turquoisebolotie · 9 months
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Laura Makabresku
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turquoisebolotie · 9 months
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turquoisebolotie · 1 year
anyone else grieving & mourning & lamenting & kicked apart by nostalgia & going silently about their lives?
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turquoisebolotie · 1 year
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Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009)
Master Bedroom ,1965
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turquoisebolotie · 2 years
really love that mary elizabeth frye poem that’s like do not stand at my grave and weep!! I am not there!!! I do not sleep!!! Do not stand at my grave and cry!!!! I am not there!!!! I did not die!!!
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turquoisebolotie · 2 years
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by zeewipark
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turquoisebolotie · 2 years
Cow enjoying the beach
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turquoisebolotie · 2 years
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[id: screenshots of tiktok captions. the images say, “but the only reason we still love princess diana is because she did not have the time to disappoint us.”]
begging queer kids to read up on princess diana’s involvement with the community. yes, she was a rich, pretty monarch. yes, she died young.
but the reason why queer people love her is because she used her privilege during the aids crisis to advocate for sick queer men, when very few others would - much less someone of her status.
diana spent years advocating for the health and care of queer people with hiv/aids. in 1987, at the height of the epidemic, she opened the first specialist clinic dedicated to treating aids patients (the first clinic of it’s kind in the uk).
she also fought public hysteria by hugging and shaking bare hands with aids patients, at a time when aids was thought to be spread by skin to skin contact. not only that, she visited patients in the clinic regularly and even comforted them through their sickness.
and when queen elizabeth told her to try focusing on “something more pleasant”?
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diana ignored her and kept fighting.
and this is only her work towards the aids crisis. she publicly called out the royal family, brought attention to numerous world issues, and was known as an advocate for empathy and kindness. she’s known and loved as the people’s princess for good reason
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turquoisebolotie · 2 years
Part 2? Part 2! Now with more mutual pining and frustration.
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The road kinked and wound in sharp S-shaped curves up Mount Lemmon. When you peered out the open window you could see the sparkling lights of Tucson sprawled out below, a beacon in the night. It wasn't the coolest place you'd been but from up here it looked magical. Your eyes drifted back down to the revolver in your hands and you began to load it like Severen had taught you. Beside you the man himself reached out to turn up the radio, blaring Thin Lizzy's Jailbreak album until it bounced off the cliff walls and back at your fast moving truck. Severen navigated the road with practiced ease and you resisted the urge to look over at him by aiming your gun out the window and waiting patiently. As another hard turn approached you saw your target. A couple of big yellow signs with thick black arrows that served as a warning. Without hesitation you blasted holes though the center of each one. Beside you Severen hollered in encouragement, a hand leaving the wheel to smack the roof of the truck a few times. You tried to not let him distract you as you continued to shoot at passing road signs, emptying all the chambers.
His heavy hand finally landed on your knee, squeezing it before stroking a thumb over the bare skin though the tears in your jeans. "Yer aim is gettin' real good, sweetheart." There he went again with the cute little names. It made your heart flip flop like a fish on the dock, desperate for water. You busied your own hands with reloading the gun. "Thanks." He frowned at your short tone. You tried to act normal but your brain, possibly the only organ dumber than your heart, buzzed incessantly with the events of earlier.
"You gonna make her your mate, Severen?" Homer jeered. Sev, who'd been eyeing the pretty bartender since you’d all walked in, scoffed and tore his eyes away from her to look back at him. "No, why you wanna see if she'll give you a chance, Lil Boner?" As he laughed his gaze shifted to you but you didn't join in with him like usual. Homer's words made you feel nauseous, an uncomfortable churning in your stomach that had you up and on your feet and crossing the bar. You ignored the looks the others gave you as you made your way over to a man who'd been paying you the same attention Severen had been giving the bartender. You tried to convince yourself you only felt sick because you were hungry, the man rose from his seat as you approached, that you just needed a bite and you'd be back to normal. You placed a hand on his broad shoulder and smiled up at him, wondering if he could see the odd look in your eye. Maybe he did because his Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed. "You look like you want to buy me a drink." He nodded eagerly at your words. “I do.”
