turnitoffspot · 11 months
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@antidisneyinc @positively--speculative @dirhwangdaseul
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turnitoffspot · 11 months
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Photo from Pinterest of Elsa Lanchester’s taken at the Museum of the Moving Image for anyone looking
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Not too mention the movie’s poster, in color, which is always lovely to see.
There’s also a colorized version of the movie available online if you’re willing to hunt for it.
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Bride of Frankenstein (1935)
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turnitoffspot · 1 year
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wives! yippee
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turnitoffspot · 1 year
Returning to Tumblr for the first time in years because I have no idea where else to put this, but I just finished Good Omens 2 a few days ago and while scrolling through tik tok content I realized something.
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Was not their first meeting….
(We all know that now.)
This was
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However, Aziraphale didn’t recognize Crowley at Eden and he had to introduce himself.
It made me wonder - when Crowley was cast out of heaven, was everyone made to forget him? And if that’s the case, was he forced to keep his memories because the angels knew it’d be more painful for him? When Gabriel is demoted they mention removing his memories of his time as Archangel “as a kindness”. So if someone really wanted Crowley to suffer, would they force him to keep every last one of those memories? Including the memory of meeting Aziraphale. Meaning he recognized Aziraphale in Eden immediately, and had that moment to process that Aziraphale didn’t remember him. That could also explain why he felt comfortable enough to strike up a conversation with Aziraphale on the wall and attempted to joke with him about the two messing things up. Because in his mind this is a friendly face who knew him before his fall. The one angel who didn’t shoot down his questions.
I get it could just be a matter of “well it’s been a few years, and you can’t expect everyone to remember every person they meet” blah blah blah… but watching the Eden scene back, the way Crowley looks at him just feels bittersweet to me. Like he knows they’ve met before, and that hurts, but he didn’t like that version of himself anyway. So maybe meeting like this is better.
This does open up more questions about the finale though when Aziraphale says it’ll be “like the good old days”, but maybe he’s thinking of only his own time in heaven and assuming Crowley must’ve done the same enjoyable low level jobs he did, and he doesn’t actually means “like our good old days”.
I guess it’s also possible Aziraphale did remember him and was attempting to be kind by having him introduce himself (a sort of “I can see you’ve been through something traumatic - so what would you like to be called by?”) But it feels unlikely considering it seems like Aziraphale’s go-to phrase when he sees someone he’s met before is “Ah! You again!”
I don’t know. It’s possible I’m overthinking and over analyzing the scene from an acting perspective. It’s possible I missed something in the show that proves Aziraphale remembers the actual first time the met. It’s also possible all of this could be answered in the book (which unfortunately I haven’t read yet since my copy was stolen and I haven’t been able to grab another, so forgive me if that’s the case), but it was one of those things I needed to share somewhere.
Thank you for reading my 3am ramblings, and stay ineffable loves ✨
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turnitoffspot · 3 years
The Rain (Cover) by Haburu
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turnitoffspot · 3 years
“People are saying mask-wearing might become a seasonal practice” God I hope so I’m tired of getting breathed on every flu season and honestly they’re kind of fashionable.
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turnitoffspot · 3 years
What is or isn't a slur can be highly contextual, y'all.
"Jonny Sims bummed a fag off my ma" doesn't contain a slur, but "What are you, some kind of fag?" does.
"Queer studies", "the queer community" and "I'm queer"? Not a slur. Some bigot calling you a "dirty queer"? Slur.
"Be gay, do crimes" and "He's gay" ≠ slur, but "Ew, that's so gay" = slur.
In conclusion, stop buying into this fucking "q slur" bullshit. Queer people talking about the queer community aren't using it as a slur any more than a gay man calling himself gay is using that term as a slur.
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turnitoffspot · 4 years
“I’m so anti-fascist I report my friends and neighbors to the feds”
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turnitoffspot · 4 years
Redbubble is such a ripoff for the artists who use it.
a $38 dollar hoodie is only getting the artist TWO DOLLARS in profits after redbubble takes their share. They’re printing art that people spend hours of their lives creating on mass produced clothes of very basic quality that probably cost them very little to get, and the artist isn’t even getting a third of the profits.
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turnitoffspot · 4 years
How to fake sleep: a guide for actors and people with strict parents
1.) breathe slowly. Very slowly and deeply
2.) Squeeze your eyes tighter than you’d think, but don’t use your eyebrows too much
3.) Move your eyes under your eyelids
4.) If you need to wake up, open your eyes with a TINY inhale, then lift your head and body and get going.
5.) Phone away from your hands. Preferably under the blanket
6.) Just in case a parent tries to rip off your blanket, wrap the side closest to the edge of the bed around your arm, or tuck it underneath your arm.
People on my other social media appreciated this so I thought I’d share.
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turnitoffspot · 4 years
This video somehow pinpoints my exact sense of humor
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turnitoffspot · 4 years
Dear non-Jewish friends, The Jewish High Holy Days are coming up.  Please do not schedule meetings, parties, and events on the following dates:
Between Friday September 18th at sundown and Sunday September 20th at sundown in observance of Rosh Hashanah.
Between Sunday September 27th at sundown to Monday September 28th at sundown. in observance of Yom Kippur.
Between Friday, October 2nd at sundown and Sunday, October 4th at Sundown in honor of the first days of the Festival of Sukkot.
Between Friday, October 9th at sundown and October 11th at sundown in observance of the end of Sukkot, Shmini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah.
Curious how to greet your Jewish loved ones throughout these holidays and festival?  (This is ESPECIALLY important this year because so many of us feel alone– wish your friends a happy holiday!)  Hebrew and English variations are all appropriate.
“Shana Tova!” (”Happy New Year!”) – especially appropriate on Rosh Hashanah, but appropriate throughout the High Holy Day season.
“l’Shana Tova u’metuka!” (”Have a sweet and happy new year!”)  Similar to the above, especially appropriate on Rosh Hashanah, but appropriate throughout the High Holy Day season.
“Chag Sameach” (“Happy Holiday”) – appropriate on Rosh Hashanah, Sukkot, and Simchat Torah
“Have a Meaningful Day”  – appropriate for Yom Kippur
“Have an easy/meaningful fast”  – appropriate for Yom Kippur, but only if you know that the person is choosing to fast this year.  O
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turnitoffspot · 4 years
Bedtime cuddles
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turnitoffspot · 4 years
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turnitoffspot · 4 years
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Studio Ghibli Art 🎨
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turnitoffspot · 4 years
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turnitoffspot · 4 years
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