tuesdayssimpsons · 3 years
//Honestly, this blog never fails to remind me of when the Simpsons RPC had that brief resurgance, around early January 2020. It also consequently made me miss @supermackleberrysisters, whom must've deactivated when I wasn't looking. That kinda got me down, I thought the mun wrote Sherri and Terri quite well, and that blog was around since at least 2015, with the odd hiatus here and there. I dunno if that mun is still around and active, but I'd love to reacquaint with them someday. :(
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Idk if I'm really going to be posting to this blog after this, but I just stumbled across this in my inbox and thought I should address it.
I've known supermackleberrysisters for years, though I lost contact with them a couple of years ago for...reasons. I hope they're safe and well, wherever they may be.
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tuesdayssimpsons · 3 years
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《 I've been hit with the realization that I've let my blogs become too fragmented, which was what made me start consolidating my muses onto multi-muses to begin with.
Here's the status of all of my blogs atm—
Tuesdayscanons: As tempted as I am to just dump all of my muses into one blog, I feel like it'd be best if I kept my canon muses separate from my ocs. I just know that my ocs will consume the blog and annoy people who only care about the canon muses.
Magichcuse: I still don't regret making the Magic stuff its own blog...I can let it develop into its own intricate thing without worrying that it'll drown out muses who aren't relevant to the Magic Universe.
Maudgical: I've been considering just moving Maude to the Magic blog for years now, but I've been hesitant to because I like her url and I'm not sure how many people who interact with Maude as a Disney OC would also be interested in the Magic Universe which has become its own thing entirely. Still not entirely sure what to do.
Birdhcuse: For context—Magichcuse was originally Birdhcuse, but I changed the name and moved all of the non-magic muses onto their own blog with the original name. I had too much lore on the old blog to just move everything and I wanted to give my non-magic birds room to shine.
Tuesniverse: I originally made this because I had ocs that weren't birds (my ocs that I had been rping about as long as I've rped on Tumblr, one of which being my first Tumblr rp blog), but then ocs that are technically birds started leaking in and made everything more complicated. Part of me is considering merging this blog with Birdhcuse because there aren't too many muses on either blog atm, but I'm still not sure about it.
TuesdaysSimpsons: I admittedly forget this blog even exists and it's probably for the best if I just moved all of the Simpsons muses I'm still interested in writing back onto this blog.
Toonsday: As much as I like the URL, the blog has like...one muse on it and probably hasn't been touched in over a year. Idk if I'm necessarily going to delete it, but it's officially defunct as of right now.
TL;DR: I have two blogs I definitely want to keep, two blogs which I'm considering merging into other blogs but haven't made a final decision about, and two blogs which I'll no longer be using. 》
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tuesdayssimpsons · 3 years
《 Now I'm almost 4 minutes into the episode and Selma was dumping her ashes into Rod's baby shoes 》
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《 I'm not even 3 minutes into "Diary Queen" and I had to pause because Ned Flanders was selling Rod's baby teeth at his yard sale. Wtf?!? 》
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tuesdayssimpsons · 3 years
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《 I'm not even 3 minutes into "Diary Queen" and I had to pause because Ned Flanders was selling Rod's baby teeth at his yard sale. Wtf?!? 》
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tuesdayssimpsons · 3 years
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《 I'm not even 3 minutes into "Diary Queen" and I had to pause because Ned Flanders was selling Rod's baby teeth at his yard sale. Wtf?!? 》
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tuesdayssimpsons · 3 years
Bart Simpson
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I really like what Barthood did for Bart's character and I feel like it's the most fitting future outcome out of all of the future episodes.
Bart would make album covers for Maggie, he's the only one she trusts to capture her visions.
He'd cut contact with Homer for obvious reasons. If Homer is going to a family event (which he probably won't 👀), Bart would skip out.
I don't know how to feel about Jenda. She kinda comes out of nowhere and I don't like how Bart basically becomes a deadbeat with an insecurity complex.
Bart would probably stay in Springfield. Despite seeming like more of a risk-taker compared to Lisa, Bart also feels the most comfortable with things that are familiar to him. This is something the show hasn't really shown as far as I know, but I like thinking about him living with Marge and helping her out as she gets older. Lisa lives abroad and although Maggie tries to be more available, her eventual success means that she'll have to go on tour...so Bart is the only one Marge would consistently have. Plus, the two of them have a close bond.
Bart isn't opposed to being in a romantic relationship persay, but he's not necessarily seeking it out either. He's the type of person who lets things happen to him rather than going out of his way to make them happen like Lisa would.
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tuesdayssimpsons · 3 years
Lisa Simpson
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I'm not too sure where I see Lisa career-wise. I know she's typically a politician in the future episodes, but idk if she'd really compromise her morals to climb her way to the top nor do I believe that the world would be willing to accept Lisa's worldview.
