tsukkiakarii · 19 hours
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tsukkiakarii · 2 days
“Don’t fret, precious, I’m here. Step away from the window–go back to sleep. Safe from pain, and choice, and truth, and other poison devils. See, they don’t give a fuck about you, like I do.”
— Perfect Circle, Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rhythm of the War Drums (via emt-rj)
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tsukkiakarii · 2 days
“I have elected to become monster & beauty & grace & terror. I will not go.”
— Venetta Octavia, from “misotheism,” sky-doctrine (via lifeinpoetry)
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tsukkiakarii · 14 days
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It's such a contrast--the last time she had seen those eyes, they were full of fear and revulsion, fleeing into the night never to be seen again. He simply looks to her with wonder, curiosity, a pang in her heart for perhaps if the past had gone differently, just perhaps these would be the eyes she'd have seen then, too.
It all still feels more like a dream than reality. Perhaps she will wake next to Dōma, and all this nothing but a memory lingering.
But warm fingers brush his cheek and he leans into the gesture, surprise flickering across her features before a soft smile forms instead.
A thumb moves, idly caressing his cheekbone--soothing, calming, she hopes.
"Not a reason at all; I promise. I would keep you safe."
Like she had failed to do before.
A little smirk tugged at the child's features. His instinct was always on point, as was the norm for a wild beast. He largely owed his survival to it – to knowing when his life was in danger, and when it wasn't.
The answer to her question came to him naturally, but he didn't immediately voice it. He remained still, curious to see how bold she would get. After all, she might want to be afraid! She was meeting with the mighty King of the Mountain!
"I don't have any reason to be afraid. Right?"
He spoke mere seconds before her fingers brushed his cheek. The child's eyes widened visibly, as if that simple touch had sent him back many, many years. Sensations long forgotten, a warm tingle spreading from his cheek to the rest of his face, his chest, his limbs.
He found himself leaning into her touch, his head tilting to the side, cheek pressing against her clawed fingers.
Why did it feel so soothing? Why did it feel so... familiar?
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tsukkiakarii · 14 days
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Playful huff, nuzzling the crown of his head and its bloodstained hue, but she isn't truly bothered at all. "But you enjoy it so when I allow my hair to fade," a light tease, recalling the times she allowed her hair to fade to the same hue as the moon hanging in the sky.
But the irony isn't lost upon her, "--perhaps I'll simply have you watch them for the day, and see how well you're able to keep up with your daughters."
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As he sulks, she returns to carding her fingers through his hair to soothe him. "--you do make pretty art, you're simply harsh on yourself. I feel you focus too much upon a finish line or goal post you've created, rather than the journey to reach them."
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and he laughs some at her response. it definitely was something he could be lead to believe, “i hope they don’t turn your hair grey, koku-chan.”
a blink of his eyes as he reaches up to catch a thread of his own hair — blond, but still undoubtedly silvery. the irony in him saying such a thing.
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“oh!” he exclaims soon after, “do you have any tips for me? i want to get better, and your paintings are always so pretty.”
he starts to sulk.
“...i hope i can make pretty art soon. i’m so impatient.”
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tsukkiakarii · 16 days
sorry for vanishing! its been stressful on this end but hoping to write on my days off uwu
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tsukkiakarii · 23 days
the meme "i'm done with self-care, it's time to harm-others" is one of the most michicore things ive seen of late
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tsukkiakarii · 26 days
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"You're right, I'm not a human," the irony doesn't escape her. If only his mother were more like her son, if only she hadn't ran from them. If only she hadn't learned at all...
Yet, Inosuke doesn't run. Part of her expects he will, still. To be like her after all, escaping her reach where she can no longer protect them, kept beneath her wings...
She remains still as he crawls closer instead, such an odd way to move as he clenched that hide, but she thinks only of that missing child, infant clinging to blanket and same eyes looking up to her, same eyes as his mother, but he crawls closer still.