When you dropped the man’s lifeless body to the ground, entirely drained, your eyes automatically flitted around the room to gain your bearings. Your whole being buzzed with the high you got from a fresh meal and you wondered if there was anyone else for you to play with. Instead they landed on Severen. You watched how he crowded the horrified bartender against the back wall, one hand on her waist and another brushing long shiny hair from her neck. Of course he went for her. Why wouldn’t he? You looked away, not wanting your brain to catch anymore dumb ideas than the ones that had been mounting. Instead you started grabbing liquor bottles and helped Jesse light up the bar. The destruction helped soothe your anxiety.
It wasn’t that you were just jealous. It was part of it, sure, you could admit that. But the more pressing matter was what if? What if Severen had decided to turn that girl to make her his mate? What would that mean for you? What if he found a mate and she didn’t like you hanging around him anymore? Surely he would pick his mate over just a friend. Yeah you were a little jealous but you were more afraid. Severen’s hand left your knee and returned to the wheel at a particularly sharp curve and you focused on shooting out more signs instead of your obnoxious thoughts.
Beside you Severe placed a cigarette between his lips. He reached out to offer one to you too but your sharp eyes remained firmly out the window and on your fast approaching targets, so his hand dropped back down. He placed your cigarette in the cup holder and only lit his own. Though he really wanted to light yours for you. You'd seemed tense and anxious. Agitated even. He hated to see you like this, it's why he suggested the ride in the first place. A ride you'd usually take with no hesitation. Though tonight you seemed reluctant to climb in the truck with him. His mind flashed back to the man at the bar. The way your gentle hands climbed up to his shoulders, how you looked at him through your lashes, how your lips brushed against his neck. It lit a fire in his chest he couldn't shake. And now here you were with him, but your mind was elsewhere. And without any indication from you of where it was his own was left to fill in the gaps. He worried if you got lonely. If you needed more than his companionship. If you missed being held and kissed. Severen's hands tightened on the wheel.
He hated when anyone used that word around you. 'Mate'. He wondered if it made you think twice. Maybe you considered the word in the middle of the day while he was asleep a good few feet away from you. Maybe you would lie there while he slept and thought about what it would be like to have what the others did. He knew occasionally he did. And when those thoughts did plague him Severen would look at you, asleep in whatever comfortable spot you could find, and realize when he pictured his perfect someone. It was you.
He was jarred from his thoughts as you finally pulled yourself back in through the window. You were out of ammo and would need to pick up more soon. He reached down to the cup holder and once again grabbed the cigarette to offer you and he was glad that you took it this time. He then offered you his lighter, flicking it to life. He watched from the corner of his eye as you leaned in and guarded the flame with cupped hands. Orange light danced over the bridge of your nose and apples of your cheeks and he drank it in before pulling the flame back. "We're almost there," he announced.
You puffed at the cigarette and stared out the windshield, curiosity finally pushing back your sour thoughts. Severen had made it a habit to show you his little secret spots in each pit stop you all took. Another thing he did to make you feel oh so special. Though you were sure he had to keep some to himself still. Right? He took a sudden sharp turn onto a pull off, and you had to catch yourself before colliding with his side. He chuckled and threw an arm around you, squeezing your shoulder. You were too weak to resist the familiar urge to lean into him.
Severen threw the truck into park with his free hand, but didn't let you go quite yet. Instead he took his time turning the lights off and cutting the engine, leaving you both in the dark of the night. He leaned back in his seat and tugged you closer to his chest, making you shift across the bench seat to settle more comfortably against him. Your eyes gazed up at him as he huffed out a cloud of smoke, letting it fill the space between the two of you. You thought to question him but before you could he was looking down at you with a thousand watt grin and your mind fell blank. "This place is just for us okay? Don't go tellin' no one." He said this almost every time he brought you somewhere. And maybe it was just your current proximity but something about the way he said it this time felt different. You reached your pinky out to him with a small grin of your own and he linked your fingers. "I promise." You kissed your index finger on the opposite side if your hand and he did the same before disentangling and throwing the door open.
Severen lead you out into the hot night. Even up in these mountains under the moon your clothes still clung to you with a thin sheen of sweat. The humidity of monsoon season didn't seem to help either, making the air moist and heavy on your skin. You followed him down a trail that was either stomped though by animals or possibly even by Severen himself though the years. You weren't sure which. Carefully you matched each of his steps as they wound downwards though a valley. And when it got steep he reached blindly behind him for your hand to help you.
You weren't sure for how long you'd been hiking before you became aware of the landscape evening out and a dull roaring sound filling your ears. "Is that… Water?" Severen didn't respond, he only pulled you along with barely concealed excitement.