I honestly hate how the future episodes portray Lisa and Milhouse as Luann and Kirk clones. I like to think Milhouse eventually finds someone else who can give him what he needs (because most people don't marry the person they had a crush on at ten years old), but they'd still be on good terms.
I can see Lisa meeting a cute girl or two in college and starting a relationship with her. Someone who can make her feel intellectually enriched without making her feel threatened. Maybe they're in two completely different fields, but they bond over jazz music.
I don't think Lisa would stay in Springfield. I feel like she'd move to one of the EU countries because she thinks she'd be happier there. She still visits during holidays, but she's mostly doing her own thing.
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tuesdayssimpsons · 3 years
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Approximately 20% of "The Simpsons" is Homer almost losing Marge. A smaller percentage than I suspected, but it's still concerning.
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tuesdayssimpsons · 3 years
Look how cute this is!
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tuesdayssimpsons · 3 years
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tuesdayssimpsons · 3 years
@Marge: Do you ever worry that taking on so much for your kids and trying to stay happy through it all sets a bad example for them and makes them worry for you? Do you ever worry that they’ll end up with their own “Homer” and also be unable to get away from them?
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{🏡} "Yeah—I'm not as worried about Bart because he's always been a rebel, but Lisa...not like she isn't free spirited, she just reminds me of my younger self and I'm terrified she'll throw her future away and live to regret it. She's ambitious now, but she's still only eight years old. Will she have that ambition a decade from now? I reassure myself with the knowledge she's growing up in a different time and she's already socially aware...maybe she won't suffer from misogyny to the same extent." {🏡}
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tuesdayssimpsons · 3 years
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I kinda wanted to talk about this scene for a moment.
Marge faces a conflict between the lesson ingrained in her as a young girl and supporting Lisa for who she is. Of course, her support for Lisa wins out in the end...but there's more to it than that.
Although Marge acknowledges that her mother's advice was awful, she only applies that to Lisa in this scene.
"I'll do the smiling for the both of us."
Marge is a sacrificial character. She puts up with a lot just to ensure her kids (especially Lisa) don't repeat her mistakes. It's too late for her (in her eyes), but it'd all be worth it if her sacrifice paid off.
However, I can't help but wonder if this mentality would negatively affect the kids in some way. She might not be enforcing her beliefs onto her kids, but watching your mother make sacrifice after sacrifice could have an impact. Perhaps they feel guilt, believing Marge could have had a better life if they didn't exist. Maybe it just hurts to watch their mother wear herself down. Either way, it's going to leave a lasting impression.
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tuesdayssimpsons · 3 years
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Mun took this personality test and filtered for just the Simpsons characters and this is what I get—
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Milhouse Van Houten (The Simpsons): 82%
Waylon Smithers (The Simpsons): 82%
Lisa Simpson (The Simpsons): 77%
Marge Simpson (The Simpsons): 74%
Apu Nahasapeemapetilon (The Simpsons): 74%
Ned Flanders (The Simpsons): 71%
Principal Skinner (The Simpsons): 64%
Moe Szyslak (The Simpsons): 56%
Barney Gumble (The Simpsons): 50%
Edna Krabappel (The Simpsons): 44%
Homer Simpson (The Simpsons): 41%
Mr. Burns (The Simpsons): 34%
Nelson Muntz (The Simpsons): 33%
Bart Simpson (The Simpsons): 32%
Krusty the Clown (The Simpsons): 31%
Do y'all think it's accurate?
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tuesdayssimpsons · 3 years
(I’ve gotten quite a few “bad requests” from Tumblr today when trying to send asks…so this is the last time I’ll try sending this, because it’s funny and true! Apologies if you already have it. Unpopular opinion: ALL of your ships on your blogs > Homer x Marge in its current state! Your relationships aren’t stale, are romantic, can be funny and sweet, and even if they aren’t always the healthiest they still providing entertaining stories! >>
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《 No worries! This is the only one that went through and even if it weren't, I'd rather have five of the same question than have a question be lost in the Void. I can delete the other four questions, but I can't respond to a question that never gets sent.
And thank you! I'm not sure if Homer x Marge can be salvaged after a good three decades of toxicity tbh. Still, it makes me happy to know you like my ships! 》
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tuesdayssimpsons · 3 years
Maggie Simpson
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Maggie is the character I have the most headcanons for by far.
I like the idea of her using her bow as a bowtie—it makes her look more mature and gives off those gnc vibes.
The show hints at Maggie having Bart's rebelliousness and Lisa's intellect, which I really like.
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I also kept the face shape she had in Lisa's Wedding because her modern Future Design is less distinctive.
Take a wild guess as to who this is supposed to be?
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If you remove the bow and make her outfit a different color, she looks like a Lisa clone! I don't like that all too much.
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tuesdayssimpsons · 3 years
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《 Rod and Todd Flanders are on the school bus with the rest of the kids, but I don't really remember them being at the elementary school all that much? 》
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tuesdayssimpsons · 3 years
Minion Simpsons?
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