ttran-sient · 2 years
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"Fuck the King, Feed the Hungry"
Seen in Glasgow, Scotland
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ttran-sient · 2 years
“Today I forgive myself. Not just once. Again, and again, and again. As many times as it takes to find peace.”
— Unknown
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ttran-sient · 2 years
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ttran-sient · 2 years
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by 8og
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ttran-sient · 2 years
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ttran-sient · 2 years
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ttran-sient · 2 years
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via weheartit
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ttran-sient · 2 years
the only reason i believe in love is because of the way i love
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ttran-sient · 3 years
“And in that moment I realized that as much as time might only be something we constructed to organize our lives, I can’t seem to get it right. The only time it feels like the timing is right is when I sit down and play an instrument and let the music flow from my mind into my heart as the emotions resonate into hands or the mouth of the instrument and the notes play the sweetest melody. It feels like the only time I can say the right things are when the pen is in my hand and my hands fly across the pages expressing my soul’s deepest secrets that I have to keep locked away. If I look closely enough, the ink seems to be tinted red, as if my words were written in my blood, as if it was a part of me; it keeps me alive. And when I look up from the red tinted pages I see the clock ticking away as a constant reminder that I never can catch the right time. My life is a series of people who are not yet ready for me because their heart is shattered and of missed chances with new loves because I was 5 minutes too late. I cannot wait for the day the clock stops and I can finally catch up with the love of my life and show them everything I have written, time will no longer exist and I will have nothing to hide.”
— (via the-homie-sexual)
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ttran-sient · 3 years
Skies were pretty dramatic this evening in Tucson! Swipe left to watch the timelapse I set up while I was shooting with my backup camera!
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ttran-sient · 3 years
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Abandoned Big GAMEBOY
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ttran-sient · 3 years
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David of Michelangelo, Florence, Italy, photo by bioldave
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ttran-sient · 3 years
“My dearest sunflower; I want to be the wind that sweeps you off your feet. 
I want to be the melody you hum before you fall asleep.
The cliff that makes you fall in love.
I want to be the wave that pulls you under.
Know I don’t have much to give, 
but I’m hoping my hearts enough.
I told her that she reminded me of a summer sunflower.
Lovely and beautiful.
She smiled.
Her smile was like the sun to me.
Lighting my world & the way that I needed it to survive.
I miss her even when I’m next to her & I love her more with every second.
Forever used to seem like a silly idea to me before I met her.
But if there’s one thing I know now,
out of all the uncertainty & out of all the fucked up things in the world,
is that forever is not long enough with you,
but it’s the best we have.
So as for forever…
I’ll see you there.”
— Dakota Wint
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ttran-sient · 3 years
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ttran-sient · 3 years
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ttran-sient · 4 years
i love the part of growth that allows you to look back on a previous period of your life and recognize that parts of it were unhealthy. something that felt so normal wasn’t in hindsight. you’re not supposed to feel that tired all the time. you’re not supposed to be treated like that.
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ttran-sient · 4 years
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