ulrichtech-blog · 7 years
“I wouldn’t have done it, or said anything if I didn’t think it was right!” Jaron tried to explain, though it was difficult. “He’s gone back to New York anyway, got on the first flight or.. whatever.” He sighed, his orbs searching the empty apartment he was now sat in, noting how quiet it was.
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Kaleb had never been in a situation like this, and mostly he wasn’t sure what Jaron was thinking. But Jaron had his reasons surely. Whatever it is he wanted was on him. “I don’t blame the guy. Sounds like you two do have same patterns. Straight flight to New York?” Kaleb questioned, though the irony and karma was really taking place. “What’s said is done and he’s gone, you’re in love with a straight guy. Clearly Seattle is making you miserable now. Do what’s best for you.” 
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Open Phonecall
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ulrichtech-blog · 7 years
Jaron didn’t answer for a while, hearing Kaleb curse and literally tell him how he’d made a mistake. Great. He could feel his heart want to burst from his chest and he couldn’t help but to let his emotions spill. He was in Seattle, alone, with no one but his cast mates around him. “I need to come home.” Jaron breathed out, before swallowing hard as he tried to cry silently, though he was sure Kaleb could hear him sobbing. “My life’s a fucking wreck, right?” 
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Kaleb didn’t know how to help or how to speak up for this situation that Jaron was in. It seemed that Jaron did what he thought was right for himself, only to be hurt by this. Hearing his friend sob over the line hurt Kaleb. He always hated knowing that Jaron was crying. When anyone cried it hurt really. “It’s a wreck only if you make a wreck. You have a chance to clear this out, to move on. But that’s if you accept yourself and your mistakes” 
Open Phonecall
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ulrichtech-blog · 7 years
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“Whatever.” Jaron sighed as Kaleb went on about reverse psychology and how he had done Erik wrong. He knew that, of course. “Fine, there is someone else.” He mumbled. “I thought I did right, you know? Breaking up with Erik. I’m kind of falling for someone else, yes, and like.. I didn’t want to continue with Erik and just.. this is so dumb right now. The guy I like is perfectly straight.. Oh gosh, what the hell am I doing, Kaleb?” 
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Kaleb had to take a moment and really listen to what Jaron just told him. This was almost the same pattern as when Jaron up and left him a while back. Sure they were civil with each other now, hell. Kaleb even judged and questioned Jaron when he first started dating Erik but they kept strong. “I’m sorry... the guy you are falling for is straight?” His tone a bit harsh over the phone only to clear his throat and give a sense of honesty. “You fucked up Jaron. Holy shit.” He cursed. “Well if this guy that you are falling for is that important you break up with Erik, he must be special.” 
Open Phonecall
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ulrichtech-blog · 7 years
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“Because it is my fault, Kaleb!” Jaron cried out, obviously very frustrated. “I broke up with him, I hurt him and.. I feel like the worst person in the world right now.” He honestly couldn’t stress that enough, the thought of hurting another guy was crushing him. “No, he said he was going back to New York or, whatever. I don’t blame him. Kaleb, he looked so upset!” Jaron’s voice broke, picturing the look on Erik’s face at the time Jaron told him how he felt. “Ugh, what’s the point.. The guy I like is - wait, who even said there was another guy?” 
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“Do you want some reverse psychology here? Sure you are a horrible person. You did him wrong, but whether it gets fixed or not. You’ll soon move on. You’ll get over it, and he will too. It’s just how life works sometimes” Kaleb said, trying to be reasonable for the most part. “Come on Jaron, don’t play me like I’m dumb. There must be some reason or some other guy that made you want to break up with him”
Open Phonecall
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ulrichtech-blog · 7 years
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Jaron released another sigh as Kaleb questioned him, of course, he should have expected the ‘what? why’s’. “It’s my fault..” He swallowed, wanting to make that clear that this was him, not Erik. “I just.. wish we didn’t have to feel feelings, you know? I feel terrible, Kaleb. Like, I feel so awful right now. Ugh.” Shaking his head, Jaron set himself back in his chair and pouted his lips out for a moment. Soulmates. He honestly thought that Erik was his soulmate, until he started developing feelings for someone else. “Yeah but, I don’t hurt people Kaleb. I hurt you and now I’ve hurt him. I’m a bad person. I just… ugh, I don’t even know right now.” 
