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(In case you ever wondered whose story this song told.)
Gerda Taro and Robert Capa were two photojournalists who died covering the front lines of war.
In 1935, Gerta Pohorylle was a 25-year-old anti-Nazi activist living in Paris, having escaped from Hitler’s Germany. She met 22-year-old Endre Friedmann, a Jewish freelance journalist struggling to find work under rising Nazi ideals.
They became partners, lovers, and close friends. They covered the Spanish Civil War together, and sold their photographs under the name of the mythical American photographer “Robert Capa.”
In 1937, Taro was struck by a tank at the Battle of Brunete. She died of critical injuries.
In 1954,  Capa stepped on a landmine while covering the First Indochina War.
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Should I stay or should I go?
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Claire Fisher
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Vivir como un espíritu libre, creando vanguardia entre iguales, huyes del abismo en el que se ha convertido la tierra en la que naciste, y cuando vuelves ya nadie se acuerda de ti, injustamente olvidada. ¿Por qué no sales en los libros de texto Maruja Mallo?....
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Cuidado con la mediocridad, es un parásito de la mente...
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Fue en España donde mi generación aprendió que uno puede tener razón y ser derrotado, golpeado, que la fuerza puede destruir el alma, y que a veces el coraje no obtiene recompensa
Albert Camus
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FLASHBACK / Los Angeles
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Here am I floating round my tin can Far above the Moon Planet Earth is blue And there’s nothing I can do
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“Me pillas en mal momento, pintor “ (Il artista interruptore del conflitti matrimonialle) Lorenzo Sabatini 
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Amad el arte, entre todas las mentiras es la menos mentirosa
Gustave Flaubert
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Gustav Klimt’s “The Kiss” has been reproduced on a devastated building in Syria by artist Tammam Azzam. via Saatchi
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El amor nunca tiene una muerte natural. Muere de ceguera, de errores, y de traiciones. Muere de cansancio, marchitamiento y deslustre.
Anaïs Nin
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