ulises-tarth · 28 days
Ulises tucked a strand of Dacey's hair behind her ear when their photoshoot was over, helping her make sure she looked okay before they walked out of the booth. Just then, she also reached over to wipe the trace of her lipstick on the corner of his lips, making Ulises smile a little. Simple gestures like these, or bigger ones in their daily lives, they looked after each other.
Once outside the booth, he stood close to Dacey as they saw the results of their second photoshoot. “I love these,” Ulises murmured, a tender smile appearing on his lips. The first ones they took were cuter while these were a bit more playful, and both seemed so romantic to Ulises. “Can I keep these?” he asked. He could already picture having them at one of their bookcases at their place, so the pictures would be more theirs than his anyway.
Ulises' hand slipped into hers and he looked around the fair as well when they walked. “Yeah, a lot of people came here. A lot comes back to this place,” he said, which felt like a massive understatement considering so many of those in their social circle came from this place. It all connected back to this school in one way or another. Ulises wouldn't have befriended Adam if it wasn't for this school, and he wouldn't have met Dacey. “I've seen alumni from so many different years too. I guess that's why it feels like so many of us showed up”. A good sign, he thought. With so many alumni, it was possible the donation efforts would meet their goal.
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dacey somehow completely lost track of what the camera was doing. she knew she was laughing in the second picture, and thought they might have been kissing by the fourth, but it was truly anyone's guess. she barely even registered that their little photoshoot was finished, not until she pulled away from the kiss and realised the screen had once again darkened. "those ones were better, i think." she took a moment to straighten her hair, make sure her lipstick was still in place, and reached out to wipe a tiny smudge of it from the corner of his own mouth before standing, holding her hand out for him to take so she could help him stand, too.
stepping out of the booth, dacey saw the second round of pictures had already been printed, picking up the strip and taking them in with a smile before offering it to ulises to look at. "see? much better. we just needed to practice."
her gaze swept around the fair, noting familiar faces, and those that were less familiar. "did we really go to school with this many people?" she mused out loud. "it didn't seem like so many at the time. though i suppose some of the people here are just guests, aren't they?"
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ulises-tarth · 1 month
Flying all the way from Norway to come here had given him a bit of a let lag too in the past couple of days, though he'd slept well enough the previous night to not feel that weariness right now. In any case, that excuse could give them an out to leave anytime they wanted. He rubbed the small of Dacey's back tenderly. With that touch and just a glance, he could communicate that they were okay to leave whenever she wished. But who knew, perhaps his own social battery would end before hers.
“I'm sure. Come on,” he said with a nod, confirming he really was eager to take some more pictures with his girlfriend. With their first set of pictures safely tucked inside Dacey's wallet, they were back in for another round of photos inside the booth. Ulises wrapped his arm around her and pulled her a little closer. He felt Dacey's kiss on his cheek, which immediately made him grin for the first picture. Ulises allowed himself to be a little sillier and have fun with her, winking at the camera for the second picture. He turned to look at her for the third one, just pausing there. Ulises looked at her with so much warmth and adoration in his eyes, but that look wasn't for the camera, it was just for Dacey. His free hand moved up, slipping to the back of her neck and he leaned in to kiss her. He had no clue at what point the fourth picture was taken.
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"must be the jet lag," her own grin betrayed the fact she was being about as serious as he was. it was true that dacey was a classic introvert, leaving social gatherings early more often than nod and endlessly glad that her job gave her a convenient out. it was different with ulises, though. he anchored her in a way, and it was easy to tune out the crowds that surrounded them and carry on as though they were both back at home in their own little world.
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she'd not quite mastered spanish, though she was trying to learn, but she knew enough that she understood what he said perfectly, her cheeks tinging a light shade of pink. "so do you," came the simple response, before pulling out her wallet to tuck the pictures carefully inside, on top of a photograph of her dog that was beginning to look ragged around the edges. "are you sure? we don't have to." despite giving him the out, she allowed him to lead her back into the booth, squashing herself onto the tiny bench beside him. she slid a coin in to start the camera, and turned to him as the countdown began. instead of facing the screen and smiling, this time she pressed a kiss to his cheek, and waited for the flash to go off.