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“Okay, so you are telling me it’s your fault but how?” Kaleb knew he shouldn’t be pushing his friend but he knew Jaron and the reality of the matter was they had some common traits. That’s why they were good friends to begin with. “Yea, I know what you mean though, Feelings suck but whatever those feelings tell you to do, you have to stick with it.” Granted, Kaleb had bottled his feelings and always bottles them from time to time, he was going to give Jaron all the advice he can. “You are not a bad person, you are just human Jaron. If you and I can work out our differences, I’m sure you and Erik can. At least to be civil you know? Should I ask who the other guy is though?” 
Open Phonecall
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ulrichtech-blog · 7 years
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“That’s prepost– prepastu– pre…. fucking ridiculous! I definitely haven’t had too many drinks tonight!” Teddy slurred, having absolutely had too many. “All I’m tryin’ to do is get from this barstool to my apartment and call it a night and this guy says I can’t have one more shot! A shot! That’s it! Just one!” he complained, eyeing the bartender walking away. “Can you believe this monstrosity?” he said, turning to the person next to him.
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Kaleb looked over at the other man from his barstool. “Oh yea... I can not believe this” He joked lightly. “Though nothing wrong with some shots. Of course now you just gotta go to a different bar or you know what. I got some liquor at my place. I don’t live too far” 
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ulrichtech-blog · 7 years
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“The next time someone comes into my life, can you warn them that I’m a jerk?” Jaron asked with such an exasperated sigh, as he held his mobile up against his ear. It was taking every inch of him not to cry right now, it was his fault, his mess. As much as he was head over heels for Erik, he was developing feelings for someone else, and figured it wasn’t fair on Erik to continue their relationship and with that, they parted. “I ended things with Erik..” He barely muttered, noting the confused voice on the other end. “Ugh, I’m such an idiot!” Jaron growled in a frustrated tone, dropping his face into his other hand, rubbing his forehead slightly. “I’m sooo annoyed at myself like, all I ever do, is hurt people and like.. It’s never something that I set out to do. Gosh. I might just come back to Denver, but like, I don’t even know. How am I supposed to concentrate on rehearsals and performing now? I so wish you were here right now, I could do with a hug.” 
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“You are not the only jerk Jaron.” Kaleb spoke from his end of the line. Kaleb had reached out so he could apologize for what he said and the attitude he had over the gossip of the godfather news. But this was bigger information and he knew that Jaron was struggling. But hearing that he ended things with Erik surprised Kaleb. “You did what? Why? I thought you and him were soulmates” Kaleb questioned at first. Though the tone of frustration was clearly showing that Kaleb should watch his words. “Look, Jaron. This is life, people hurt other people. That’s the way the world work sometimes but don’t let this eat you up. You were there for me when I thought I was the most terrible person, I’m here telling you, that you aren’t that terrible person. That you can get through this okay?” 
Open Phonecall
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ulrichtech-blog · 7 years
“Too long. Seriously, It’s been life…four or five months since I did your back piece, right?” Declan asked, trying to remember the last time he had tattooed Kaleb. But he honestly lost track, considering how many different clients he had with multiple tattoos of his. “Yes, you can get squeezed in. I actually have about an hour and a half until my next appointment, so as long as you’re not wanting anything crazy huge, I can ink you.” He nodded with a smile. “What were you thinking?”
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Kaleb was calculating in his head of how long it really had been and he nodded when Declan claimed it was at least four or five months. “Almost five I believe?” He spoke to the guy. They had definitely ventured away and dealt with their own lives that they missed each other. “No, nothing too crazy. Normal sized tattoo but I was thinking a maple leaf, colored? But with a wolf and bird inside the leaf” he said spit balling the idea. 
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Tatt Me, My Dude || Declan&Kaleb
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ulrichtech-blog · 7 years
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“Whatever I want,” he cooed as if they were holy words. “Pizza, please.” Though, he could eat about everything right now. “Though, could I eat a sandwich while the pizza cooks?” he asked. Shit, Walker hadn’t thoroughly thought what they would do on their next date. “Uhm… a virtual escape room? Someone at the bar mentioned there was one in Denver.”
