twseok-blog · 6 years
Hello, wolflings! Here is a Halloween based sentence starter prompt list provided by bookofmirth.  These can be used as drabbles or as starters that go along with our current event.  It’ll help get something going between muses who haven’t had a chance to interact yet, or just get some creative juices flowing for anyone who needs some help getting started with our event.  Feel free to make these canon or au, but just remember your rp karma: if you receive, be sure to send and don’t be shy! Unlike our first meme which you can reblog at any time, this one is only available to be reblogged until Halloween - October 31st!
“What is your greatest fear?”
“Do you dare me?”
“I don’t think we should go in there.”
“You won’t make it the night.”
“This was a horrible idea.”
“Nope, I’m not scared.”
“I don’t think your arm is supposed to bend that way.”
“Oh yeah, I’m totally into cannibalism.”
‘Vampires aren’t real, though.”
“Is that really red syrup? Please tell me it’s syrup.”
“What was that noise?’ “Which noise?” “You know, the one that sounded like fingernails scraping against a chalkboard?”
“I heard that he died right over there.”
“Don’t touch me!” “I didn’t.”
“Have you ever heard about what happened in that house?”
“This can’t be the zombie apocalypse. I’m not caught up on my favorite shows.”
“I’m not sure we are going to make it out of here.”
“That’s disgusting.”
“Please don’t touch the human remains.”
“I’m calling it. We are lost in the woods.”
“Please take your mask off.”
“What’s that? “You don’t want to know. Don’t look.”
“I dare you to go in there. Alone.”
“Please don’t leave me here!”
“I don’t want to end up like the others.”
“I never thought I’d fall in love with a werewolf.”
“Did you know that no one has ever made it out alive?”
“Anyone who goes there refuses to talk about it afterward.”
“Nah, I don’t get scared.”
“Get it off me!”
“We only have to make it until sunrise, which is… 7 hours away.”
“I thought vampires were supposed to burst into flames when they get staked.”
“I told you I carry holy water around for a reason!”
“I can’t stand blood.” “Good thing it’s everywhere.”
“Do you know any spells to get rid of this thing?”
“I… i think I have fangs.”
“Of course, the graveyard at midnight is super sexy and not creepy, let’s go there.”
“Wait, why does this grave have your name on it?”
“I don’t think this is our town anymore.”
“And this is why you shouldn’t screw with the laws of nature.”
“I can’t get a signal on my phone, the car is dead, and I’m fairly certain we are out of matches.”
“The mayor has declared a state of emergency. I told you we should have left.”
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twseok-blog · 6 years
❛ small fangs & self-reflection。
˟ ( @twbaek ) ・゚☆
( ` hoseok is convinced he’s dreaming. it’s been a day or so since this new... development, but for his own sanity, he’s convinced himself that  he’s thinking too much or he’s sleeping. yeah-- that must be it. because all had been well, he’d gone about his day as normal, and went home covered in dust and clay spots as always. although, he did happen to stop by a bakery on the way home-- he thought nothing of it, still doesn’t suspect it. but here he has woken up with a slight discomfort in his gums, and the odd sensation of his upper teeth just barely pressing against the skin of his bottom lip. he doesn’t think much of it. he goes about his day, but it all comes to when he says hello to his high school employee-- who stares at him and claps her hands gleefully: ‘you’ve got the halloween spirit early, mr. jung!’ and he just stares at her, tongue worrying over his slightly sharper canines and giving her an uneasy grimace of a smile. it’s when he heads home that he has the distinct urge to swing by the disney store-- where he’s sure baekhyun must be getting off. if anything-- he’s sure the fairy would know what to do-- he has a calming presence. ) ... ( ` he waits until the familiar figure appears form the store front, and today he is a little more wound up, lip jutted out a tiny bit more than his normal pout, and his mouth falls open as he says almost too miserably, mouth parted to bare a hint of his teeth in a clear explanation of why he’s stressed. ) “hello, baek... i need some. help. or advice, or guidance, any of the above will work--”
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twseok-blog · 6 years
❛ little bites & terror。
˟ ( @steintw ) ・゚☆
           ( tw! blood mention. )
the small apartment is quiet and peaceful as always, nothing out of the order in the neatly organized living room. the kitchenette is quiet as well, the stainless steel spotless and dishes put away carefully. the bedroom... on the other hand has seen better days, the covers of the bed flipped inside out, slippers tossed haphazardly around the room and hoseok--
hoseok is having ( more than ) a bit of a manic breakdown.
