tuckergrace-blog · 11 years
Uhh. Nope, pretty sure I never said that. A mere suggestion was all. 
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Are you going to cook for me?
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tuckergrace-blog · 11 years
I'm sure you don't, but after a while it gets boring doesn't it? Nothing beats a cooked meal I say. 
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I don’t know, I’m too lazy to actually go and check. I don’t mind  cheese and crackers.
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tuckergrace-blog · 11 years
That does not sound like a very good meal, do you really have nothing else in your fridge?
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cheese and crackers for dinner it is.
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tuckergrace-blog · 11 years
"Uh huh." Grace murmured as she turned away from Heidi, so quiet that she believed it unlikely that her sister had even heard. Upon entering her room once more Grace immediately went for her closet, dropping her papers on the corner of her nightstand. Her eyes searched frantically for her training clothes, she grunted as she pulled back the majority of her wardrobe to reveal the pieces that were not lost in the realm of laundry. Sighing Grace ripped the dark clothing off the hangers, and hastily hopped into them. As she slipped on her tightly long sleeve and moved through her room, the paper clippings fell to the floor. 
Spotting at her doorway Grace turned back to find the papers flittering in place on the floor, she nearly left the papers there. But at the last minute she ran back into her room to pick the clippings up and leave them on her neatly made bed. Again Grace began to exit her bedroom only to stop at her vanity mirror. There she stood a while taking in her reflection, the stark contrast of her blonde hair against the dark clothing. Grace tried to shake out the heaviness of fear. The young hunter stared at herself and nodded slightly, it was time. 
Grace ran through the house into the kitchen, and grabbed a couple of apples for the road. Taking a single bite Grace finally passed into the garage and stepped into Heidi's shiny new car. As she sat into the passenger seat she held out the other apple, offering it to Heidi. With a small smile she turned away, staring forward to the opening garage. She wondered how long it would be before they would arrived, forgetting the name of their destination. Shaking her head Grace gently closed her eyes and waited for the car to start. 
Let her burn || Heidi & Grace
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tuckergrace-blog · 11 years
She fell silent when she turned back to her sister who was reading intently. After a while Grace's face fell slightly, as her sister silently deliberated. The blonde was taken aback by Heidi's sudden departure deep into her room, just as she was going to call out she realized that her sister had likely intended for her to follow. Even she didn't, Grace didn't pay much mind to it. Excitement ran through her as Heidi presumably began to search online for any more hits. Though she was sure she'd burn a hole through Heidi before her sister would respond. It was hard keeping quiet, but she knew her sister needed time to think.
Grace sighed when she took back the clippings and Heidi confirmed her beliefs. A small chuckle escaped her lips, "Good. I'm quite fond of my foot ya know." Pausing for a second to collect her thoughts Grace continued, "Either way they're sick and they should be stopped right?" Justice began to surge through her at the thought of the poor lives that had been lost to the fires, and the children stolen. It was clear to Grace that Heidi intended to take immediate action, although this had not yet crossed Grace's mind. It was easy for Grace to lay judgment upon others, clear actually for her to see who was good and who was evil. There was no doubt in her mind whoever was behind this was evil and needed to be put down. Though it wasn't clear whether or not Grace would be able to deliver it.
Heidi was finally giving her the chance to prove to her family and herself that she could handle her own. For years, Grace has been waiting for this moment. She hated being constantly babied and made damn sure everyone else knew so. How could she let this hunt go? After all the talk she spewed about being ready, and wanting to hunt. There really was no way out. Hesitantly Grace nodded, "I'll go." Taking a deep breath she tried again with more purpose. "Hell yeah, this has been a long time coming." Grace said her voice wavering as she ended her sentence. The blonde grazed over Heidi's outfit, taking note of it's functionality. Making a mental note to get more appropriate clothing. "Uh. I need to change... Meet you downstairs?" Without waiting for a response she took off to her room to not only change, but also collect her thoughts.
Let her burn || Heidi & Grace
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tuckergrace-blog · 11 years
That is the worst feeling, have you tried retracing your steps?
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I feel as if I’ve forgotten something..