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ulises-tarth · 1 month
“Getting tired already?” he asked with a playful smile. Ulises it was more likely she just simply blinked, but then again, being in this sort of big event with so many people could be somewhat draining. His own social battery was still holding up, but he knew that in a couple of hours, he'd need to either step back for a bit or suggest they left altogether if Dacey was also feeling okay to leave then.
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“Te ves hermosa,” he murmured without thought, just looking at the four little images of them. It was true that her eyes were closed in the last one, but her smile remained. She looked so serene, so happy. It made him feel endlessly fortunate to be able to play some part in Dacey's happiness like that. “Yeah, you can keep it,” he leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to her temple. “Let's take another one,” Ulises suggested, taking her hand in his and guiding her back inside the booth.
closed starter for @ulises-tarth location: at the fair
"i think i had my eyes closed for that last one," dacey admitted, leaning against the outside of the photobooth as she waited for the little strip of pictures they had just taken to develop. it had seemed like a fun, cute idea at the time, but almost immediately as she had stepped into the cramped booth, she had been unsure how to pose, what to do with her face, where to put her arms, and she was sure that they'd just taken nearly four identical photos.
the strip finally printed, and she picked it up, gingerly, careful not to smudge it before it dried. "yep. see? eyes closed." she sighed a little, before a smile came over her face. "i like the first picture, though." in it, ulises was facing the camera, but dacey wasn't, her chin upturned to instead look at him. she looked happy. "do you want this, or can i keep it?"
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ulises-tarth · 1 month
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Modern AU — Ulises Tarth
NAME: Ulises Lazarus Tarth
AGE: Thirty (Born December 9th, 1993)
BORN IN: Montevideo, Uruguay
CURRENT RESIDENCE: Stavanger, Norway
OCCUPATION: Film director and screenwriter
ETHNICITY: Latino (Uruguayan on his father's side, Mexican on his mother's side)
When Ulises was two years old, the family moved to Mexico due to his mother's work. Growing up in Mexico would inform so much of his later work in filmmaking in terms of his recurring themes, as well as integrating elements of magical realism and the colonial history of places like Guanajuato, Cholula and Querétaro.
He studied in Vermont, where he made some of his closest friends, who continue to be essential relationships in his life.
After graduation, he studied filmmaking and began working on his first short films. Ulises returned to Mexico to work in the industry in Mexico City. He filmed his first feature film there, a movie that went through the independent film festival circuit.
His second film was the one that garnered him international acclaim, as it won at the Academy Awards for Best International Feature (think "Pan's Labyrinth" by Guillermo del Toro).
He's been working steadily directing and writing his films for the last few years now, recognized as one of the most promising Mexican directors of the last decade. Ulises always seeks to include elements of his Latin American heritage into the films he makes, blurring elements of fantasy and real life in them.
Ulises dated one of his classmates in university for about a year. After their breakup, he remained single for a couple of years.
He's in a relationship with Dacey Stark. He has known her for a long time, since she's the younger sister of his good friend, Adam. It was Adam who reconnected Ulises and Dacey, and Ulises asked her out a little after that. They have been together for a few years now, and they currently live together in Norway.
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ulises-tarth · 2 months
Closed starter for @blocdinthewater Setting: Riverrun. During the Litha celebration.
He could feel her eyes on him. It didn't unnerve him to be looked at so intently, but it did make him grow curious as to why the young lady kept returning her gaze to him during the farewell feast. His cousin nudged him, a silent question passing between them about Lady Qoherys' interest in him. Ulises subtly shook his head, for he didn't know. But he intended to find out.
Just as guests finished their meals and began finding partners for the dancing to follow, he noticed the fair-haired young lady got up and Ulises took that as his opportunity to approach her. An odd bird, that one. There was an air of strangeness in her that he couldn't put his finger on; something in the way she moved, in the way her gaze fixed on things. On him.
“If there's something you wish to say to me, Lady Qoherys, please spare me the staring and just say it,” he stated in a polite tone while sounding very direct, keeping the blunt demeanor many men of the Stormlands possessed.