he’s staring at himself in the mirror, or more accurately-- at the sharpened incisors of his canines, though small, they looked wickedly sharp. it had started a few days ago, he’d thought it was a dream, that he’d sleep and wake up and it would go away. but here he is, eyes are wide in disbelief, one hand slowly, shakily reaching up to rub his thumb over the teeth-- wincing at a sharp sting and staring incredulously at the bead of blood that appears on his thumb.
a squeak of fright is heard before he’s washing his thumb off in the sink and slapping a bandaid over it. and then he’s pacing back and forth in his living room, arms behind his back, muttering to himself and if he’d been more aware he would realize he quite resembled rabbit at the moment and that’s almost never a good thing. he only stops when a sharp pain stabs at his stomach and makes him aware of an unbearable heat in his throat, crawling up. and he rushes to the kitchen, looking in dismay at his old, empty water filter-- knows the ancient thing would take ages to fill up-- he really does need a new one.
slipping on his favorite purple hoodie, he takes to the streets, determined to make straight for the grocery store, grab a large pack of water or maybe a new water filter altogether, and go straight home. his mouth is clamped tightly shut as he looks around himself every two seconds-- paranoid. he’s dead set on his task and his task only, and yelps as he collides into someone after turning the corner of a building to take his shortcut. he stumbles back a bit, hands flying out and gripping the obstacle’s shoulders. “i’m sorry--” he blurts, lips barely moving.
his tense shoulders sag when he realizes it’s someone he knows, a soft sigh escaping in relief. “oh-- it’s you, yoongi. i’m sorr--” but he stops mid-sentence, not of his own will-- but because his eardrums are suddenly filled with the sound of a rhythmic thumping, and a slushing sound-- and hoseok realizes in horror what it is exactly. and like this, his normally gloomy but calm demeanor is replaced with a panicked chaos-- eyes wide and frightened, cheeks rosy with something he can’t explain even though his face feels terribly hot. his lips are parted in shock, the tips of his small fangs peeking through clear as day. 
he grips his friend’s shoulders tighter, voice coming out strangled, “y...oongi? --”
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twseok-blog · 6 years
“ you deserve so much more than what you’ve been given ”
starter prompts // currently? accepting ! – ( further threading is welcome, if wished ! )
hoseok doesn’t have very many expressions– one of the many constants about him is his brooding expression.
however, his eyebrows do raise slightly, a spark of surprise in his irises as his lips purse thoughtfully. “what…” he pauses, carefully deliberating his words as his frown slowly appears once again. and he’s genuinely curious– hoseok thinks he’s been given a lot.
sure, a lot has been taken. there’s definitely nothing that can hide that fact– but it’s unfair of him to dwell on such things because he has encountered quite a few that have it so much worse. seok is nothing if not grateful for what he has been given. like a chance to live in a big city instead of the farm, like a human appearance ( because his real form is so drab and dull and no matter how much his friends want him to accept it ), like the fact that his friends are still close by.
“what makes you say that? i feel like i’ve been given much more than what i deserve,” he finishes, and like that the corners of his mouth droop back down into that familiar pout he wears often.
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twseok-blog · 6 years
“ the ground?” baekhyun quips, sparing a quick glance at the cracked pavement of new york city sidewalks and then lifting his head.  the ground here is nothing like the cobblestones of the kingdom, nothing like the homelands - everything was far more green and homely.  here, it’s just cold and gray and baekhyun, even though it’s been so long since they’ve left, still isn’t sure if he likes it.  “ oh, it’s not a weird question.  i was just thinking about what i have to do today.” 
the answer is honest, even though the reality of the matter is this: baekhyun never has anything to do.  he feels himself fading sometimes, becoming a little less himself because the meaning for his birthright is slowly dwindling.  but it’s nothing that concerns eeyore, and if he even thought of telling him, the little donkey would probably just find reason to be upset about it for days.
no, it’s best just not to tell him at all.
baekhyun’s smile is still bright and glittering in spite of the somber mood that lingers somewhere around his shoulders, eyes taking in hoseok’s appearance now.  “ what happened to you, hoseok? you’re all covered in paint -” he blinks at him, giggling with a sound that’s almost like the tinkle of a bell. “ oh, speaking of kids, you know i work at the disney store right? now that you’re here, i can finally tell you my story and it’s all about you -” 
“that’s always a valid question,” hoseok nods his head thoughtfully, frowning a slight bit as his bangs fall into his eyes. he reaches up and curls a dark lock around his index finger, lip jutting out in a tiny pout. i’ll need a trim soon... he blinks, attention fixing back on the other male intently-- it’s rude, he thinks, to not give someone his undivided attention after they’ve taken the time out of their day to speak to him. he files the thought into the back of his head for later.
