ucan-2magic · 9 days
advertisement in shared youtube music to whatsapp spoiled the mood and atmosphere and feel ugly and awful once you click your share YouTube picture in picture screen in WhatsApp
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ucan-2magic · 4 months
Hello, darkness my old friend 黑暗,我的老友,你好!
I've come to talk with you again 我又再來與你傾談了
Because a vision softly creeping 因為這個境象又在蠕動
Left its seeds while I was sleeping 在我睡覺時,留下了它的種籽
And the vision that was planted in my brain 這個境象已深深刻在我的腦海中
Still remains, within the sound of silence 仍留存在寂靜的聲音中
In restless dreams I walked alone 在這令人不安的夢裡,我獨自在走著
Narrow streets of cobble stones 走在那窄窄的石板街道上
Beneath the halo of a street lamp 在街燈的光環下
I turn my collar to the cold and damp 我翻起衣領,抵禦那潮濕與寒冷
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light 就在這時,我的眼睛被一道霓虹燈刺痛了
Split the night, and touched the sound of silence 把長夜破開,觸到寂靜之聲
And in the naked light I saw 在這冰冷的光茫中
Ten thousand people maybe more 我看見成千上萬的人,可能還會更多
People talking without speaking 這些人在講話,但卻言而無物
People hearing without listening 人們豎起耳朵去聽,但卻聽而不聞
People writing songs that voice never share 人們作的歌,亦沒有共同的聲音
No one dares, disturb the sound of silence 無人敢去打擾
Fools, said I, you do not know 我說,愚蠢的人們,你們都矇然不知
Silence like a cancer grows 寂靜就像癌症一般慢慢滋長
Hear my words that I might teach you 請聽聽我的教訓
Take my arms that I might reach you 拖著我伸向你們的雙臂
But my words like silent raindrops fall 可是我的說話,卻像雨點般無聲的落下
Echoed in the wells of silence 在寂靜的深井裡,獨自回響
And the people bowed and prayed to the neon god they made 人們供奉的是自製的霓虹神
And the sign flashed out its warning, in the words that it was forming 霓虹招牌上的字正在閃動著警號
And the sign said "the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls and tenement halls" 招牌上說:「地鐵與廉價大廈走廊上的塗鴉,就是先知的話」
And whispered in the sound of silence 在寂靜之聲中低訴
The sound of silence Johnny cash version on YouTube David Radcliffe collection
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ucan-2magic · 5 months
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Actually I got a Mickey Mouse cake in a cup, but I couldn't find my photo in my collection anymore.
I got a Cartier sandos as a birthday present. That photo also couldn't find .
I went to the new library, all those books that I used to read are no more on the shelves. Replaced by some other books, the feeling of stepping on the wooden floor of the old library is gone, the wooden cupboard and bookshelves are no more. The old library already demolished, everything is no more, gone with the wind, but the scenes of stepping up the staircase up where we belong is still so fresh... it's inside the wardrobe... where all my storybooks and fairy tales are inside there... it was there... I saw it during my school holidays...
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ucan-2magic · 5 months
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ucan-2magic · 5 months
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ucan-2magic · 5 months
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ucan-2magic · 5 months
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ucan-2magic · 5 months
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ucan-2magic · 5 months
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ucan-2magic · 5 months
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ucan-2magic · 5 months
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ucan-2magic · 5 months
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ucan-2magic · 5 months
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ucan-2magic · 5 months
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ucan-2magic · 5 months
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ucan-2magic · 5 months
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The Thrill Is Gone
Song by B.B. King
The thrill is gone
The thrill is gone away
The thrill is gone, baby
The thrill is gone away
You know you done me wrong, baby
And you'll be sorry someday
The thrill is gone
It's gone away from me
The thrill is gone, baby
The thrill is gone away from me
Although, I'll still live on
But so lonely I'll be
The thrill is gone
It's gone away for good
All the thrill is gone
Baby, it's gone away for good
Someday I know I'll be open-armed baby
Just like I know, I know I should
You know, I'm free, free now, baby
I'm free from your spell
Oh, free, free, free now, baby
I'm free from your spell
And now that it's all over
All that I can do is wish you well
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Lew Brown / Ray Henderson
The Thrill Is Gone lyrics © BMG Rights Management, Kanjian Music, Peermusic Publishing
The thrill is gone the best version is B B King dued with Tracy Chapman , B B King is really the king of blues , the best guitarist is mostly from those who play the blues and rock band guitarist like Lee Ritenour (fourplay) , Eric Clapton .
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ucan-2magic · 5 months
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