tylersackerman · 7 years
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“To be honest, sometimes I still feel like the uncool kid in Hollywood, who they don’t take seriously. It’s a constant battle, but I like to be in the fight. If Scott Eastwood ain’t even on their radar, that’s fine. Let’s audition.”
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tylersackerman · 7 years
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“not to, y'know,” cleo paused for a second, brushing her hair off her shoulder dramatically, “toot my own horn or anything, but ya girl booked a gig in portland next month.”
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“hey, that’s amazing.” tyler said with a genuine smile. “the first of many, i’m sure.” he continued. 
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tylersackerman · 7 years
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mel smiled back at him, “really? don’t be so sure. we normally take requests at the end of the night and by that point people are too drunk to give a shit —- so it could go down well” mel shrugs. “thanks! that means a lot, i hope you like us”. her other bandmates had finished chatting up the lasses and had joined mel at the edge of the stage. “dude, are you going to introduce me?” joe gestures to tyler. she feels awkward and her cheeks flush pink, “uh – this is tyler. he’s just from college” she tells the two boys. the two boys look at each other then at mel, with grins on their faces. they’d grown up with mel so they knew how she acted around guys she was intrested in. “nice to meet you tyler, i’m joe and this is mike” joe gestures to mike, who waves. the two boys get up, “alright we’ll leave you to it — mel you’ve got five minutes, then we’ve gotta get going” joe tells her. mel just nods in reply. the two boys leave to start tuning up their instruments. “uh – yeah more people are going to start arriving soon, you’ll probably see some kids that you know — it’ll be a shock for them, we’ve never had a tutor at one of our gigs before” mel says.
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tyler shrugged in response, not knowing really what to say. he shook hands with the other guys in the band when they approached, and somehow just felt awkward. it was the only way he could describe it. it was like he wanted to shrink down to be invisible, or go back home if he could. and it had nothing to do with mel, or the scene. it was just him. he felt like he was crossing a line somehow, like she was right and he shouldn’t have been here. he swallowed, thinking it was too late to go back now. he gave her a smile when she spoke, “i better let you get to it.” he said, “yeah, well they’ll get over it. i can be cool.” he said, instantly feeling like an actual grandfather. “well....good luck” he said. “i’m sure you’ll be great.”
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tylersackerman · 7 years
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tylersackerman · 7 years
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tylersackerman · 7 years
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mel wasn’t expecting either of the two young men she’d invited to come. but that didn’t bother her. she just liked inviting people, so she was suprised when she saw tyler enter the bar. mel’s heart skip a beat, he actually made the effort to come. she felt speical, now she felt like she had to make a real effort. mel goes back to messing with her gutiar, she was trying to look cool when she was actually a bag of nerves. she looked round to see her bandmates were doing their own thing, her drummer chris was warming up on his drums, and the two other guitarists, joe and mike were chatting up some of the female fans of the band that had arrived early. typical. she tucks some stray hair behind her ear. tyler approaches, she grins. “not on our set list i’m afraid. but i’ll ask the boys if they want to do it as a special request”. 
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tyler smiled and looked down at his drink, “somehow i don’t think that’s a good idea.” he said in a joking tone. he watched as she got her things ready and glanced over at the girls talking to her bandmates, and wondered if he looked like that talking to her. feeling awkward because he didn’t know what else to say, he rolled on his heels and opened his mouth to try for something. “well good luck, i’m actually really excited to see this.”
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tylersackerman · 7 years
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     the bachelor with dogs.
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tylersackerman · 7 years
She glanced over her clothes and noticed the hem of her pants were covered in the coffee. Hadley’s cheeks were turning red from embarrassment. The man she had ran into was already kneeling down to salvage the coffee, but she was sure nothing was left. “You don’t need to apologize,” she said, taking the empty cup from him. “I figured. That’s what I get for not taking the two extra seconds to put a lid on.” Somehow, she didn’t spill any coffee on him. Most of it seemed to be covering the hem of her scrub pants. “Just a little, but it’s not a big deal. I usually keep a change of clothes with me anyway.”
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“Naw, i was looking down at my phone the whole time. I always complain about people who that and here I am.” he explained. “Hey, it happens to the best of us.” he said with a reassuring smile. He looked at where the coffee had spilled on her and frowned. “Hey, that’s good. If I had coffee on me at some point in the day, I’d just have to deal with it. It’s smart to have clothes.” he said, shoving his hands in his pockets unsure of what to do really. “Why don’t...you let me buy you a replacement coffee, at least? I’ll make sure to get one with a lid and everything.” 
