, Doc.
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tsukinikawatteus · 3 years
that's exactly what i needed nikki i love you thank you
The lack of fluffy einie and Marty content in this fandom is is a sin, so any headcanons on einie and Marty and their interactions?
Sure thing, here ya go!
Einstein is a gentle dog, but he's also fiercely protective of Doc and the garage in general. On the day that Marty broke in, though, Einie quickly determined that there was no danger. Yeah, there was a stranger in the house, but it was a nice stranger. A good stranger. A new friend! Marty, too, quickly loved the dog and by the time Doc arrived back home, the two of them were best buddies. (this is admittedly less headcanon and more actual canon, lol. Doc's DeLorean journal book mentions how Marty immediately passed the "Einstein test" and that the dog loved him right away)
Einstein is very in tune with Marty. Sometimes Marty bursts into the lab, brimming with excitement and enthusiasm, and Einie knows it's a good time to play. The two of them will play fetch or tug of war or go for a nice long walk around town. But Einie also knows when Marty doesn't want to run all around and just needs a friend to sit with him. He's more than happy to curl up in the boy's lap and provide lots of cuddles when Marty's feeling down.
When Marty stays over at the garage, Einie likes to sleep in the cot with him. It's small and cramped, but they make it work. Marty likes the comforting weight of the dog sleeping on top of him anyway.
Marty is notorious for sneaking Einstein human food. He and Doc eat in the lab a lot, and Einstein sits pressed up against Marty's legs, waiting eagerly for fries, pieces of hamburger, and whatever else the teenager is offering.
There was a day where Doc was out and an ill-placed can of paint fell off a wobbly shelf and splattered to the floor. Einie knew better than to lick it or anything, but he did roll all around in it. When Marty got to the garage a short while later, he was panicked to find a paint-covered dog and giant mess on the floor. Wrestling Einstein into the small bathroom, he attempted to give the dog a bath before Doc got back. Einstein did not want a bath. He's also a pretty big dog. Marty is a small guy. Long story short, they both ended up soaked. Doc got home and was like ???WHat happened here??
Marty absolutely considers Einstein to also be "his" dog. Einie considers Marty to be "his" boy. The two of them just care so deeply for each other. Marty loves the loyalty and unconditional love Einstein provides and Einstein loves just being with Marty--having someone to protect and play with.
Thanks for the ask!
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tsukinikawatteus · 3 years
yo miss girl <3 since you've had the once in a lifetime chance to be in the immediate vicinity of mr mjf and mr lloyd, what do they smell like
due to the massive amounts of it consumed on the family ties show, michael j. fox has and will always smell of orange juice.
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tsukinikawatteus · 3 years
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big inhale
The amount of pines grown may be debatable, but dude, on Futurepedia it says that Mr. Peabody was thrown in an asylum the next morning after Marty ran over his pine. A moment of silence for our pine tree-breeding farmer.
pllffrhgghrpaugh WHAT
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tsukinikawatteus · 3 years
hi kai! Important question :) how phat is Marty Mcfly’s ass :)
it's been in my ask box for ages
and i finally reply
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tsukinikawatteus · 3 years
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Doc&Marty Transparent Photo Card Illustration
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tsukinikawatteus · 3 years
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bttf rkgk
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tsukinikawatteus · 3 years
Things Doc apparently has been up to in 1885
Spoiling the 4th of July by being lightweight
Craving for iced tea
Shooting fleas off a dog's back at 500 yards
i mean-
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tsukinikawatteus · 3 years
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Back to the Future was released on july 3rd, 1985 and except for one week, was #1 at the box office until october. to reiterate: this is a movie about a kid who can’t tell time. 
the film literally advocates violence against clocks, but, gotta hand it to them, it’s a perfect summer blockbuster– Reagan even gave it a national holi  I am giving it a national holiday.
McFly July!! celebrate this movie and the creators who love it!!  there’s a prompt each day and you can make with it whatever you wish: poetry, fanfic, song, cosplay, fanart, fancams, anything BTTF.
try one, try a couple, or try the whole month– just post your creations with the tag #mcflyjuly so I can find them! yay!  a̡̛̩͙̱̭͙b҉̶̹͕̫͔͙͡o̵҉̼͔ḷ̼͍̟̭͇͠ͅi̝͉̭̭̫̫̥̥͝s̗̗͕̪͉̦̞h̹̮͔ ̙͠͡ţ͇͇̻̲̙͇͞i̮̺̜̹̥͉̮͜ͅm̡̬̫̩͇̖e̸̱ͅ
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tsukinikawatteus · 3 years
In the novelization of Part 3 by mister Craig Shaw Gardner there's a little hint to Doc's perfect timing (at the very end of chapter nine):
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apparently doc is a local batman of sorts ok also dandy
There are several possibilities for how Doc got there in time to save Marty from being hanged in the third movie (including, of course, the most complicated possibility that he didn’t get there in time and resorted to time travel) but I think my favorite is this sequence of events:
After eight months in 1885, Doc finally decides there’s no way for him to get the DeLorean working and buries it in the mine instead. Once that’s done, he writes and sends his letter to Marty on September 1.
Through the next two days he’s kind of low-key waiting to see if anything happens… Because yes, he told Marty not to come for him, but he does also know where “Doc’s well-being” and “the safety of the space-time continuum” rank in relation to each other on Marty’s list of priorities. He doesn’t know whether or not he convinced Marty that he honestly doesn’t need saving this time, but if he didn’t then his best friend will be showing up soon.
Nothing happens on September 2 and he starts to think huh, maybe Marty did listen! Which would be sad for both of them, but is also probably for the best.
On September 3, still a little bit on the lookout for Marty, he stops in at the saloon to chat with the bartender.
Bartender: “Hey, Emmett. You might want to lay low for a while—Mad Dog’s in town looking for you, and he seems pretty riled up. Just picked a fight with some poor kid who came in here looking for water.”
Doc: “Oh yeah? Thanks for the warning. Who’d he go after?”
Bartender: “No one from these parts. Funny-dressed dude, by the name of Clint Eastwood.”
Doc: “WHAT??”
And then he sets off at a dead run down the street because only Marty.
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tsukinikawatteus · 3 years
The only reason you need to buy “DeLorean Time Machine: Doc Brown's Owner's Workshop Manual“
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This book contains Doc’s “journal entries” covering both on- and off-screen events.
According to this awful quality screenshot, on the 12th of March, 1979, he adopted Einstein
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tsukinikawatteus · 3 years
you guys cannot IMAGINE how hyped i am right now
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