ttaintedlove · 6 years
tag drop !!
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ttaintedlove · 6 years
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“Puppy cubed.”
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"You know, I don't think I've ever heard him called that in all my years..."
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ttaintedlove · 6 years
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“Yeah, this isn’t too fun. Not at all. But you’re looking lovely as ever.”
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“I wouldn’t imagine being dead would be fun.” she replied, a smile finding it’s way onto her lips. “And you’re handsome as hell.”
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ttaintedlove · 6 years
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“Little shit got me back, and good. Didn’t feel a thing, though.”
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"If it's not rough it isnt fun."
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ttaintedlove · 6 years
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"I wish I was."
@ttaintedlove | PERSEPHONE
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“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
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ttaintedlove · 7 years
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"Cerberus? " she asked, raising an eyebrow as she thought of her dog back home. "I miss him too."
@ttaintedlove | PERSEPHONE
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“I miss the puppy.”
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ttaintedlove · 7 years
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“I mean, they have names, but that’s about as far as my preparation for motherhood has gone..”
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“Well, that’s a start.” Persephone offered her daughter. “You still have some time...”
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ttaintedlove · 7 years
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“She was working on nightmares.” It wasn’t clear as to why he felt the need to stick up for Melinoe in such a way. Perhaps he feared her wrath, if it came back to her that he had said something against her?  Who could know for sure. “Yeah, I’m fine. A little cold, I guess?” The wet bayou of New Orleans was unlike the more dry cool that the Underworld was. He felt sticky, and uncomfortable.
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"She's always hard at work when it comes to those..." Persephone replied, her tone more understanding than it had been before he offered his explanation. That didn't mean she was any less concerned for her son, or for what this incident would mean for Melinoe as a mother either. "Come on, lets get you out of here." she insisted gently. "I'm just glad you're alright, Cillian."
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ttaintedlove · 7 years
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“You should know you could never disappoint me.”
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“I don’t know how.” she admitted, shaking her head gently. “What did I ever do to deserve you?”
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ttaintedlove · 7 years
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“I don’t know how to be around any kids though.”
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“You’ll learn.” Persephone offered gently, trying to comfort her daughter the best she could. “They’re fascinating creatures.”
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ttaintedlove · 7 years
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“Damn… I’m sorry. I kind of regret not being around babies more now.. Maybe I shouldn’t have peaced out when you and Dad both got pregnant.”
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“I’m not sure it would have helped...” Persephone sighed. "Being around children is different than having your own."
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ttaintedlove · 7 years
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“Did you have nightmares when you were pregnant with me?” Melinoe asked, changing the subject slightly, “I’ve been having them almost every night and it honestly doesn’t seem fair.”
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“Every single night.” Persephone admitted, a weak smile playing on her lips as she thought back to her pregnancy. “I thought you were going to drive me mad....and then you were born, and they stopped. I’d say it’s just a taste of your own medicine my dear.”
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ttaintedlove · 7 years
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“I forgot Cillian somewhere literally two days ago.”
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“I know.” Persephone admitted with a soft sigh. “At least he could take care of himself...”
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ttaintedlove · 7 years
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“I don’t know what to do with a baby though. I avoided Neo until he was like four..”
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"Your father and I can help you. We had to figure it all out on our own, and I think it worked out well"
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ttaintedlove · 7 years
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“I can hardly wait,” he replied although the peaceful look he wore as he looked at her certainly didn’t make him seem like he was in any rush.
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“I just hope I don’t disappoint...” she mused.
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ttaintedlove · 7 years
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“You and Dad are sort of cool, I guess. I mean, Dad makes it way too easy to make fun of him, but as far as parents god, I think I kind of lucked out.” Melinoë gave her mother a brief smile. “Do you think I’m going to be a good mom?” She hadn’t planned on asked that question, it just sort of slipped out.
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“Only sort of cool? You wound me.” Persephone laughed, shaking her head at her daughter’s comment. “Your father can be a little eccentric at times, but it’s one of his best traits.” she added thoughtfully, smiling gently at the thought of her husband. Her eyes found her daughter’s own at the question, pausing as she mulled over her response. “I believe you’ll love your children very much...” she admitted.  “But you still have some growing up to do yourself.”
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ttaintedlove · 7 years
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“They’re not good for much. They never fail to give me and Hermes stuff to talk about though.”
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"They are always there to provide entertainment." she agreed with a gentle nod. "I just hope your father and I have been more than that for you."
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