twinsoflimarp · 6 years
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full name: blake “BEE” aayliah rutherford
age: 29
birthday: feb 24th, 1989
birth order: 1st
gender identity: cis female
pronouns: she/her/hers
orientation: pansexual panromantic
occupation:  writer
BLAKE LEAVING FOR COLLEGE, broken by the break up between her and isaac, blake moved to new york to purse her dream of becoming a writer. with the two of them both stubborn and hurt, they didn’t speak for ten years.
PUBLISHING HER BOOK, though moving out of lima was challenging and heartbreaking, blake wasn’t going to give up her dream. she finished college and immediately went to work on her novel, which she published.
MOVING BACK TO LIMA, soon enough new york began to feel too crowded for her, and while she worked on her second book she wanted a little more peace and quiet.
stubborn, passionate, caring, impulsive, passive aggressive, mischievous.
MOVIE DEAL, after notable success, blake is approached about her first book being made into a movie.
PUBLISHING COMPANY, on top of the movie deal, and planning + writing the next installment of her series, blake has been thinking about starting her own publishing company, based in lima ohio.
COLLEGE BEST FRIEND/ROOMMATE, someone blake got close to in college, she helped blake our during a rough time in college and since then the two have been inseparable.
EX BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND,  someone blake dated before she got back together with isaac, they relationship wasn’t bad; it was actually good. but the two of them wanted different things and ended their relationship amicably.
ENEMIES TURNED FRIENDS, growing up the two didn’t get along for whatever reason. but as blake returned to lima the two were able to make amends and start a friendship.
blake hopes to continue with her book series and the multitude of other projects she going on
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twinsoflimarp · 6 years
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full name: Isaac “IZ” Joshua Evans
age: 29
birthday: May 14, 1989
birth order: 2nd
gender identity: cismale
pronouns: he/him/his
orientation: bisexual biromantic
occupation: detective with lima police department
BLAKE LEAVING FOR COLLEGE, wrecked isaac emotionally. he’d lost the most important person in his life and due to both of their stubborn natures, they didn’t speak for ten years.
JOINING THE MILITARY (tw: mentions severe trauma/injury), was the best decision he could’ve made for himself. until two years into his second tour when his squad was blown up while traveling, leaving isaac with a bum shoulder and barely working heart.
MOVING BACK TO LIMA, afforded isaac the chance for a little peace and quiet and the breathing room to readjust to civilian life as well as deal with his personal traumas. well, sort of. he’s still working on that second one.
abrasive, loyal, sarcastic, impulsive, unapologetic, determined.
REACH SERGEANT, isaac has been content with his title of detective for a while now but with blake back in his life and his future taking some kind of shape, he wants more for himself. it’s going to involve a lot of hard work and late nights but the drive to prove he can do it slightly outweighs the potential toll he hasn’t quite realized it’ll take on his relationship.
EX FRIEND WITH BENEFITS, the classic booty call with a twist. someone isaac would’ve struck up a FWB relationship with soon after moving back to lima. over time they grew closer to the point where they attended isaac’s physical therapy for his shoulder, kicking him in the ass when he needed it. remained good friends even after the hooking up stopped. they could have wanted/still want more where isaac did not.
CHILDHOOD FRIEND, someone isaac grew up with who knows him almost better than he knows himself. they help him keep his head on straight and combat his more impulsive decisions as well as pull his head out of his ass every now and again.
FRIENDS TURNED ENEMIES, for whatever reason, these two were fairly good buddies until something caused the tides to turn. now they can’t stand one another and are at each others throats at any given chance.
isaac is focused entirely on bettering himself, his career, and his relationship in an honest to god attempt to create a future.
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twinsoflimarp · 6 years
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full name: Jedidiah ”Jed/Jedi” Daniel Evans
birthday: August 6th, 1990
birth order: 3rd
gender identity: cismale
pronouns: He/him/his
orientation: homosexual homoromantic
occupation: Palaeontologist, College Professor
When he first watched The Land Before Time he was barely three years old, but it is the most vivid memory he has from his early years. That was the day he fell in love with dinosaurs, and the day he knew he wanted to spend his life dedicated to dinosaurs. More or less. It might’ve evolved during the next 398571501275130 times he watched the movies.
When he met Brighton Rutherford because that was the first friend he made that wasn’t a relative or a nearby neighbour and because Bright was so determined that they would be the best of friends from day one; something that was definitely true. He defines himself a lot by his friendship with Brighton and this first meeting is important not only as a singular event but an event that in turn “caused” quite a few other important events in his life; his first kiss, him becoming more comfortable and secure in himself, him being somewhere in the middle of being a loner and having a social life.
