uaepillagatok · 7 years
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Oh hey, Tumblr! It’s been a minute. 
 I decided to be an adult and buy a macbook, which means my insomnia will now be fuelled by Tumblr.  
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uaepillagatok · 8 years
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uaepillagatok · 8 years
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uaepillagatok · 8 years
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uaepillagatok · 8 years
The Glorification of White Crime
Take a facet of crime, and then look at television shows/movies that feature those criminals as protagonists.
White mobs.
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White pirates.
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White serial killers.
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White political corruption
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White drug dealers
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I mostly want to talk about this as a TV phenomenon, but pick a crime, any crime, and Western media has probably made a movie/TV series/play/etc. with a white person that romanticizes the criminal activity. No matter what, a white person can do whatever terrible crimes and still have a TV/movie fanbase that loves them.
When you see black or brown people committing crimes on screen, you are to see them thugs and criminal masterminds and people to be beat down.
When you see white people committing crimes on screen, you see a three-dimensional portrait of why someone might commit that crime, how criminals are people too, and how you should even love them for the crimes that they commit because they’re just providing for their families or they’ve wronged or they’re just people and not perfect. This is particularly a luxury given to white male characters, since there few white female criminals as protagonists.
If and of the above shows were about black or brown folks, there would be a backlash of (white) people claiming that TV and movies are romanticizing criminals and are treating them too much like heroes and that it will affect viewers and encourage violence and “thuggish” behavior. And yet fictional white criminals get to have a deep fanbase who loves these white criminals, receive accolades and awards, get called amazing television that portray the complexities of human nature. Viewers of these characters see past the atrocious crimes and into their humanity, a luxury that white characters always have while characters of color rarely do. The closest that mainstream TV has come to showing black criminals as main characters is probably The Wire, and even then, the criminals share equal screen time and equal status as main characters as the police trying to stop them.
The idea that crime can be so heavily romanticized and glorified to such a degree is undoubtedly a privilege given to white characters. The next time you hear someone talk about Dexter Morgan or Walter White in a positive way, it may be an opportunity to rethink how white people can always able to be seen as people no matter what they do, while everyone else can be boiled down to nothing but a criminal.
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uaepillagatok · 8 years
Love this @sunny_redbear 😍 @kaylabriet animated a mini sequence of my favorite dance, the fancy shawl dance! ✨fancy is so majestic and graceful! one of my first times doing roto and this was 131 frames #rotoscoping #2Danimation #framebyframe #native
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uaepillagatok · 8 years
Rosy morning porthole view.
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uaepillagatok · 8 years
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Sonja Barbaric
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uaepillagatok · 8 years
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Ibrahim El Salahi
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uaepillagatok · 8 years
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uaepillagatok · 8 years
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Leonard Jackson III Chattanooga, TN
IG: infamousjackson
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uaepillagatok · 8 years
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uaepillagatok · 8 years
Preaaaaach 🙌🏽
Modern heartbreak is “read at 9:13 p.m.” when it’s 9:40. it’s unliked photos, it’s blocking and unblocking and blocking and unblocking. modern heartbreak is sick with being watched, it’s breakups playing out on twitter feeds, it’s unfollowed unfollowed unfollowed. it’s a broken jaw, it’s screenshotted photos that shouldn’t have been saved, it’s screenshotted texts meant for one person only. it’s seeing your ex lover with their new one, watching their lives playing out like yours didn’t, it’s phones thrown into bedroom walls when their profile changes from single to in a relationship. it’s snapchat stories to make that one person jealous because it feels like without them you’re nothing, it’s that one story expiring before they see it because they don’t give a fuck about you now and you know it, it’s deleting their contact info but wanting it tattooed on the back of your hand in case you ever want to call, it’s messy it’s messy it’s messy it’s so fucking messy because everyone fucking sees it and it never goes away.
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uaepillagatok · 8 years
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Nomads of Tundra [x]
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uaepillagatok · 8 years
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Edward Sheriff Curtis
Native Americans
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uaepillagatok · 8 years
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There will never be another President and First Lady like the Obamas. 
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uaepillagatok · 8 years
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