Kokushibō keeps movements slow still, still allowing him to watch her, to understand her. Heart ached within her chest, still not daring to hope and yet--
And yet, a hand reaches out. Clawed and pale, and yet she remains careful, not allowing claws to cut such soft skin as fingers brush his cheek. As if she were proving to herself that he were real.
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"...tell me, do you fear me?"
So he was. Inosuke knew that he had wandered far from his usual territory, but he had yet been to find the creature that ruled those lands. The one he had to beat, if he wanted to claim this turf as part of his own.
Now that it stood before him, so different from the beasts, yet bearing a similar air to them... For the first time in his life, Inosuke wondered if he could beat them.
Or if he even wanted to.
"You can speak the humans' tongue. But you don't look like them."
No, this was no human. Much like Inosuke considered himself part of a different species, he was certain that this one belonged elsewhere. Ah, if only he had been wearing his hide! If only the creature hadn't seen the second face!
The invitation would have sounded like a trap, if only Inosuke could feel any malice in that overwhelming gaze. All six eyes locked on his frame, observing, as he held his hide tight in one hand and crawled a little closer.
He remained on all fours, stopping with a crouch just out of the silhouette's reach. Inviting her to cross the rest of the distance, if she so wanted.
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tsukkiakarii · 26 days
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Many creatures hid from her, frightened by lingering predator though she rarely held interest in them--driven by their instinct, though it doesn't seem to stop the flutter of moths. Any that flutter near are summarily tolerated, even if they alight upon night-black hair: her hands return within her sleeves, comfortable walk with her company. Kokushibō feels no need for pretense.
His playfulness doesn't pass her gaze unnoticed, and is rewarded by her own continuing amusement and unhidden affection for her spouse. "Ah, it were practically the opposite in truth: he followed at my heels vying for my attention for many years, not unlike a lost duckling."
Met the night demonic blood turned him into what he has become, tasked initially with ensuring that man's so-called experiment didn't fail but...Dōma were rather persistent in gaining her affections. A persistence that certainly paid off given enough time.
"I must admit, we were both quite surprised by our daughters."
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To his question, she nods though there is a levity that doesn't yet leave: Alucard has certainly happened upon a means to cheer her. "That they do; the founder that created us favors a society based upon strength, and many attempt to gain his attention by targeting myself for I hold power second only to that founder himself. They often seem to fail to understand what that truly means."
Death is all a devouring, and she is no different.
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐌𝐀𝐃𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐊 𝐄𝐍𝐉𝐎𝐘𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄. luckily, she appeared to have manners as to not ruin it. [ he would have just left if he felt bothered. ] yet, she is humble in his eyes; someone wise, which is why when she laughs & speaks on her husband, the count remained silent for only a moment before smiling wide. ❝ you cannot be joking? o', now that is a pleasant surprise. here i would have never imagined he could sustain a relationship without eating them! ❞ alucard shook his head in amusement as he looks back to her playfully.
❝ how did you manage to settle him down to have a family? ah, you two have piqued my interest, i dare not lie. ❞ alucard spoke, crossing his arms as they continued to walk along. ❝ a demon with a family, something new every day. ah, but do not fret; ----- i would simply observe. i have no desire to eat the flesh of a demon. ❞
he did want to confirm that he held no intent that included devouring or harming them. his curiosity simply nipped at the back of his neck persistently since hearing the news. her words, however, on devouring the same, he would only sigh.
❝ many attempt to bite off more than they can chew, i assume? i know the feeling all too well. though, it is satisfying seeing them shiver in fear before consuming them. ❞
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tsukkiakarii · 26 days
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Such a contrast: blood and gore, scraps of a meal and cold corpses as they speak of their day like any other married couple. And yet, Kokushibō's focus remains upon Dōma instead--his leftovers wouldn't satisfy the hunger forever gnawing at her, and she had missed him.
Goddess of the temple never avoided or skirted around the work laid upon her lap; indeed, Kokushibō always ensured she were never given less than Dōma. Such a thing would have been taken as insult--but even beyond, she would always think of Dōma above all.
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"They have your energy; I feel the only time they are still is when they sleep," amusement, but interest is piqued. "--you've painted more of late. I would enjoy painting with you one night."