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“Pizza and a sandwich it is.” He chuckled as he heard Walker’s request. As Kaleb went to preheat the oven and started pulling out the stuff to make the man a sandwich, he glanced up only to smile softly from the idea. “That would be great, it sounds like fun.” He spoke as he took out the mayo and mustard as well. “Then after that we can have all the burrito cuddles” Kaleb joked lightly from their last time hanging out. 
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ulrichtech-blog · 7 years
“It is, I’m going to embarrass my children with it one day.” Cole smiled. “That’ll be fun, hopefully the soundtrack is just as good.” He nodded finishing his slice then washed it down with beer. He was interested in the movie but he had seen it dozens of times so he focused more on Kaleb. “That’s the right answer, although justice league is gonna give marvel a run for their money.. I feel that same way, also his last name is weird to me.. I guess it’s fitting to the name but I don’t see the resemblance to comics..”
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“You’ll be blaring the music and start saying ‘back in my day we had good music. Not this dubstep robot mix. Or whatever is made for the next ten or so years.” He laughed at his own joke as he took a bite from the pizza. The movie was playing and it was more so background as the two were talking still. “Oh for sure, I’m pumped for the movie too. It’s going to be insane. I just try not to laugh whenever I hear his name.” He chuckled. “There is no resemblance what so ever and the movie was just filled with a shit ton of CGI anyways. It’s like they thought, ooh Doctor Strange, I’mma throw all the effects in there and think it works but really it doesn’t. They could cut half of the special effects down and it would make a decent movie” 
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ulrichtech-blog · 7 years
Walker blushed even more at the males comment.”Thanks,” he grinned and pushed up his glasses. “Shirt– but you look so nice,” he mumbled to himself. “Oh, something to eat would be nice. What did you have in mind? Oh, I also wanted to ask you about going on another date?”
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Kaleb couldn’t quite hear the mumbles but he did like the fact that Walker was staring. It made him blush even harder and he was getting flustered himself because he had been seeing Walker for some time and every time spent with the man made Kaleb feel good. Like he was floating on cloud nine. Once coming back with his Tetris shirt, he rolled it on as he looked back to Walker with a wide smile. “Whatever you want Walker, I’ll make it up for you. I can make some sandwiches or even heat up a pizza. I have chicken too. Another date?” Kaleb’s face lit up. “What date would it be this time?” 
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ulrichtech-blog · 7 years
Cole smiled taking a slice of pizza happy it was pepperoni he took a bite before he got excited about the second movie. “I can listen to twice a day, hell yea I am!” He said as if it was a question. “Well thank you, I try to keep it polished.” Cole laughed at his own joke before taking another bite. “So DC or Marvel? this is an important question that only has one answer.”
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Kaleb wanted to sit and chat, only to dive into the pizza once they started the movie. “It’s a true anthem of soundtracks. Fuck yes! I’m excited now. you and I will be there opening night.” Laughing at the joke that Cole made and soon going for the slice of pizza after putting down the beer. “Umm.. both. Look Marvel is great through movies while DC has an act on the shows. It’s a nice balance and you can’t hate any of the super heroes. Although I have a strong opinion on Benedict Cumberbatch.  I don’t like him, his face is odd and why he was deemed Doctor Strange is beyond me” 
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ulrichtech-blog · 7 years
Aspen always liked the attention and to see people’s reactions who enjoyed his work and films he had been on. The Hobbit had been one of his favorite to film and was glad that the other man was a fan of it. Shaking his hand he smiled widelt, “It’s my pleasure, Kaleb.” He released his hand, eyes giving him a quick look over, “And please, call me Aspen.” he chuckled, “Don’t be sorry.” his grin only grew, enjoying seeing the other’s smile. “A diner? Sounds perfect. Would you care to join me at all? I don’t really have many friends around here yet.” he admitted, “Just taking a little break and sort of preparing for a role. I’ll be filming over in Boulder this fall. I wanted to get to know the area a little better.” 