As you peaked over a ridge you were met with a sight you didn't think you could find out here. Water crested over the top of a cliff face and poured down in droves, filling up what would normally be a dry river. "Only gets like this during a real good monsoon season, and from what I hear it's been pouring out here the past month." Severen finally released your hand and began to strip his layers off. You did the same without a second thought, racing him to the river.
The sounds for your's and Severen's laughter echoed through the valley as you splashed at each other and wrestled in the cool water. All earlier thoughts and worries were completely abandoned. Right then there was only space for the two of you.
You locked your legs around one of Severen's and gave him a hard push, sending him and you both tumbling back into the water with a big splash. You sat up on top of him and threw your hand in the air in victory. "Gotcha mother fucker!" He flopped down into the water in defeat, but only to take in the compromising position you'd worked yourselves in. "Well shit if this is losing then I might just quit cheatin'." It took you a moment to figure out what he meant before you scoffed and splashed water across his face until he was sputtering. Quickly you unstraddled your friend and settled down in the water beside him.
You and severen floated along the surface of the water on your backs. The gentle current carrying you downstream made the stars in the sky move as you stared up at them. You lifted an arm to point at a constellation. "You see that one there?" You traced the pattern with your finger for Severen to follow. "That's Cygnus, the swan." His eyes followed the pattern you mapped until he could make out the shape. "Don't look like much of a swan to me," he mumbled, making you laugh.
"There's a few stories of how it got that name. My favorite is about Phaethon, the son of Helios. Helios was a sun god who rode across the skies in a fiery chariot." You didn't notice how Severen turned his head to look at you as you spoke. "One day Phaethon pleaded with Helios to ride his chariot. Helios initially said no because it would be too dangerous and only he could control the horses that pulled the chariot. But eventually Phaethon convinced him. And it was pretty much a disaster," you laughed, making him smile. "He couldn't control the horses and they rode either much too close to the earth making it burn or too far making it freeze. Finally he was so out of control that Zeus had no choice but to blow the chariot out of the sky with Phaethon still in it. His body fell from the skies down into the Eridanus River."
"I don't see what that's got to do with swans," Severen teased. You flicked your wrist to splash more water at him. "I'm getting there!" You cleared your throat and tried to remember where you were at. "So Phaethon's body is lost to the river and his lover or friend, it changes depending on who you ask, Cygnus," you point to the constellation, "is overcome with grief. He spent day after day diving into the river to collect Phaethon's bones so that he could have a proper burial. The Gods themselves were so touched by Cygnus's devotion that they turned him into a swan and placed him there in the stars." It was quiet for a moment as Severen seemed to reflect on the story. You turned your head and finally noticed how his eyes had fixated on you and not the sky. His swirling bright blue eyes that you could just fall into. At some point the two of you had drifted closer together and the sides of your bodies connected. Severen's thumb ghosted across the top of your hand.
"So you're telling me this guy lost his boyfriend and had to swim in a river for days collecting his body and the Gods rewarded him by turning him into a bird and then some stars? Like they were doin' him a favor," he snorted. "You sure do know how to kill a moment, Sev." You sat up, letting your feet meet the rocky bottom of the river. "What?" He scrambled for his own feet to find purchase in the water as you began to head back for the riverbank. "I'm just sayin'! Sounds like a bad deal to me!" He chased after you.
He watched the way your back moved as you pulled your shirt back over your head, the thin fabric clinging onto your still wet skin. It made him swallow hard. He distracted himself by pulling his own shirt back on. "Why's that your favorite one?" You look back at him from over your shoulder and immediately regret it. It was hard to be annoyed at him when he looked so good, hair dripping wet and half dressed. "Huh?" "You said that there's a few stories but that one is your favorite. Why's it your favorite?" You turned back away and quickly finished redressing. "Well, I think it just tells the symbolism of the swan the best you know? It's a beautiful story about love and devotion. And this one doesn't include Zeus turning into a swan to seduce a Spartan king's wife." Severen snickered. "That one sounds like my favorite." You shook your head. "Remind me to tell you about the Norse one where Loki ties his balls to a goat's beard sometime."
The ride back down the mountain felt a lot less tense. But Severen couldn't shake your story from his head. A story about love and devotion. He supposed had been right to wonder if you thought about things like that. Who wouldn't when you're faced an eternity after all? His eyes shifted over to take in your relaxed features. It seemed for now whatever thoughts plagued you earlier were washed away and he was glad. Severn knew you'd find someone eventually. He just hoped for a bit more of your time first. After all you had plenty to spare, he'd made sure of that.