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tylersackerman · 7 years
“that’s kinda cool though, i bet you have great stories because of it,” she noted, knowing all too well that most stories that come out of small towns could never match up to the stories that come out of busy city living. even the libraries are more exciting. “so i’ve heard. i guess my dad lived there shortly after he moved from here, which i didn’t even know. his daughter was telling me how crazy his rent was apparently,” kennedy said, trying to gloss over it the best she could. “oklahoma! that makes so much sense,” she joked, shaking her head. “when was the last time you were back there?”
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tyler shrugged, “yeah, definitely met some interesting people. got out of my comfort zone a little bit but i think it’s possible to do that anywhere if you try.” he said. “yeah, other than when i dormed my first few years of college, i had three roommates and still paid about’a thousand a month. and brooklyn, forget it. i lived there with my...girlfriend for a little and the rent was even higher.” he said. tyler laughed at her reaction. “i know, i know. ‘country boy’’s practically tattoo’d on my forehead.” he said. his smile fell when she asked the last time he had been home. it wasn’t easy to say that he hadn’t been back since graduating high school without explaining why and he always hated doing that. “ten years now, i guess.” 
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tylersackerman · 7 years
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mel sat at the edge of the stage, tweaking her guitar. it was gig night, she was a mixture of both nerves and excitment. she’d invited some speical people to the gig, she hoped they’d turn up. but she knew they probably wouldn’t, mel’s band played music that only appealed to a certain group of people. she’s humming one of the songs from the set list as she hears footsteps. mel looks up and grins. 
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tyler was definitely not planning on actually attending mel’s show when she handed him the flyer in class. he thought it may have crossed some kind of boundary, but then he thought it only felt like that because he had brief second thoughts about the girl. by the time he realized the reverse psychology he had played on himself, he was already on his way there. plus he had heard about the bar it was at a few other times and thought this was a good excuse to check it out. any reason to find a new place to drown himself in whiskey was a good one. almost instantly it was clear he didn’t fit into the scene. probably all younger than him, not looking like they just rolled up in a pick up truck with bootcut jeans on like he did. it wasn’t hard to spot mel as she was on the stage setting things up. he wasn’t sure if he wanted to approach her because he wasn’t sure if he wanted her to know he was even there, so instead he slipped closer to the bar and ordered a drink hoping he’d go virtually unnoticed by those around him who were most likely judging him if they did notice him. being the only thing tyler knew anything about in the whole place, his eyes stayed focused on mel most of the time, until their eyes met and he diverted his to a corner of the wall for a second. thinking it was absolutely ridiculous that he was trying to avoid the person who invited him here in the first place, he sucked it up, grabbed his beer off the bar and started heading over. “you gonna play freebird?” he asked, instantly wanting to smack himself for the dumb joke that probably didn’t even make sense to anyone under the age of 30. 
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tylersackerman · 7 years
Freddy didn’t really mind spending his days off at conferences and staff development days. Teaching and education were always changing and new research was always being done, so learning more and improving his practice was something he enjoyed doing. It was also convenient that a lot of the sessions were done at Wilson College, a perfect location for such which meant that Freddy could walk right there and back. Today was a good day, even with the training day, because he was meeting up with his buddy @tylersackerman after they guy had finished teaching one of his classes. Freddy’s session had just finished, it’d been a cool one and had given him some new ideas of how to use technology in his classroom, so he headed over to the cafe area, where he’d agreed to meet his friend. He set up his laptop just to write some follow up notes and to do a little further research and clicked shuffle on his favourite playlist. When Cher’s ‘believe’, came on, he tried to hold it in, but Freddy couldn’t resist singing along as he waited for his friend.
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Tyler lived the life of a typical teacher, spending all morning teaching and all afternoon grading or helping students before going home to relax. Today was very different as Wilson College was holding a conference for teachers and professors. He was busy keeping everything in order all day but managed to catch Freddy at one point when they planed to meet up later. When he was finished grading the last of the quizzes he had promised his students would be returned to them the following day, he shoved them in his desk and headed for the cafe. It was never hard to spot Freddy, but it was even more obvious to see him now as he was dancing. Shaking his head with a laugh, Tyler pulled up a chair at his table. “Having a good time?” he asked. 
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tylersackerman · 7 years
what's your biggest fear?
“Sometimes I think that...my old man could die and I wouldn’t care at all, but then sometimes I think I really fuckin’ would care. That scares the shit outta me, that he’ll be gone someday and I’ll regret everything.”
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tylersackerman · 7 years
biggest regret?
“How are you supposed to pick just one? I guess it depend on the day, what I’m thinking about. I regret leaving home half the time. I regret falling in love with someone who didn’t feel the same. I regret letting my best friend drive drunk. Those are the biggest ones, I guess. Give me enough time, I’ll come up with more.”