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“were they?” two demons musing over mundane things as the corpse continues to grow older — dōma tilts his head as he imagines what the day was like for kokushibō. as the temple goddess, perhaps she was given just as much work as he did — regardless, he hoped it wasn’t too exhaustive.
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“i tried to paint them the other day,” he hums, “but they won’t stay still! i had to use my imagination some, but i admit — i’m not too great at imagining things.”
he laughs some. the irony.
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tsukkiakarii · 27 days
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@whirling-fangs 🌕
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Like seeing a ghost, making her heart twist within her chest. She thought he were dead, taken by the river's current. She had searched, night after night.
She wasn't there when he was thrown away, a regret that lingered: Dōma sought to protect her, to spare her, she knows--and so she did as asked, remaining at the temple and licking their wounds.
But Kokushibō searched the following night, following the scents to that cliff, but the water had washed him away. She had hoped, if nothing else perhaps she could find something to hold--but nothing remained.
It were a hopelessness, one that still gnaws at her as she once more stands before him--thought impossible, happening upon him when hunting. A living ghost, she didn't truly believe she'd find him any longer until those green eyes were once more looking up to her.
A silence that stretched on, before little voice brings Kokushibō back to reality.
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"You're on mine, dearheart," she corrects, a sense of uncertainty still, and yet a hand reaches out. Slow movement, allowing Inosuke to watch her actions, attempting to not scare him away.
"--will you come closer?"
Or will this face keep him frightened away? In the back of her mind, Kokushibō wonders if shifting her features would simply startle him all the more.
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tsukkiakarii · 27 days
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There were certainly other thoughts she would have shared, even perhaps invitation to partake of any demon he wished for she suspects they would fall to him quickly regardless, but his next words certainly catch her attention more thoroughly instead.
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Smile turns just a touch sly, soft laugh escaping her though politely using sleeve to subdue such mirth--he needn't wait long to understand Kokushibō's amusement: "I know of him quite well, for he's my husband and father of my children."
Life and death, cycle and recycle; she still holds no fear, for her children are safe with their father and she trusts Dōma's judge of character. He would never allow harm to befall them, and so it assures further this Alucard currently holds no danger towards they.
She doesn't lose focus however, nodding a certain understanding. "--I must admit, I am known to be guilty of the same. There are those who have attempted to challenge me, and all became naught but a meal."
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𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐋𝐃 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 𝐎𝐅 𝐅𝐀𝐒𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆, 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒. It brings an amused laughter from the depths of his throat. She was still someone who held their thoughts controlled. She could have tempted him to an attack, nor was she obligated to give him conversation.
There was something vaguely familiar about her, she had the same sense of damnation as one other demon he has encountered since arriving. [ a colorful, uplifting yet gluttonous and ravenous soul. ] ❝ Ah, is that so? A shame, I was hoping to have a good meal or two while visiting a friend of mine here. Perhaps you know of him? A fellow called Doma? ❞ Alucard decided to ask, tucking his hands behind his back as he looks at the slight smile on her face.