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ulises-tarth · 3 months
Ulises had received the summons by the Hand of the King and responded to it with a note stating he would indeed be where and when he was requested to be. He'd never had occasion to be at the Tower of the Hand in Deimos Velaryon's time, and so the area was actually rather new to the Evenstar.
“My lord,” Ulises greeted Will, easily adapting to this more formal and serious setting between both Stormlanders. He glanced at the attendant at their side, giving a polite nod as well, acknowledging the man's presence in the room as well. “I hope my words can help the king gain the clarity he seeks,” he added plainly, a sincere and simple statement.
The first question was asked and the first answer was quick to form in his mind. “My thoughts are rather simple on that matter. It is a mutually beneficial alliance between two powerful realms,” Ulises said matter-of-factly. “I do believe it makes sense for King Jaehaerys to turn to someone who's supported him in the past,” he added, for there was a history of Tyland's support of the Greens. “And as the Crownlands and the Stormlands continue to bloom as a unified realm, some economic support from the wealthiest kingdom in Westeros could definitely further his grace's plans for the future”. What Tyland gained from all of this, he didn't fully know, for he was not a council member, not someone who'd ever connected much at all with the people of the West, but there had to be something of value for sure.
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who: @ulises-tarth what: questioning, in reaction to this post.
there was an open window in the corner of the room of the tower of the hand, the breeze and the wind causing the curtains to waft as the hand of the king walked into the room. the questioning took place within the tower of the hand, precisely because wylliam did not want people to feel as though they were guilty of anything. there was a time and place for settings like dungeons, and as of this moment, wylliam needed to gather what facts he had - and what facts he still needed to know of.
there was an attendant who sat to the left of him who was responsible for writing down the answers given. word for word, no paraphrasing.
"his grace is thankful for your time and your cooperation." wylliam spoke, his tone remaining courteous as he took his seat, both of his arms coming to rest upon the solid wooden oak table. his opening statement was picked carefully though; for it showed that the king was wholly involved in this matter. four questions, four answers; and that was all - no doubt there would be times where wylliam would have extra questions, and they would be addressed then and there.
"i have some questions for you, and it would provide much clarity to the wrong done in this court." he cleared his throat slightly, taking a sip of the sweet wine in his cup, if not to stop his own heart from beating. "it is imperative you answer truthfully, with as much detail as you can remember. your answers are being recorded, and you may need to clarify, or follow up." he paused, as though to let his words sink in. "let us begin."
"what, if any, are your thoughts on the alliance between king jaehaerys targaryen and king tyland lannister?
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ulises-tarth · 3 months
Ulises mirrored the gesture when she smiled at him. There was undeniable kinship with those who spoke the same tongue, an unspoken sort of understanding that the Evenstar deeply appreciated. He could always feel gratitude towards his cousin, for uniting his house and Mariela's in community.
The Lord of Tarth glanced around as he took his first sip. He felt a sense of wariness being in the Westerlands, frankly. The Dragon King and King Tyland were two of the strongest figures in all of Westeros, and their unity, their alliance, was noted. The Lion King had not given that kind of support when the Stormlands still existed separately under a Baratheon ruler. Ulises did not harbor resentment for it, for what would have been the point now? He simply remained cautious, kept a safe distance.
Mariela's next words brought his attention back to her. “Vientos favorables y el mar en calma,” Fair winds and a calm sea, the sailing lord answered with a one-shoulder shrug as he described the journey. “Fue la parte en carruaje la que se sintió más larga de lo que realmente fue” It was the part in carriage that felt longer than it really was, he scoffed. Despite his experience, he still welcomed the sea over any other means of travel, and the sea still welcomed him without attempting to swallow him whole again.
“¿Y los chicos? ¿Cómo han llevado todo?” And the boys? How have they handled it all? he inquired in a gentler tone, for he had a soft spot for Mariela's sons. Losing a father was something that left a deep mark on a boy's life.