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tuckergrace-blog · 11 years
Grace had just about made it down the stairs, when she finally heard Heidi called out after her. "Oh." The girl quickly turned back around and raced up the stairs. Just as she reached the top of the stairs she poked her head beyond the wall to see her sister standing at her door. She opened her mouth to speak but her foot caught on the lip of the last stair, sending Grace forward. Just barely catching herself the newspapers taking yet other blow to it's structure. She tried her best to play it off, sheepishly trying to iron out the near permanent wrinkles in the papers. Giving up as she neared her older sister.
The blonde shook the paper in front of Heidi's face, the rest of the accompanying articles fell to the floor. "Have you read this?" Grace blurted out, the adrenaline was pumping through her veins unwavering. Grace has spent months scanning newspaper articles since arriving in Beacon Hills. Looking for something, anything that could be deemed supernatural and most especially magical. Finally she found a trend, and everything she had been taught hinted that this could very much be a witch on their hands. Although ultimately it was up to Heidi to confirm.
"It's the third! The third!" Grace said almost celebrating. The blonde handed off the paper so that Heidi could actually read the article, promptly bending down to grab the fallen papers. "And that's only in that town, there have been others. God. If this isn't ritual, I'll eat my foot." Grace proclaimed beaming at her sister.
Let her burn || Heidi & Grace
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tuckergrace-blog · 11 years
Let her burn || Heidi & Grace
A hand crashed into the front door muffled by the newspaper that crumpled under the pressure of holding the blonde up. Grace struggled getting out her keys, her free hand jittery as she attempted to enter. As soon as the door gave way Grace dashed through leaving it ajar, her keys left dangling from the rush of movement. "Hi!" Grace trilled excitedly to no one in particular. Her steps were light and quick as she climbed the stairs, she spun on the head of the bannister putting her in the direction of her bedroom. A few strides later Grace was in her scarcely adorned bedroom save for the bulletin board of paper clippings and print outs.
The blonde addressed her crumpled paper again for the first time since this morning.
Third house incinerated, orphaned child missing.
Grace knew exactly what she was looking for and in seconds she found similar headlines. Four other clippings, two from the same town, all from the same strain of suburban cities. Not far from Beacon at all, and definitely within their family's hunting range.
After catching her breath Grace barreled through their home shouting, "Heidi! Heidi are you here?" Patience never having been Grace's strong point she immediately pulled out her phone and texted her sister the same.
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tuckergrace-blog · 11 years
Can you be fired?
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The weekend...time to eat and sleep.
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tuckergrace-blog · 11 years
Do you literally sit around and think of all the tortuous things you can subject me to?
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The weekend...time to eat and sleep.
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tuckergrace-blog · 11 years
The weekend...time to eat and sleep.
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tuckergrace-blog · 11 years
Text || Heidi
Heidi: I'll take your word for it.
Heidi: You don't need to thank me.
Heidi: True. But I knew you were kidding.
Grace: Either way. I'm told it's polite to thank.
Grace: Oh no, am I getting predictable?
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tuckergrace-blog · 11 years
Text || Heidi
Heidi: Don't know her. But okay, that's fine.
Heidi: Not at 16 I wouldn't.
Grace: She's new too, and nice.
Grace: Thank you.
Grace: 16 or 60 love is love.
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tuckergrace-blog · 11 years
With running the risk of sounding shrink-ish, are you alright?
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tuckergrace-blog · 11 years
Text || Heidi
Heidi: He wouldn't do that.
Heidi: Noted.
Grace: He didn't.
Grace: Anyways it's my friend Maddy, her home is a little on the broken side so expect her soon.
Grace: Also good to know you wouldn't be happy for me if I got married.
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tuckergrace-blog · 11 years
Text || Heidi
Heidi: He likes me better. He wouldn't do that.
Heidi: Some happily ever after...
Grace: Exactly why he would want to get rid of me.
Grace: Don't knock it 'til you try it.
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tuckergrace-blog · 11 years
Text || Heidi
Heidi: He also probably forgot to mention he can go to jail for marrying a minor.
Heidi: Don't worry, I'll take care of that.
Grace: Not if I had the consent of my guardian... Isaiah.
Grace: Don't you worry, this is my happily ever after.
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