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turquoisebolotie · 2 years
"Coming to you live from the banks of the river Styx, we have received reports that Princess Diana has received special permission from heaven for an excursion and --yes there she is now-- she appears to be waiting on the dock before the ferry, and holding what looks to be a baseball bat in her hands."
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turquoisebolotie · 2 years
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“If you promise to stay alive just a little bit longer I promise that we are going to make this world a place worth living in by any means necessary. I ain’t giving up. I swear.” 
Spotted in Clackamas, Oregon
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turquoisebolotie · 2 years
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Practical Magic (1998) + Letterboxd Reviews
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turquoisebolotie · 2 years
Ya know whe you spend a bunch of time around somone and you start to notice all their annoying quirks and habits??? Yeah...
Annoying habits of the Hooker Clan
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Mae eats when she's bored. And she's frequently bored. There isn't much for them to do when they're just on he road getting from place to place so you can bet she's the first one out of the vehicle at the gas station, on the hunt for snacks. And she will hoard them under her seat. She's especially fond of those drumstick ice cream cones.
She does not share her snacks. Get your own.
She always has to have her hands busy too. I wouldn't necessarily call her fidgety but she likes to be doing something. Either playing with Caleb's hands or crafting something. I think she could for sure crochet. She gives me the vibe.
She also strikes me as a skin picker. Constantly pulling the skin off around her nails, it heals so fast though it's not noticeable unless someone catches her doing it. Caleb will catch her and stop her on occasion, more often than not though she'll just start picking at his skin too.
Mae tells stories that don't make any fucking sense. Like she skips around all over the place and sometimes she'll mention a person you don't even know like you know them which leads into a side tangent about them. It's really best to just go along for the ride and act like you understand.
He chews and spits tobacco, and he's so fucking loud about it. Even worse is he leaves the gas station cups he spits into just laying around. A few have gotten knocked over in whatever vehicle they're in.
Caleb insists that he knows how to do things that he does not know how to do. He bragged up and down about what a good mechanic he was to everyone but the second one of their vehicles has a faulty starter and Jesse sent him under to bang on it.... Well it became clear that he exaggerated his abilities.
Caleb doesn't mean to be but he's just a tad bit too rough. He's still adjusting to his vampire strength and can get a bit carried away. Mae has scolded him more than a few times while they were play wrestling for actually managing to bruise her.
He gets the ick in the middle of feeding sometimes. Because of this he's almost accidentally turned a few people. He had to get into the habit of killing before feeding. I guess you could sa he's the vampire equivalent of a picky eater. He also wont feed on anyone who he thinks looks gross.
He's convinced he's a real smooth talker who can get himself out of any situation. He's really not though. The others do not let him talk to cops when they get stopped.
He's always cracking his joints and it's like conceringly loud. On more than a few occasions Diamondback was convinced he'd broken a finger or two, only for him to flex them and assure her they were in working order.
Jesse blows his nose into his hand. It's super gross, everyone hates it, he doesn't care. It kinda goes back to before he was turned he never saw the point in handkerchiefs and tissues weren't really a thing. He just doesn't think much of it.
He's got a bad temper. Usually he keeps it pretty contained but certain things still just make him snap. Mostly when he feels like his leadership isn't being respected or he feels like his control over a situation is slipping. Since Jesse was turned he felt like some of his autonomy had been stripped away so any situation where he loses control is triggering for him.
He falls asleep watching TV but if anyone tries to switch the channel he immediately wakes up and goes, "Put it back, I was watching that."
He picks favorites and everyone knows it. More often than not he lets Severen and Diamondback get away with shit the others wouldn't dare to try. It can cause a bit of tension. Thankfully it tends to just kind of blow over though.
She takes hour long showers, like the kind that use up all the hot water. She actually hates being grimey but it just kinda comes with their lifestyle so she takes full advantage when they stop. Because if this habit the others have learned to get in there before she can.
She makes little sound effects with everything she does. Jesse finds it really cute but the others get annoyed after a while.
She starts arguments just for fun. She craves stimulating conversations and outlets for her aggression and it's a great way to kill 2 birds with one stone. She rarely takes these arguments seriously, though she is in it to win, but they can really get some of the others fired up. She thinks it's funny if someone gets mad at her for articulating her point better.