“i think that every day too,” hoseok continues seriously, nodding his head as if to assure baekhyun that he wasn’t alone in such thoughts, however mundane they were. “is there a lot to be done today?” he asks curiously. “it’s important to rest too,” hoseok says sincerely, sticking his hands into the pockets of his paint splattered jeans. he doesn’t want to come off as rude to mention it, but he could sense a quiet, somberness about the other male. he figured the least he could offer is some helpful advice.
he is distracted by the question, and hoseok looks down at himself, and the droops of the corners of his lips lifts ever so slightly at the sound of the other laughing. “um... we hosted a crafts class today... the kids preferred to paint me. instead of their bowls,” he lets out a noise like a fond chuckle, but his expression remains more or less the same. hoseok does, however, perk up at the mention of himself, eyebrows arching, eyes wide in innocent curiosity. his voice is soft, small, as he points to himself, “...about.. me? there’s a story about me?”
.☾˟  needed me  …
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twseok-blog · 6 years
he tenses and straightens at the sound of his name, head twisting to see hoseok– and turns to face him. his hand twitches awkwardly by his face, hesitating on tugging his mask over his features– to hide the disformity the best he can. “hoseok,” he says quietly in greeting, nodding his head towards him. the corner of his mouth twitches lightly, before settling back straight. “mm, thank you.” he hums, taking a couple steps towards the other. “oolong? if that’s alright.” his hands lower and dangle at his sides as he watches the other work. his head lilts to the side. “has…” he hesitates, closing his mouth as he purses his lips in thought. “…business been well?” 
hoseok busies himself, grabbing the electric kettle and setting it up by the cash register where there is a power extension chord. electricity, technology-- all of it was pretty useful in hoseok’s opinion. it was much easier than having to take the twigs off of his house or even worse-- leaving it to search for other twigs so he could assemble a fire.
he glances up in the midst of his work, blinking slowly at the other male. he coughs quietly, “you don’t have to wear that in here. if you don’t want to,” hoseok states, awkwardly scratching the side of his head before he clears his throat. he goes back to the task at hand, rummaging underneath the counter for his stash of tea bags. “oolong it is,” he hums, grabbing one of the little pouches, and another-- chrysanthemum-- for himself. he bustles over to the round table near the back of the store, visible next to the register but hidden from the storefront by all the plants.
he pulls a chair out, “make yourself comfortable!” and it’s not meant to sound like a demand-- but his voice doesn’t change in intonation. hoseok blinks at the other male slowly as he grabs their mugs, one of them pretty new-- made just for stein-- and pours the freshly boiled water into them. he purses his lips and shrugs a tiny bit, “it’s not too bad,” he responds as he sidles over and places the mug in front of stein, taking a seat next to him and nursing his own mug. “it’s pretty calm, except for workshop days when a bunch of little kids come in-- but it’s not too bad. how have you been?”
❛ tea mugs & buttercups。
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twseok-blog · 6 years
Welcome to The Wolf’s very first meme! As per the voting that took place over on our twitter, here is a sentence starter prompt list provided by phantomemes.  These can be used as drabbles, but for bonus points try to make them starters! It’ll help get something going between muses who haven’t had a chance to interact yet or just get some creative juices flowing for anyone who has some more in depth plots together that they want to explore.  Feel free to make these canon or au, but just remember your rp karma: if you receive, be sure to send and don’t be shy!