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the journey had been long, and mariela felt the weight of it down to her bones. she had decided to bring her eldest, gabriel, to the west in order to immerse him more into this events. he were quickly approaching his tenth birthday, but it were imperative he began to gain experience for he was to be lord of their house before long, but not before he were to take part in the trials of becoming a knight of the vale, events she did not greatly love, but would no doubt send each one of her children to train within as was expected a lord of the vale. she did not worry for gabriel, in that regard.
when they finally arrived, her men were taking their things to their chambers, and gabriel was overseeing such things. she allowed him to see to it, and get some rest, for it would be an interesting stay, so she thought. mariela found a table to take rest to, not noticing a man she considered cousin, for he was cousin to her cousin by blood, just nearby. face was unreadable, but truthfully, she knew it were the events in king's landing that hung over her. she had heard so little of it. why was that?
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the sound of her mother tongue surprised, her, snapped her out of her thoughts as she looked to see the culprit. a small smile came over her features as she nodded to him. "thank you, cousin." she stated in their mother tongue in return. finding it rejuvenating to be able to speak it for a brief time. she took a sip from the goblet, savoring the contents. "it is nice to see you as well. the journey was...quite a long one." she laughed. "i hope yours was uneventful, as well?"
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ulises-tarth · 4 months
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OOC Note: Below you’ll find a list of connections I’d love to have for my characters. These connections can be filled by existing characters within the rp, or new ones! Please don’t hesitate to reach out if anything interests you. Nothing here is set in stone, all is open for discussion and fun plotting.
For YUAN ANYA ( Read more about her )
YUAN FAMILY: One or two relatives from the YiTish region of Wan. If they’re cousins, Anya only has male cousins back in Wan. The WC could be other members of the extended family. Any FC filling this connection must have Chinese heritage. You’re encouraged to contact me to chat more about this.
Helpful links: Yi Ti lore | WC for YiTish people in the North
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For CALLA LEFFORD ( Read more about her )
FIRST LOVE/CONFIDANT or FUTURE BETROTHED: Age 32 - 36. You’re encouraged to contact me. If you go for the First love/Confidant connection, here are some ideas I have: A character from the Westerlands or Westerlands-allied regions, so these could have known each other for a long time. They were each other's first love and are good friends in the present, purely platonic. If you go for the Future betrothed, then there's probably less history between them, they could just be getting to know each other. The betrothal would be for the mutual benefit of their houses, though I would like for them to get along. They don't have to end up marrying if the vibe isn't there. I really want to focus on chemistry and see if it works, if not, no worries. I'd just love for a nice male connection in Calla's life after the disastrous marriage she had to Garland Hightower.
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For PERCIVAL TEMPLETON ( Read more about him )
YOUNGER SIBLINGS: One sister, aged 27 - 29, and the youngest sibling which could be a sister or a brother, aged 24 - 25. FCs are UTP. I would love to get any of these two siblings for Percy. The Templetons are very snobby and very much fall into the mold of the Vale court being kind of uptight, all about honor and reputation. They can have their hidden vices, as many Vale folk do. I'm a sucker for sibling dynamics and I would love to see Percy have his family around! You’re encouraged to contact me so we can chat more about this and any ideas you might have.
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For ULISES TARTH ( Read more about him )
SIBLINGS: Ulises has many younger siblings: a brother (29), a brother (26 - 28), a sister (25), a brother (24) and the youngest sister (22). I'd love to get any of them here, have fun with the family dynamics, play around with the ways they complement each other and the ways they clash. Another interesting aspect to explore is their perspective of the current state of the Stormlands, and how they feel about having a Targaryen ruler. Just want all the fun and the chaos of a big family! You're encouraged to contact me so we can chat about this and any ideas you might have.
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For LUCIUS RIVERS ( Read more about him )
ROMANTIC/PLATONIC CONNECTION: Open for current muses or new ones. If new, she'd be around 26 - 30, FC would be UTP. You're encouraged to contact me for this connection. This is unlikely to be endgame due to status differences and potential religious differences too. She's someone that Lucius has met recently, so there's not a lot of background yet. If this does become romantic depends entirely on the chemistry they develop. Lucius is generally very stern, very detached, so this would be a connection that allows him to explore his softer side. I desperately need him to have a vulnerable side with someone. This is the energy I need. And it could be lovely if this lady also was able to explore a side of her that maybe she generally keeps hidden, or feels she must repress for some reason.
