twistedmeru · 1 month
Mermay, please rest I missed the 4th joke day!
Day 5-Revenge….
He was alone, the waters of the ocean around him. Not a soul really was watching him, but he always felt like he could never move. Two days ago he had abandoned Briar to talk to that… thing by themself. And now he’s being punished for it. He was alone and stuck in the boat while Briar was out ‘buying supplies’ they had abandoned him back! This was cruel… he hated being alone. But, at the same time it was where he felt comfort the most sometimes. He wanted more friends but never could he really feel comfortable having them. 
“Hey Bro! Whatcha up to hmmmmm~?” 
And almost as if on cue a new voice chipped into the mind of our poor Zetsu, one he was not fond of hearing. 
“What do you want, Osiris? I-look I’m back on time and everything. Even have the weird scale you wanted me to collect which I had to do while Briar was sleeping. They’d kill me if they found out I dived without telling them, especially at night.”
And as Zetsu speaks, for once without a break in his voice. Not even stuttering which was uncommon for him, Osiris took his time practically dancing his way into the deck. Tapping his shoes and humming to himself, smiling as he approached his twin brother. The only difference between them? A single strand of hair Osiris left white today.
“Good good! You did your job again! However, this time I need a little bit more from you.” 
“What more are you going to take this tim-“
And before Zetsu could turn around to face his brother he felt the metal railing of the boat meet his head and then he was out cold. Osiris had placed his hand onto the back of Zetsu’s head and used a small bit of energy to pull and send his brother’s head into the railing. Blood was leaking onto the floor as he had hit one of the railings locks.
“Ah ah ah! Can’t have that now can we!? Come on bro no need to dirty the deck, I’m the one cleaning it. After all, it’s time for another switch~” 
Osiris proceeded to place a hand in front of his brother’s forehead and the blood from his cut began to be pulled off his face, as was the blood on the deck collecting it into an orb before plopping it into the ocean and seeing it disperse quickly.
“Anyyyyyyways, I’ll be seeing you in about… a week? Maybe longer, but for now? Ciao bro~” 
Osiris picked his brother up, sling him over his shoulder and then proceeded to dump him into the ocean…. As a shadow passed under close to the dock and then was gone. 
“Now then, let’s fix this up.”
Osiris proceeded to spin his hand in front of his face shifting the single hair back to the same color as Zetsu’s and then coughed lightly before he began to sulk just like Zetsu was as he was abandoned by Briar…. 
Briar had just parked their car in the dock’s temporary parking area. The old one was being remodeled so as an apology to everyone who lost their paid spots, they were gifted a set of tickets to purchase gear and other supplies for multiple voyages if used in the allotted time limit. Which led to the currently packed car of food and snacks, along with some new fishing gear too! Even some books for Zetsu to use to learn a bit more about navigation.
Taking what they could at first was easier than trying to grab everything but it worked out as they saw their mini boat in the distance annnnddddd… witnessed Zetsu practically burying his face into the railing on the top deck. At least until he fell off and fell into the water causing a scream and splash as Brair ran over to check on her partner. 
“Zetsu!? Idiot!” 
As they dove off the pier and soak themselves before they see him swimming upwards absolutely fine…… forgetting Zetsu is still a more experienced diver than they are at this point in time. Sometimes he surprises them with so,etching they always tend to forget, he never acts confidently even when he should. He’s a great navigator, but constantly reviews the basics and remarks upon his own correct maps with bad marks. Never giving himself any actual credit for success. He’s a complete stick in the mud. Top of his class, and yet he didn’t have any speech to give. 
Following him upward Briar surfaced and proceeded to berate him slightly.
“Dork! What the heck was that!? What if you had hit a rock or something!? Come on already, why were you even on the top of the deck as if you were abandoned like a lost puppy or something?”
“We-well you-I… but I thought you had abandoned me. I spent the entire time hiding under the deck while you talked to that thing! I had abandoned you then and you had every right to abandon me now! It… it only made sense if you would do th-that to me after that…”
And Briar sighed as by this point they had climbed back onto the deck and were staring at Zetsu in the water looking down like a depressed puppy abandoned by their owner.
“Seriously… what would you do without me sometimes? Come on dork, let's get back and dry off. We have a long two weeks ahead of us!” 
Briar offered a hand to Zetsu picking him up and helping him out before they proceeded to grab a bag, and then look deviously at Zetsu.
“Ummmm… what’s that face for?”
“Oh I know exactly how you’re going to pay me back for that scare.”
And shortly after leaving the dock after stocking up on everything the duo could need, there was one very specific thing that was able to be seen on the front of the ship.
A man painted in white and black. Acting as if they were trapped in a box…. While seeming slightly annoyed by it. As Zetsu was now the afternoon entertainment.
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twistedmeru · 1 month
MERMAY where are my fish!?! I’m drowning here!
Day 4-Healing
Back on the deck….
