ubaidsadberg-blog · 4 years
Who are we? Do we worth anything? What defines us? Same questions in different shapes and different answers in countless shapes. Be patient lets go through some ideas.
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People like you for a reason and that reason define your value. They say ‘we admire you’ but what they really respect is your specific quality like qualification, beauty, body, dressing sense, social media posts etc. all of these are extrinsic qualities. On the other hand, intrinsic qualities are those who defines your value for a long term, the qualities like sincerity, truthfulness, softness of tongue but even these qualities can tremble because it’s our nature to tremble. So, what’s our value in true sense is defined by what’s we believe in. Let’s look at believes one by one:
Science’s perspective
Oh man you worth nothing. You came into existence by an accident that happened millions of years ago. You are result of an accident. You are really a tiny creature in earth, in an enormous galaxy which contains millions of planets like yours and stars like your sun even thousands of time bigger and the universe contain millions of galaxies like yours. So, rather help me in finding more of things or go and entertain yourself. There is no after life once you are dead then everything will be finished, you will not be answerable to any one for your bad deeds. I will make your life easier by inventing new things and I will make you busy through my inventions like social media, video games etc. In the end, either a colliding asteroid, meteoroid or sun turning into black hole will finish this earth once and for all.
Religion perspective:
There is a higher authority which is beyond imagination, who created you man. You are in this world to live according to the principles define by that higher power. You will be answerable for your bad deeds. Your value will be defined by your deeds. The higher authority puts you in limits of space and time and you cannot conquer them. Your belief is everything and remember there should be no doubts in something you believe.
Well, if you compare both perspectives then you will know that your value is more defined by religion. Science is true but its incomplete and incomplete knowledge cannot be believed. Now, if we talk about major religions, there are some changes added by man from time to time and they also contradict by some of science’s discoveries. Islam is well defined and final religion by Allah. If you study Quran as an unbiased person then you will find all the answers to your questions. There is no single contradiction in it. Some major science discoveries in this and past centuries like big bang theory related, earth’s shape, earth revolving its axis and many more are already mentioned in Quran 1400 years. Who can tell Prophet (P.B.U.H) that things? Well know no one other than the higher authority Allah Almighty
So, who are we? And do our value is defined by our qualities? Let’s try to get answer. Allah almighty created men and put the soul in it. He taught man some names as in surah Alaq
“Taught man that which he knew not” (96:5)
Then he ordered angels to do sajda to Adam everyone did except devil. Adam eat fruit in Jannah which was prohibited by falling into trap of devil and they (Adam and hawa) descended to earth. Well, that’s how we came to earth and before Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) (the final Messenger) there were 1,24000 Prophets sent by Allah who only call towards only one God. According to my point of view, in Islam your value is defined by your deeds. If you do good deeds you will enter heaven and bad deeds will lead you toward hell. We as human being are not perfect as we tend to do mistakes and sins, but we should repent because its never too late. Just come back!
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