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ulises-tarth · 4 months
He disliked immensely the way in which the lady before him smiled and talked as if attempting to be agreeable. Every word and every gesture felt entirely false to him, and he couldn't help but question what was the aim of it all. House Tarth and House Celtigar were not close allies, they were not close friends, no individual of either house treated the other with camaraderie or kindness, so any conversation with this woman was an absolute waste of his time. Was she attempting to lecture him through her cloying words about duty, perhaps? Ulises blinked slowly, evidently bored, glancing at the white dog by her side as Lyra expressed her own notions of needing to stay a little longer. “Well, good thing I have performed my duty to the kingdom, Lady Celtigar. Now I must perform my duty to my people,” he stated with a subtle sigh. If he ever could escape this inane conversation, then he would be able to finally set course for Tarth, of course.
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It appeared even the dog wished to escape his mistress, for the creature sprinted in a second and ran up the gangway towards his ship. Right away, the Celtigar lady rushed after the dog —Snow, was the animal's name— and Ulises, in turn, rushed after both of them. “Ey, ¡agarren al perro!” Hey, catch that dog, the Evenstar shouted to his men. His own dog, Tlaloc, had been walking around the deck. He figured Lady Lyra's dog might have caught his scent and ran to meet him.
Just as he imagined, the second he was aboard his ship, he was greeted by the image of a black dog and white dog chasing each other around, tongues out, merrily skipping on the deck. “¡Tlaloc!” he called out, then brought two fingers to his mouth to whistle and catch his dog's attention.
the tone of lord tarth's voice betrayed annoyance. if lyra would speak honestly, she would admit that the whole entire appearance of the lord of evenfall betrayed annoyance. she rarely agreed with maximus' sermons, with the terrifying way he seemed to hate the people of the stormlands. his hatred was unreasonable, and burnt like wildfire. he had no grounds for his distaste. but a man like ulises tarth embodied the worst of them. proud, vain and entirely self-righteous. it was apparent in the apathetic way he acknowledged her existence, he did not appreciate this impromptu visit. fine, then. lyra would do anything to waste more of his precious, precious time. he spent enough time at see, anyways.
her smile was affected, not honest at all. his obvious statement was completely unnecessary. or was he trying to make a point? "i don't believe any of the king's subjects wish to leech off of his grace's highness," well some of them did, if she were being honest. but the insinuation that she were one of the leeches was noted. "we all have homes, naturally. but some choose to stay to perform their duty to the kingdom." her tone was sickly sweet as she parroted the way her mother spoke during her lessons. conversation was an art and tactics were needed. too bad no one taught tarth that.
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"i am. not too long, though. i would not wish wish to leech-" and then she was stopped by a sudden motion. her beloved dog had seen something on the deck of the ship. a rat, she thought, so low was her opinion of the lord who owned the ship. the dog bolted away, and lyra started running. "snow!" she cried as she breezed past the man. "stop right this instant!"
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ulises-tarth · 4 months
“Tú y Minthara pueden visitar cuando gusten, será un gusto para mí tenerlos en casa”. You and Minthara can visit whenever you wish, it would be a pleasure to have you at home, the Tarth lord reassured Luc, showing his cousin the kind of warmth that was rarer in Ulises these days. “Nadia también, si desea hacer el viaje”. Nadia too, if she wants to make the journey, he added. After her experience lost at sea, he understood his cousin might not be so keen to board ships ever again. Ulises himself still felt part of that fear whenever he set foot on a ship: the subtle, nagging question of 'What if your bad luck manifests again?'. His own experiences as a castaway in the middle of the ocean would always invoke a quiet fear, while also bringing about a certainty of being able to overcome, to survive. It was a peculiar thing, how after his return he'd insisted on sailing again immediately so he could face his fears head-on as soon as possible. Avoid becoming paralyzed by that which frightened him so.
Ulises caught his cousin's gesture and nodded, inviting him to board the ship. His men bowed before the Estermont lord, knowing all too well to show similar reverence to him as they did to the Evenstar. The Lord of Tarth closed the door once they entered the captain's cabin and went over to fetch something to drink that he could offer to Lucerys. “I don't care much if my departure gives reasons to talk, Luc,” he mentioned after a moment. His attitude wasn't openly defiant, however, he appeared quite collected. “The king's celebrations have ended, it is only normal to return home”.