Briar… had little to say at first as they had to readjust and fix themselves after being saved not once but apparently twice… their memory was a little blurry. The last thing they remember was them being dragged under by something a lot smaller than this guy here. Then, blacking out and so they looked to him for an answer. And whether or not he understood he opened his mouth, and inside was the creature that Briar had been attacked by. It was alive but it had a gaping hole in its chest and cuts over it. Most likely from when it was apparently bitten into by Briar’s… new friend here? Maybe? They weren’t too sure what to call this guy. But he saved her? 
Clearly her assailant couldn’t move too well but they gave some resistance once it felt the tongue under it move and it tried to grip forward before Briar watched as it was rolled back and then heard a loud echo of a gulp dragging… food down a throat. That sound had never really stuck with Briar till this moment when they heard it so surreal and loud around her. And then a moment after her savior put his head on the boat lightly almost as if they knew too much pressure would shatter the wooden frame of it. And opened their mouth and rolled out their tongue for something. Briar was confused as they stared. Clearly it wanted something right?
Briar thought for a moment and hoped maybe if it was hungry they could feed it something else, and as they tried to stand they forgot about their ankle as they quickly fell back to the ground. The adrenaline earlier had worn off, although they didn’t feel any pain they could see their ankle was clearly almost bitten through and it was barely hanging in thanks to… their muscles and tendons. Bone was showing but that wasn’t a great sign. It wasn’t bleeding much or hurting at all. Could the one from earlier have had a numbing and clotting agent mixed into its saliva? The opportunity to study it unfortunately wouldn’t come. 
However, as Briar failed to walk they heard an echoing sound again. Almost like a chorus of lights hums. Looking back at their “savior” they noticed he was grinning before using one of his hands which Briar was forced to realize could be used to squeeze the life out of their smaller body to pick Briar up by their collar and lifted them up and let Briar fall directly into their mouth. This was… too say the eats way too much to process in a moment and Briar blanked. They didn’t move and didn’t struggle, but they also weren’t bitten into? Or even moved around at all. They could hear a slight dripping noise around them, saliva? It had to be that and soon they felt the liquid start to rise over their leg. 
That liquid brought two things: a burning pain, and soon relief. The pain almost seeming to last forever until it was completely gone and once it was the soothing relief felt like stepping into a warm bath after a hard day of work. Getting to feel the weight lift from your shoulders as you slump down and feel the freedom of relaxation pour over. Until Briar opened their eyes and realized they were now being held in the air again and soon planted on the deck of their boat. And they didn’t fall over? Looking at their ankle it was healed. Almost as if nothing had happened to it.
“You know, it’s rude to not say, ‘Thank you’ in your kinds culture. Especially when someone helps you not once, not twice, but three times isn’t it?” 
Briar stared almost completely slack jawed before muddling over their words.
“I-How did you-Wait hold but you! I-My!” 
Even pointing at him and then at their own ankle and then once at their own mouth.
“That! You! Genetics! Saliva?! You-Gah!” 
After about another minute they seemed to have collected themselves enough to say an actual sentence….
“Thank you for… helping me each time.”
“Ah of course, it’s not an issue after all you’re the one who showed up in my home and made today a bit more interesting, consider it a favor repaid.” 
Bruar was a little confused by what they meant. It was obvious they lived in the ocean but well it wasn’t like that was an intention or anything
“Uh huh…. Ok got it. Ummmm sorry for intruding?”
And the man before her laughed and simply smirked afterwards.
“You know, I think I got lucky and found one of you with a sense of humor. Normally you’re all too scared to make a joke like that. It’s the ocean! You can’t exactly intrude on that.”
Whether Briar wanted to admit it or not, he was in a way right and wrong. But, better to not correct the one clearly able to eat her if they wanted to.
“Ehe…. Fair point but again thank you. Ummm what now?”
The man seemed to ponder for a moment before sticking his finger upwards! 
“I’ve got it! You can be my little explorer! Keep going around the seas and maybe you’ll find me again and maybe we’ll talk about your travels! Buttttt should you leave forever, maybe you’ll see me sooner than you’d like to heh.” 
He’d dive under the water directly after saying that. Although in Briar’s neck a small tattoo would appear. Briar would be oblivious to this, but someone looking may comment on it. But, it was the design of a kraken or at least a giant octopus if you looked at it the wrong way.
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twistedmeru · 1 month
Mermay I dive under the sea with you?
(Trying to do something stupid with the titles here don’t assume it has any relation to what’s in the actual “story”.)
Day 3-Dwelling/home
While Briar stared at the creature before them or person… whatever they were Zetsu did as he normally would do and proceeded to slink away into the ship. Hoping that his presence would be forgotten even if he wanted to save Briar if something happened. He’d have gone under the deck and into their cabin area on it. A few small games tables and remnants of leftover studies done in two different spots. One being filled with maps while the other held books and flashcards about rare animal species.
Zetsu considered what he could do and in all honesty he wasn’t too sure. But, he figured making as little noise as possible was a good idea. So he curled into his bed, looking over at Briar’s bed which had a clownfish blanket on it, while his was a cat styled one. He couldn’t help but really wonder if tonight he’d sleep alone here or if he’d go to sleep at all. And he had shut the door to the cabin as well quietly on his way down here. Unlike before all the creaks and noises of the ocean outside which were once something he’d take partial joy in considering his… tendencies to be alone. All of them were now a bit more haunting and only worsened his anxiety towards if he’d even hear them again or if he’d be joining them while he drowns. 