His first time out in the field because it is something he will remember and cherish for the rest of his life, it was a summer internship during a field study of pyroraptors in France; partly digging up an area where they suspected there could be traces of the raptor. It was perhaps not his most “successful” field study as they found very little at all, but it was a huge moment for him.
The day he brought his two cats home because they mean a lot to him, and they are quite attached to him. They are good company; comforting and active but they also prevent him from feeling lonely or too isolated. But honestly, they also perhaps work as an excuse as to why he’s stays at home as much as he is rather than going out to meet people.
Ritualistic, Gentle, Passionate, Fanciful, Absentminded, Boyish
BRANCHING OUT because I would very much like for him to take a few risks and put himself out there more; he is content having a certain number of friends and therefore doesn’t see the point to even attempt making new ones, etc. I would also like to see how this interferes or mixes with his habits and routines that he prefers to stick to.
HAVING A FLING as he is the kind of person who takes a long time to befriend someone and then prefers to be friends with that person until the end of time or until something happens that makes it impossible or unlikely to continue the friendship. The same goes for relationships, he’s very much into long-term relations and because of that, this would be an interesting aspect to explore.
EX-BOYFRIEND that was possibly his first, but it doesn’t have to be. This relationship however had an impact on Jedidiah’s friendship with his best friend which might have partly been to blame for the break up. I’m up for either them staying friends, them being awkward or them both just walking in their own direction in anger.
JAM BUDDY who is also one of the members’ in the band he’s the lead singer for. I imagine they mostly do pop and classic rock that’s more pop-y but I’m definitely up for a discussion. The more important aspect is honestly that they are similar in personality or in their interests.
CLOSE FRIEND because the boy really does need some friends; how and why they are friends are very optional – but they might be in the same hobby club, working at the same place, went to college together, used to be childhood neighbours… However, I would prefer it to be someone he met during his adult years, someone without close links to his childhood or family.
PUBLISH DINOSAUR BOOKS FOR CHILDREN/TWEENS as he would really like to publish a series of non-fiction text books for children and tweens which combines the colourful illustrations and layout of the traditional children’s fiction genre while being informative and educational.
DO MORE FIELD WORK: because he very much misses being out in the field for longer periods of time; especially as his specialization in raptors often take him to Asia, primarily Mongolia and China but also Western Europe.
FIND HIS PERSON because he really wants to be with someone who is very much his own person; sort of like Bright is, but romantically. But he’s not that focused on this one as he’s quite content being on his own too.
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twinsoflimarp · 6 years
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full name: Montgomery “MONTY” Jaye Ulrich Smythe
age: 26
birthday: september 3, 1991
birth order: 3rd.
gender identity: cismale
pronouns: he/him/his
orientation: pansexual panromantic
occupation: freelance graphic designer/app developer
MOVING TO LIMA, following their mothers passing at age ten was a big adjustment for monty, on top of having just lost his mom who was arguably the most important person in his life. monty’s not sure which event it was that triggered it but either way his father’s verbal abuse certainly kicked up a few notches.
LEARNING CODE, was an experience for monty. he taught himself everything there was to know about reading and writing it in middle school and became proficient fairly quickly. it triggered his love for all things techy.
ACCIDENTALLY JOINING A CRIME RING, wasn’t something monty could have ever anticipated. but he’s fairly decent at lifting cars apparently and all he does is hand them over to the big wigs for a decent sum. it’s been worth it so far.
benevolent, distracted, excitable, secretive, creative, ambitious
A SUCCESSFUL RELATIONSHIP, monty knows very little about relationships. he’s never experience a full fledged real life romantic connection and doesn’t know what they’re supposed to look like. developing that side of monty and forcing his focus to remain on a person instead of being fleeting would be hella interesting.
EXPOSING HIS SECRET, if there’s one thing monty is genuinely afraid of, it’s someone finding out about his extracurriculars. sure he’s towns over and he’s extremely careful and it’s been a good six months but it’s feeling a lot more like waiting for the other shoe to drop at this point. despite his reservations about being caught, he’s not sure how to wiggle his way out of getting involved with an honest to god gang. either way, he’s sure that this does not end well.
BEST FRIEND, one of the very few people who just get monty. they don’t get frustrated when he drops a conversation, they know how to pull him back to reality, and they don’t let him hide behind the slew of self-deprecating jokes.
THE ROOMMATE, literally anyone who can pull their weight with the bills, that’s monty’s only requirement. details on whether or not they get along, etc can be sussed out later.
