ttshieronym · 1 month
What if the alternate universe was something that was in between?
Well, perhaps this is a copout answer, but I think it would depend highly on the exact circumstances. And how easy it would be to conquer if Governance considered them a dystopia.
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ttshieronym · 2 months
If Governance came across another universe with humans, would it try to assimilate them? Or would it simply content itself with its own universe?
It really would depend on the context. Are those humans fine? Maybe nothing. Are those humans being ruled by Space Hitler? Then maybe it would invade.
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ttshieronym · 2 months
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sketched a lil ryouko
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ttshieronym · 2 months
Chapter 71: In the Mountain
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Traditional Chapter Photo (A New Horizons fly-by of Pluto, from NASA)
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Alternate meme Chapter Photo
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ttshieronym · 2 months
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Fanart sent to me by a fan who I didn't notice the message of on Tumblr for ages >_>.
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ttshieronym · 2 months
Chapter 9 and 10 Commissions!
Chapter 9:
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Chapter 10
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Commissions by Arusuko! See: https://pixiv.me/arusuko
As always, because godoka only knows what Tumblr does to these, originals may be found here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rBuQXXgjlGzpZUqBLNKL6z_SugpkVMzi?usp=drive_link
Also I've been a really bad person and failed to look at my Tumblr messages for the longest time >_>. I'll wait a bit for this post to simmer then get around to them.
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ttshieronym · 3 months
Fanart commissions!
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Twitter link because it was the original source
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ttshieronym · 6 months
Chapter 70: Intangible Exchange
Traditional Chapter Media: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vKCLJZbytU
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ttshieronym · 11 months
Chapter 69: Between Two Worlds
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ttshieronym · 1 year
Chapter 68: Many Paths
This chapter image is literally too big for Tumblr and it's not worth lowering the res on, so instead just go look at it:
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ttshieronym · 1 year
Writing Update
Getting into the home stretch with Chapter 68. Close to doing grammar checks.
Chapter 69 has been fully drafted (actually for a while now)
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ttshieronym · 1 year
Writing Update
As noted on Twitter, given recent concerns re: people being able to see Twitter, I’m going to mirror updates here (ironic, ain’t it?) My frequency of updates is awful, but at the moment I'm like 2/3 of the way through Chapter 69 (about 5000 words). Chapter 68 is being held as backlog at the moment but we need to finish the revision and push it out. I’d anticipate maybe a month to finish up 69, which will be time to push out 68.
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ttshieronym · 1 year
Chapter 7 Commissions
Alright, after quite a while (good lord it’s been over two years since https://ttshieronym.tumblr.com/post/642412036845944832/chapter-5-6-commissions ) we have more commissioned artwork! (credit: SilverXP https://twitter.com/SLVR79 )
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Who knows what Tumblr does to uploaded images, so originals:
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ttshieronym · 1 year
Thanks for the new chapter! I'm enjoying the gradual unfolding of Cephalopod (Cephalopdian?) society and I'm very happy to see that Asami got some reassurance about Ryouko.
Probably easiest to just leave it a Cephalopod Society.
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ttshieronym · 1 year
Good chapter (67) but as you said, too short. Looking forward to the next one. However long it takes.
Girl in Yellow's older Cousin
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ttshieronym · 1 year
Chapter 67: Far Away
It turns out this is one of the shorter chapters, but well, next chapter longer?
Traditional chapter media: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3uXXh1sHcI Also, going to have Chapter 7 commissioned images soon. Just spacing things out.
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ttshieronym · 2 years
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From rissune on the discord!
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