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This is the most funniest post ever that a friend sent me.
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"hope is like the wings of a bird, it could fly free but sometimes could be broken. All in all it is healed and that's what hope is."
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Is it okay to have hope or am I falling for something that'll end quickly? For people who have their heart broken over and over understands the pain that comes with a new relationship, and the paranoia. My best friend recently had someone that she thought was going to be there for her but in the end he broke her heart and I was there to comfort her. What's my relationship, I recently entered one and I'm scared because I don't know if he'll be there for me. It also scares me that looking at other people relationship's and compare it to my own only scares me more. However, something I have told myself over and over is that whoever I'm dating shall get all of me. Yet, that has not work for me. So parting advice: "with every new relationship do something new and reverting back to your old ways will only give you the same results but don't lose track of yourself and be yourself to find your true love or whoever you just want to fuck with LOL".
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Friends with a hermaphrodite is better than fake friends
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Dating apps
We have to address dating apps and why soany underage kids use them. We teens need one of two things, either have our own app(if creeps didn't exist) or somehow make movies/shows make teen dating realistic. Anyways the truth is we do it without thinking of consequences. It works out or just blows up in our face. Parting advice, everyone should basically be either 16 and older if they're going to be on a dating app because and New York City the Romeo and Juliet law states that you have to be at least 4 years apart if your under 18 and you might have a shot at dating a 20 year old.
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Today's comedy
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"The best reward is laughter which is a simple expression of joy"
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"Yes=come inside my room"? Since when (-_-)
I don't know if anyone can relate but I wonder how anyone can think that me answering not saying come in but the word yes means to come in my room. Usually when a person says yes when someone calls them, there would be a response back. Not in my case! What happened is someone knocked on my room door and I approiatly said "yes?". Next thing you know the person is pushing against my door as if he's the swat team. You can talk through the door since it's so paper thin. Talk about invasion of privacy! This is why I need my own place or I can get it over with now.
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truth of families
family is a group of people who lives are always influenced; not allowing their children to think freely and make mistakes is what stops us to be greater; the world is only terrible and bad because society wants to cling onto the past a.k.a. simple times; we as humans want to embrace whats already here and not bring forth new ideas; always conflicted with each other is another trait of us being human; being human is something we need to let go of because that’ll be the downfall of our society; every time I’m judge by my family I feel so excluded; I don’t want them to judge me all the time but that is what society actually allowed families to do, mainly to avoid embarrassment; family to me is unconditional and shouldn’t be judged by shape, color, size and all because flaws is what makes us beautiful; when you tell a child their doing something wrong with their life that’ll be the biggest mistake of yours;
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"family is unconditional and will let you explore yourself through your flaws"
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so real talk: no one likes to share their inner most emotions because everyone is afraid to expose their true nature; building walls as we are all told is a defense mechanism to keep others out but isn’t true; its a way to disclose people’s feelings from getting hurt and also protecting ours; we can still share our present feelings but sometimes people keep to themselves to get away from peoples judgmental thoughts; some may say that they don’t judge but simply is not also true; judging is a basic human trait and could be done without realizing that you are doing it; things such as boundaries, space, time seem to be always translated as standoffish or pushing away; all i want to prove is that people are allowed to have feelings but in society we decide to shun people who show them; being deemed crazy, strange, wrong, or even “gay” is thought provoking; using words not associated with the correct definition is completely offensive; feelings is a double edged sword meaning one side is good but the other says its bad; another contradictory problem is today's society  making us feel more excluded than included. The end.
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To new beginnings from old endings
So to all of you reading this, my blog like many others is a stereo-typical, outspoken,gossiping, saying thoughts a loud, relatable, maybe thought provoken words coming from a teen. Also, if you feel I left out a word comment or start a new convo.
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To end something old is to start something new
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