Speaking of outlets for aggression she stabs holes in everything with that damn knife. And if she isn't stabbing holes she's target practicing, even if the vehicle is moving. She's hit Severen a few times "by accident".
She moms everyone. There's no getting around it. At best it's sweet and makes everyone feel secure buuuuut sometimes. Man she can really just be up your ass and overbearing. I feel like it's a little bit of overcompensation because she can never really have her own child.
He throws tantrums, bad ones. Totally throwing himself on the ground screaming kicking tantrums. Thankfully they're far and few between but they do happen. He just has a really hard time regulating his emotions. He still has the brain of a child but he's coping with a lot of adult issues so he melts down.
Picked up Jesse's bad habit of blowing his nose into his hand. Probably the only one other than Jess who doesn't find it absolutely gross because he also still picks his nose. Like openly picks his nose. He doesn't care. He wipes his boogers on other people. Mostly Caleb.
Will whine and yell about how stupid he thinks a show or movie is and how he doesn't want to watch it but you still catch him side eyeing the screen during all the important parts. Of you call him out he insults you as a distraction.
He's really moody. Could be having a great time one moment and the next he's moping or pissed off. Its mostly because he's actually in his head a lot and reads into things too much, putting himself in a mood.
He lies for no reason at all other than he thinks it's fun. He sort of adapted this habit from Diamondback's play arguing. It's the same concept for both of them. It's just stimulating.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, he fucking stares dude. And he does it shamelessly. If you catch him he's not looking away he's going to keep staring. It makes people super fucking uncomfortable. But honestly it's usually a sign that he likes you. He's trying to observe you. That or you're about to be dinner.
He's also very touchy, constantly has his hands on other people. Sometimes its to assert dominance but once again its also just something he does when he likes you. He's just plain not good at boundaries or social norms.
Everything Severen does is loud. Feeding, talking, fucking, walking. He even talks and snores in his sleep. If you're sensitive to noise he's a fucking nightmare.
Sev thinks he's the funniest person unalive, truly his own biggest fan. He laughs obnoxiously at all his own jokes. Sometimes he laughs so hard he can't even get the joke out. And if you don't think he's funny or laugh with him he gets super sore about it. (Same tbh)
He has kind of a fragile ego. If you insult him or hurt his feelings you're gonna be on his shit list for a hot minute. He holds onto a grudge the longest out of anyone in the clan. He hold grudges against people who died in 1935.
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turquoisebolotie · 2 years
Gotten some good responses to my posts that focus on the while Hooker Clan. I know I've seen some people talking about how the only Near Dark content we really get is just Severen x reader which is obviously great but I agree that we could use some more diversity. These short form headcanon posts are also helping me push though my writing blocks right now lol. Anyway. Here's how they respond when you cry lmfao.
Mae wants to be comforting, she really does, but honestly she's a bit awkward. She kind of shifts from foot to foot and looks around for someone else to guide her but if you two are alone she does step up.
She's going to approach kind of like a scared deer and reach out very slowly to touch you. If you ease into it she'll pull you into a hug and rub your shoulders. If you pull back she jumps away and apologizes.
Mae doesn't really ask any questions, though she really wants to. She just sits by you and offers her company for support.
When you're done crying she's pretty quick to ask if you need anything. She really just wants to feel helpful.
Shockingly he's amazing at comforting people. Growing up he was always the only one who could soothe Sarah when she was crying. It's just a natural talent of his.
He always seems to know just the right things to do and say in these situations. It also helps that he's not as far removed form certain emotions as the others are.
Caleb will wait it out with you, lending an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on. When you're done he's quick to try to get you to smile or laugh. Cracking jokes and prodding your sides.
He'll insist on hugging it out at the end. A big squeeze will set you right.
Oh no. No no no no no. Don't do this. Not now. Where's Diamondback???
Jesse is one of the worst people to cry in front of. He's just not at all sure what to do in these sorts of situations. There's a chance he may even just walk away for you to sort it out on your own. But he'd check back in shortly. If it seems like this emotinal outburst isn't blowing over he'll approach with the same caution as Mae.
His first go to comforting move is to offer you a cigarette. Probably even a gruff pat on the shoulder before he takes a seat beside you. Other than that he keeps some physical distance for sure.
