turbuient · 4 years
so i figured i'd make a little list of what i think could be ivor meta moments, because in case you couldn't tell, i fucking love it when a character gets meta.
ok first off, this line from "a block and a hard place"!
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"glitch wall" is...odd phrasing for that, i think. when we use the word glitch, we're generally referring to a computer or an app. or we may be referring to a "glitch in the matrix", a term used when referring to the idea that this may all just be a simulation.
next up!
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not much to say about this one, just your average wink at the viewer moment!
moving onto season 2, we have this conversation from episode 5 where ivor is supposedly using an invisibility potion!
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he mentions that they're "highly effective! and, apparently long-lasting." and if you choose "you had invisibility potions?" he insists that he just used his last one. personally i think he didn't actually have potions. this was a moment of plot convenience and ivor knew it, the potions were a cover story. he also sounds like he panics a little when you actually ask about the invisibility potions, so y'know.
this last one is in ivor's final scene, and realising that hurt my little hlvrai fan heart
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"this has been fun though, hasn't it?"
this is another moment of odd phrasing, if you assume that ivor's speaking to jesse. nothing about the admin situation will have been fun for anyone involved. ivor says himself when you meet him in episode 4 that it's "getting dire up there", so he knows that it wasn't fun.
so, maybe he wasn't talking to jesse. maybe he was talking to us. asking if we enjoyed the game. there's no option for jesse to answer his question because the question isn't for jesse to answer.
i like to think that he was partially speaking to us throughout that whole scene. letting us know what he was doing next and what he knew about the rest of the old order so we didn't worry that they all just. died or something. it's a nice thought.
i don't know how or when ivor found out about us or about the game, but he sure does say enough weird things for me to wonder if it was more than just a joke.
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turbuient · 4 years
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turbuient · 4 years
So I just got some really really bad news from the vet.
Tazz has a tumor in his throat, it’s pushing on his airway and arteries. Tazz is having trouble breathing and he needs surgery.
But I can’t afford it.
I know everyone is fucked for money right now but I would appreciate anything that anyone could send to me. I’ve had Tazz since he was 8months old. He’s fifteen now. I was ten when I got him. I don’t wanna lose my boy. I’ve been crying ever since we got the news.
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Here’s all of his vet costs. They don’t accept payments.
Please if anyone is able to donate to me I’m desperate. I’ll do anything to be able to make the money. My PayPal is right here. Please if you can’t donate reblog this. Because there’s a link in my post, it won’t show up in any tags on tumblr and I really need it to reach as many people as it can.
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He’s such a good boy, please help me save his life.
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turbuient · 4 years
“tips for starting to read warrior cats” dont do it
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turbuient · 4 years
post: suicide joke anywhere me, slowly closing the tab: *moonkitti voice* okayyy thats enough tumblr for today
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turbuient · 4 years
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turbuient · 4 years
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turbuient · 4 years
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 ‘The living deserve respect. The dead deserve the truth. ‘ VIVIENNE WESTWOOD
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turbuient · 4 years
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turbuient · 4 years
If you’re an adult, especially if you’re new to being an adult, you need to start being aware of how your interactions with minors will affect them. It doesn’t matter if you still feel like a teenager and it doesn’t matter if your underage friends are super duper mature in your conversations with them. As an adult, it is up to you to place boundaries and not cross them for the sake of keeping the minors in your life safe. It is up to you to know what is and isn’t appropriate to say and do to them. Please think critically about the way you interact with minors and don’t hassle them, pressure them, or make them feel unsafe for any reason under any circumstances. You’re the adult. You should know better.
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turbuient · 4 years
I’m just super fucking bitter that once the flint water crisis got it’s 15 minutes of fame people stopped giving a shit. The water is still poisoned, people! Donations have plummeted and people have been forced back into drinking and bathing with the water! The medical effects of this are astounding, cases of legionnaires disease have skyrocketed, people are having seizures, people are having weird rashes break out over their body, people (including me!) are having their blood poisoned, and it’s not just lead! it’s coliform bacteria! it’s THMs! it’s all in the water and it gets into the bloodstream and breaks down blood vessels, causing bruising and petechiae and internal bleeding and no one gives a shit anymore and it’s only gotten worse like how many people are going to have to die until people realize this is still a problem
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turbuient · 4 years
hey there, the uk government is trying its hardest to make it practically impossible for trans people to transition, here’s a twitter thread and two carrds that further explain the situation (click on the underlined parts for links)
+ only if you are a british citizen or a uk resident please sign this petition that will help reform the Gender Recognition Act to allow trans people to self id w/out need for a medical diagnosis and to allow nonbinary identities to be legally recognized.
if you are NOT a british citizen/live in the uk DO NOT sign the petition as the goverment will use invalid signatures as an excuse to dismiss the petition and the GRA will not be discussed in parliment.
please spread this post, time for trans people in the uk is very quickly running out
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turbuient · 4 years
If you see this you are OBLIGATED to reblog w/ the song currently stuck in your head :)
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turbuient · 4 years
You might have a crush on them if
You try to call them every day
You’re rehearsing what to say
You’ve been working on a unified theory
You are the right one on your touch tone telephone
You are the only one on their AM radio
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turbuient · 4 years
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turbuient · 4 years
i’m wondering if the taboo surrounding menstruation & menstruating people being considered unclean was originally kind of useful to those people. like, you’re bleeding, you’re in pain, ibuprofen doesn’t exist yet, but you’re allowed to isolate yourself and not spend the day on your normal duties? like at the very least did that mean they could get some rest? pretty fucked up though that a group of the population needed to be considered ritually unclean for society to give them time off when they were sick
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turbuient · 4 years
is that mumbo jumbo
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