two-of-tails · 2 months
"Oh, you met Sonic and Shadow?"
Tails seems to smile at the mention of them. Good to know they had treated her kindly(? Mostly Shadow).
He seems to squint slightly in a look of confusion hearing about his place in T's world. It's... new, hearing that he's just a piece of media, but he can have an existential crisis about that later. He's note her words and file it away in the back of his head for now.
"Don't worry about it!"
He chirps, already starting to walk back to his lab with a gesture to follow. It's a little strange being called his legal name, sounds too formal, but I guess it's not too bad.
"I dabble in interdimensional travel sometimes! I'll be able to find out how you got here and how to get back in a jiffy!"
Hey Tails! Nice to meet you. I’ve been a fan since I was young; would you mind being friends? You are adorable btw! Thanks ☺️
Heya!! Nice to meetcha too!
I’m always up for gaining more friends! The more the merrier, right?
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two-of-tails · 2 months
Tails tilts his head slightly, observing the newcomer’s demeanor. He finds himself a little nervous around someone who’s clearly enamored with him. He’s gotta present himself properly, you know?
“You’re in… Emerald Town. Near my lab, actually.”
He perks up hearing that she may have been from another dimension, eyes sparkling with curiosity.
“Fascinating stuff! So you are aware of my existence even though you’re from another dimension? How does that work? I didn’t realize I was that well known!”
He gives a light chuckle at the last statement. It was somewhat of a joke.
“And… yes. I’m still 8, as far as I know.”
It is a strange question, but he can brush it off as testing for time continuities from her reality to this one.
Hey Tails! Nice to meet you. I’ve been a fan since I was young; would you mind being friends? You are adorable btw! Thanks ☺️
Heya!! Nice to meetcha too!
I’m always up for gaining more friends! The more the merrier, right?
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two-of-tails · 2 months
Tails can I get I hug I need one
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Of course!!
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two-of-tails · 2 months
Tails takes her hand and shakes it, mirroring her energy.
“I do typically go by ‘Tails’ more than ‘Miles’, but I wouldn’t mind if you prefer the latter! Nice to meet you, T!”
Hey Tails! Nice to meet you. I’ve been a fan since I was young; would you mind being friends? You are adorable btw! Thanks ☺️
Heya!! Nice to meetcha too!
I’m always up for gaining more friends! The more the merrier, right?
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two-of-tails · 2 months
Hey Tails! Nice to meet you. I’ve been a fan since I was young; would you mind being friends? You are adorable btw! Thanks ☺️
Heya!! Nice to meetcha too!
I’m always up for gaining more friends! The more the merrier, right?
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two-of-tails · 2 months
You're the fox that still has his biology, right? yeah.
Other than anything with mint. What is your next favorite flavor of ice cream?
Uh... who still has his biology? I mean, sure but- I don't know what you mean by that?
But anyways- I think my next favorite might just be plain vanilla! it's really customizable, and it always tastes good. Not too sweet or sickening or chunky or gooey, you know? Sometimes I sprinkle in some cinnamon or crumble some cereal on top for some flavor, but it's pretty good in itself!
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two-of-tails · 2 months
What's your most useless or unneeded invention you've ever made? Is it something you made just for fun, or did it used to be useful, but now you don't really need it anymore but refuse to get rid of?
(also I really like your blog :] keep up the good work, Tails!)
Well a lot of my inventions usually end up going in a dusty old box in the attic, because with all the strangely specific situations we were in, they only serve one marginal function! Of course, I'd still say they're more useful than the little toys I make for no particular reason. Sometimes I just need something to do with my hands and string together a bunch of scrap I can get my hands on into a semi-comprehensive gadget. They really serve no other purpose than curing my boredom, really.
And thank you soo much! So glad you're enjoying my little rambles!
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two-of-tails · 2 months
Hey Tails, do you enjoy extreme gear racing? Or do you just do because all of your friends like it, you want to help them by making their gear for them, and you appreciate the challenge of making an extreme gear?
I do enjoy extreme gear racing! Of course, I'm in love with the whole of it, not just the racing part. The adrenaline-pumping race courses are great- but so is building and testing out boards to create the best extreme racegear ever!
Of course, it's less fun when the gear goes haywire and nearly takes out a bunch of people, but I'm just going to say I appreciate the challenge of making one anyways.
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two-of-tails · 2 months
What do you enjoy more? Building something? Or using the thing that you built? Take planes for example. Or does it depend on the thing that you’re building?
Hm... I have fun with building things- but the best part about inventing is seeing the finished product working as intended! The process itself just helps emphasize that, considering I do have more moments of frustration with it...
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two-of-tails · 3 months
Ahaha. Fireworks, am I right?
Watching them are pretty but hearing them is a different story.
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two-of-tails · 3 months
Since forever 😁
And you’re welcome!
Hi Barry!!!!! Long time no see!
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I didn't miss pride month, I didn't miss pride month, I didn't miss pride month...
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two-of-tails · 3 months
Do you have any thoughts on boats? I don’t imagine you use them much considering you could just use a plane to get across the water. Do you have any interest in them at all?
I love planes, but boats and ships are pretty cool too! I don’t take interest in them as much as planes, but I still love them a lot!!
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two-of-tails · 3 months
Awww It's okay Barry! Every month can be a pride month for you!!
Hi Barry!!!!! Long time no see!
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I didn't miss pride month, I didn't miss pride month, I didn't miss pride month...
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two-of-tails · 3 months
Hey, Tails, have you been professionally diagnosed with autism yet? I just figured based on your behavior and such that you had to be autistic or just be neurodivergent in general. (This anon is autistic herself, do not take this as offensive.)
Oh, no. I haven’t been professionally diagnosed yet, but I have done my research on it! Pretty sure I’m neurodivergent in some sense, not sure if it’s autism, though.
I’m not planning to get a diagnosis, really… I mean, there wouldn’t really be a point other than peace of mind maybe? I never really thought of it as too big of a deal anymore now that I’ve got a nice support system. It’s not making my life hell or anything. (Not anymore anyways)
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two-of-tails · 3 months
Would you say that you’re the type of person to insult an opponent before or during the middle of a fight?
During. I mean, it’s much more distracting for an opponent when they’re trying to defend themselves both ways.
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two-of-tails · 3 months
You know what multi-tailed foxes are known for, Tails ? Being seducers. Where I'm from there are countless myths of multi-tailed foxes seducing men and sometimes leading them to doom or draining their life energy
Yeah, I think I've heard of that, actually. I don't want to assume anything when you're only telling me a fact, but I assure you, I'm not a 'seducer' or anything. I'm just a kid. I can't drain your life energy unless I've got a machine for it- which I don't.
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two-of-tails · 3 months
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I don’t remember putting that in there !!!
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