Though Ulises understood why Lucerys was urging him to be careful. The Stormlands and the Crownlands might be a single realm now united under Targaryen rule, but not every piece on the chessboard was equal. There was still special attention dedicated to Stormlander lords, a latent suspicion that any might turn toward dissent and follow in the footsteps of the rebel Lord Caron. “We've celebrated the dragon king enough, wouldn't you say? Some of us still have duties to our lands and our people and must go back to them,” he said as he placed a drink before his cousin, taking a sip of his own glass of wine.
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luc smiled as he spoke, making a mental note to brush up before he visited.“primo, tienes razón. prometo visitar más ahora que he vueltoa” cousin, you're right. I promise to visit more now that I'm back. “ i would say i would come by after i return home but i think minty will kill me if i do not take her with me to visit with everyone. perhaps we can visit after we stop home for a little.” 
luc scanned the bustling dock and the people milling about. despite the apparent busyness, he knew that ears lurked everywhere, ready to catch even the faintest whisper of conversation.it would be better if they could find somewhere private to talk. somewhere their words wouldn't be overheard. motioning towards ulises' boat, luc suggested they retreat there.
as they made their way back up the gangway, he couldn't help but notice the crew bustling with preparations for departure. in hushed tones, luc cautioned ulises, "cuidado con salir tan temprano. no quieres llamar la atención." be careful leaving so early. you don't want to attract attention. he waited until they were alone in the captain's quarters before continuing, "if the rest of the group sees you so eager to leave, they'll start to chatter. i want to return home just as badly, but... just be careful." he didn't wish to come across as overbearing with his cousin, knowing full well ulises was more than capable of looking after himself. yet, he couldn't shake the concern of seeing ulises become a target among the other valyrians.
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ulises-tarth · 4 months
Reverse make the 8! Choose one person from each region to push off a cliff
The question felt a bit ridiculous, frankly, since the Evenstar didn't think he'd ever feel truly compelled to push anyone off a cliff. He didn't consider himself to be someone who would kill in another scenario that wasn't the battlefield, or during naval warfare. For survival too, perhaps, as he'd already experienced what it was to feel the visceral desperation to keep on living in an adverse situation. “For the Vale, perhaps Lady Upcliff. For the Stormlands, I'd much easier throw myself off a cliff than to move against my kin,” he said. “For the West, the older Lord Serrett. For Dorne, Lord Wyl. For the North, the Lord of Sea Dragon Point. Lord Celtigar for the Crownlands. The Bastard of Raventree for the Riverlands, and Lord Tarly for the Reach”.
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( @yxuna, @adrianserrett, @ryonwyl, @jin-renshu, @vlxyrianclaws, @lucius-rivers & @harlonvflowers )
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ulises-tarth · 5 months
Closed starter for @moonhillsunsets Setting: Casterly Rock, The Westerlands. Guests from all the realms have begun arriving to celebrate the birth of King Tyland's heir, Prince Arthur Lannister.
The retinue from Tarth had just reached the carved castle of the Lion King, sending out guards and maids to aid his siblings in unpacking as the family members that travelled began to settle in. Most of the guests were meant to start arriving today and over the next few days. Ulises had not expected to see many familiar faces just yet, as he was amongst the first group to reach King Tyland's domain. That was why it was such a pleasant surprise to see Mariela had already arrived.
The woman sat alone, an unreadable expression across her features. Vale folk had that way about them, hiding so much under the surface. He turned to fetch something to drink and then headed towards the Lady of Moonhill. “Parece que necesitas una de éstas,” the Evenstar said as he brought two cups of wine to the table, passing one to her. “¿O me equivoco?” Looks like you need one of these. Or am I wrong?
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Ulises looked at her in silence for a moment, gauging whether he'd read the refined lady correctly or not. His cousin's cousin always was a bit of an enigma, but Mariela had granted him enough glimpses of herself in those visits to Blackhaven for the Evenstar to feel they were more than just friendly acquaintances. Daeron's homeland had that effect; easing them all into a closer sense of easy community and effortless connection. The corners of his lips tugged up unto a half smile. “It's nice to see you, Mari,” Ulises said, taking a sip from his own glass.