“ someday someone better than you will love her in all the ways you couldn’t ” “ the truth was just an attractive lie ” “ don’t you miss who you were ? ” “ who you became took over your life ” “ you wear sadness like the latest fashion ” “ do you even remember what it felt like to be happy ? ” “ have you forgotten yourself beneath your troubles ? ” “ all of this for a heart that doesn’t deserve yours ” “ either way it all catches up to you ” “ aren’t you tired of this shit ? ” “ all you’ve felt is defeat ” “ the girl you didn’t appreciate will get tired of loving you ” “ you should’ve tried harder for her ” “ one day you’ll understand ” “ you were the thing keeping me from happiness ” “ my heart is searching for a feeling that doesn’t hurt ” “ i understand your silence ” “ you are not alone ” “ you deserve so much more than what you’ve been given ” “ you are more than just a body count ” “ we learn the hard way ” “ it’s time to free yourself ” “ it’s almost as if her soul is a pack of wolves ” “ you can miss people but you don’t have to want them back ” “ you can forgive people but you don’t have to give them second chances ” “ empty yourself of all the pain he caused you ” “ you will be ready when it is time ” “ you are not your past ” “ be here , be present , be more ” “ your story mustn’t finish ” “ i won’t judge your or criticize you for doing what you’ve done ” “ i only wish you wished for more ” “ you are more than just something to do for the moment ” “ it is you who will save yourself ” “ there are so many wars going on at night ” “ we sway like a bed of roses in the wind ” “ all i see is fake kings ” “ are we still pretending that it doesn’t hurt ? ” “ the heartache will teach you ” “ you hid yourself from the world ” “ the world betrayed you ” “ a love like yours is worth climbing the wall ”
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twseok-blog · 6 years
❛ kids & macaroni。
˟ ( @twwinnie​ ) ・゚☆
hoseok hums softly to the calming music that fills the store.
he spends most of his time here, of course-- how could he not? when he’s invested so much time and effort into his little nook, filled with flowers and the scent of freshly glazed clay. and today it’s in the hours of the lunch rush, when things are the slowest for his flower and pottery shop. he sits at the counter, in direct view of the doors that haven’t opened for an hour now at least, head buried in an old book, held by one hand as the other digs into a tupperware of cookies.
his head lifts as the small bell rings out in the quiet store, sunlight streaming through and reflecting off of the petals and leaves, giving them a warm glow and illuminating all the different colors. his ears twitch as he hears the newcomers before he sees them, a familiar voice mixing in with soft and young, excited chatter. hoseok sits up straight, brushing his hands off on his dust spotted apron and standing up quietly.
“winnie,” he states, and his lips twitch up into the smallest of gentle smiles-- if only to appease the children holding onto either of his friend’s hands. he leads them near to the back of the store where he has a small, short round table set up with chairs prepared and a table of craft supplies set out. 
“how are you guys today? do you want some juice... some cookies?”
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twseok-blog · 6 years
it’s been... a bit of a long day at work.
hoseok trudges home with clay and different colored finger paints on his arms and across his cheeks, right under his eye, and even staining his maroon smock. he’s grumbling under his breath, without real malice because he doesn’t actually mind, about his precious shop turning into a daycare under the guise of “potter classes.” but he’s still got a spring in his tired step, and he doesn’t even mind that he has the urge to wipe at his face ( even though he knows the paint won’t go away until he’s run some hot water over it )-- he doesn’t mind at all.
he is still exhausted though. he also got nothing done really... but he supposes it’s okay once in a while.
hoseok does, however, let out a soft yelp when he collides with something, no, someone, solid-- stopping in his tracks and blinking disorientedly. he flips his bangs out of his eyes with a small jerk of his head, the poor passerby’s face swimming into view. and it’s odd... the fairy knows him quite well by now, as far as to know what he’s thinking sometimes. this gives him a bit of a warm fuzzy feeling. outwardly, of course, he just mutters softly, “oh. that’s okay. is the ground especially interesting today?” it’s half curiosity... and half a dry attempt at some humor. he immediately berates himself for it afterwards, having the decency to look sheepish as he runs an orange, pink, blue, purple stained hand through his dark locks, brushing his bangs away from hsi face once more.
“...that was an odd question... wasn’t it? i meant to say you seem to be thinking pretty hard about somethin’. anything the matter?”
.☾˟  needed me  …
he’s just managed to get off of work, not very tired and looking for something.  the fairy is always searching for something these days, with a lack of things to do and way too much time on his hands.  after all, baekhyun’s own story has ended, and his very own cinderella doesn’t seem to need him much anymore.  there’s no need for wishes when she already has everything that she could ever want in a bouncing bundle of joy and a husband who loves her most dearly.
but he tries not to think of it that much.  he just focuses on all the things that he can do in the time that he has, like “ pretend” magic that fascinates the children at the disney store he works in - more than likely, he’d get in trouble with bigby if the wolf knew about it but thankfully, just because children believe in the mundy world doesn’t mean anyone else will.  so it’s still a secret and baekhyun is still bringing wide eyed wonder to someone, even if they’ll simply forget him when they’re older and think that magic has died.
that’s the sad thing about this place.  no one seems to believe in anything anymore.
baekhyun lets out a sigh, scuffing his feet on the ground as he strolls along.  he’s making his way back to the woodland apartments when he accidentally bumps into someone’s back.  immediately he scoots backwards, blinking furiously in his surprise.  “ oh, eeyo - .. hoseok, dear -.  i didn’t see you there.” he smiles gently, patting him on the back.  “ and before you say it’s because no one ever sees you, it’s not like that.  i was just too busy looking at the ground.”