Her question makes him nod, confirming it in his own manners. ❝ I died and became a beast of the Devil in my land. Now I devour and hunt the beast that are ordered by my master. ❞
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----- ❝ I devour my own kin if they are on my list. ❞
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tsukkiakarii · 29 days
&. 𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
(  an  assortment  of  dialogue  prompts  for  various  apocalypse  /  end  of  the  world  scenarios.  feel  free  to  change  as  you  seem  fit.  )
❛ stay alive. for me. ❜
❛ you won’t survive long out there. i can protect you. ❜
❛ how many bullets do you got left? ❜
❛ i’m gonna make sure this place is secure. ❜
❛ will things ever go back to the way they were? ❜
❛ i know the odds aren’t good, but we’ve got to try. ❜
❛ you should be dead by now. ❜
❛ this isn’t the world you remember. ❜
❛ it’s all gone. it’s really all gone. ❜
❛ shit. why did you hide this? ❜
❛ stay down. don’t let them see you. ❜
❛ you are making it very difficult to keep you alive. ❜
❛ how is it you’re not scared? ❜
❛ when i give the signal, we run. ❜
❛ holy shit, we hit the jackpot! look at all this stuff! ❜
❛ i’d say we make a pretty good team. ❜
❛ if you don’t fight, you die. ❜
❛ remind me to not get on your bad side. ❜
❛ been there. seen that. got the scars to prove it. ❜
❛ unfortunately, we can’t kiss in the rain. it’s acid. ❜
❛ just keep moving. don’t look back. ❜
❛ i’m scared of ending up alone. ❜
❛ still alive, are you? ❜
❛ i’m beyond saving at this point. ❜
❛ an animal that’s tasted human flesh isn’t safe. ❜
❛ there’s nothing you can do to save them. ❜
❛ do you have any idea how many people we lost today?! ❜
❛ thought you’d be lighter without all that blood. ❜
❛ just a few more stitches and you’ll be as good as new. ❜
❛ my job is to watch your back. ❜
❛ don’t enter the city, it belongs to the dead now. ❜
❛ it must be important, otherwise you wouldn’t have gone back for it. ❜
❛ there’s something about that robot that doesn’t seem right to me. ❜
❛ you still remember how to kill, right? ❜
❛ there should be an opening through the fence. watch your head. ❜
❛ our luck will run out sooner or later. ❜
❛ everything looks so beautiful from up here. ❜
❛ can’t say i’m surprised to find you in a dump like this. ❜
❛ we can sneak past them, even though i know that’s not your style. ❜
❛ i can’t imagine losing someone like that. i’m sorry. ❜
❛ if you were smart, you’d turn back now. ❜
❛ shut up. are you trying to get us killed? ❜
❛ breathe. we’re safe now. ❜
❛ you’re better off without me. i’ll only slow you down. ❜
❛ i brought dinner. it’s not much, but it’s edible. ❜
❛ for what it’s worth, i’ll do what i can to help you not get killed. ❜
❛ you’re gonna be real happy you didn’t kill me. ❜
❛ if it was the other way around, would you have come back for me? ❜
❛ why don’t we just stay here? live out the rest of our lives? ❜
❛ you really shouldn’t be out here by yourself. ❜
❛ rest. i’ll take the first watch. ❜
❛ i’ve got a weapon for every situation. hunting, profession, cold blooded murder, hot blooded murder… ❜
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tsukkiakarii · 29 days
𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼 — send 💭 + a topic to receive a headcanon about said topic.
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tsukkiakarii · 30 days
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Corey Brickley
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tsukkiakarii · 30 days
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— David Cronenberg, Consumed
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tsukkiakarii · 30 days
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So close and she can practically feel him shudder against her, a smile forming as purrs deepen--it would be a lie to say Kokushibō didn't revel in the reactions she could garner from him, these reminders that she holds such sway over Dōma, that she can cross that bridge to reach his heart.
Oh, how she adores him. Perhaps she will spoil him more later, in the confines of their personal chambers.
As Dōma settles against her curves, a hand begins to card through his hair, brushing through pale strands as cheek rests atop his head--her other arm keeps him held close, resting upon his waist.
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"Our followers were terrible needy today, I feel I've spent most of it as a mother whose children tug her sleeves for attention," said with a mock sigh, "--though our daughters were so well behaved today. They're growing so fast, my love."
Such a contrast indeed, speaking of such mundane matters with corpses strewn about. Death hardly cares.
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and as her blood touches his skin — there’s a sharp, cutting inhale from dōma. goosebumps immediately flowering along his skin, fingertips twitch against raw, chilling air. he takes a moment to meditate on the taste of the demonic iron — the curse they had both carried for over one-hundred years, lingering in the taste as red splashed against his tongue.
then, as quickly as the taste had arrived, it disappeared. dōma immediately calms.
he brushes his cheek against her, own purrs mingling with hers. 
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“what did you do today?” he hums, blissfully — the stench of death heavy in the air. and yet, it felt like home.
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