twerkinglahey · 7 years
ITS NOT OFTEN THAT INSPIRATION STRIKES. His interest died sometime in seventh grade when his Father had broken his fingers to the point that he had fractured bones. He couldn’t do homework for a month and had to say it was because of an accident at work rather than the blunt aftermath of his Father’s rage. After that, drawing was too closely associated to his Father bringing down a hammer over his right hand. But that morning there was an impulse.
As he got up and hovered just at the foot of the bed, Derek fast asleep and still deeply caught in the web of its grip, he thought he could try again. He didn’t have the particular talent for it, he thought. But there was still a fondness for it in the same way a child would fall into drawing his favorite superheroes. It had been Camden that had supported that little hobby of his. Right now, it was the sun, with its ethereal glow lining slopes and curves on Derek’s sleeping structure.
It’s a while and he’s only barely done when he notices Derek stirring; the first words out of his mouth quickly bringing a smile to the younger wolf’s lips. He contemplates for the briefest of moments whether to stay or get pulled back into the covers. The magnetic pull of Derek’s quiet plea and the comforting feel of his chest pressed to his bag was all the answer he needed. The pad and pencil laid haphazardly at the edge of the chair and the sun taunted him through his closed lids to stay awake but he tugged on his arms tighter and willed himself to sleep.
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twerkinglahey · 7 years
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut sollicitudin imperdiet turpis, vel rutrum mauris ultricies ac. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed auctor, metus non lacinia consequat, massa nunc tincidunt elit, nec volutpat nisi urna eu lectus. Donec sit amet varius risus, in ultrices enim. Morbi vulputate congue tincidunt. Nulla ac ligula in ante gravida placerat. In nisl urna, faucibus ut nunc quis, pellentesque venenatis ipsum. Ut sit amet tortor lacus. Praesent orci quam, aliquam at purus a, commodo sollicitudin nisl.
Aliquam maximus sagittis tincidunt. Curabitur posuere, tortor ac pharetra pretium, diam orci molestie massa, dapibus cursus lorem enim quis neque. Vestibulum lectus ipsum, laoreet at consectetur cursus, sodales facilisis massa. Quisque porta libero dolor, eu mattis erat accumsan id. Suspendisse eget mi consectetur, dignissim leo sed, faucibus sapien. Phasellus blandit ultricies enim, ac suscipit urna laoreet ac. Aenean nulla diam, faucibus tincidunt dictum ut, congue at metus. Morbi nec semper libero. Fusce tempus ut magna sed gravida. Vivamus eu arcu vitae massa cursus semper at sit amet urna. Etiam id commodo sem, a elementum nisl. Curabitur dignissim neque a orci porta venenatis. Nunc blandit facilisis molestie. Aenean viverra volutpat nisi, vitae ultricies metus rhoncus nec.
Ut accumsan, magna vel venenatis commodo, nisi lacus elementum diam, at lobortis purus nunc ut purus. Vestibulum at lacinia augue. Etiam maximus aliquam varius. Aenean at eros enim. Maecenas porta quam fringilla, consectetur ante ac, sagittis ex. Praesent ac elit vitae odio egestas hendrerit. Aliquam nulla nibh, pellentesque in maximus eu, blandit ut leo. Sed egestas lacus non vulputate tincidunt. Aliquam pulvinar ac risus id dictum.
Curabitur interdum felis ac nulla mattis, vel venenatis turpis accumsan. Nullam pharetra, nibh nec auctor eleifend, ex diam suscipit lacus, sit amet lacinia sem turpis ut urna. Etiam pharetra ligula eget dignissim posuere. Aliquam vehicula bibendum nisl non eleifend. Nullam sem orci, porta at pharetra at, efficitur in odio. Duis malesuada porta turpis, ut euismod eros. Nam porta porta odio, at fermentum turpis lobortis id.
Vivamus eu nibh sed eros hendrerit congue finibus eget dui. Nullam eget tristique odio, quis accumsan libero. Nunc elit massa, ultricies sit amet mauris nec, volutpat aliquam libero. Sed faucibus dolor eget mattis imperdiet. Nulla tincidunt dictum velit, a scelerisque nunc vestibulum nec. Ut dignissim tellus ante, id molestie quam finibus eget. Suspendisse vestibulum a dui id consequat. Maecenas nisi ante, pulvinar vel nisl nec, scelerisque semper tortor. Donec ac urna sapien. Cras luctus volutpat odio, vitae iaculis neque porttitor sed. Praesent non lorem at tortor ornare aliquet. Nam convallis pellentesque elit viverra mattis. Duis convallis fermentum justo, a tincidunt mi ornare ac.
0 notes
twerkinglahey · 7 years
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut sollicitudin imperdiet turpis, vel rutrum mauris ultricies ac. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed auctor, metus non lacinia consequat, massa nunc tincidunt elit, nec volutpat nisi urna eu lectus. Donec sit amet varius risus, in ultrices enim. Morbi vulputate congue tincidunt. Nulla ac ligula in ante gravida placerat. In nisl urna, faucibus ut nunc quis, pellentesque venenatis ipsum. Ut sit amet tortor lacus. Praesent orci quam, aliquam at purus a, commodo sollicitudin nisl.
