Attention spoiler: Vampire Diaries season 6
In my opinion the vampire diaries is one of these tv series, that start fu**ing amazing an you fall in love with the charakters but then after some seasons it’s really annoying. But i can’t stop watching because i have to know what will happen and what do my favourite charakters do.
so now to the final of vampire diaries season 6: first of all the season was a lot of WHAT THE FUCK why does this work?!?! Bonny gets magic from the cure without waking up silas, kail get out of the prison without the artifact and after the fusion from kail and luke, kail is nice and has pity but in the final episonde it doesn’t count anymore i think because there he is like haha killing unborn twins sounds like fun...and than this thing with the cure when Katherine took it there where no chance that someonelse can take it but know it was no Problem that Damon AND Elena become human again? Hä and Katherine gets old because of the cure but Damon would not? why because he’s Damon or what? don’t get it but maybe you can explain?
But to the final i mean it was so clear that alaric can’t have an happy end but this was very tragic...and I have a fu**ing problem with it. On this silly wedding were a familie full of witches and some vampires but when jo dies very slowly because Kail stabbed her no one react like “oh i could give some blood to save you but nahhh...”
And then the final scene: all of Elenas friends can talk to her and she gives them advices... it make sense with damon and stefan but elena is human and for example alaric too who does it work never worked when i tried it...
What did you thin about it let me know?
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It worries me that Satan and I have a similar attitude
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