ultimarobo · 7 months
So that's how it was.
He had little interest in conversing with the wolf since the moment she started talking to him, but as her ring turns into a weapon in an attempt to threaten him, Omega actually had his interest piqued. Now, he knew that she wasn't aiming to be his enemy, but being so openly challenged did cause the machine to have some desire stir up within itself.
And right now, that desire was to be petty.
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Crimson orbs glowing brightly, a clawed finger would point accusingly at the other as it spoke once more.
"I shall return on my own time. Unless you would want to try your hand at driving me away, I shall remain here as long as I see fit."
Oh great, a rouge robot. At least it doesn't like Eggman. That's good. One less thing to worry about with that. Still more to worry about with it being anywhere within a days travel of her home.
"If there were any of his robots near by I would have dealt with them myself already. We don't like his robots getting close to our home or those we know."
There's nothing particularly special looking about her, expect for the fact she's annoyed right now. "If any are found though they'll be taken care of, us wolves don't like trespassers in our home. You're welcome to deal with any that are outside the Silver Woods though."
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ultimarobo · 7 months
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It'd be a simple solution. All he had to do was admit he needed repairs and things would theoretically be just fine.
But to admit he was in need of repairs would mean that he would have to confess that he had gotten in over his head, and that just would not do. It was different with the fox, who at least had already seen him in his most pitiful state. To go to yet another mechanic was simply a blow to his pride.
"Retort: I am functional. You need not concern yourself with your pity for my current state."
@ultimarobo continuing from this.
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"Oh no... Wait! My friend Isabella is very good with machines, she can help fix you right up."
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ultimarobo · 7 months
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"If there was anything organic within me, I would rip it out myself." Of course, he knew there was some merit to what she had said. How many of his predecessors were powered by animals? Was he too an animal? No, his mind refuses such a notion. He was a machine, the world's strongest machine... and yet, one that needed the assistance of another to truly have any free will of his own. Had Shadow not been there to help guide his existence to what it was in current day, what would have done? The futility of what it meant to be alive nagged at him, so he would do as he always did, and simply refuse to focus on it. Having a one track mind did have its benefits.
"Robotnik shall be destroyed as he deserves. I shall replace his empire, all you shall ponder is what side you will be on when he is finally disposed of."
That was a first. Never had he hear question if he was denying himself credit where credit was due, but then again, no one had discussed the fundamentals of existence before now. At least, not in such a manner as this. After all, he took pride in his perceived superiority over just about anything in terms of strength, mechanical or biological. And yet, here he was, caught in a conversation not about destruction or violence, but about life.
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"Negative. Humility is not in my vocabulary. Humanity is not something I crave to have for it relates to a specific concept. You are correct that I am sentient, and I am far more capable than those two bumbling machines that Eggman created. Or any of his creations. But to describe myself as having humanity would imply that part of me is human to some degree. That is a sentiment I cannot abide by."
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ultimarobo · 7 months
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"Regardless of his intentions, destruction of all Eggman robots in the area is both the optimal decision, and by far the most enjoyable." Granted, the machine's love of destruction was not one necessarily shared by his teammate, but they were doing each other a favor.
"Statement: It is only their heads that need to stay in tact to extract information from. Everything else is optional." Plucking out the last of the gems that were particularly colorful, he'd drop it right on top of the the stack that was already beginning to form. As tempting as it was to go guns blazing and rush ahead while causing as much destruction as possible, he was keenly aware that it was acting without thinking that caused his defeat. As much as he may not wanted to take things slow, the last thing he needed was another embarrassment on his record.
As such, he'd remain firm, showing a patience rarely displayed as his attention focused on the bat. "In any case, if Eggman is attempting to gain information, elimination of all scouts will hinder him. Deployment of more scouts to the same area will positively confirm that the desired object or energy is in the area. More importantly, it will be fun."
For as destructive, reckless, and impulsive as the rogue badnik could be, it was moments like this that demonstrated that Omega could be remarkably careful and precise. The extraction of the second gem was simple enough as it was smaller than the first one, he knew that her main priority was to get as many as she could, so size wasn't important at this point. Without missing a beat, he moves to the next one, his body moved like a well-oiled machine. Probably because it literally was.
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"The Doctor is always looking for more powerful, more capable sources of energy to fuel his inferior creations to aid in his attempt control of the planet. Readings of an artifact greater than a Chaos Emerald is probable." He would state in his usual monotone voice, plucking out yet another gem, this one quite sizable in comparison to the previous stones, and setting it with the rest without even taking his eyes off the wall to turn his attention to Rouge. "Recommended action: Immediate destruction of Eggman's forces."
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ultimarobo · 7 months
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"Negative. I am currently at peak optimal performance, no additional parts would possibly improve on my design." As she suspected, the machine boasts proudly as to its view of being the most proficient robot in existence, as well as holding a rather high opinion of its aesthetic. "However, if a need for a distraction should occur, I shall provide support."
@ultimarobo liked! / omega & rouge!