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It took a solid minute for Kaleb to really cool down, to let the fandom boy in him relax and know that Aspen was just as much as a normal person as he was. Still it was surreal for Kaleb and he would definitely be texting his friend about this soon enough. “Well I can get very annoying when I’m overly excited and this is one of those moments. And yea totally I’d be down for joining you are you kidding me? Who wouldn’t want to eat a dinner with you, Aspen?” It wouldn’t go away that Kaleb knew the man’s work and admired him. Just seeing him close and in person was mind blowing. “And I can totally be your friend, I’m not a Denver native much but I’ve been here long enough to know the ropes. Let’s go shall we?” Kaleb flashed the man another wide smile. So wide it should hurt but Kaleb didn’t care. 
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Dinner | Kaleb & Aspen
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ulrichtech-blog · 7 years
“I was on the first floor and figured I would stop by,” Walker mused and smiled towards the male. “Little tipsy? More like, lotta drunk. I got tired of sitting in my room and figured I’d go out for a few drinks.” The boy smiled before noticing his dog. “Rocket, you are so cute.” Walker wiggled his fingers towards the pup. Looking back towards the male and finally noticing he was shirtless. “Oh..” the brunette blushed. “That is nice. very nice.”
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“Well drunk you is just as cute as sober you.” He spoke to Walker as he pulled back slightly in the hug. Only to see the blush on the other’s face. Soon taking note that he should put a shirt on. Kaleb’s face burned up in response as he opened the door further. “I should get a shirt on. But please come in, you want something to eat, Walk?” He offered, he heard Walker’s compliment and had he took the time to grab a shirt, Kaleb wouldn’t be awkward in this scene. 
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ulrichtech-blog · 7 years
Cole opened a beer for himself taking a gulp then placed it on a coaster on the table. He smiled when Kaleb said he brought Guardians of the Galaxy. “I love that movie, the soundtrack is my favorite.” Cole reassured Kaleb that he got a good movie. “And pizza? A man after my own heart.” Cole said putting the movie in before sitting on the couch. 
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Taking his beer, Kaleb popped it open and soon took a sip himself. Putting the movie in the dvd player. “Right the soundtrack alone is amazing. I can’t wait for the second one. You going to come with me?” Kaleb offered the idea at Cole with a smile as he finally took a sit on the couch with beer in hand. “Your heart is gold and I would be honored to help you out one slice of pepperoni at a time” 
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ulrichtech-blog · 7 years
After making it back to Queen’s in one piece, Walker stood at the elevator contemplating on whether he wanted to go up to his room. Instead, he turned and walked down the hall to the only apartment he had been to on the first floor. His knock was gentle on the door but came in a rhythm. Though, seeing Kaleb answer the door his face lit up quickly. “Kaleb! Are you busy?” He asked immediately before reaching out and pulling the other into a hug. “I’ve missed you. so I thought I’d stop by and say that.. and that I’m really happy to see you.”
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Kaleb wasn’t expecting a knock at this hour but at Queens, anything could happen. Only in his sweats and no shirt, Kaleb turned to make way to his door. Reaching for it as Rocket was barking up a storm and sitting next to it. “Down boy” He spoke to his dog before opening the door. Seeing Walker only made for a smile to grow on his face but soon the immediate smell of alcohol came to him. “No I’m not. But hey to you too. Someone’s a little tipsy” He joked to the boy. “I’m really happy to see you too Walk” Kaleb answered back as he hugged the male back. 
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ulrichtech-blog · 7 years
Aspen couldn’t help but laugh at the other man’s response to seeing him. Getting called Bard brought back old memories from filming the Hobbit. “I am me.” he chuckled a little more, running his fingers through his hair quickly, “I take it you’re a Hobbit fan?” he grinned widely, offering his hand to shake the others, “Aspen Maddox. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He then recalled what he had been asking as well, “I was wondering on places to eat and you mentioned a diner?” 
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Due to Kaleb’s over exaggerated energy and nerd ways, this was heightened for him. Making him fan boy over the fact that Aspen was standing in front of him, after seeing the man on the screen as Bard from The Hobbit and the second addition to the film, it stunned him. “Yes, oh my god yes. I just can’t believe you are here” Stepping forward as he saw the hand offer, Kaleb shook his head with a firm but not too firm shake. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr Maddox. I’m Kaleb. I uh.. wow. I’m so sorry. Right diner. Just a few blocks from here, there’s this diner. They have great food and even better dessert menu. What brings you to Denver?” 
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Dinner | Kaleb & Aspen
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