Aliquam maximus sagittis tincidunt. Curabitur posuere, tortor ac pharetra pretium, diam orci molestie massa, dapibus cursus lorem enim quis neque. Vestibulum lectus ipsum, laoreet at consectetur cursus, sodales facilisis massa. Quisque porta libero dolor, eu mattis erat accumsan id. Suspendisse eget mi consectetur, dignissim leo sed, faucibus sapien. Phasellus blandit ultricies enim, ac suscipit urna laoreet ac. Aenean nulla diam, faucibus tincidunt dictum ut, congue at metus. Morbi nec semper libero. Fusce tempus ut magna sed gravida. Vivamus eu arcu vitae massa cursus semper at sit amet urna. Etiam id commodo sem, a elementum nisl. Curabitur dignissim neque a orci porta venenatis. Nunc blandit facilisis molestie. Aenean viverra volutpat nisi, vitae ultricies metus rhoncus nec.
Ut accumsan, magna vel venenatis commodo, nisi lacus elementum diam, at lobortis purus nunc ut purus. Vestibulum at lacinia augue. Etiam maximus aliquam varius. Aenean at eros enim. Maecenas porta quam fringilla, consectetur ante ac, sagittis ex. Praesent ac elit vitae odio egestas hendrerit. Aliquam nulla nibh, pellentesque in maximus eu, blandit ut leo. Sed egestas lacus non vulputate tincidunt. Aliquam pulvinar ac risus id dictum.
Curabitur interdum felis ac nulla mattis, vel venenatis turpis accumsan. Nullam pharetra, nibh nec auctor eleifend, ex diam suscipit lacus, sit amet lacinia sem turpis ut urna. Etiam pharetra ligula eget dignissim posuere. Aliquam vehicula bibendum nisl non eleifend. Nullam sem orci, porta at pharetra at, efficitur in odio. Duis malesuada porta turpis, ut euismod eros. Nam porta porta odio, at fermentum turpis lobortis id.
Vivamus eu nibh sed eros hendrerit congue finibus eget dui. Nullam eget tristique odio, quis accumsan libero. Nunc elit massa, ultricies sit amet mauris nec, volutpat aliquam libero. Sed faucibus dolor eget mattis imperdiet. Nulla tincidunt dictum velit, a scelerisque nunc vestibulum nec. Ut dignissim tellus ante, id molestie quam finibus eget. Suspendisse vestibulum a dui id consequat. Maecenas nisi ante, pulvinar vel nisl nec, scelerisque semper tortor. Donec ac urna sapien. Cras luctus volutpat odio, vitae iaculis neque porttitor sed. Praesent non lorem at tortor ornare aliquet. Nam convallis pellentesque elit viverra mattis. Duis convallis fermentum justo, a tincidunt mi ornare ac.
0 notes
twerkinglahey · 7 years
Somebody: I care for you and love you.
Isaac: What are you saying?
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twerkinglahey · 7 years
If the Lord don’t forgive me I’d still have my baby and my babe would have me When I was kissing on my baby And she put her love down soft and sweet In the lowland plot I was free Heaven and hell were words to me
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twerkinglahey · 7 years
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twerkinglahey · 7 years
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twerkinglahey · 7 years
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You smell like shirt.
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twerkinglahey · 7 years
i hear pridcful is pretty cool bruh
send me a url of someone you’d like to see me roleplay with.
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i hear she only wants me for my body
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twerkinglahey · 7 years
Not even in the tw fandom anymore but you are literally A+++. I love reading your threads and I'd love to approach you but my awkwardness leads me away. You play Isaac so beautifully and remind me why he was one of my favorite characters.
anonymously tell me what you think of my character portrayal. i can’t respond; i can only publish.
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twerkinglahey · 7 years
"You're so in love with Derek, it's obvious."
Send my muse “You’re so in love with _____, it’s obvious” for their reaction.
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           It’s not a surprise to him, nor a grand realization, or something that should necessarily knock the wind out of him but it does. The words arranged so neatly as a statement of fact unnerves him from his shoulders to his chest that it leaves him dumbfounded ── just at a loss for words. He’d thought it to himself when he was twelve and Derek had come home with Camden, ruffling his hair and given him that bunny teeth grin. He’d mused it out loud to himself when he thought no one could hear. And he shouts it so profoundly in the privacy of his own head that it rattles him; shakes him to his core. Was it really that obvious?
                                  ❛  Er –––– you’re in love with Derek. Gross. ❜
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twerkinglahey · 7 years
Have you ever thought about Jamie Dornan for older Isaac?
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         clawless. WEEEEELLLLLLLL. I did but then I went through his caps and it just kind of didn’t appeal to me, ya feel? It’s just not my Isaac. And I don’t know, I’m more invested in Matt Bomer as older!isaac. 
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twerkinglahey · 7 years
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he offed himself?
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twerkinglahey · 7 years
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Nick hallucinating Troy. 
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twerkinglahey · 7 years
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fight. fight. fight. 
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