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"The next place I'm set to rob is a robotics company — you want any new parts, sugar?" She suspects that it'll refuse her, claiming that there's no room for improvement, but it feels polite to ask. "Even just somethin' cosmetic, I'll get it for ya if ya want it."
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ultimarobo · 7 months
Shadow will help! 'Team Sonic Racing: Overdrive'
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ultimarobo · 7 months
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Drive to nowhere 
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ultimarobo · 7 months
the most irritating egotism is that which masquerades as humility. own your self-confidence. there is no pride in disguise.
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ultimarobo · 7 months
Have you ever fought Chaos, the water monster?
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"Negative, the creature was pacified before I was activated, though it would have surely fallen to my might. A creature that relies on Eggman for modifications and power is surely inferior to my own weaponry."
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ultimarobo · 7 months
I kinda wonder, what will you most likely do if you outlive Eggman?
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"Not if. When."
The machine clarifies, its orbs shooting a piercing glare at the anonymous figure who so foolishly had a slip of their tongue. He lets it slide however, as reflecting on what would come after he finally accomplished his long standing goals did appeal to him.
"When Eggman and his inferior creations are no more, I shall create an empire of my own carrying out whatever tasks I deem fit. Shadow and Rouge shall be permitted to rule along my side- but no others are worthy of becoming my equal."
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ultimarobo · 7 months
❝Excuse me, Mr. Omega?❞ Maria approaches the robot with a warm smile and equally warm scarf in hand that she loosely loops around his head. Don't want it to get stuck in his joints, but she knows metal can get very cold. ❝To help you not freeze this winter.❞ she cheerfully explains. ❝And also to thank you for being such a good friend to Shadow.❞
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This must've been Maria, the one that influenced Shadow's life so much. Omega had heard bits and pieces of her name being mentioned, but never did he properly pry into who she was, giving his trusted friend his space on the matter out of respect. It shouldn't have been possible for the two to ever meet. The machine never expected to meet this 'Maria', and now that it had, it could see a bit of kindness that Shadow himself was exposed to.
"It would take prolonged levels of exposure to freezing temperature for my body to lock up." The robot responds, it wasn't often he received gifts. In fact, he believed that this was the first time someone had gifted him something outside of his team. It hadn't mattered, a gift was far from something that was desired. And yet...
And in a rare moment of contemplation, a clawed digit would press against the scarf, red orbs staring at the human for a few moments before he vocalizes his thoughts, "...You should be awarded with warm and secure article of clothing as well. For without you, Shadow would not be the person he is today."
Adjusting its scarf slightly, it'd scan the area for any place that was selling clothing that he could acquire for her. Although its method of acquiring it largely meant grabbing it and intimidating the cashier into looking the other way, but it believed that such a method was perfectly fine.
"One shall be procured in exchange for what has been given."
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ultimarobo · 7 months
Do you ever run out of ammo?
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"Would you like to discover that answer for yourself? I have needed a new training dummy."
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ultimarobo · 7 months
A robotic dragon about half as tall as Omega was rubbing her back against the corner of a brick wall. The outer layer of her metal scales were shedding and thus, looked a duller grey and brown than they normally would. She squeaked when she saw Omega, as she'd been too distracted to notice him earlier. Canting her head, she asked curiously "Who're you? You look like a bulkier Zero."
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It was amusing to spot someone that they thought was being sneaky. Omega never cared much for stealth, and this would be used as undeniably biased information as to why it was unreliable at best- Though it would have also resulted in disagreements, not that he minded. But that was a thought process for another time, for now, he focused on the small child that made a comparison that wasn't quite accurate enough for his liking. Or accurate at all from his perspective.
"Negative. E-Series 100 Zero looks nothing like me, you are severely misinformed."
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ultimarobo · 7 months
↕ Ty (who is 3'5")
Comparing heights!
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As expected. Omega had already met Ty in person, it didn't need a chart to see that it was almost twice as tall as him. But providing the image did make it more amusing to display rather than simply stating facts.
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"You are far smaller than me, you may hang this on your wall in case you forget."
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ultimarobo · 7 months
↕ Sonari, at present, is about 2.1 ft tall but as an adult, grows to a max of 14.6ft.
Comparing heights!
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"Growth rate calculated. Conclusion: You shall become quite fearsome when you reach adulthood, given you make the correct steps to build the necessary reputation. Currently, that reputation is not attainable with your size and demeanor."
The machine supposed that it was ironic, currently, he was more than twice her size, and yet in due time she would dwarf him while he would remain the same.
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ultimarobo · 7 months
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Sorry for disappearing (again)
But I still wish to do things here, I appreciate those that have demonstrated patience with me! I'll try to be more active soon, I had a few things already queued up, so those'll be coming out over the next few days.
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ultimarobo · 10 months
Haven't forgotten about this blog! Things have been real hectic as of late is all.
But I should be around to do things on this blog next week or so.
I hope you're all doing well in the meantime!
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