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twistedmeru · 1 month
Day 2, Carnivorous 
Once I finally managed to catch a moment and reclaim my bearings from being knocked off the boat I took a moment to quickly look around me just in case I could react to anything. I didn’t notice anything, but I felt as if I was farther down than I should be considering I was only knocked off the boat not dragged under I thought…. And as I started to swim upwards it became apparent I was definitely deeper than I had first thought and it would take a bit more effort so I put more energy into swimming upwards. 
I wish I had my goggles on so I could look around more, I can hold my breath for about a minute and the view of the ocean even if it’s empty can be beautiful if you like that thing and I do. However, as I kept swimming I felt something lock around my right ankle and looking down I saw a…. Fish? At least I saw the tail first because it was so long, but then locking into my leg was a set of jaws that belonged to a human head? Before I could fully process this info I felt myself be pulled down and then saw the red mist start to flow from my ankle.
At first, I really wasn’t too sure how to react but if I died here I couldn’t really do much here. I began to panic but instead of just flailing my arms and legs upwards I used that adrenaline rush to force my body downwards along with the creature below me. Regardless of how it felt I grabbed its face feeling its skin smooth but rough and angled my hands as best as I could aimed for its eyes and pressed in. Feeling its jaws let go I made one more action to give me time which was to flip its gills and with the time I had and limited vision I succeeded.
Taking my new time I had bought for myself I began to put all the leftover energy I had into swimming upwards. But, my arms started to move slower. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t move as much as I wanted. I started to feel dizzy and my vision grew blurrier… how long had I been under the water for? I felt my body become heavy. I was… oddly calm before I had let my body flow as it wanted, turning me back towards my would-be predator. They’re rushing towards me. There was nothing I could do. This was it… 
I closed my eyes accepting what was going to happen to me.
Briar closed their eyes and to their knowledge the next thing they’d wake up to was Zetsu panicking over them applying CPR after doing his best to pump out any water that had gotten into their body. As they woke up and coughed out the rest of the water and sat upwards still dizzy they had turned themselves around with Zetsu’s help and in front of Briar. Was a much larger being… one with blood dripping out of its mouth from behind its teeth. The sharp edged teeth, the fresh blood streaming down them, and the smirk that was plastered over their face? They were indeed in the presence of a true carnivore. Someone who seemed to enjoy it a little too much.
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twistedmeru · 1 month
MerMay writing.
Mer-May…. Something for a month I hate to get me back in the flow of well writing hopefully.
Oh forgot to mention the prompt I’ll be using is from this person who I’m sure has other cool stuff to look at. Go visit them.
Day 1, The Marine Biologist
After four years and multiple internships with actual diving lessons and a couple of unfortunate secretary positions for others I’m finally out here on the ocean by myself!…. Well not entirely by myself though, Zetsu’s behind me currently looking at a map generally trying to help navigate us to the spot I wanted to be at, but he’s so quiet and shy that I may as well be out here by myself! Heck, I don’t think I’d notice if he vanished… he’s too quiet and sometimes literally texts me instead of talking to me directly.
The breeze as I stand on the bow of the ship and look over to my left and right to see the waves crash against our boat. Seeing every so often a dolphin or flying fish jump upward beyond the blue coverage. It’s made these last four years of tests, studying, and evil professors so worth it. 
“The first day of Briar the marine biologist-!”
And as the biologist proclaimed their announcement to the world they proceeded to get hit by a fish that had knocked them into the ocean. As their partner proceeds to run for a life preserver.
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twistedmeru · 2 months
This seems like a fun little thing I’m curious what others would prefer to see happen if they were to be affected by magic.
Congratulations! You are now a Magic-User!!
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twistedmeru · 2 months
Too easy to link you, love you for it though! But also despise the word redacted.
Some writers: *meticulously plan out every plot point and the tone and meanings before they start writing*
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twistedmeru · 1 year
Yeah, don't question why it's tintro instead of intro. Meru, reference to HXH Mereum fav charcter from it. Twisted from Twisted Wonderland my favorite game at the moment that isn't a pvp based game that drives me insane.
I tend to have some odd interest, will try to write every so often, and probably post some old stories I've written before on here so I have a start. Hopefully making some friends won't be too difficult. (Also I'll probably update this one day since I am currently burned out after making the first post I've ever made on here from scratch. Yes it is a new one, not an already-made story!)
Vore, stuffing, and other weird interests take up residence in my head.
If you like Twisted Wonderland your favorite character could lead to a war if you tell me them... so choose them wisely... I'm kidding everyone has their own tastes and I'd like to meet more people who know of the game and share some odd tastes. Since it'll possibly be fun to talk about them. Maybe I'll try to one day get better at writing Twisted moments lol.
My ocs who are probably not related to any main stories shall be here.
The cast of ocs!
The main story Archive will be here.
"Who Am I?"
If you actually read this I appreciate it and I hope you haven't wasted your time, and yes I'm an adult.
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