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ulises-tarth · 6 months
Group thread: @mintharaestermont, @malcontentswanns & @butcherofbandallon Setting: The party of the great hunt has stopped to rest, enjoying food and drinks in the tents that have been set up in the Rainwood.
The tempest stag had not yet been spotted, but the great hunt was to carry on later in the day. Ulises sat with his cousin, Minthara, as he wasn't an overly social individual and tended to stick with those he knew well. He welcomed the presence of Lord Swann and Lord Blackbar as they joined them, for he considered both men friendly acquaintances, perhaps even friends.
“Two truths and a lie?” he asked, his voice coming out in half a chuckle. One of his companions suggested the game. The clouds had begun to shield the sky and people around them were still debating whether the hunt would pick up for the day or not. They might stay here for a while before the skies cleared a little, or a firm decision was made. “Alright. I'm in,” he conceded and looked to see if everyone was game.
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ulises-tarth · 6 months
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ENZO VOGRINCIC (1993) - Uruguayan
crédit: noname
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ulises-tarth · 6 months
Closed starter for @intothewylde Setting: Rain House, the Stormlands. Dark clouds have gathered and a pouring rain has kept guests of House Wylde within the keep.
He could see the raging ocean from the window. The image invoked memories of what he'd experienced during his time at sea, lost, hanging to life by a thread. In moments like this one, Ulises retreated subtly, keeping to himself. All of it lived inside his mind, and he carried the experience on his skin —sunburns that healed as scars. The Lord of Tarth didn't shake or feel fear, he didn't grow wide-eyed with trauma gleaming in his eyes. No. He just stayed quiet, absorbed, looking at the very ocean that once nearly swallowed him whole.
A ruckus was heard when a man burst through the gates, entering the great hall in a fit of rambling words. Ulises was close to the entrance and he moved over towards the man, keeping a safe distance in case the man attacked amid his delusions.
“She is real, I heard her. I saw her. I didn’t think she was real…Gods save us…” the man, who was very clearly dressed in a sailor's garb, rambled.
“It's alright,” the Evenstar spoke as the man fell to his knees, a dazed look in his eye. All of Ulises' senses told him this man meant no harm, and so he approached further, taking the sailor by the shoulders to steady him. “It's alright, you're safe now. Who did you see?”.
The sailor lost consciousness then. When Ulises looked up from the fainted man, he saw the Lord of the Rain House approaching.
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ulises-tarth · 7 months
Ulises had dealt very little with House Celtigar. When it came to the remaining children of Old Valyria, the only substantial alliance of House Tarth had been to House Velaryon —navigators in alliance when the war turned to the seas. The crabs of Claw Isle remained somewhat of an enigma, but one heard rumors. If he had to bet which house followed the Targaryens in their penchant for depravity, it was the Celtigars. One only had to look at the mad look in Maximus' gaze, and the way his helpless sisters trailed behind him in meek silence. So when the Evenstar saw it was Lady Lyra who sought him, he felt both puzzled and deeply inconvenienced.
The Lord of Tarth descended the ship and stood before the lady, briefly glancing at the dog at her side and then back at her. One was a lovely creature with a clever spark behind the eyes, the other just a woman. Ulises sighed, bowing his head in a subtle way, giving the bare minimum of politeness he could afford in the current situation. “The celebrations have ended,” he stated matter-of-factly as if that was the main and only reason for his departure. He hummed and smiled, the gesture as false as her comment. “I don't feel comfortable leeching off of the king's food and drink when all events have ended, overstaying in his castle when I do have a home of my own. But I understand that might be a personal preference,” he added with a shrug. “You are staying longer, then?”.