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tylersackerman · 7 years
Hadley wasn’t the best when it came to keeping track of time. She was forgetful, but it was something she never wanted to admit. She had every single shift or doctors appointment or plans she made set in her phone with an alarm that went off at least ten minutes before she had to leave. Even with the alarms, she always found herself running late. She rushed out the door of the coffee shop still trying to squeeze the lid on. She wasn’t paying any attention to where she was going, and she slammed into another body. Her coffee fell to the concrete with a splash. Hadley slowly brought her eyes up to the stranger. “I am so sorry. I really should pay more attention.”
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Tyler usually wasn’t the type to have his face buried in his phone because he enjoyed taking in his surroundings but he had been swamped with emails all morning so in an attempt to make his time when he got to work less stressfully, he was trying to weed through them on his way. It wasn’t a shock that he ran right into someone in the process. “No, I’m so sorry.” he shoved his phone in his pocket and kneeled down to try and salvage the coffee. He picked up an empty cup and stood up to hand it back. “I think that’s about done,” he said, now looking to inspect himself for any of the coffee spillage. “Well I’m clean, so no harm done.” he said with a smile. “Did any get on you?” he asked, feeling bad. 
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tylersackerman · 7 years
“how long were you in new york for? i’ve never been, doesn’t seem like my things but i’m a little curious. that’s fair, plus you’d probably be late for work everyday. i’m barely scraping by as a receptionist here, i think i’d yank my hair out if i worked in a place any bigger than this. that’s… complicated. there’s family, well not really family, people that i have a half ass relation to up there. it really isn’t too exciting.”
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“’bout six years,” he said. “went to school there so it wasn’t a big thing” he added. “if you don’t like portland because it’s too big of a city, you sure as hell wouldn’t like new york. i didn’t really that much, it’s why i moved outta there. plus it’s way too expensive. maybe just for a vacation or something.” he concluded. he loved his time in the big city but he would go insane if he decided to base his life there. “ah got it. kinda like oklahoma for me,” he said with a smile of irony. 
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tylersackerman · 7 years
💘 👊 🍀
💘 - A Love Interest
Eddie Darwin: Tyler met Eddie in college and she was like nothing he’d ever witnessed before. She lived in New York her whole life and it showed. His small town mind was no match for her wit and aggression. Like it always goes, he pathetically fell for her and it took years but she did too. They made each other candlelit dinners and danced with no music and all that cheesy romantic shit until he proposed. Almost done with grad school, he thought it made sense. He never wanted anything to change between them but he guessed she didn’t ever see it that way. Just like his deadbeat mom, she picked up and left one day. Half of their apartment just ripped from the walls. He’s never seen her since, and still hasn’t recovered.
👊 - A Best Friend
Louis Adams: They were probably only ever friends because of how few people there were to choose from in their hometown but they were friends nonetheless. Louis couldn’t be anymore different than Tyler, he fit the dumb jock standard to a T. His big plan was to live it up as a high school football star and then take over his dad’s liquor store business after graduation. He made a joke out of everything and Tyler appreciated that a lot because of how dull and grim his home life was. Louis was an only child and his mom died when he was really young. With his dad almost always at the liquor store, he had ample amount of time to spend with Tyler. Coming from a family of men who didn’t care about him, Tyler really cherished Louis and treated him like a brother. Louis was always there to calm him down and support him in his big city dreams. In turn Tyler would try to push him to apply for colleges too, banking on football to get him places because he was good. That spark of an idea was shot down when Louis was hit by a drunk driver coming home from practice one night. He was severely hurt with multiple broken bones and a lot of blood loss. The doctors told him he was lucky he could walk still, so football wasn’t going to be an option. Now Louis lives with his same old liquor store dream, a little more weary of it because of the ‘what if.’ He’ll live on that his whole life. He’s probably the only thing Tyler misses about Oklahoma.  
🍀 - Someone Lucky
Cassie Lane: The Lane family was probably the richest family anyone knew in a 500-mile radius from where they grew up. The kind of rich that got each kid a new Mercedes at 16, had a pool house, and wore Michael Kors in high school. Her dad owned basically everything in the state of Oklahoma. In the same grade as Tyler, he never talked to her other than in passing but honestly he didn’t want to. His family was the simple kind. They farmed and they took their paycheck. Though he wanted more, he was still proud to be apart of the working class. He was part of the trailer trash side of town and they didn’t associate with the Lane family type. Other than the year Cassie decided she wanted to make her way through the football team, but Tyler wasn’t falling for it. He was envious of her in that she never had to worry, she had it easy fro birth and she always would. That’s what he thought luck was.
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tylersackerman · 7 years
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