EX, can be good or bad terms. someone monty dated and ultimately more or less forgot to pay attention to due to his awful attention span and lack of understanding about how romantic relationships work. details tbd.
developing and launching a successful app of his own
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twinsoflimarp · 6 years
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full name: colton “COLE” theodore smythe
age: 26
birthday: September 3, 1991
birth order: 2nd
gender identity: cismale
pronouns: he/him/his
orientation: grayromantic fluid
occupation: founder of Loca Bonita Records, an indie record label
the death of his mother, quite a hard pill to swallow for a ten year old, but in true Cole fashion he let others shed their tears and grieve while remaining stoic and seemingly unmoved, through the funeral, the move to America and even through his father’s amped up verbal abuse.
entering Dalton prep, from the moment Cole started at Dalton he built up a reputation. becoming his class president in freshman year, being the debate team champion all four years and captain for three and class valedictorian. 
finishing college in two and a half years, having gone into Columbia as a second semester sophomore, Cole was quick to finish his criminal justice degree. Soon he was flying throw law school with honors and by 22 he had passed the Bar. Well on his way to becoming the shark of a defense attorney he is known for now.
moving back to Lima, Ohio, turns out there was far more money in being a private defense attorney than anything else and with Lima’s criminal population growing there was quite the lucrative back in his home town. now he defends drug lords, seedy companies, and various other slime ridden people willing to pay top dollar to get out of trouble.
manipulative, resourceful, self serving, morally ambiguous, guarded, intuative
getting into a tough spot, as a highly self assured and cocky person it would be quite interesting to see Cole end up in a siatuation that he can’t immediately defend his way out of
building a relationship, any kind of relationship really, although familial would be preferred for this as it’s likely he doesn’t have the best relationship with his siblings.
the one person he trusts, preferably someone who is not family, it would be nice for him to have something of a friend a very interesting dynamic it would be and i’m here for him finding someone to confide all things in despite his natural instincts telling him trust no bitch
an enemy, someone that Cole is in constant conflict with and who has been a thorn in Cole’s side since moving back to Lima, possibly someone in law enforcement or news media
fuck buddy on the low, the whole banging anyone thing doesn’t really fly with his father and therefore he keeps his trysts with non cisfemales incredibly private, so this would be open to any character that is not a cisfemale.
the immediate goal is to become the name in criminal defense and eventually build on that to start his own practice
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twinsoflimarp · 6 years
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full name: dinora “DINO” andrine lopez
age: 27
birthday: November 12 1990
birth order: 3rd
gender identity: cisfemale
pronouns: she/her/hers
orientation: pansexual panromantic
occupation: founder of Loca Bonita Records, an indie record label
her grandmother sitting her down in front of a baby grand, started her musical journey which is incredibly important to Dino as a character
making that friend in middle school, gave her a sense of self awareness and self expression that is vital to how Dino presents herself, how she settled into her sexuality and what she filled her time with outside of music
becoming a model on instagram for suicide girls, is what jump started her internet stardom and brought millions of people to her music, which was instrumental in getting her opportunities in LA
moving out to LA after college, opened up even more doors for her and ultimately drove her success until she was able to make that leap into starting up her own indie record label
shameless, belligerent, social, flippant, non judgmental, impulsive
falling in love, exploring this aspect of Dino would be hella fun and interesting, she is someone who definitely thinks she’s been in love before, she thinks she’s been in love with every single person she’s ever called a significant other, but truthfully she hasn’t. so I think that dynamic is worth exploring with her!
mending a broken relationship, this would be particularly interesting if it was for an ex friend, although it would still be cool to delve into with a family member or ex-lover/partner. any relationship with a long history where somewhere along the way things got very complicated and broken. It’s a bit sad and angsty but with the potential for a resolution.
a hiccup with her label, something that has Dino, for the first time in her life, feeling every stressed and very anxious. her label is her dream come to reality and for something/someone to come along and threaten it’s existence, to potentially destroy it before it ever really has a chance to thrive would be devastating. I see a lot of potential for character growth with this particular plot.
a childhood best friend, someone that has been there for them through all of their trails and tribulations, their victories and triumphs and someone who keeps it 100 with them at all times. it would be super cool if this was the person she’d befriended while in middle school who sort of triggered her journey of self discovery.
a potential partner in the label, it is impossible for Dino to run the entire label herself, and really in general she needs employees, inters, a mentor, artists to work with, all of that, but it would be really awesome to see a professional relationship build into something as big as a partnership. this would be a professional relationship but there is always room for growth!
the bae who turned fam, they say you can’t be friends with you ex’s and for Dino that was pretty much 100% true, except for this one person. Somehow their relationship flourished only after their break up. It seems from the end of their romantic entanglement, birthed this beautiful and genuine platonic kinship.
At this moment in time, Dino only has one goal, to make it through the next year and still have her Label in tact and on it’s way to thriving and growing into an empire.
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