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the celebrations of the rise of jaehaerys targaryen were at their end, even though the golden crown remained firmly on the green dragon's head. the transition was slow yet inevitable, and the lady of claw isle had to accept the truth of the manner. the celtigars had been staunch supporters of the blacks, but the blacks who mattered were long gone, and all that was left were weak flickers of flames that burned their way through the whole of the continent. maximus was clear and his elder sister had to agree with him - it was the sacred duty of house celtigar to focus on themselves. they had sacrificed enough. the family would serve the targaryen on the throne, but their true loyalty would always be within the marble walls of claw isle.
but the stirrings never met their end in a kingdom as large as the crownlands. through marriage and death, the kingdom of the stormlands became a part of a greater whole. as mistress of whispers, lyra knew that a watchful eye was needed. on the surface, no one rebelled. but with pearse caron the stormlanders had tasted a drop of rebellion, and lyra doubted it had ended with the death of the traitor. there was no proof of further dissent, but one could never be certain. those were the thoughts of the mistress of whispers as she walked the docks, her dog by her side, and a celtigar guard trailing after the pair. she had spotted the flag of house tarth as she made her way through the docks, flocks of people moving from her way as she walked. as she approached the ship she introduced herself to the crewman, and sharply asked for lord tarth. she would save pleasantries for the nobles.
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she observed the stormlander descending from the vessel, her eyes missing very little. this was not an inappropriate situation, it was public and she was a member of the king's council. her recent dealings with max made her more aware of her surroundings. of everything, really. she turned to snow, commanding the animal to stop barking and sit still beside her, after which she smiled a practiced smile to the lord. "lord tarth," lyra bowed her head. "leaving king's landing so soon? i suppose the city is not to your liking. still, your presence shall be missed at court." it would not be. the lady of claw isle barely noticed the man during the festivities. but if he were at court, it would be easier to track his activities.
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ulises-tarth · 7 months
“Cuan pronto pueda dejar esta horrible ciudad, mejor”. The sooner I can leave this horrible city, the better, the Tarth lord stated with an eyebrow raise that did not mask his disdain. Coming from an island full of color in its flora and architecture, from a place that was enveloped by the fresh ocean breeze, King's Landing was repulsive by comparison. It stunk of people's odor, of shit and piss, and its famous red keep was the one thing that stood out in a citadel made of nothing more inspiring than mud-like colors. It was repulsive, made more displeasing in his eyes by those who were in charge of this realm and his own. It was truly tragic, that the Stormlands had ended up in the hands of those mad, bellicose creatures of incest.
Ulises' expression shifted slightly, however, feeling more at ease in the company of his cousin. A smile gradually formed on his lips and he patted his shoulder “No excuses, Luc. You have the brightest of minds, and every opportunity to practice if you visited Tarth more often,” he argued in a light-hearted way. The two men hugged then, and momentarily the Lord of Tarth did find his previous callousness and displeasure was dissipating. “We can talk,” he said as they pulled away. He raised a hand and waved it at his quartermaster, indicating in a few gestures to stop what the crew was doing. They would depart later, opposing Ulises' previous order to make haste. Very few people could have gotten the Evenstar to alter his plans in such a way. Luc was one of them.
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amidst the vibrant flurry of activity at the docks, luc stood relaxed amidst the bustling scene. while one might expect an individual of scholarly disposition to feel out of place in such a setting, for luc, it was akin to returning home to the welcoming shores of greenstone. his father had instilled in all his sons a deep understanding of the maritime world, ensuring they were well-versed in the intricate workings of ships and harbors. he even had all of them spend time working amongst the sailors to gain a better understanding. but still it was surprising for some to think  luc found solace amidst the salty air and slight chaos of the sailors' chatter. but it was an essence of what it was to be an estermont.
luc scanned the bustling scene with a keen eye, his gaze finding a crewman from the tarth ship. he tasked the man with delivering a message to his captain. and now, he waited for his cousin's arrival.
a familiar figure descended the gangway, and luc's countenance brightened with a warm smile at the sight of ulises, his cousin by marriage rather than blood. but despite their lack of direct kinship, their bond transcended familial ties, cemented by shared experiences and mutual respect. "navegando tan pronto, primo?" luc greeted ulises, the words rolling off his tongue with almost the full ease of familiarity, but unpracticed. "i am rusty," he confessed with a chuckle, "lately, i've had little opportunity to practice. when i was with the maesters, finding a companion for conversation proved rather elusive. perhaps i ought to revisit those language lessons i shared with your family." he laughed, giving ulises a hug. "are you departing so soon, or do you have some time to talk" he inquired.
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