*・゚ (   @twseok   )  ・゚*    ━━━━    .  .  .
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twseok-blog · 6 years
❛ tea mugs & buttercups。
˟ ( @steintw ) ・゚☆
it’s a normal, uneventful day for hoseok.
he’s gone about his normal routine-- he’s worked his one night at the diner, had a nice bath to himself, and woken up this morning to start his day. first, he gets to the shop early to tend to the plants, watering them. then, he sweeps the rustic hardwood floors, and dusts off the cash register and the counter and all of his shelves. and finally, he ties his apron around his neck and waist, and sits down at his pottery wheel in the right hand side of the shop. there are no classes today-- so hoseok gets to enjoy the time to himself and let his cashier tend to the store.
the ringing of the bells signifies a new customer, and he hears the young employee’s voice chirp out her usual bubbly greeting as the newcomer no doubt is navigating their way through the greenery. “hi there! welcome to flowers and stuffs, can i--” and the next thing seok hears is a squeak and a small thud, before the sound of hasty footsteps and suddenly hands are grabbing onto his clay stained white, button-up, shirt. “boss--” she hisses, “there’s a scary man out there he’s all glare-y and--”
hoseok blinks at her before understanding settles in his features, and he gently pats her shoulder. “you can go to lunch, i’ll take care of it.” he stands up calmly as she scurries off, dusting his hands off on his apron. he rounds the corner and sure enough-- the stoic faced man he suspected is standing there.
"yoongi,” he greets quietly, nodding his head at him as he wipes his arm across his cheek ( and smears more clay, instead of wiping it off ). “i have some thistle cookies to share with you. they’re my favorite-- my friend helped me make them. what kind of tea would you like today?” and his face is quite blank as every, but the corners of his lips are lifted slightly and his eyes are calm-- he’s happy the other has visited.
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twseok-blog · 6 years
hiyaaaaa !! itsa me... eebee... again lol. i’m just making a separate intro post so i can keep track of who im supposed to msg on which account !! that being said -- THIS IS MY GLOOMY soft boi, eeyore. you can view his about & his bio!
pls view more facts under the cut nd as always...
please ( LIKE ) this and a wild eevee will pop up in ur dms for plottins!
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is actually a stuffed toy donkey. pls don’t bring it up he will be in a mood. he likes his human form “it looks cooler... nd ppl like humans more than donkeys”
went through som college for psychology- wanted to be a therapist. ...lasted 2 days in the field ( “this this and this happen today so i’m sad i don’t know what to do” ... “that’s just how life is sometimes” ... “hOSEOK THATS NOT--” )
got a job as a waiter bc he can work night times nd also no one cares about his attitude or lack of bubbly personality there... works there occasionally even after he opened his shop bc he meets interesting people
decided to go the route of flowers bc he’s got a green thumb and he doesn’t have to interact with ppl all that much ( that’s what he hired other ppl for )
said shop is also a pottery studio! in which he sells mugs nd bowls nd will teach kids how to sculpt ( provided either winnie or piglet brings them by... he doesn’t hang out with kids normally )
he tries to be encouraging -- will withdraw when he feels like he’ll be discouraging in any given situation
loves to take naps
likes smol pets like bunnies, guinea pigs, and hamsters
has a pink bow tattooed on his ankle to remind him of his tail-- his tail was alright but he loved his pink bow
will feed u endless amounts of tea of diffrenet kinds of flowers
is not scared of confrontation-- outwardly. is quite blunt, can be very sarcastic/cynical as well
he is a bit on the unfriendly side-- but he rly does like to make friends nd will do his best to do so pls plot wit dis lil tootsie roll thank u !
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twseok-blog · 6 years
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[SCAN] Love Yourself 結 ‘Answer’ | E
→ Hoseok
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twseok-blog · 6 years
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twseok-blog · 7 years
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“hoseok-ah, close your eyes”
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