"What's got you all twisted up?" He hopes that if you talk about it you'll get over it sooner. He won't offer any words of advice or comfort but he sure can listen. Sometimes it's all you really need anyway.
Diamondback will immediately have you in the tightest hug. "Oh, honey, what's wrong!?" Very physically affectionate, she'll dote on those she cares for.
Once she releases you from her embrace, privacy is her next priority. She wants to make sure you feel safe and secure. Even if it means you two are spending the next hour locked inside a bathroom until you've fully calmed down.
Like Jesse she's gonna have you talk it out, but she's a lot more actively engaged in the conversation. She gives the best advice.
Watches you like a hawk for the next 24 hours at least to make sure you're really okay. Totally prepared to jump back in if you need her.
Homer does not comfort people. It's just not at all in his wheelhouse. As a matter of fact if he catches you crying he's likely to make things worse by making fun if you.
If he does make you cry harder he has a real "oh fuck" moment. He'll turn tail and go find someone else to comfort you.
While someone else takes care of the issue he kind of lingers near by, eavesdropping. Partly to figure out what got you so wound up in the first place and partially because maybe he feels a tad bit guilty for picking on you. Not that he'd ever admit it.
He tries to make up for it later with a subtle gift or gesture. Don't make a big deal out of it though.
Severen immediately goes through several stages of "what do I fucking do?" So he kind of freezes on the spot at first while his body tries to catch up with his brain.
His first coherent thought will definitely be to check and see if someone made you cry. If it was someone bugging you he could at least beat the shit out of them. That should make you feel better right? He finds most of his problems are solved with violence so why not your's?
But if it's deeper than that he resorts to option B, clowning around. He's going to do whatever it takes to get you to at least crack a smile. He doesn't care how stupid he looks.
But God if you get annoyed? Or ask him to stop? He's at a loss. Finally he'll do what he probably should of in the first place and throw and arm around you. "Hey, c'mere. It's okay. I got ya alright?" Just soothing murmurs until you're calmed down, his knee bouncing up and down the whole time with his own nerves.
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turquoisebolotie · 2 years
For no reason whatsoever, heres what kind of gift givers the members of the Hooker Clan are.
I was just telling @turquoisebolotie tha I feel like Mae is the kind of gift giver where when once off mention you like something, let's say the color blue for instance, and she holds onto it forever and every time she gets you something it's blue. Blue sweater, blue bracelet, blue sunglasses, blue slushy from the gas station. "They had it in your favorite color!" Even if blue isn't actually your favorite color and it was just a thing you said (we've all done it) you just won't have the heart to tell her. You kinda just adjust your life accordingly. Or drop something else you like.
Caleb is always just a smidge off with all his gifts. Like it's so close to something you'd want but just not quite it. A real "Oh!... Oh... Thaaaanks," type of deal ya know what I mean? Like say you wear all jewelry with a silver finish, and mention you liked a pair of hoop earrings, he's going to get the hoop earrings but they'll be gold. It's the thought that counts.
Jesse only gives practical gifts, and he's very discrete about it too. You happen to run out of clean socks and you won't be stopping to do laundry for a while? You wake up to a fesh pack of socks placed on top of your bag. Ran out of ammo after a shoot out? He's sliding an extra box your way without a word. When he does get something that isn't purely practical it's... Baffling. "Here." "It's a, uh, keychain that says Carl on it?" Then he just laughs and walks off.
Diamondback gives the most sentimental gifts. She'll gift photos, little doodles with notes attached, a trinket that reminded her of you or something the two of you did together. She'll make it seem like a spur of the moment thing but it's obvious that she actually puts a lot of thought into it as it's usually hand made.
Homer is a very awkward gift giver. He's likely to just crumple some newspaper around whatever it is and shive it into your hands. If you try to ask any questions or thank him he's very dismissive. It's usually something he found just laying around, stole from a gas station, or got out of a crank machine. So not very personal but the fact that he's giving you anything should be a huge deal.
Severe is extremely observant, especially when it comes to the people he cares about. This actually makes him one of the best gift givers. If he catches you eyeing anything trust that his sticky fingers will find a way to pick it up. He's also a big fan of the element of surprise. After he gets it he's gonna wait a bit (but not too long because he's impaitent) before making you close your eyes and presenting it to you.
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turquoisebolotie · 2 years
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What We Do In The Shadows - S04E06 - The Wedding
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turquoisebolotie · 2 years
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#Me and who???
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